Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 7

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gram r4 AROUND SIMC STBOIID at NEWS it ills oitlonr nauoN lnnislii citizénl him present Aug to or the 00ch mar serotonin Iof the new Centennial Perk which is lnnlsiill commotion to the lighted candle all can Ithl 100th hlrthday anniversary cake Ono solid feel their pride to Irinbfil by the spirited Iinl in of rho land our land First time visitors to the park nerd surprised so much had then accomplished Oidtimerx in too hats cuteways Ind canes and piuniod bdnnots long skirts and Inns added much to gt the decor The malirmade lake VolEd an attraction and was mod by the youngsters Good haying weather took most people borne followan the ceremonies and lraterrilntion as only seven picnic tables were occupied by those who stayed to have su per there Willi twotowrislip parks in lnnisfii one can make choice the shore park beside beautiful Lake Slmcoe where one sees the latest In aquatic Attire and boats or the smaller quieter centennial park where one may enon fellowship With other Innisfil residents Congratulation are extended to Stroud rolling pin team who have now the honor of being world champion timers forthe second consecutive year and third time in the five years in whidr they have competed St Pauls Anglican Church picnic will be held in Centennial Park Aug lt at pro mm hm and friends are invited to bring apicnic lunch and join in the fun in the absence of Roy loan Huntley and Rev Roll who are on holidays the United lurch service was taken by Rev Mr firapter and the Pre sbyterian by Enroe Edgar high solon teacher at Base Dor den Mr and Mrs John Conan contributed duet On Aug die animals used at the Junior Farmers judging med came from Stroud farms dairy cows from Ralph Roi ertsone Jerseys from Bill Gib bins Hereford from Conkl swine from Mel Cooks and too boys and girls from north and south boonl part ermlilnyes Ronald Cook Stmud were mong the judges Congratulations to ltlr and Mrs Ell Armstrong who was married Aug Alter trip to Expo and other points they will reside and Blake St Bar TIC VISITORS Mildred Harris has her sister from California and Mrs Young is friend from Vancouver ill Worden Saskatoon is visiting his oldest daughter Mrs Allan Todd Susan Daube Kitchener is with her cousin Cathy Fish er Mr and Mrs Cecil Dew Nsiiinarket are at Cooks Mr and Mrs Norman Suther land Carnduff Sask and Miss Bertha Sutherland Sonic at Hands Mr and Mrs David Robertson New Zealand with Mrs William Sutherland Mrs Lenz Mrs McNeiil and daughters all or Saskatoon with fire latters sister Mrs Charles Lucas Mrs Sarah Wood Mr and Mrs George Bayer Mr and Mrs Fred Armstrong and Joanne Mrs Dougal Giltrest coon Harlin By JOSEPH MOLNER MID There is the type of rson who can walk for no mnrrthan few minutes bruore his legs begin to pain him One cause perhaps the com monest for this is reduced cir culation because the arteries to the legs have become narrowed to considerable degreearte riosclerosis or hardening of the arteries unless the narrowing ls pri manly at single pointnnd surgery can help the situation theamount of help for such rents is limited Drugs can an courage tlrs circulation to modest degree But there is as yet no medication which can clean out the arteries al though efforts are being made to find something that will Thus it is interesting to note an experiment reported by two doctors in Denmark They told group of such patients to walI5L an or day Not that any of them could continue for anything like an hour They were instructed to walk as briskly as they ctiuld until pain stopped them Then they restedwntil able to re sume MUSCLES IMPORTANT This did indeed seem to stim ulate thellagging circulation as rt logically should Circula tion of the blood Is not entirely functionof the hearts pump ing The movement of muscles surrounding blood vessels also rplays part At the end of six months these patients were able on the average to walk nearly three times as far before pain stopped them To protect against the possi hilrty that this improvement was all in the mind nnnther group of patients received pills actually not QIIBCIIVCIIMI ni fered with the idea that they we lyeas possible Mr Ayerot Sr Li in Dorrie hnspdai Jim Tyndale her rL turned to hi home honi there Mrs Adam Hunter Toronto tl convalesclng IIth her kw Mry Watson following broktn htp the owner of Swanson Arise had two toes severely in lured by his lawn mower STUDENTS pleasant party was held Aug in lmtlchl ark for the xchenge stu ants from Quebec who Are in Barrie now and their hostesses swim party from to om followed by cookout barbecue at the nearby cottage of Mr and Mrs Grades Rogers Lakelanrl Ave nue concluded the occasion RUNNER David Bailey member of Best York Track Club who last year broke the rec0rd on American soil for running mile has now broken the record on Canadian soil It had never been riin in Canada under four minutes bit Daviddtd it in Tor onto on July 29 and he now goes on to Tokyo to paniclpatc in World games there David thirdyear student in pharmacy is nephew of Mrs Davis Strmid An organizational meeting of the Vote No campaign was held in Stroud Aug Officers elected are George Paris ores vicepresident Bill Kali secy Rlx campaign manager Frank Kali Frank Kali to attending minso in Thrown University on Em Mmmmum LATIIIIER Sympatlw is extended to the relatives of Wallace Latimer who died Aug following heart attack He the last member or family of seven who were descendents of pion eer family Wilson Latimer and his wife Mrs from Tyrone lrdand came to Brandcy in 1347 being it weeks on the ocean Wallace lived and farmed on these ancesual acm until to years ago when he and his wife thaformer Dorothy Her mer moved to Toronto Besides his wife he leaves one son THORNTON MRS GEORGE HOLT William McClennon of Wain wright Alta called on Mr and Mrs Lee Banting Aug August 13 service for Trinity United Church members and friends will be at 11 am It is hoped the good attendance of the previous Sunday will be maintained The speaker will be Grant Milroy who attended Bible College in Regina last year For August 20 and 27 ser vice will be in Cookslown Unit ed church am with Hume Milroy and Ronald Pegg res pective speakers Please support these young mens efforts Miss Gladys Miller Weston spent couple of days last week with Miss Edith Greene would help them These pa tients did not improve would not suggest that peo ple with this sort of problem try this treatment on their own Some other condition may exist which would make this stren uous effort inadvisable There fore ask the doctor first wheth er he secs any objection to making the etlort if he consents try it It may help DearDr Molner Some time ago doctor told me had an enlarged prostate gland At that time Iwas having no trouble with it Now havenlittle trou hls urinating is an operation serious procedure or is it something that can be compared to say an appendectomyt We had my appendix removed and it wasnt too had am 49WMB Depending on what surgery ts required prostate operation cantbe eitheniesamr moraJn Generally speaking the sooner the operation is done the better as prostate trouble tends to get gradually worse and occasionally rapidly worse Dear Dr Molnar have ei ther heard or read that people with leprosy no longer have to be isolated Eveyone says am wrong Can this disease be either cured or controlledtw Mrs CM3 Leprosy Hansens disease can be transmitted from person to person butonly by pro longed close contact and there no need for strict quarantine Some oi the colonies for such patients remain but rlnci ally hecausesome who sd lvcd there for years preferred to re main There are several types of the dlsonse and some can he treated with considerable de gree nl success nnruiriu imryrgi rit id Minis Scott ind iod Mrs Giort Hit sjht weekend It 1hr Milt lake Bot 11 Sttwlrtlt cl fynity Urlil church ll pre nrtng for thtlr flirt lciren rbecuc it the church Wed nesday Aug II no to too phi Wei Cochrrnt It Keith Brtedon and Kevin and Mrs Elwood Bone have return ed one remodeling several ye whiting and Mrl watt Rinse Men Mr and Graham Crocble and daughters Willin on Alts Mr and bin ii in McCrlck en Iiithlrc Sandy Potterson HIrrnetton Alta Mr atlid Mri Bruce Prentice Diane and Roger of Chilllwnclr 30 have been encoding few days with the farmers mother Mrs Robert Prentice and will be leaving shortly for Expliphut will return via this route later in the month before heading westward again While here the and rome other Thornton residents attended the official opening of lnrilaiilr Centennial Park Aug David Caldwell Pcterborough has been visiting several cou sins in the Thornton community welcome is extended to Mr Ind Mrs Charles Lloyd and family from llrcssalnn who are now residents at the Thornton service rtetion Thus ser vice hu resumed at the corner garage and snack bar Mr and Mrs Rlspler and family recentb returned from Saskatchewan after visit ing their parents It Shauneven for some time TOTIENHIIM rims mos Mr and Mrs Carlton Wedding and David oi Cooksvllle Mr and Mrs Hos Redditt of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Jock Lelber by and son Mr and Mrs Doug Miller and family Goldwater visited their mother Mrs Kuy Waddlirrg during the holiday Retry Miller remaiiiodwith her grandmother for weeks holl day Also with the family for brief visit was Bill Cohort and son who at one time was local policeman hero George Gould BA and Mrs Gould Paris spent Saturday with the latters grandparents Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson with Mrs Wine during the holiday were lack Wice and fa mily of Chatham Vernon Wice and family of Smithville and Fat Kelman of Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Harry Rinn of Cree more Don Galbraith of Oshawa and Mrs lack Dunstan and daughters of Downsview were with Mrs Irene Galbraith Mrs it Keogh had as guests for the holiday Mr and Mrs Lou Schriver and family and Mr and Mrs Joseph Keogh Toronto Mrs Joseph Walsh lett Thurs day for holiday trip to the west coast Wilmer Palmer is patient in Newmarket hospital Ricky and Joan Bciford are on holiday with their parents Mr and Mrs Joe Bcifnrd DAILY CROSSWORD DOWN own character area Holtsonh se crevas 10 Rant Halfway 12nrrled spucc 13Dropsy 6liemnle 14 Questions zmirgne 15 Spring amen ttrne bones of life Applauds Id Birthplm Hindu ACROSS Crowd Music 11lcbrcw letter 1Tiglit place declines prefix Splinter 21M slang HWer Denim NAW Englandu 31nonkey 32th 33YesGer 34 Overhead 35Littlegtrl aol=erfoml 40lnltot weight Attempted slammin lions lamina desk early Christiana on CCUNTYI federal district it was learned often wonder shouldnt you list your paycheck on your income tax return as gift as long ouauuhauuuh millionIII allIan onto am with Mr cad Mrs Miller for the llottuihlm etio hrtron Marjory Marden Tor onto with Mr and Mrs hour is unison Mr and hire held of Elorl Mr and Mrs Boyd Ann and David of Angus and Mr Burns King City with Mu mart Elli Stoph colon renewed acgualntlnce In town over the boil sy CELEBRATIONS Totteruiem centennial clitora lions ielt little to be desired when the Iwodly event finished at the of hull Co arcing Sunday with union ire of wow at the of which was led to capacity thenilmr mm continued with arch in the erk barbecue cup er in the Leg on hall and open concert In the park Monday morning featured baseball tournament the park swimming meets at the pond parade of 25 floats was followed the continuing baseball tourns cot canoe roc es logrolling and other water Iporta aupger at Legion Hall with final nseball in evening At the of hall there was bingo childrens entertainment judging of costumes and dioce The fireworks were at the pond It 815 ending successful celc ebrstlon brought about with the coo ration of many Friends old ya and girls were in town from mtlcrfor this rncrnorable event Will urgeGovt io Abandon Federal District OIIAWA CPIThe City at Ottawa will urgethe govern merit to abandon the idea of JULIET JONES Wednesday The federal government will be asked instead to worlr closely with city hall to help Do Iowa develop Independently special brltt bolug pre pared by the city for submis aion to the government also says lnndon Paris Mos cow these great capitals of the world are also magniticlent cities In their own right city hall asserts that Ouawa Is on the edge of greatness and will surpass Toronto and Munb real in glamor within 50 years it says dynamic urban area cannot be built by the national government alone The Ottawa position is under stood to have strong support from the Ontario government which is committed to the do velopmerit of an independent Ottawa metropolitan area FARM TRICES RISE Inle Dominion Bureau of Sta tistits index of farm prices of agricultural products Me 35 points in June to 2892 the hu ieau reported Wednesday The inch is based on 193589 farm prices equalling 100 Livestock and dairy product prices were above the May levels and there was slight increase in potato prices Grain prices remained steady but tr product orifice were lower the bureau sar 151w of plane moth 2L Wading Itlld 52 Cutting vehicle 38 En closure 26 Place 26 Goethes eel RuledY Ansu as Prophet 231mm no Rolloves 32 Gales euzz WYER DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA BLONDIEA am l9 rumors OF FOOTBALL DES mm MOI wmvimfl JMAII WMBXAMEYE IM Asthetralmnhlolle plows Suulhslde Is blinded butnesun Billeeiin 01f Phils ANDINTHIS GAME WU DONT GET AIMISOFF NICKTHAT5 rThentheunlltcampartmentis Tris OVERHEAD gplunged into total darkness as the LIGREINOT trairiroars fntotne tunnel THATS THE FIRST TIME MY TEAM HA5 SCORED tN TODAYS GAME was MA names we used was lam Ill ea lllln 0H SORRY You TALKED TO corrvn riu CALLYOU BACK MMMTHE GUYS WILL WHAT user AN INSECT GEEITHAT REMINDS ME NEED PERFUME FOR THE DANCE TONIGHT THE WAY THE CREEPS SWAEM YET SHE DOESMT REMEMBER EITHER 0F I15 SIIE RIMES TO LEIMETAKE HER HOME 5M5 REFUSES To CONSULT PSYCHIATRIST Muties AND stEIrErr EVER wvo muv some some Anosux Psinath we FAD or LONG LOST our To one HAIR FOR BatS MuttSKIRT ammo so mwousu THElR FAMILY ALauoi NOW AND THEN

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