Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 5

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ic Ilnncer styles were worn by these three young school éirls at Hewkestono in obscr Vance at Canadas tooth blrthlt day your tlelt to rightt Cathy Scott Margaret Hastings msmcri her To Reduce Rats At Dump InrFlosi NEWS narran mounnn radium im NewEtmvale Planning Board To Help Orderly Development ELMVALE Stall As or means or planning tor orderly GIRLS WEAR PIONEER STYLES IN 0R0 and Debbie Leigh to Exam iner Photo New Centennial Park In Innistil Praised srnouu lStalft We teal this park will become more val uable to residents ol lnnistil as time goes on said Reeve doscph Cochrane stating he was pleased over the many lav orable comments he has re ceivcd over the new lnnistil Cen lcnnial Park Feature of the present macro development as centennial pro tool has been Ilveacrc arti licial lake where hundreds oi ayoungstorshavc enjoyed snimlt ming Numerous pieniclters also have made use of the picnic tables and bencth provided ion with the barbecue cooking tacilitics The large pavilion also has been put to good use We are proud of this park and Ice it is great asset to our township said Reeve Coeha rane stating the total cost of the development including archi tects fees and cost oi survey was $62785 0fthis $23692 was received in grants The net cost to the township has been very low in relation to its value said the reeve estimating the presentday value at three times the overall cost There are all more acres which can be developed later when needed said the head of the tnoisiit council which also includes Deputy ll Eben Sawyer and Councillors Willliam Gibbins Allan Todd and George Burton The property was purchased by the township in the early 30s or Sm when values were great ly diiicrent than now it was used as rvoodlot tor weliare in its early years as township property explained the rccve who is now serving his sixth year as head of the lnnisfil council Reeve Cochrano said hewas pleased over the la rge attens dance at recent olticiat open ing and also the considerable interest shown since The artifi cial lake has been pepular swrmming place for youngsters and there is wading or smatl tots We intend to have it mark ed otf later he said when ask ed about the various depths Small boats also could be al lowed in the lake it this was considered desirable Reeve Cochrsne said he was gratetul to the warden lleeve George MacKay of Oro ior oi ticlally opening the park and would like to acknowledge his words at praise for the project Miadill MP member for Simeoe Duiicrin and hid Doririn Park or who represented the City of Barrie for their attendance and good wishes The new park already has been the means or bringing many vis itors to lnnisfil The consider able use oi the park by lnnstil residents was gratiiying Ioall who helped in the project the reeve added Goldwater Lions Camival Toriight COLDIVATEN Stall Indi cations point to large atten dance at the annual Lions carni val and street dance which is to be held in this village this Fri dayt evening August 11 The money raised from the event will be used to help the Coldwatcr community centre nod and many consider this is good way to help this worthy project it is hoped the Community Centre will be the means of ultimately bringing Goldwater back into OHA hockey and re INNISIIL NOTES He also commended Elllwood vive some of the past glories Plowmen Arranging Meeting For Press By meeting oi the publicity committee tor the International Plowing match was attended by Floyd Lashlay secretary oi the Ontario Plowmens Association It was arranged that meet thcpress date should he set up in nridSeptembcr lion Stewart Ontarios minister oi Agriculture will be guest or hon or and plow the first and with team of oxen This meeting will bring together members oi the press who maybe covering event in October and pub tty representatives at oxen This meeting will bring together members at the press who may be covering the levent in October andpubl ty representat of firms that will be exhib ng and demons trating iarm machinery The local committee decided to put substantial amount in the kitty to cover general pub From now on press releases will be sent to county OFFER ACCEPTED committee from Township Council attended the School Board meeting this week to make an after for the old Stroud school at the corner at the lath line They had been instructed notvto exceed $2000 theamount they uttered The board aecep one condition hich req lull Coon metting to consider The condition is that thepropcrty is toremain town ship owned Suggestions were made about demolishing the building but with the possibility oi new Council members com vrng rnto control next year it is or liker that any decision on this will bc reached this year TEACHERS The School Board has hired all the teachers required tor the newtcrm nvo will teach on special permits Additions now under way at amino and Strand schools are promised to be ready by opening date Sept Contractors and architect met recently and confirmed that the additions will be ready PARK COSTS Reeve Cochrone was low on the figures be quoted tor the total costs 01 the Centennial Park at the opening on Satur day Ollice recordsshow them to be few thousand dollars more than the amount mention ed in fact $5546923 This mount does not include an item covering the well and the cost of capping to control the flow This amount is to July 31 and allows ior the deduction of $2369200 lor grants trom both Federal and Provincialsourccs Architects tees totalled 52000 committee lecs moo survey and soilrtests $1707 advertis ing $162 flag pole $700 and miscellaneous $150 JULY SALARIES Inoisfil Council salaries tor July and the Reeve Cochrane $15230 Sawyer $12520 Tndd CONSERVATION Members oi the County Con servation Committee are taking trip at their own expense to visitthe Gardiner Dam in Saskatchewan next month mung those who will go will he Lloyd Pridha Euogne Smith Bradford Legion To Hold Picnic nnnoaono Stall Mem bers oi Bradlord Royal Canad lan Legion 521 and their families will be travelling toiSpringwa ter Park on Sunday August 13 ior thelrannual picnieand out lng sports program in plan ned for the atternoon Transportation will be provid ed fromtne ngion Hall here at pm Peter Gill John Darling and Allan Latimer They will take about three days and look over the drainage scheme The com mittee is proud of two dams that have been constructed loc ally one at New Lowell and theother at Tottehham PRESENTING AWARDS The lnuislil iield day commit tee will hold meeting and evening party topresent awards won at the iield day in July They have accepted the invita tion of Conn Burton to meet in his hall at theiheach com roast will follow presentations Chairman of va ous events are requested to invite those who assistedwith the program in any way The date is Aug 18 at pm BUILDING BooM lnnlsllls Building Inspector Griliitb tabled his report for july which showed 59 permits issued exceeding the num her last year for the some period by three cottages total luture growth oi Elmvnle the vulages newlyorgantred new ptnnnhrg board preparing to begin its duties Members of the new board appointed at the August meeting at Btmvaln council alter author tty was received lot the village to plan Its own area Includes Dr Douglas Patchcll former councillor Who was lppolnltd until 1971 Gordon Spring to 1970 Elm Godin appoint ad to 1069 Ross Rttdiie appoint ed to 1965 and two council rep resentatives Alex Currie and Kenneth Knox appointed to 1969 Mr Spring and ltlr Ritchie will continue as Ellrnvale repre rantntiva to the Flos Elin vale no board lrnvnlo has dillerent prob lems than rural area and it was felt It would be nnndran tags to have our own board but we will continue to work with the area board said spokes man Ilndusuial commcrc int and recldenttalgromh will be regu iated with view oi helping pro motion and protecting property values and righLv After toning areas are decld ed on there will be ample op portunity given for public dis cusston before application is made for an olflctal plan which would be line and could only be changed through application to the departman Aim at the planning it was omphnstzcd is to cneMtragc or dcriy development Elmvale has been moving ahead with good prospects for further growth Year Oi Rebuilding Termed Success For Tottenham Team TOTIENIIAM Stall We have been rebuilding for the fu ture and should do much better next year said catcher Dave Mortimer in reierence to Tot tenhams green and white base ball Bear of the South Simcoc league Attempting comeback alter having been away lor several reasons the Bears got or to bad start but showed much im provement as the season pro grused Weshould have an excellent dance to win next year said the catcher as he spoke about the lmprovedpitchlng at John Groystone and Paul Focher and also of progress made by other tenor Hold Softball Lead LEFROY Stall Ken Mal ohetts stellar pitching has play ed major part in putting Fcn nells Corners in top spot in the South Simcoe soi ball league race Matchett held Bradlord to live hiu as Gordon Kneeshaws crew racked up to tri umph against Terry Carter Lat est standing released by Bob Jackson showed Fennells in front with is wins and seven losses followui by Holland band ing withho and four Paul Corner struck out 14 and bold Bradford to one hit in chalking up 30 victory Terry Carter went the distance for Rocky Colangelos outfit and gavevup only tour hits and fan ned eight The 1am standing Fennells Holland Landing Lefroy Gilford bradtord Cookstown OBITUth PAULINE NORA GRAHAM Funeral services were held June 20 for Pauline Nora Gra ham wbo died at St Josephs Hospital in Toronto inhor 58th year Pauline Graham was born in Hillsdalc in 1908 and was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Edward Fitzgerald For the past 11 years she hasre sided in Toronto She also lived in Innisfitand Barrie She was member ol Essa Road Presbyterian Church and was active in the WA and the Church choir 12 10 In no she married William Graham who survives 0ne daughter Kathe chries of Unionville one brother Bill Fitz gerald of PortColhoroe also survive She is also survived by grandchildren Services were held from Jon netts Funeral Home with Rev Bell oiiiciating and burial wa Barri Union Cemetery players Mortimer himscli took an occasional turn on the mound and so did Charles Crawloy The intictd had lim Feehcly at first Paul Fcohely at second Kerry Worrod Ill short and Ted McCullough at 1rd Worrod has had fine season at the plate and rated among the leagues top batters Outiielders included Murry Rhodes Don McCullough Jim Kant and John Boyce Boyce is dflence stalwart with Aurora ligers during the hockey season The club was provided with new outfits recently by lotten ham Inn for which officials Innmun um arma Based on lip 4m exciting hesiseler gt llcllirtu 430mm MEItIODOLIJIl TODAY AT dz Elli Lust complete 845 pan JElIOVAHS WITNESSES lNVITE YOU TO HEAR additions os taurants milk houses and demolitions Value oi buildv rngs was $32870000 HISTORIES AVAILABLE Readers are reminded that the new history for the town ship is now available at the oltice where you pay your taxes The cost is $150 and tlreboole is ivoth reading ltvasnof on sale at the Centennial Park opening and Event enquiries were made about it IVRITE FRIENDS Every lnnisiil resident who has friends outside of the County should make it point to write them and invite them In lnnlsiil during the big International Plowing Match to be held the week ol Oct This will be the townshlps showpiece this tall Write and tell them the sparereom ls ready lor their visit Get everyone back to In nisfll loll To Extend Fish Price OTTAWA CPITThe stabiliA ration price oi 10 eentsa pound tor pérch caught in Ontario wa tors by Canadian fishermen will be extended to March or 19611 Fisheries Minister Robichaud announced Thursday The program started in Au gust rise was to end this month It provides for the fish cries prices support board to underwrite arrived to cents pound ioryellow perch eight Inches or longer The extension will stabilize the price during the fall fishing season of twand allow the board to clear its holdings dur ing the normal marketing sea in chain rBarrie CONTINUOUS SATURDAY AT 1230 VSEATSFREE L1 ELMVALE Stall Follow lug complaints oi rate breeding in the dump and menacing near by cotugcs and homes lIos township email has taken steps to Institute rodent control pro gram or municipal dump north ol Wings Beach in Flor The clerk John Robertson bls been luthorlscd to contact pest control firms to tale the peace nary action Skipworth public health inspector wrote to council telling complaints be has received While some rats stray from the dumpll all seasons the mum is particularly annoying alter the summer cottage season when many at them Invade homes if control measures are not under taken In addition to control melsuru sunitlry III pro gram tor oocralton oi the dump was recommended by Mr Skip worth TWO MILES 0F SHORE llos has about two miles at tinited Ellorts llid Hawkestone HAWKESTONE Stall We have lived here for 17 years and Iiod It pleasant place said Mrs Victor Hart In praising the good community spirit in Hawkestone Mrs liart said the recent cen tennial celebration was good example of what community efiort could accomplish tor the cm police village The Womens Institute took the leadership in sponsoring the program and the LOBA looked alter the supper arrangements But everyone in the community helped to make the pregrnrn mccess Belore coming to Hawkestone Mrs Hart lived at nearby Stran ty Boy gave recognition Chnrles Craw Iy has been playing coach with Harold Dermot manager partiter TONIGHT THIS WEEK ONLY iTlre EITIITIONS EVERYONE WELCOME Peggys Pavilion Strnud Beach MIMISlim mallWWW fllllllflfllflll Edi on iiiiitl ItIII Irrr Irrurl IIIIII itllIiIItHIiILHlititfl lointh in ttttllt no thin men must Illlll null Oi SLVI will PM am llESElIINli ll Grout Crowd at Mankind out or llltltltttililllllllt DISCIPLE MAKIN LPubtic address by MILLS Reprasdirtaliveof Watch Tower Socion sun hue 133w ARENA rss Dunlap St Ontario N6 corrrcnou shots along the Georgian Bay Just to the north at Wang Bench There has been consider able building along the beach and various applications have been received or new subdivis loas in the area The latter have been held up pending plans tor ater planning of the beachdls bylaw pmvldingfoi the borrowing at 0000 from the the Tile Drainage Act in Fins has been passed by council Un der the act larmcrs can borrow up to 55000 lorvdralnagc pur poses Mr Robertson reportw there were three applications at lloi but these come at various times and It is advisable for council to make provision in advance to have money available when needed Pliiihl 43771 lNVItdl is our to Fltllltltii Flttilltlflltiltltliltfllflit um mmwlwwmuu EOR FURTHER INFORMATION Ontario treasury for loans under SATURDAY dunner AT Fins council gaveltr up revat ior wrecking yard license or the lltllsdale are providing the necessary tcnce re quirements were met andthls was sent to the tourist and Mara matted department which now approves such Ilcpnses Action to ditch the Madonle Flo town the road to aid the runoit to Orr Lake was approv al The council also approved closing of road at Orr lake which was replaced by new and wider read two years ago Tax bills went out the first at the month and early returns have bccnouits heavy Mr Robert son sald ltoeve Frank Coughlin presldg ed attire meeting and aka prua out were Deputy Reeve Lorna Graham and Councillors Earl Elliott Ross Usher and Donald MacDonald Mitt blltlttt III II It Ettlttltlt DRIVEIN THEATRE it till Ntlt FRIDAY SATURDAY First Drillsin Showing In Color Dean Martin Rosemary Forrth Joey Blrhop er115 across the IIIIIEII BLINllIOLII BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE iMPERIAL We SEAN BONNEIW lg JAMES lllNIl ll ONLY IINE mrWllElsroaonplvaymIIrel Admisslo Adulthl50 Students $125 ChlldrenbOc tritiinoinuoriooupzpntdthooo ornitnwoihnn nourish Wilhelm pomGEst

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