no intthe ind immde What could causeAhead shocks in thavmornln£i nu insulin horn the nation helm quenily to with wide variationsulrolri very lowtto highblood sugar Thus 4h into insulin shod easily an can harem at other timers You did notieii ma the type oi insulin he in using and thh could be akey to thatproblem There are three motor W95 Available with qui itieren duration oi action First gig bu ting or orerys tine insulin whlcliacls in three to six linursLItls tnperlngoli hy six hours The intermediate one NPH Lento Glpbin SemiLento aptlovgr thesspall to six to 12 liouis otter taking Finally the longacting PZI tprotnmlnezinc and Ultrha Lenin insulin have their action in the span of 12 to on hoursu oiten at peak 24 hour otter taking The brittle juvenile diabetic challenge to monan and suiiihio insulin or cornlitnation oi limiliiin is only part at picture One must tahe account regularity oi meais extent otexerdso Some timesniore than one injection oi insulin in smaller doses helps This inconvenient but sometimes necessary it may be in this irids use that his insulin is at or near peak activity when he wokeb but he hasbeen ï¬ling all night it can you possible that hot gt lin shock the blood sugar rea lugs notwithstanding lnsnllni Envision left to spend few days at Em CENTENNIAL sermon Sundny morning Sept 24 mo 3riewi Weather Sports 2iiuia Dmiu tut iNewa DNsewl Weather llfln And SHIV riSnper Rune anum name iTnith or Consrnulntu dliiemit actiou ot the vnrloul prtuetptaroieoverlo In honor with on honoris eltod oi insulinand it also within 6V gestation and anywhere min Sanka Timbuktu to but ill iact tr when as limpie as it sounds is use and nita mixlvin can he and is en improperly plied Innexninoie ltd rectlo coverwlth the king ti declare leads the jackirom holdinlrot Jxnlincinz non ed Covering with Awaiting iimiu dedlrerto two trlhkotin tho givenwiih thzlnaulin ayrlngo instead oi mouth will ï¬nd mm NH would make itiyoiiplnyedlo Wendi WM WPlumi But it would he wronl to til in IDenxDr Mother Wflldr tngfnhola or skim milk cause Wednesday dampen Se 17 meio have mor arthritis nn no No it will not in mi end with We cover with in ring it you had Mrs Alvin Greenlaw wan hasten to the lull etidue dub at her illéliaiaéet hisoflsiéniii cottage 0r Lake Prizes we eat something elsediet has W0 VimEmma no effect on aritnltia provided only that eat wï¬lthalanced mcaisw Ritehieand llira Ar 502W the ut Kenneth loi Newmnrliet iomior resident of Elmvaie Den Dr Mahler was fold lie wattle son arm and Mrs that it your husband had only Victor Wright one testicle you wil have dill dren at only onesoxt 113ml troutMn RUSSIA T010th MOSCOW Reuters VUnion is ready to alter scale ecooomic aid in as do tits wife and daugh held him Harold on lll Peneiaarg Hospiinh Jordan to help tiiepro West First United Chuck Gait wiii ernArabrklngdnm recover irum be thé setting for the wedding the June llliddlo East War oleisi Sharon Elizabeth lierriot Russian sources said Tuesday to Barry Rowat of Gait non vTheysnidJlietoiier was ofMrand Mrs tidvin Buwat insu made taxing HuSuln oiJ an in talks with Sovlet le moms Szo uiiuon Questions lGrevn Acru 7nicmie rune mutt with togMovie 41 sinu worm mm Dick ii in Thou gt wma anldus llWnlt Diana YNewl waning lLm lit 53° 7lllovla svm mung Amish The Mini VNawl liPtiyiltl miter Luann mo gt 3He And sin Mm the gMOVI Could inn lepoéï¬blb DPlo Football llPielle rig rim Hominy Canon Follow Tin Imam PM irhe Goddeu 7Movto lilll tBeverlzy Rillbittlu For mm sin oéfr Moriqu nun inau ZConflntnllimr World inemiey lltliblLHu tsummer Seinulrr llLaut New Jargonmy KGï¬‚ï¬ Mn tAndy Gruiiin 7Joneymwn 94 An 2Hnliywpod Sinner Unive oi the Au liner Huitenanaaerim Hermann dNewl Weltliar thaw in Comm Lirehim anon 74w rzuo PM Tomin iiiphoto Flnhh Othidlm mum ocr Eve can me Fountheld 9TmnmToilly iluttla People humusrm Pro ziiiew Griffith SEdAlllnxllma 7Fami1y me LMr Ind Mn Lotuni or mum linlarrllge Contidendol 3i ZAiioth aJx 5o W9 thhtii inh Tell mrruu Fmflfmtga own ot Elmvale Tfie efeiecta pnrents are Mrand Mrs David Heiriot at Bronohto tinge willlakeplacepctli Saturday morning Sept 30 Mrs Long hmleie Beard nail Mrs Lil Sihthorpe Mra Pearl Beardsall Mrs Edna enmity crowd oi dinirchgoers attended service in the arena Members oi the clergy Lian Anglican Presbyterian United and Our Lady oi gtImirdu spenkei for the oeeasion was Slater who heads The Toronto Ecumenicalinstitute Thisisfthe ï¬rst time such service hasbeen held locally and man sincerely hope more such Yonge Skeet churches piirtiiripihlmM The wonniyrdtse far ended youlle any twooutof possibility dint Welt liu vn mu heartainclndlnt the 118m nnd highhonorSouth goes down one fihaninoinjhla one it treated ucan horn and Eat covers with them ecamtha play cannutlloae irickfwhilo may succeed one emvm wit Eiefyooeiélooklogtorwnrdto mdayandsatiizda Wivlhey re Etmvole iflif onyx lay in everyone from iari and 1nee will take advantage tqmeetth irlenih and enjoy the any hactloos oiiered Friday Coll ingwoodilollegiala hand will lead approxlirna 1000 School child ade turdayatr ii there he ial parade leaving ElmvnieDigtiict High Schoot This afraid be miortul evenL Bowatera tldx Ltd announcedfluesdayttho liker shutdown of its paper mill here days And the éndoi inéyear begause ofn drop indemand in the US raid in pre ihe newsprint one salt in ket has arisen as result of condiv lions in the United sum where the compan sellsmoatfl time evergalnewpaper mchlnesbave gone into pm duciion and the paper Iiimu these rnacliines is displac traditional Cénadian tonnage Pi nihnbér of newspjapeh have elosed while at thesamt hopedthe eather wilLbenice Isecrisr ENT Myra wmxu¢twwqmm THEVRE NOT BADAFTER THE EiRsi rsw SHIVERS