Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 4

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Ellie idatrir Examiner Walla Publisher WilliamTolfor General Manager McPherson Managing Editor FRIDAY AUGUST 11 1901 PAGE Centeial Pork Extension Should Have Top Priority Barries Centennial Park built ata cost of $108000 has already proved its opularity Children play there regular andfamily groups use it frequently as place to picnic and relax 0n all mo an clear da one can find scores of speople using ythe facilities of this elongated breathing space situated on the shore of Kern enfelt Bay The park in art is big hit with the people of the Barrie district and with visitors Once the site of debrisstrewn waterfront it is now carefully grassed and served with parking space Coun cil had been wise in its choice Members of the present council hope to see the park extended aroundtlio shoreline to the township of liinisfil Little imagination is required to Visual ize the ultimate transformation long stretch of parkland flanked on one Side by the water of the bay and on the other by road would complete the beautlfica tion of once ly area To date the tys share of the cost is ap roximately 343000 The balance is belhg borne jointly by the federal and provmclal governments Any future ex pendiiure might fall more heavily on the city but there is no reason to believe that either government wont come to the communitys aid The city has made good start The work in fact was rushed this spring to com lete the park before the July deadline Now that the park has been established and growing in popularity it should be extended next year and the years after that Some reclamation work will be required but the money spent for thisvpurpose will be worthwhile As the years pass we will remember 1907 asa milestone in beautification as well as of Confederation DOWN MEMORY LANE 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Au 1952 Prem ier Leslie ill Frost offlciated at official opening Memorial Wing and Nurses Residence Royal Victoria Hospital Nan cy Joan Craig grandniece of late Will iam Wright who made generous con tribution to project out ribbon IMIS Archie Fraser president of Nurses Al umnae presented Miss nllclen Shanahan superintendent with bouquet of roses Charles prinson donated Childrens Wérd in memory of his son Ralph Chairman for impressive ceremonies was Rev James Ferguson of St Andrcws Church who paid tribute to Mrs Montague Leeds for suggesting in 1947 that new hospital would be fitting mem orial to men of Barrie district who paid an rcme sacrifice in World War TWOt to Jolin lllitchinson head of fundraising group to Donald Cameron who was chairman of special building com mittee Ottier spea ers besides Premier Frostwere Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamil ton Simcoe County Warden James Harlot Barrie George Johnston of ltlinesirig MPP Simcoe Centrc Jiilian ll Ferguson of Collingivood MP Simcoe North Rev John Morris of Stroud president Barrie Ministerial Assocn Among those present for hospital monies was lllrs Ross summer resident of Shanty Bay who was mem berot third class of nurses to graduate in 1899 when it was located on High St building recently demolished just behind Canadian Tire Oldest contestant in Canadian Open Champion ship Old Tyme Fiddlers Contest at Shel burne this weekend is William Len oox B7 of Barrie formerly of Thornton and director for many cars of famed Ivy Band Demo ition completed of Victoria School Barries first public school known as Central to thousands of pupils atcorncr Collier and Owen streets for site of neiv post office and federal building Three Toronto men arrested and char ed for night breakin and robbery of any Twiss moiis wcar onBairie main street Stage set for Barrie Golf Club mens championship final at 36 holes between Jack Nixon aiidHarry Reid next Sun day William Garner chairman of Parks Board complained to Town Council re chronic vandalism in local parks and asked for some olice action Destruction of playgrouncl equipment was increasing deClSIOll over PatiPoland in pitchers duel at Fair Grounds as Stewarts beat Legion in senior softball Karl Leo Labine won Winners Oi Hove Come Jennett purchased George Kennedys in terest in JK Novelty Shop Man ager Howard Norris of Barrie Flyers announced that next season Junior hockey groups of Ontario and Quebec would play interlocking schedule Coach Hap Emms has strong team lined up headed by Doug Mohns and Don McKen ney and hopes to repeat 195051 clubs success in winning Memorial Cup World champion Negro fastball team llottentots visited Barrie for exhibi tion game and beat allstar local team 127 Ray Gariepy and Bob Thurlow each poled three hits for Barrie James Gilmore Barrie elected director on lario Approved Hatcheries Assocn Jaycees revived Civic Holiday regatta off St Vincent Park with wellpatronized aquatic events such as swimming can oeing roiving Gordon Patterson heads ed committee composed of Art Johnston Graydon Knapp Gordonltfdlurk Ross Rodgers John McBride Fred Crowe Bob Armstrong and Ted Brent Other Editorst lliews PUBLIC RIGHT TO KNow KitchenerWaterloo Record It is only by the free reporting of civic meetings that citizens get to know not only the decisions but how they were arrived at and the way in which the elected representatives spoke and acted Without this information how does voter make up his mind who should con duct the business of the city Is the de sire for secrecy wish on the part of some to disguise their inadequacies from an electorate which will be required to make choice few months hence THE FORGOTTEN MAN Montreal Star Today Hal Banks is allbuta for gotten figure in labor circles His name pops up occasionally through suggestions that efforts be made to extradite him to trial on the charges he fled But his absence from ourmidst and the $25000 he left behind are better than having him here either in oroiit of custody Those who succeeded him those who were his coaccused in the ship abandon ment case are now off the hook for the events of Oct 21 1963 Some of course always insisted they were un willing parties to it all Their attitude in thetuturc will measure them as well as the legal decision menu miuiuuuuur of boron BUCKLEY Canadian Press Staff writer More than no years and an lrish sailor named Charles Lucas and an Australian sol dier named Kevin Wbeotley but together they span the rim coveted decoration the Victo ria Cross Their names are the first and last on the currenl list of 1345 men whose bravery in battle has been recognized by the award of the Victoria Cross The VC winners have come many races and coun Togeilicr living and they form one of the great companies of mankind thousands of miles separate The Victoria Crosswas first conceived during fheCrirnenn War when Queen Victoria be came no because there was no real way of rec ognizing exceptional bravery among the common soldiers other ar forces Sh mania Cross which she wrote we are de ro us should be highly mind and eagerly sought after by the officers and men of our naiiai and military services Thefirst VCs were distribu ted in 1036 by the Queen at special ceremony do the previous two llinkcd by the recogni of personal courage which has carried thchighest common it on their fellow men can For tiichving it is dwiit idling company Only 210 VC were known to be alive early iii year And the numher unless lhcwCornnion agai becomes sailed in lion and FROM RUSSIAN GUNS Compared with the glitter in stars and beiewelled dec orations of other honors the VC vasiand remains an un spectacularlooking Cast in bronze from llussian guns captured at the Battle of Sobostopol it is small cross will undoubtedly fall stead ly bearing crown rampant icgwords For Val our 0n the back is the ozone of the winner and the date of in Hyde Park London to 62 men for brave deeds in theCrimca Froquny Races Countries his award It is suspended from brass bar and maroon ribbon In the years since 1956 other decorations have been instituted to honor outstand ing acts of braverypBut the VictoriaCross remains the ul Several factors have tended to shorten the lists of living VCs For one the Common wealth has enjoyed period of relative peace during the last 20 years Only six mcn have won the Victona Cross since 1945 while dozens of for rmer winners have died in the same period of age wounds or illness In ladditiou modern war fare has involved an increasa ing reliance on longdistance tVeapflltSlLtlthlltE the num her of occssions when cons sp ic uous bravery in the presenccol the enemy is likely to be necessary Andnot least of all there has been growing tendency in this cenhiryjto award the VC for heroism which hasrc ulted in the death of the era TRYING TO srorrcu ii BUNT INTO ii HOMlE RUN rs Vfl uflw OTTAWA REPORT PC PowerBrokers Cant Spot Winner By PATNCK NICHOLSON 01tftWAWih 153 than four week to go until the ballot the sapwood contest for the Can scrvotivo leadership remains confused The powervbrokcrs of the party confess even ln priA rate that they cannot spot the winner yet cher before in Canadian pol itics have so many delcgates been wooed so expensiver by so many candidates Buffet sup pcii and cocktail parties gin andlalk sessions and picnics are being staged from St Johns to Vancouver island On this privatehome circuit the handlers of each candidate are hoping for their man to be exposed beforeand to create favorable impression uponall those who will be voting dele gates at the September conven tion At the Conservative partys annual meeting last November the party split bitterly into al most evenly matched meicf and antibiof factions On that basis it nppcarsthat Conscrva tive leader Dicfenbaker com mands the loyal support of near ly half of those present at that meeting Does that mean that the same average sentiment will apply at the leadership convention and that Did could influence their votes WANTED NEW LEADER Ranged on the other side are those who in November formed the loose antiDiet coalitl put togeiher on an ad hoc basis by party president Dalton Camp These wereall ill favor of new leader they were by no means all procamp or ready to throw their weight de hindhia pandidate Camp there fore has faded to achieve the role either as king or as king maker Nevertheless he has after excessive talk and time put forward his ii id ale Nova Seotias premier gtRobert Stanfield has been an exceptionally good provincial on aim Exocrine fd Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart meat Ottawa and for pay merit of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays yearly Singiscopies 10c By mail Barrie $2340 yearly Ontario $1200 ye motor th Wolf 515 year ltla out Ontario year Ont Canada 51 possesy sions 515 year USA and foreign $25 year National Advertising of fices 425 University Avenue Toronto 540 Cathcart St Montreal 5M 1200 West Pen dcrst Vancouver BC Member of that Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Agdit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex elusiver entitled to the use for republication of all new dispatches in this paper cred ited to it orloo Assocated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein premier advertising man Comp has written his speeches and managed his compalgns and enjoyed his governments advertising accounts over so many years that the staunch proDiet group which is by def lnitlon violently antiCamp will tend to he antiStanfield This sentiment will be reinforced by the public support offered the same candidate by wellknown antiDid MP5 from provinces outside Nave Sculls Dalton Camps support for Stanfield raisa an interesting point Is it compatible with tht required neutrality of the Dual tion of party president that prsident Camp shouldso ob viously favor one candidate ohéad of the others Equally is it proper for the elected head of one of the junior Conservative groups to be working presum ably as hired hand like his felllowimrkers in the camp of another candidate The Con servatives seem to have be come very regressive in their concept of propriety WHAT IS DIETS ROLE The enigma wrapped in puzzle confused in tease is the role of Diet Hs mv of unquestioningly loyal followers BIBLE THOUGHT For he that snwelh to his flesh shell of the flesh roan car ruptlon but he that south to the Spirit shall of the Silk reap life erEllaSllllg Gblatllns 68 There is not only play back but pay back to life suggest that hemight play any of three roles at the conven tion the complete neutrol the benevolent kingmaker or the preelpltotor of another cleavage like that of last November which would leave the Consor vailvc party bleeding to death an the convention floor month ngoi it seemed that he might even be candidate to succeed himself as leader now that seems improbable largely on the grounds of the loss than robust health of his wife This makcsit the more likely that he may wish to en sure that the leadership do rnlvcs upon someone who like himsolf would keep it free from the influence of those he regards as reactionarles the top Conservatives remaining from the era of George Drews leadership With nobody showing dcclsive ly in front situation could he shaping up where horsctrading andcompmmise will determine the bsue at 1335 lNVITE LETTERS TO THE rotten The Examiner lnvltcs eon lrlbntlons to II Letters to th edltor column on the oil itoriahpagc When possible letters should be restricted to 300 to 400 Words and they should he signed Writers may use pen name If they dclt alrc gnctgzgggg The towers of Oldeueboc rise above Its busy harbor ln tlieSt wamnéeifl Quev bed is unlq among North American cities the only walled fortress city on the con yulor cities for English ciiiiiioiis sroar Once no aowmuitg in the early days ormnaa both Britlo Ind Inc med the Indiana or much posllble to do their fighting The French often incited the Huron Caugbnawagal 0t tawn Abenlkl and Ultimo to pussm Brttlab oorrunuriltles to New York and New England Toe brltlnh urged the fierce 1r oquoia to raid Llcbtne Repeotlouy PoLate qu Train blea Bouebervllle and other settlements in prebéotday Que be The British were fbrtuoate to having the lrvquollfor olllel because they were better war riors monthsother tribes However there was disadvan tagc because ibolroquola were also smarter and they began to reallzo thatthey were being used by tho British In 1591 they countered Brit lsli demand with reasonable argument If it were important to kceptho French to condo ual slate of alarm as British loadora said then it was equally important for the Brit ish to do their shore of the fighting ATTACK MONTREAL So it was decided that Erik lsli force under Major Peter Schuyler would attack Mont rcnl lle gathered no English and Dutch soldiers at Albany and followed the usual route to Montreal by LakeGcorge and Lake Champlain thzi Schuy ler reached point on the lib chclicu River about 10 miles above Fort Ctiambly he left his canons and began march through the woods The objecn llve was LaProlrlu across the river from Montreal Although the attack was made on rainy night Aug 11 loin and La Prairie was taken QUEBEC OPINIONS This ll Iclectloa of di torlala on current loplca tranrlated from the Frenchlanguage pres of Canada Montreal Lo DovotrMr Duff Roblin after months of waiting finally made known his decision to be can didate for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative party ltfr Roblin shares with Pre mier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia Lwo nualitles which other leadership candidates cannot claim Neilltor of the two men has been directly implicated in quarrels with Mr Dielean kcr Each has shown for sew eral years that he is capable of winning elections and of administering public affairs with competence and honesty The entry of Messrs Roblin and Stanfield ink the race raises two important ques tions Which of the luv men will have litre better chance to convince Mr Dlafenbokcr not to he candidate Which of the two men will have the better chance of recruiting topiriarnking collaborators in Quebec province7 To the first question no one wants to hazard an answerr Hanover we noted with inter est that Mr Diefeabakerhim self last week inmost the an nounccment that ltlrhoblin would be candidate This he did apparently without aeri mony irony or spitefulness Did the old leader wish to in dlcatc by his actions that POPULAR OUEBEC TOURIST our oneni The heart of French Canada is one of the most poplt To nine Fighting used by If ire the fight was one of regional lo Candi in Schuyler and the Iurvlvorl of his force wouldhover have es caped if it had not been that one of the French officers Vl renna was stickler for obey log orders They were to stop Schuylera men from getting back to tbelr canon He made breoatwork of log across the path and forced Ibo British Dulch force to storm lt Forty men werekilled on cadi side but Schuyler got through The stir mlsh was completely unocoes sary All Valrenne needed to have done was destroy the canoesvand Sehu ylor woulfi have been trapped OTHER MIG ll EVENTS insJohn Davis began voy age to Arctic nosAcadians summoned to Fort aimberland and too were out in prison PlPrince Edward Duke of Kent who became the father of Queen Victoria took com mand of 7th Royal Fualleera at Halifax insFort Nlagaro handed over to US as result Jaya Treaty tossUnion Amendment Ith made Legislative Council cloc tlvo lmlanitobabntario bound ary adjusted idolSir Hector Langevln re signed as minister of public works as result of patronage charges lmMtnlmum tariff were cxfendrd to France toriCanadian Federation of Home and School Association was established at Toronto milBert Hossell ond Par kcr Cromor attempted to fly from Cochrane Ont to Sweden tautdwerc forced down in Green an rdles with llfr Roblin candidate he himself would be more in clined to take wellcarnal retirement It is to be hoped that that the case The gen eral feeling is that lllr Dlef cnbalrcr should retire with dignity and elegance This gesturo will be rruich easier for the old leader now that Mr lioblid has become can didate As far as French Canada is concerned Mr Rohlin at tho outset has an indisputable advantage over Mr Stanfield The premier of llanitOba speaks French very well and is fairly wolf known in many Quebec areas On theothcr hand his Nova Scotia col league speaks labored French and until recently was little known in Quebec ll ls clear that everything will de pend on Mr Roblinsvviews on the important questions which preoccupy Quebec The Manitoba leader will have to define his position within the next few weeks Of all the candidotes Roblin is the one who will have the most chance to interest prem incnt men in Quebec There were published rc There were published res ports yesterday about the possibility of last hour drive which would make Jean Dra peaulcadcr of the Conserva lives We do not believe in this possibility The mayor has job to nish in Mont real nits witlbetime little later for one or other of the parties to call upon the services of MrL Drapeau and for him to make himself avalhhlc Claude Nyoa Aug 52 speaking Canadians tori pin

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