momma motivations It Souliei hippies have been much in the news lately in To main this week hundreds ot Yorkvlile deoixens continued de monstrations as ioraatoaians de hsted hippie charges ot police brutality in quelling Sunday ev enings mas protest in the mid town coffeehouse district Eight chanting demonstrators Barrie Man It Disalliterï¬ EIlpples lluto Crash liarrte man John LaPinote 38 wsakllied yesterday when his car went out at control on Way as Inuhed through the roadside guard posts turn bledydown ravine and came to mt on its roof he accident took place on skim fluid WI ll aso pm near the Allentow Orouland Road five miles east were arrested Monday evening as several hundred hippies threaded through bumper to bimper traffic and stood in the rstreet As in Sundays disturbances when as persons were arrested the hippies efforts to back up their demands for closing York vllles main street to tratllc were watched by crowd estimated at 3000 to 5000 Eyewitnesses to Sundays ira cas claimed police clubbed slop ped and kicked demonstrators as they dumped them into police wagons Our inquiring reporter asked what local residents think at the hlpples DONNA MCDOWELL Aiiretl St Barrio They think dittcr cot than the rest of us think they are bit nub Theyre harmless and theyre only do ing what they think is right wouldnt vruntto be one but wouldnt mind going to lovein to see what its like DEREK DAVENPORT iodi ana dont have much sym pathy for people who want to walk out on the world instead of facing it They have phil osophy ol trurtration hey are more benevolent than the boards at youth who loin torcycla gong MICHAEL FENDER Santord St Barrie Generations of any age develop their own pc culiar cults guess the hip pie is the 1560 rebellious cult it they were left alone they would be happy and harmless There probably are some bad ones among them MRS IJOWES hiid land They are messy looking and comicaL You cant tell the boy from the girls Some are pretty good kids but there are others who arent lot seem to be college students but MRS JANE SHEEHAN To ronto guess theyre all right in their places Im not keen on their long hair or tour at cleanliness but dont think theyre harmtul to society Everybody must do his part in society not just alt back and do nothing Expo Crowd The 13 arrl Collegiate Band was cheered whistied and ap plauded alter cacti number at Expo Sunday evening in way the band members had never heard before The audience estimated at 500 frequently applauded at the beginning or number as lt rec ogniztd the tunchin the middle when they particularly enioyed selection and often cheered applauded betore work was completed The band was playing at one of the main Expo handshells Light classim such as Eliza beihan Serenade were well received as were the popular tunes The band accustomed to more rï¬erved audience respond ed to the warmth with solid Gimbys ado and selection or A1 Hirts tunes and numbers made popular by the Tijuana Brass An example of the response is this quote from Texan in the audience That ivns the best dam performance by kids band that ever heard totally diilerent program was played Monday morning to slightly smaller audience Apparently because of ihe bands lino playing Expo otttc lais rearranged the appearances oi the band so it played twice Sunday and once Monday and VTuesday in larger more cen tr located band shell than Last night tba group attend ed the opening performance oi Gendarmerie Francois part at Expos ivord festival series number at Dorrie people met tbcband at Expo includ ing Bill Bell principatof Hill crest Sdioot Sunday morning concert was called all because of rain while the band was playing selection from the Broadway musical On Clear Day Untha trip to Montreal Sat urday tho group toured Upper Canada Village near hlorrlsburg Closer to Montreal the three buses took side to see the results of raising the St Lawr ence River 85 feet inr the Sea way creating huge manmade lake and numerous islands Saturday evening the band members visited Mount Royal to see the city by night and had their first look at the unique buildings at Expo Wednesday they travel to Quebec City or an pm per tnrmance on the terrace near Chateau Frontcn included in the Quebec visit will be tour at the While it Quebec City the group will stay at La Maison Jesus Ouvriar They will spend good part or Thursday also in the city The final day in Quebec will include lunch in Montreal he tore moving on to Kingston and dimer at Queens University concert will be pi at Sir John Marxionald Pork Kingston at 1115 pm Friday night Corina City councils public works committee was scheduled to award the contract tor Bradford St reconstruction this mornins otter opening bids ranging from 5271377 to $351061 at special council session last night The lowest bid was about 31800 over the engineering depart ï¬nts $270000 estimate on the Tenders must go to the0n tario department of highwaystor approval The citys decision on the con tract award mustgo totbe 0n tario department at highways tor approval before work can be gin City Engineer Gerry Tamblyn said today he expects final ap proval in time tor start on the project to week and half It has been estimated it will take three months to complete The Ontario government will pay 75 per cent subsidy on the sitcom road reconstruction job and about 10 per cent subsidy on the $56000 storm sewer ln stallation However the city must pay the entire $63000 to build sanitary sewers City Clerk Ben Straughan last night opened tour bids on the lift during councils special ses MI VALLENTYNE Kern pentelt Drive Barrie think it is Just passing fad it they werent doing that they would at Vilma Bench LnPlantes car skidded out control tor 100 tact no the north shoulder crossed the highway then went further 12ieet on the south shoulder before hittinl the guard posts The ravine is ill feet deep Laliante who was travelilnl west was driving 1960 sedan mm was no passengers with his was boarding at home Md for 18 months lalls Ont be doing something else like it Its lost their ditterent way of messing around it compares cant see then going that way to the root sultersoltho lotto HAROLD MANNING Toron ThEYre fine as long as they bathe dont think they have any philosophy Theyre greatest noucontonning the world to the contorrnists Thats why they all look alike As long as they keep clean have no objections to them CITY NEW Award Road Work Ibd9Y3 Sewers are to be installed from Dunlop St to just south of Victoria St distance of 2500 feet the same stretch on which the roadway will be improved The section from Victoria St to Essa Road will be reconstructed next year Public works committee plans call for completion oi all phases oi the Dunlop to Victoria pro iect by late this tall with pos sible exception of the final coat ot asphalt Public Works Chairrrian Fred Smith said today he would not be concerned if the final asphalt layer was not put down this it has been shown that in this part of the country it can he better months for the road to settle be fore laying the final coatvhe said lhe lob will involve removal of 24 trees along the route ac cording to the engineering do partment Traffic will be one way cash bound along Bradford merging with eastbound tratlic on Dunlop St No ieit turn will he permit ted from Bradtord Trattic lights will be moved from the Dunlap and Bradtord corner to Dunlop and High year to allow several to Dunlap GKBBOiï¬csL Takes Post With Luilrin Bob Hunter general ing wlil become general sales manager of Lunrin Rule Co of gonads hid it was learned to NY In another appointment made Phcrson It Bob McLeod was made director of sales for Lufkins new European distri buting operation Mr McLeod will move to Europe in the near future lilr iciunter will start his new duties cl Power Squadron Barrie Power Squadron held at Big Bay Point Marina Mora than 100 persons attend ed tho ovent coming in 31 beats Boaters from Leiroy and Kes wtck also took part in the picnic and games which started at non Guests included Jim Hutchin son commodore oi the Barrie Yacht Club and BYC member John Fitzgeraid tiVib Holtzhancr commodore if the power squadron was the as Walls Erected For Liquor Store new business block to house the village and vicinity in order to have ready for the opening or the liquoroutiets by the scheduled October This would provide short at two years from the and warehouse were approved December 1965 The vote then tions from Angus Cocktail lounges were turned down The vote opened thevvay for anywhere in Essa but the localt control authorities Subsequen logical location There was con slte and half dozen properties were inspected before the site beside the downtown Angus tronscnsr Manrns until 11 pm Wednesday southeast to to l5 mu tonight Fair weather tonight at ALUMINUM manager of Barrie Broadcast by Lulltln president Don lilac its summer rendezvous Sunday time thaia government store by vote oi Essa electors on was instituted followingpeti the establishment ot such stores sldernble competition for the Lake Huron Georgian Bay Northeast winds on to 30 knots diminishing to near 15 knots Cloudy Clearing on Parlodale Crescent and had been miployed at Slrncoe Block His parents live in Niagara John Cockburo Santa lawyer yesterday spoke out in support ot new draft bill to change outdated divorce laws in Canada lie was addressing the regular meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie FROM LEFT Bruce Blgoiow John Cockburn and Walter Steckley 17 Urges Divorce Reform Has Rendezvous Bilingns Plaza Progress in the building of government store and beer out let is being allowed with inter est by residents of Angus police Walls of the budding are up with construction being rushed everything for the opening just two months tion was left with the liquor tlyAngus was chosen as the shopping plaza was chosen ronorvro or Marine forecast for the Great Lakes issued at 830 am today valid Lake SuperlorNortheast winds 10 to 15 knots becoming Jeidnvrep screen or sell you the motor lals to do it yourselt PLANtNo MILL Vco LTD 49 Anne St Present Canadian divorce and strong contributing tsclt tor in tho 400000 commonlsw marriages in Canada Barrie lawyer told the Kiwanis Club of Harris yesterday He praised new draft bill for divorce law reform John Cookburn said that un dcr present laws which date back to 1870 it is possible for man to beat his ivllo regularly and leave her penniless without having to grant divorce vengetul spouse he said can permanently prevent his or her spouse from remarrlage and normal life simply by falling to allow divorce Mr Cockhnm also stated that person with scniples against adultery and purgery can have no reliaf from an unsatisfactory marriage He lauded as brill iant drntt bill brought out following March 66 commit tee hooky The montage breakdown the ory for divorce by which every opportunity is first taken to re aonsiio the marriage and as last resort provide for the easy burial ota dcsdman riage was eitplalnad to clu members This theory is strongiyaop ported by many church groups and individuals as the best solu tion to the unsatisfactory mar risge Mt explained the Vnoannr NIXON Robert Nixon To Speak Here September 13 Ontario Liberal leader Robert Nixon will speak in Barrie Sept 13 at Stmcoc Centre meet the candidates banquet Sirncoe Centre voters will have an opportunity to hear Mr Nnronanrl meet provincial Lib eraicnadldato bruca Ow at the Embassy Hall Mr Nixon spoke in Barrie earlier this year Tickets for the Septlii event are available from members ol the Slmcoe Centre Liberal Asa sociation executive Efï¬gï¬ REPAIRED lranyslnminnrn Your Allortt Dealer 7282496 Nuéyslt sh lawsaro outdated inadequate good points of this theory be fore pointing out what be consid ered the shortcomings Ila suggested that lengthy tn quisitlon with courtappointed otttcers wouid be required and there is lack of trained oi ttclats and judges to handle this More expanse would also be in volved in lengthy social axle mlnatlon at the partners Mr Cockburn stressed that there is ivide scope for dis cretion and unpredictable rlecl stonS under the proposed sys tem and he suggested that the procedent type approach would come back due to its familiar ity and ease of use defeating the system The inoulsitton nec essary would be embarrrï¬slng to both parties and distasteful making for more gruesome trial The proposed new dnatt bill has several oiatses add ed to permit divorce one at there is proposal that divorce be allowed after three years complete separation This Mr Cocirburn suggested was step toward divorce without animnsv ity But it would take brave In Speach To KiWanis legislators to pass that clause he said other grounds for divorce suggested were blgamy cruelty not datlnedl wilful re fusal by one or other partnw to commute marriage wilful nonrsupport for one year pro tractcd illness for threo years gross addiction on the part of either partner and separation through imprisonment of either arincr for three out at the last ive years Mr Cockburn also mentioned jurisdictional change Divorce proceedings now limited to the Supreme court only would be extended to county court This step he suggested would re duce costs considerably We have very good judges in our area who could do as good job as the supreme court it Is difficult to appreciate the inequity oi the present div orce system unless you have been in some way involved with it hcsaid This draft hill deserves your support ll parli ament has the courage to case it we can become leader domestic law Mr Cockburn concluded rGuoirds Cdpturet Pistol Award SOUTH MARCH Ont CP Firing continued at the Cann dian Forces small arms compo tition at Connaught Ranges today despite inclement wealth or that saw rain squalls threaten to obscure the target lines team composed at mem bers of the lst Battalion Cana dian Guards from Picton Dnt captured the pistol team competition Monday Led by Cpl Ii Rhyndress with score of 670 the sixman team piled up scare at 2552 Members of the 8rd Battalion Royal 22nd Regiment him as team of the Third Canadian infantry Brigade Group cap tured the snap sbonting team match Monday The eightman team scored 60 points against the secondplace team ot the Second Canadian infantry Brl gado Group An Ottawa man Cpl Steele of 701 Communications Squadron Monday punched out possible in the linoyard deliberate fire competition Sec and in the same1matcb was Pie Laval Merciar of Quebec City at Last years winner at the Queens Medal Sgt Dal EMERGENCY NUMBERS ressass 72mm unseat 725648 Hospital are gle of St Charlcs Kent County NB found the range to get his first win in the areas compeli tion when he won the sna shooting match tired from sit ting or kneeling position at 200 yards Sgt Datgle scored as out at to TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CALL 7282414 Morons therewith tfldris NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 11 Collier st ozsotoi FREEZER SPECIALS rooms in 39 SIDES no 49¢ HINDS stone lit Collier St beet lb 59 vnnuri 255339