momma mom asks 14 so Mauritanian meson new rm no it en Is Councilfoemissiilo Not Acting To Demolish Burned Out Store Aid Remy will renew request to City Council to bringabout demolition of burnedout Tr EatonCo Ltd store and bowling alley on Duni lop St The structure was destroyed by fire Feb 1m and the ruins have rentbred standing virtually untouched since that time First reading was adopted July It Council decided to de fer second reading until Sept 11 to perrnttnegotiations with the property owners to bring about demolition viuaout the necessity of oificisi action by the city Area storekeepers hava com plained of danger to youngsters playing in the ruins of bad odors erninnting from the wreckage of rats and of the general appearance of the struclt sure located on one of Romes main streets Alderman liersey stated that no turthar delay should be per mitted He will urge council to put through the bylaw and turns owners to carry out the demoli tion norlr at their own expense The building remains standing gt19n1onths alter the fire DOUG MURRAY Queen St Barrie Council should have had it removed long ago It is an eyesore especially on the main street at Barrie It makes the street look dingy and it could probably be dan gerous Theyve certainly been slow as far as recon structionis concerned MAURICE McFADDEN hie rose Ave Barrie They should have taken action earlier believe they were lax It is ridiculous to have something like that an the main street ior tilt years it is hard on business in the area sot MAXWELL North Bay As Irequent visitor to Bar ric think the city council waslax in leaving an eyesore like that standing Ior so long Barrie Is nice city and pro lesses to be beautiful and pro grossive dont think It should be spoiled by some rthingrlike that CHRISTINE VAN DER REY DEN Utopia Yes think they should have badthe own ers tear it down long time ago it is menace to chil dren an eyesore to the city think ï¬rst it degrades the city Barrie and shouldnt have been left this long REID RICHARDSON Sophia SL Barrie think council was lax idont know at any place on the main strcot of city that has been left that long beIore rebuilding Sev eral visitors to Barrie have commented on it From what hear there danger to kida7 MARILYN IAYMR Tower Crescent Barrie think coun cil was lax Theyre always advertising this as beautiful Barrie and that building cer talnly Isnt beautilul think it should have been torn down long ago It semu danger ousY too MRS IAN CLELAND Na pier St Barrie Council was lax They should have taken action as soon as it was clear that the owners werent going to accept their responsibility and clean up the mess It ap pears to be both health haz ard and dangerous to childr llibe glad to Itlttittttath Georgian College ILDeSCEibed As Secondary InduStEY Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology which should have Its first classes Oct will be fairesized sec ondary industry in iLselI rColicgerpresidentrR Craw Iord said It will serve the needs of the area by oliering programs that are geared to in dustry and business Up to 1211 students can be accommo dated this year he says one ot the major roles at the college will be to provide the opportunity for people to develop their talean here without having to travel considerable distances to other colleges The college will provide edu cation of type not given at universities and will otter pro grams in the areas of technol ogyf business and the applied arts Programs will be for the most part employmentoriented and entry into the ï¬elds of business and industry and teaching where they can put their education to immediate use DIPLOMA PROGRAM The teaching aspect comes in when student has graduated mm diploma program and ob tains experience in the business or industrial world and decides to teach ata college Georgian College located tem porarily in Barrie at the West End Plaza pending feasibility study of other sites in the area was established as part of the new system of Colleges of hp plied Artsrand Technology creat ed by recent amendment to the Department of Education Act Location of the permanent site for the college will he an4 nounced after the study at the Georgian Bay area by pro fessional survey company Effective counselling of stu lntended to prepare students for dens will be ulgreat import ance in theeopelation oi the col lege Mr Crauiord says It will hecarried out throughout the students college life not only to assist him in choosing suitable otheron one with his selection oi unploy ment alter graduation Fees tor the thraeyear di ploma program are $225 per year All other programs will cost $125 year Application form may be ob tained from school guidance otlt iicers or from Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology Box 13000 Barrie College president Craw iord said as applications had already been received Althougt all applications should be in by the first at Sen tanner some willbe accepted bit later it the programjs not ï¬lled Because work on the sitewas not started until the middle of July the college yeah will he late iinishing approximately June7155lif MrCrawfordsaid that much at the staff would be appointed within the next two or three weeks iv The college premises have small administration area five classrooms business machine laboratorylibrary and few other pertinent roomssuch as students lounge and seminar room Supplementary lab facilities will be available in the area EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police 7285588 FtreDept 7283131 7285951 726548I Via the contractors Allandaie Lumber Fuel and Co tntctlon Ltd The section risingon the right oi the picture is bed no in vidual read omVEipimK EchelonSCHEDULE is the main area of the home which contain recrea tion hail dining room kitchen and main lounge lCounty Rejects Plan To Cut Membership SimcoeCosmtyCmmcilM all day voted doors wouldhnve reduccdlumctrbu drip by 10 and ï¬led voting power The Member body selected the suggestions by largem iority but only altar long and otten heated dismsslon The protmnls would have re vised voting strength aldsough Orillla Deputy Reeve Louis Franco said it didnt go far enough in this respect Midland Reeve Monard Self said he felt essessrnent should be considered in votes but this was ilatly re teeted Warden George hiacliay Reeve at 019 told the members the provincial government would be matting changes in the soon ty setup Judging from lnforsna tton given conventions and other gatherings and be lett it would be wise for Simcoe County to take thelnitiative with some practical suggestiotu for spec iai bill whidt might be impic mented DIFFERENCES Sharp diliarcnces of opinion coded with the mtmlyecnuncil voting overwhelmingly against making any change The no vote showed two extremes oi opinion Rcevc Ralph Dalton of Toy suggested the county was not yet ready for regional gov ernment and Reeve Fred Bax tcr oi Adlala supported tth View The latter termed county assessment and welfare back ward step Colllngwond Reeve Mel lic Koon said he didnt think live or sixmunicipalities should dom inate but he strongly differed with Reeve Baxter on county In an effort to seek ways to reduce climbing county taxation Siche County Council at its August meeting yesterday en dorsed resolution asking the provincial government to tar over the total cost o1 admian tration of justice The county council also gave renewed support to its earlier of tort to persuade the Ontario gov ernment to increase its grants for school buildings An increase already has been made it was pointed out but it was felt this should be extended The motion concerningthe ed ministrotion at iusticov iollowed similar action from Dutiorin County Reeve Arnold Vanclse of Nottawasaga chairman oi tilt anoesaidhie committee had studied the situation and had recommended its passage Re did not give the amount pt sav ing to Simcue County but it was said it would be fairly substan tial INCLUDE SERVICES Midland Reeve Leonard Self said he feltcapital gram for schools should take into consid eratinn the cast 01 new services often required when new school buildings are built Warden MocKay reevc of Ora said the government increase was now up to to per cent of the approve ed cost and the county was sup ported by the Association of Ruins Found lit Penetang digging team are isoyear old former British Military baseiocated about 35 miles northwest of Harrie has on covered guardhouse and bar racks The team headed by Dr Wil fried Jury honorary curator at the University of Western Ont arios museum of Indian arch aeology and pioneer life is dig ging and reconstructing the area located at Penetanguishene tor the Ontario governments de partment of tourism and inlor motion The to by 13 foot guardltnnse has twofoot thick walis sunk four feet into the ground The seamens barracks was built bout the same time as the gt guardhouse in 1613 iihe Penetanguishine recon structionis one part of his torical development program in the Humnia region by the On tario govenmant BIRITE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES III on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge Blake St Barrie Shoppmg Reeve Self felt this good idca although he agreed operation of usesansent and welfare which he felt to be an advantage The sole thus stopped move to change regulations whim would require more population than the present 1000 eligible voters in municipality for its deputy reeve to quality for mmberitip Ilarrbers of council receive super day or attending stone plus to cents pu mlle ex nsu oi 10 srtena would have eiiected sav Ing at between $20m and $3000 per year with was not con sidered significant amount in the overall ptctsn with the total levy close to 82000000 TWO PROPOSAIS We feel this would be be ginning and we could continue our studies said Reeve Bruce Stewart of Bradord rhahstan of special committee nhida placed two proposals before the ootmcll Both were rejected on motion moved by Collanqu Reeve ltlel Melissa and second dï¬by Midland Reove Leonard Ono proposal mid bore cu the membership iron 55 to is with Orillla Midland Collins wood Wasaga Beach Essa In aniii Nottewasaga Oro Tay Tiny and Orillla Township get ting foor votes each an the basis of having over t000 municipal electors The town of Orlan with 195 population was list ed ns having 9651 voters The second proposal would have 45 mornbers with 51 votes with no municipality having more than two votes cant see where we can ignore assessment as basis Mayors and Reeves in pressing for more Tay Reeve Ralph Dalton said ha believed earlier county ef forts helped hts township get the beneilt of the higher grants made available for capital school expenditure Reeve Self as when schools Werccnlargedltwoitendntant larger or new watermains and sanitary sewers were needed and this added cost also should be considered Nottawasaga IRceve Vanclse said Simcoe County delegates supported the move at the May ors and Reeves Association and Reeve Self suggested iurtha enl eouragement should be given UNIFORM SCHOOLS The county relusedtv endorse recommendation from Orange vilio that tho governmentnbtain haste plans tor schools from or chitects and engineers and make them available to municipalities uld be with Reeve Vancise that local boards should be given choice as to whether they wished those plans or adopt other plans to meet their own particular re quirements The members also turned down another proposal from Orange ville requesting the government to set up wage scale or all public and high schools in On tario Reeve Vanciae argued that conditions vary in dilferent parts for repremtatlno said Reeve Bell who said he felt it was better to go on as now rather than make Inadequate dosages Let us not make another mis take be numbed sunsmtm Bradford Deputy Reeve nod Cook said he Wu inclined to agree with Rev Self that as sessment should be considered Ircumseth Deputy Reeve Harry hose muested inner places like Orillla Were getting mm sonata and he suggested rural municipalities were paying to ward welfare of larger towns although the provincial govern ment pays 80 per cent of the direct cost Iliadoote Deputy Ruve Dalton Jenney introduced the matter at totally road stbaldles to towns sodvillages and others talked about larger provincial subsidies to rural nutoictpalitlea Reeve Stewart had to call for order to let the dismslon back to the points at issue Depuly Reeve Franco said the investor with the large in vestment has the main say in mm and pulmonar zkngfltgemlnrge share oftaithes pr any cmflstGwil Reeve Keith Langiord said taxpayer in his municipality in the same rate of taxes as in Orillla or eisenhere In fact he said he had lust worked it out to more Deputy Reeve Franco said later that to give West Gwillirrn bury the same representation on the same ratio of taxes would be like giving Prince Edward Island the same representation in parliament as Ontario County Counoil Asks More Provincial Aid of the province which made this auggestion impractical The Simcoe County council en dorsed resolution Iron1 Prince Edward County asking amend ments to the Municipal Tax As aistahce Act to make provincial parks and buildings subject to municipal assistance Smntdata Rm Lloyd Prl6 ham said he favored no change and Reese Jamey started to discus urban debt against rural and this curated Reeve Stewart to mention the larger places having the school debaters listed against than Lets put together few of the snailer truinicipaiitirs in terlected Deputy Reeve Frances Mills Reeve Fred Baxter said conditions were changing and without constant review the re presentation could get out oi prqaortlon again in tow years He mentioned titers were con Iotatn Adlala now being built Ema Reeve George complained about large munici paiers annexing albinism areas and making their county rcpre notation tore out oi line Why do they do this he asked We are not Interested in starting battle betweonjowns and rural municipalities but still eel assessment should be considered suggested Reeve Be SAVE LIIILE FELLOW nLctdwcttrRecve Bale labia said 21 recommendations were made last year and title was re duccd to two He said so did not behave in drama which would wt oft the little fellow Bradford Reeve Stewart said the recommendations gave every municipality representation Orti ilar only gain would be feta votes out of 51 or 55 instead at so Inuisiit Reeve loa Cochrano said he was satisfied with In nlsilis representation althoudt he had read where the toomship stood to gain more if the change was made on votera list basis Representatives of the villages mostly refrained from talan part in the discussion as Walkwelflreres BARWNB its the BACKTQSGIOUIEII WALKWEL 58 Dsmlop 72 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY POTATOES SMOKED PICNIC HAMS FRESH PORK accuse PICNIC COOKED CHICKEN tso Colller st overs AIS AT DYCKS VARIETY STORE IOIb bag 39s Ready 52 oz eafn $II5 vamErv srnnE 72d5339 tithttPEN FLASH MUFFLER Service Pictured above is MrsAnneSmith from Brunwddr Maine before returninghomo having her cars exhaust system checked 7mg martin tassnnnrton The finest mufflers you can buy we sell Free installation and the price rssiah over Vyourcar Cailinfroow etour trained installers chec QInsh MUFFLER SERVICE Muicaetar Owned and operated by Wally Carrothers 72585