Zt mfllfflflp seguerel amassnu SYSTEMATIZE YOUR PRESWINO MOVIES There is muchlo be said for buildings system of moves that you can repeat each time betore swinging at the bail Most good players have such systemï¬lg stends to reason til you will be morelikeiy to swing the same way each time if proswing moves are also slstent You shouidsystenlatize your your son CAHA Ofï¬ce ding Concern lNlPEG leliThe Canstladda McLeod gtncai mana dian Amateur Hockey Associai lions lira national office is 50W conccm although there exi are no doors on the hinges or drapa on the nirniowi ie absence of doors proved benellt Thursdaypennlttmg Ill nlobstructad view from ox sitive director Gordon Juckea carpeted office of prolly am tary Unda Emese Also visible were hardwork ing CAHA stall membersad mlnistrative assistant rr reswing moves on all shots nciudlng putts Consistency on the putting green ls certainty last as Important as elsewhere on the course Julius Boros Is one player who makes the same moves on every shot Watch him In atour namentor on television and you will see how smootth he re eats his perIng actions and at them lead into his swing The illustrations show how he moves his putter first in front of then In back of the bail He does it so smoothly that there lelwhmh hathl II is hardly any hesitation between his puttingthe blade behind the bail and actually taking it away on the back 3troke if Scramble Seen For Golf Berth VICTORIA tCPlThe battle for the fourth Commonwealth Golf Champlonsbi more of scrambe today after Thursdays results left all five countrias separated by one pointln the standings Canada lead off against New Zealand and Britain met South Africa in todays draw And all four teams had an opportlmity to grab first placeor at least share of it Australia which shared Conn rrlonweaiih honors with Britain in the last tournament in 1063 was idle in todays fourth round of the roundrobin tomnay Although Canada has yet to lose to New Zealand in Com monwealth play Phi Farley of Toronto the teams nonplaying captain was only cautiously op timistic about todays chances Bryan Silk New Zealands nonplaying captain regarded the Canadians as real strong team on paper New Zealand moved into firstvpiace tie with Britain with fivematchtofonr victory over South Africa Thursday while Australia edged Canada by similar count Britain and New Zoaiand had three points each going Into toe days fourtll round South rica and Australia each had two SCORING PROCEDURE There are nine matches three foursomes and six singles in each pairing with the overall winner earning two points draw wins each gives each team one point The New Zealand win was fashioned by onematch edge in folasomes competiLioo and Waller hoieinone inasin gles contest by veteran Stuart Jones The 42Ayoarold ll st in Company director canned threeiron shot on the seventh hole to start his victory march against South Africas Centric du Toit Du Tolt was one at the time and had just plunked ball two feel from the pin when Jones fashioned his ace on tha Ziayard per Jones went on to win end US Woman Wins Freestyle Swim NNI CWJoann Cornelt of the United States swimming team at the Paraple gic Panvnmerican Games set world paraplegic record Thurs day in winning the womens Li metre freestyle in the com pieta classification The US swimmcr finished in 326 seconds trimming tour tenths of second off the pre vious mark lllariann Soulck made it clean sweep in the event for the Americans as she finished in 526 seconds for silver medal Canadian swimmers showed they could sweep an event of their own as they took all three medals in the mens ZSmetre freestyle in classification Bill Wasnock took the gold in 326 seconds Peter Coleman took the silver in 342 seconds and Joe Smithson won the bronze in 466 in the mens metre individ ual medley classification Denver Branum of the won the gold in time of with Canadas Gordon Kirkland taking the silver in 8293 talisman BECOllD TEECANADIAN PRESS American League Pct GaL 61 47 565 soso so 59 50 54 59 51 536 59 53 527 so 57 496 7d 53 59 473 it an on 45012 47 El 435 14 Gilcan hasten Minnesota Detroit California Washington Cleveland Baltimore New York Kansas City Thursdays Result Washington Minnesota Chicago Detroit Baltimore Cleveland Probable Pitchers Today Boston Stange 77 at Cali fornia liloGlndtiin Washington Pascual 118at Kansas Git Dobsn 76 Minnesota Chance 148 Baltimore Phoebus and Brabender 12 at Detroit Lolv lens12 and Padres 31 New York Downing 1135 and Slntdcmyre 1010 at Cleveland lllargan 1243 and UDonoghue Fridays Games Boston at California Washington at Kansas City Chicago at Minnesota Baltimore at Detroit TN New York at Cleveland TN Saturdays Games Boston at California Washington at Kansas City TN gt Chicago at Minnesoln Baltimore at Detroit New York at Cleveland TN National League St Louis Chicago San Fran NLGBL 68 44 607 62 53 539 All 64 4341455 Rochester Syracuse Cincinnati We 51 52 56 61 Atlanta Philadelle gt Pittsburgh Los Angeles Houston 47 66 416 11 New York 66 439 24 Thundnyaltesnlts Pittsburgh 3NewYork Philadelphia Chicago Los Angeles Cincinnati San Francisco St Louis Houston Atlanta 10 Prdhable Pliehnsrody Pitisbureh Rihaot 65L at New York Frisella 01 Philadelphia Banning 1241 at Chicago Hands 54 LosAngeies Regan 47 at Cincinnati Maloney 98 San Francisco Perry ads at St Louis Brita 65 57 55 54 49 514 1017 491 L1 145 19 llouslon Blaslngarnc 44 at Atlanta rt is Saturdays Gamu Pitkburgh at New York Philadelphia at Chicago Houston at Atlanta UN Los Angeles at Cincinnati San Francisco at St Louis ldternetionol League Richmond Toronto Toledo Jacksonville Columbus 54 5t 5110 55 58 432 ll 54 59 478 lliï¬ 50 61 35014 Hufftlla 48 60 444 ifl Thursdays litsuits ltochcster 55 Columbus 24 Buffalo Richmond Jacksonville Toronto Syracuse Toledo Todays Games Toronto at Jacksonville Buffalo at Richmond Rochester SLCniumbus 528 snarl and development coor dinator Ken lilantin mmei Sonarold bilingual nativeof Levis Que is work ing on system to sd up cone trai registry of Canadas 200000 amateur players Mantis alyoasoid Nova Sco tisn nli oversee develop meld program to be financed by the National Hockey League as agreed upon in new con tract with the CARA The office in the Winnipeg Arena is in contrast to the small ofï¬ce in the Melville Ad vance weekly newspaper in Snskotahelvan when for more than 10 years luckes was the sole custodian of CAllA re cords PACT LED TD SIIIFT Primary reason for the move to more spacious quarters Is now tiveycar agreement with professional hockey which dis cards direct pro sponsorship of amateur clubs in favor of CARAadministeer devrï¬op mcnt program N111 money is rationed by the CAHA to its 10 branches which in turn pass it to individ ual clubs to help them produce the players the expanded team big league will need Vehavo total budget of $609000 this year said Juckes Theres $460000 for the develop cans expenscsond $54000for 10 piaycrs taken in profession oi dmft of players who have passed the junior age limit The draft money lens to he clubs nhidl helped develop the players01 per cent to the teams the player was with in the two years prior to his being drafted 12 per cent to the club which had the player in the previous two ycars and 12 per cent to the team which had him the two years before that BENEFITS NFLD Development program allot ments for the year ending next June 30 range from $100000 to $15000 Newfoundland gets the smaller amount $15000 more than it was getting for develop ment before The start of 1967 practice by Canadas national hockey team Wednesday explained the ab sence of ion other members of the national office staffsecre tary Sheila Morrison and mont program 385000 for ger of the CAHAA twocity na tional hockey loam program mails handed out typed lists of the so Nettles expected to board at St Johmltavcmeourt school in suburban Fort Garry Mdscod nus sorting than out for wtoeaday practices at the Dalton Memorial irons bdore he left for Ottawa where the second platoon of the national squad will be based Some to prospects for the Ottawa group open training sessions in King start 001 Aug 19 Newcomers ln Winnipeg in clude Jack Tartar Jr of Pen tlcton 86 Boo Taylor of Cal go Bob Berry of Paterbora oug 0an Steve Monteith ot Slratford Ont and brothers Herb and Gerry Finder of Sosa katoon Closure of summer school and summer jobs is causing brief delay in the at pcaraoca of veterans like ltoger Bourbonnak Frank flock Jean Cusson Morris Molt Paul Con iin and Gary Dinccn EARLY WORKOUT The early swing into practice is necessary because the Winni pegbased unit must head for iron oble the French city whcrc the 1965 Winter Olympics open Feb for mldOctobLr plas QcL 12 14 and 15 against senior circuit with Edmonton Czedroslovakia Russia and the United States The Ottawa section also gets trip to Europe for six gems in hlosww hm in Sweden and two in East Germany beacon Nov 20 and Dec lln Obviomiy Itch will have to drop some prospects but unique arrangement with three senior clubs will allow him to keep tahtyvn talented depth toes The Winnipeg national group willbe partttmemember of Calgary and Saskatoon who have agreed to offer scholao ships to good players Mound hasnt got room for The Who nipcg crew will return to senior action after Olympic duty which trill be prcccdodby two exhibition games in Prague Feb 12 National team travels will be just part of busy International season for Canadian clubs KEEPS LIST Juckrse lot of touring clubs Finlands national team five games in Canada between Dec 1221 llornanians notion a1 tcam 1112 games in Canada startingtn Newfoundland NW 30 and ending Doc 19 ilolys national team three games in Eastern Canada from Jan 312 Bluegrass psr Poocu Carlos Ortiz icft light weight boxing champion and challenger lsmael Laguna pose with an Engliin bulldog TILE BARRIE EXMIINEIL FRIDAY AUGUST fl 1067 MikeSummerlea To Fill $99 On Que IrG01t Team MONTREAL CPllllike Ku zekoff of Montreal Summerlea won an inhale playoff Thurs day and will fill the vacant spot on Quebecs junior golf team to compete in the Canadian cham pionships at Toronto in two weeks Kazakolf shot an at over the par7 Beaconslieid Golf Club course to edge out Barry La phcn of Ottawa Chaudiero by one stroke Guy Fabre of Meat real St Francois shot an 85 The three were tied with an aggregate score of 319 ailcr last weeks provincial junior golf championships at illontrcal Whitlock and thetvvoday Sti holetriais at hosemere Tues= day and Wednesday forcing the playoff The fourman team that will compete in the Canadian junior champinships consists of Miics Saunders of Pembroke Ont MaX Oxford of Lennoxville Que Bruce Wetherly of sublrr ban insulin and Joe Horn of MontrealiBeilevue INVITATION FOR In addition to the fourman squad two players were invited to go to Toronto to compete in the Canadian junior champion ship on invitation of theco sponsoring Toronto Golf Club and the Province of Quebec Golf Association junior Commit tee John Murray of stLLambert was one of the chosen players iiis aggregate score was 315 Kazaknff gets the other spot be cause of his playoff victory Nell Baxter drof Houston Texas has just sunk seven foot birdie putt on the 18th snxrsn $1th with so to lead the ellst day of the American Golf Classic at the ï¬reslone Country Club BlliDli pl Oil18 Fla watches as Baxter gives bodyengush to help keep the balllln thehole AP Wire green to go Vfour under pal Dan Sikes Jr of Jacksonville photo Syracuse at Toledo Resoundmgtaste DlSTlLLED MATURED AND BOTTLED BY tADiAN SCï¬ENLEt QtSTILLERlES LTD VALtEYFlELD CANADA named Mr Chips yesterday as they meet at the New York Boxing Commissioners office Orlls Pucrlo lllcan will face Lacuna of Panama Wednesday In this fight at Shea Stadium in New York It will be the third title fight between the two idspoundora AP Wirepholo Wdrner WinsTrOPhY At Shooting Meet SOUTH MARCH Ont CPl ltlaj Edson Warner of Lennoxviile Que won the King Trophy in the Dominion of Can ads ftifle Association meet shooting ina drllzling rain driv en by Emile anvhour wind Thursday on tha Connnught Ranges could say was lucky but lve been at this too long said the veteran of three Canadian Blsley teams Maj Warner who won the coveted Queens prize at Bislcy England in 1955 scored 05 out of possible 105 in the Com wailis Gagctovnl and Uplands matches comprising the aggre gate Alter tianhing firing on the ranges near this community miles west of Ottawa Maj Warner said he had been fortu nate in making no serious er rors in despite tough weather Runners up in tho Kingmateh were Sgt Jacques Dugas of the Royal 21nd Valcartier Que Cpl it Wesley and ey THEICANADIANTRESS There were two shutouts in thefour games played Thurs day night in the Senior Inter County Baseball Association Jim Winch pitched three llitter as Listowei Legionnaires blanked Erantford Rel Sox so and Bob Hawton fired twohit ter when Gait Terriers defeated Hamilton Red Wings 70 in the ï¬rst gamevof doubleheader their second game while Kilch ener Panthers edged London 76 on Dave Srnailivoods ninthin nine home run Winchs shutout gave Listow at 1444 record while Brant ford 819 was all but elimi nated from playoff berth Losing pitcher Cord Peterson elded all seven Listowel lifts efore being relieved in the eighth inning by John Keatlng Gary Newitt wentthe dis tance for am to against llawlonand lost his third game insix decisions Dick Krol hita twovrun homer for Gait lnrthe scuenth inning of the opener John Allen picked up his sixth win for Galtin the nightcap ale though he gave up nine hits Billy Weldon had three hits for Celt and Rick glzlolt had three for Hamilton Gait took llamiiton 95 in Hamilton and Rooks Cpl Rhodeniser both members of No Canadian Air Division in Europe All three shot sis SHMPEREECILY Maj Warner shot pcrlectlf in the Uplands match and ar fect 40 in the Standing lost at loo yards lnra special Centennial Year match called the Expo 67 aggregate Clint Dohistrom of Calgary shot lot out of possi ble 175 to win Earlier th ueekDahlstrom won the Canadian sporting rifle championship ti Ma Warner by five points The Expo match was fired in prone standing and kneeling position from 100 200 300 and A500 yards Alain Marion of lluil Que placed second with 150 and Tompkins of Long Beach Calif third with 155 For Tompkins it was his first taste of the Canadian competlv lien 10 calibre Lee Entleld rifle converted to use the 702 mm NATO ammunition About the halfway point he said he had nocompioinls with either weapon or ammunition Europe Wins Tracts Inaugural MONTREAL lCPiThero wont be rematch until 1969 so track and field coaches on both sides of the Atlantic will have ample thus to sit back Two ShutoutslIltécorded In interCounty Baseball Smallwoods winning homer came after London had tied the score at so lathe top of the ninth on Paul Allens home run Bob Hopper went the route for Kitchener topick up the win He allowed 10 hits three of them home runs Doug Poole the third London pitcher suffered the defeat Smailwood had three hits for Kitchener while Joe Nash Fred Fickiing and Larry Rooks had two each for London Fickling aad Rooks hit home runs Eranlford 000 WWW0 Listolvcl 000 002 ilkI Peterson Keating tilt and Convey Winch and Kraft First Gait 020 300 27 l2 one out 00 22 Hawton and Sear Newttt and Romanowski Wllawton Newitt HitGait Krol Second Gall 020102254 Li Hamilton 010 020M 94 Allenand Scar Rowe Papi lie to and Romanowslri Allen LEowe London 0903000214101 Kitchener 104 000 0117 11 Murphy Hammond Poole to and Fenion Hopper and res rri Wllooper Poole liftsKitchener Small wood London Allen Fielding and take vlong hard look st their athletes Europe won the inaugural Europe vs icas track and field matc by twonight total of 159 points to 155 with the next of the bien his series scheduled for Eu rope two years hence The Americas team had enlt tered Thursday nights final stage with slim 7974 point edge only to see the final fig ures give the opposition 100 100 advantage in mens events and 6055 margin in the womens Unfortunately the match was plagued by poor weather dampness prevailed the first night and cool temperatures and wind gusts of 20 miles an hour kept the athletes from top performance on the second Points for the events were on 5314 system with the excep bon of relay races which were awarded as five points for first andytwo for the lastplace fing ishers or up ea athletes placed first in nine of the events Thursday nightwhie the Amer icas came home in front six times The latter also won the mens Lemmetre relay for an additional five points However track officials after the match was completed point red to the fact thelEuropeans had finished onetwo in six of his nights contests while the Americas team had managed the feat only once ftobert rBobin coach of Frances team with the Euro pean squad said he was not surprised by his sides success Europe has more coaches and desue nobin said They have the potential and they have forgotten about wars and poverty 55 AT BE ustprttlsds BERTRANI Intros The Savings 10 OwlF on WT