Cool comfortable fashions designed for outdoor cookouts For the hostess nilcotton cleA gance in this colorful iump Trinity Anglican Is Scene Of Morning Wedding Rites Miss Dorothy Frances Humilit rey daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank llumphrcy of Agnes Si and Ronald Winston Gable sun of Mr and Mrs Jack Gable of Wellington St were united in marriage at morn ingcerernonyluly12 ing ceremony July 22 Archdeacon Read con ducted the wedding in Trinity Anglican Churdl ainst back ground selling of it ies pink and white donations and daisirs EMBOSSED LINEN GOWN The bride was escorted to the altar and given in marriage by her father For this special mo ment she chose floorlength gown of embossed linen dcsign ed on the Mine The softly scooped neckline and clbnw length sleeves of the dress were scalloped MR Aid has The delicate peach is takcn for granted now yet 4000 years ago it was used for firewood in China Peaches were introduced into Ontario dtlring the 18th cen tury Since peaches bruise very eas ily they must be handled care fully They are displayed in the market in fouror sixquart bas kets each peach in its own crinkle cup Thcre are only two Iayersin basket each separ ated by cardboard partition At home lay out the peaches on flat surface and use as they ripen advise Home Economists at Macdnnald Institute Guelph The following is an excellent rcclpavfor fresh Peach Pie When EXPECTING COMPANY suit with hultcr neckline by Beatrice Pines For the host this smart ailcotton Jaeshirt Note openweave trim at hot headdress of scalloped cm hosscd linen held the shoulder length inl of tulle The bride carried cascade bouquet of white and pink carnations inter spcrsod with crimson roscbuds The brides jcwclry included an heirloom gold ring which had belonged to her grandmother and goidgwatch gift from the bridegroom ATTENDANTS Mrs Dufrcsnc of Barrie at tended as matron of honor The brides sistcr Miss Laura lIum phrey and Miss Jane Garrity of Barrie were bridesmaids Streetlength gowns of pale pink satin with rose chiffon ovcr drnsscs were worn by all the otlentiants deeper shade of rose pcaude soie banded the necklincs sleeves and hemlincs of the gowns The attcndauls Photo by Eric Lllnsden RON GABLE serving scoop of ice cream beside the pic will add the crowning touch it cup sugar tblsps flour thlsp butter tblsp lemon juice is up suit tsp almond flavoring to cups fresh sliced peaches 5inch pastry shell Preheat oven to 475 degrees Combine sugar salt and flour In the unbakcd pastry shell al ternate layers of peach slices and sugar mixture Sprinkle the top with lemon juice and almond flavoring dot with butter Bake rsminutcs at 425 then bake at 32 forvallminutcs orrunlil westernstyle fashion and re Assessed By lodge and tom and at sleeves Trim khaki pants by Goldfarb Dro lhcrs headdresses were hands of rose peau de soie with centre bows They carried bouquets of white carnalions and pink roscbuds It Dufresne of Barrie attend ed as best man The ushers were Lcs lolliffc of Sudbury and Dave Bobier of Waterloo RECEPTION Following the wcdding guests were received at tho Driftwood Restaurant liawkcstnnc The brides mother received wearing sheath gown of iced orange with multicolored chiffon coat Vhilc accessories and corsage of white Carnations completed her ensemble The bridegroom mother as sistcd in receiving guests tier powder blue linen ensemble was complemented by white pic ture hat white accessories and gardenia corsagn Leaving for the wedding trip to Mexico the bride donned white lincn dress with orange accessories On return from the honeymoon the newlyweds will reside at 36 Talbot SL Kitchener OnL Guests attended fromSarnia Hamilton Kitchener Forest and Toronto JapaneseStyles Toe The Liné TOKYO Japanesa women are continuing to highestep into cent showing of the newest foot wear indioates ns shoe manufacturers are eager to toe the line Thousands of fall model shoes were exhibited at the Hotel New Otariijn Tokyo recently by the Japan Shoemakers Association for representatives of 1700 sbue retail firms from all over Japan An association spokesman said the fastestselling models in re cent month have been the comfortable styles the so called Continental or European style of shoe designs Japanese women are showing marloed preference for synthet ic leaohor siiocwear because of its shineretention and volter resistent qualities Color popularityhas swung to dark colors despite the bright color still worn by those who like the traditional kimonn and sandals for formal functions 170 30 PE Humiliation Eldfï¬Fbum menandwromcn in Japan are black and 35 per cent are brown In the past customers prefer red cheaplyvrnade low priced footwear but visitors to the ex hibition found the trend was con tinuing towards the purchase of moreexpensive stylish models Value or Wife AUCKLAND OF New Zealand judge has declared lhata wife seems lobe worth as much as two good bulls Studying case history to as sess damages awarded to successful petitioner in divorce be found several awards of wifes worth at $700 At the some time became across case in which good heat bulls weeks ago you printed qua tandem Mild will seat to you by Hairdo wager fall was waste of newspaper space and was deeply diasp polnted that Ann Linden who has consistently shown such good iudgmenluaw fit to putilsh and trash hope you will print my qucstlcnnrire which tr inï¬nitely live Just sign me Part who Dearly Loves You Here the guide for scoring ifyou can answer yes to five of these questions you are answer yes to seven or more of these questions you have ex cellcnt character lf you old mwer yes to nine or more of these questions you are the kid sly out of algbt Before Leaving Arriving at your vacation den tinstlon with downatthehcels lusme doesnt do your image any good This doesnt mean that you have to go out and in vest in new set Very often little first aid in the form of refurbishing and repairs cln give suitcase whole new lease on life Here are few ways you can make even an old piece look more presentable If binding has come unseemed to span or it handle has become unanciiorsd at one end take it to your shoemaker for repairs This is generally quicker and less expensive than luggage store repairs Snddlcsoap leather luggage If leather is excessively dry give it two coats instead of one Touch up scuff marks with crayon paste furniture wait or shoe polish you use the lat ter be sure to buff it well so the excess doesnt rub off on self designed gown was worn by Linda Patricia Ann Harris when she exchanged vows with William Leslie Arm strong on Aug The bride fashioncd her full length gown of pearl de soie with sleeve less tilted bodice with sottly scocpedncckline£hactflheisce fashioned the long sleeved jacket and cathedral train of the dress single rose held thehdul fant shoulder length veil of ii lusion tulle The bride curried bouquet of pink Sweetheart roses EVENING RITES Itev Cook conducted the evening ceremony in Grace United Church Barrie Miss Eleanor Kirk presided at the organand accompanied the soloist Melville Wiley as he sang Perfect Loveand The Lords Prayer The bride isthe daughter of Mr and Mis ErnestIIarris of Queen St Barrie The bride groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Monty shoring ofYonga St Slroud Weddlng attendants included Miss Marion Priest of Barrte tbs maid of honor Miss Carlt done were assessed at $350 olyn Armstrongof Stroud and bliss Joyce Harris of Barrie not LANDERS sonata QUEsTIoNNAI our man low mm naeIlium and mm elgood teenager if you can THE BAltltlE EXMHNER FRIDAY VAUGUSI 1961 Ways To ImproVe Luggage Bride Designed Peau dej Sole Gown you have true friend of the opposite sex whose frlndshbs your best friend of the same sex LCenyoubetrusted 100w cent with confidence Have you Iver done good ï¬nd and not told anyone about Have you ever received too much change and told clerk who otherwise wouldnot bars been aware bis error Have you ever admitted ï¬lling lie Ind apologth for Have you cyst roan out of your way Im In mopulsr kid regent em you ramtmhr ever having dunked someone for ulti ctling you Have you ever pointed out something good about person youvaluaalrmdsde group war luring that person spam Hm you ever dtdtned to take credit for somsthlng and pointed out that the person vibe deserved the credit was tom when everyone use in the one disrmauymelll On Vacation Trip your clothes Administer the same treatment to leather cam era and bindings of the rest of your luggage For plastic luggage mix three tablespoons of soda concentrated in quart of warm water and sponge down the outside of the case with this solution Plastics have been found to be alkaline rcsistant in other words they cleaner sud as sat which quick ly emulsifics the film of grease which holds disfiguring dirt 0n neugahyde pieces you can even apply the all dry as scourcr and many marks that appear to be pemnnent cards vanish SUDAN IIAD FEW 50110015 In less the Sudan hail only two elementary schools 350000 pupils attended schold in 1962 pom by Cy new ARMSTRONG bridesmaids Flower girls were Misses Cathy and Marlene Arm strong of Stroud ATTENDANTS GOWNS The senior attcndaan were gowned alike in floor length powder blue dresses with match inth doieceLw tullewellszbey carriedbou quetsof pink carnativns Thefiower girls wore frocks of yellow taffeta with white lace over tops andcanied baskets of white and yellow poinoon mums Kenneth Armstrong or Struud attended as groomsman Allan Harris of Barrie and David Bar ber of Strourl acted as ushers Gucsm were received in the social hail of the church follow ing the wedding The brides mother wore printed matelasse gown in pink and blue tones on awhite background comple mented with pink accessories and acorsageof pink flowers The bridegrooms mother as slsted inreceiving wearing an nrangeviace ensemble accented with beige bat and white cor sage The brides goingaway cos tume was yellow slilt cw semble with white accessories respond wellvto an alkaline The engagement of Miss Ju dith Elizabeth Anicliffn to Don aid Shipton has been an nounced by the brideslects parents lllr and Mrs Gilbert Antcliftc of Barrie The bride groomtuba is the son of Er WHAT THE F011 SATURDAY Saturday should be an ex tremoly pleasant day Especiab ly favored are Romance trav el outdoor activities social in terests and personal relation ships generally Theres also in dicolion ofsomc good news or is unexpected visitor from 51 FOR TILE BIRTHDAY lf Saturday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that as of now many pressures of the pastin both your business and personal lithould be lifting and that you should feel more encouraged than you have in some time to expand your interests This you can do if you operate conservatively Next month will be excellent for career projects with fur ther boosts starpromised in January April midMay June and July of next year Regard ing finances Look for good breaks between late December and midFebniary also in Bury Time Capsule In School Grounds VANCOUVER CPlJohn Ol iver secondary school students are looking to Canadas next centennial In recent cermony the stu dents buried time capsulein tbe schools front lawn It is not to be opened until 2067 Tucked into onecubicfoot copper box made by industrial arts classes is tape recording explaining tha purpose of the project It in cludes school cheers folk songs and excerpts from school play HEAD Foo rxso Vlli MULE TEAM MERCER Pa iAPlI wanted tocross the country in the toughest way know how says midesklnner Jean DeHaven So thenoyearold South Da kotarancber is travelling be hind mmuia team Theyre headed for Expo 67 oï¬rmzflaadrlm ley Cal April last year with his wife son four daughters and seven other men We cover about 20 miles day and put in about 16 to 20 hours be said They spent the winter in Wassington ND and moved out again this spring It gets real monotonous he said Ivehadscven men hospitalized my daughter broke an arm my son was kicked oy horse and went over bank and was ln the hospital for few days nor napdmc The weatherman lsut hedg ing when he promises slowly rising temperatures the term has an exact meaning of five fhancifllyvveda vieddlhg trip included tour of Expo til tudogree increase over 12 some good example for lllarnub Fails Oregon ay ESTRELLITA gt 10 Km you everlistened tiently to In old person and preturded to be tolerated even how you were bored out of yourmlndr 11 Have you ever done tomb thing you scold rather not have done because you wanted to War more or sister uDoyou look forward to the mmlbltlty of lch and mar rilge buildia home and raising to tMrl of Deer Mn flilnk you for luper questionnaire It is larrupcrlor to the one not by the humid teenam because it accentuates the positive and suggests some goals appreciate your it to rot DECMTION CEREMONY nest Shlplan of Toronto and the his ltirsnshiplan The after noon wcdding ceremony will take place at St Giles Anglican mm Barrie Sept at mo oclock Photos by Favcroi STARS SAY Junc July and August of loss it will be important however to avoid extravagance and take no risky chances with monies during the next four months PLAN MARRIAGE Those who have marriage in mind will find September and December propitious months for walking down the aisle also April and May of next year If you avoid tendency to bu dictatorial in close circles in carly March and or early June you should find both domestic and social interests highly enjoyable during the year ahead child born on this day will be endowed th fine intel lect great imagination and an unfailing sense of humarymld Farrier excel in the theatre or are DWI Ev 7334 writer no SUGGESTS WCBTHYGOALS Dear All LII Why Me In narrownitrid ed few Mela an al sorts of craly superpatriots whipped thenualves into lather bo cm somebody burned the Américan flag Wily dont you ill thou tdtots to look up the ruin They will find that the mar method of disposing of the American flag is to burn it lbank you for helping to cdmate the ignore mumflip Hattie Dur Hall Did you includ yourself uniting the ignora musesl If you didnt you mould have the Osakanine incident you refer toms flagrant ad of desecration It was vicious dcrooomation of hatred America When the uyr bum the flag it means burn it in private Stupid School Fashions Burst In Color Young Canadians are back to school in burst 211 this fall Fashions for college or kindergaflcn glow with pure ln dlsn summer shades warm browns and golds spicy reds and oranges and rich greens and blues Chocks stripes plaids and prints abound and fabrics are sturdy but cosy The corduroys dmrbio knits and other varictics of cottons with their affinity for vibrant colors will be classroom favorites Most of the trends in adult fashions turn up in childrens wear too The highyoked baby dmshthe smock the Mine and the hrpvbolt to soy nodiing 01 the mini skirt got their start in childrens fashion and are now worn by big girls too This fall the pant dress beloved by youngI swingers is being made also for pintsized females One dominant theme in fash tons for both boys and girl of all ages is covrdination the well puttogcther or the total look from head to toe Cotton shirts are toned or printed to complement jackets slack and jumpers Knee socks or textured stockings Mrdinah with school bound outfits AUGUST Hill 20 to 407 IWirle selection olrne Value WiiitilliSlliiiSf Barries Exclusive Going Away For Summer Holidays if you receive your Exa erygtplease instruct your restart deliVery dates miner by carrier delivé carrier as to stop and before you leave Assn independent merchant your Examiner carrier must pay for every paper he orshe draws for delivery to customers be given sic It is therefore essential that your carrier and restart dates if you wish delivery suspended during your absence on vacation Also your carrier receives ecial be turned in with ho nus for every restart date day stoporder Your ctroperation will help your carrier earn extra cash Yod can use the coupon bclo restart dates Just complet stop and restart dates and hand to you go on your holiday trip P5 If you would like to your holiday address 72 THE BARRIE STOP AND RESTART ORDER Subscribers Name Address tSTOP Date Monday STAitT Date Monday This sectionfor Carriers Name id arrange your stop and it being sure to indicate your carrier before ave The Examiner sent to phone the Circulation De EXAMINER carriers use Route No