xrw c735 g7 29 sass FIREMEN POUR WATER INTO FLAMES AT 0DD FELLOWS TEMPLE one renew TEMPLE Fire Hastens Demolishment Fire Thursday gutted the cod St three days after workmen began demolishing the lieyear old landmark Flames spread to the hall from pile of debris at rear cor icr but tircmen dont know who set the rubbish ablaze Ora Leaseholds Ltd who were having the hall demolished to erect an office building carried no insurance It workman with National Demolition Ltd who was in the building when the fire started said he didnt know the rubbish caught fire However it is suspected that children playing in the area may have been responsible Varkmcn said they sent youngsters away from the old building three time during the day The blaze broke out about it was familiar to at least two FDIIOWS Temple at 85 Collier oclock in the afternoon and quickly spread to the cedar shin gle roof Bythe lime firemen nrr cd flames bad engulfed the bui Firefighters on re water through the doors and windows until pm Vorkmen had moved in Tues day lo start demolition of the old landmark to make way for new office building It was built in 1887 as lie formcd Episcopal Church by breakaway group from Trinity Anglican led by Senator James Goivan The building was sold 45 years ago to the Odd Fellows for $2500 and had been used as meeting place by the lodge since that time generations of young people in Barrie as weekend dance hall and was popular among service men stationed at Camp Borden Yesterdays fire spread rapid ly from the southth corner of the building but neighboring of fices were not seriously threat cried Firemen were still pouring wa ter on pile of charred lumber at the rear of the hall two hours after going to the scene Flames had apparently leaped from the debris to the gablcd roof before being detected by workmen in side Crowds lined Collier Street to watch ilreme pour water through the shattered stained glass windows in the front of the building FIRE WAS RESTRICTED TO 80YEARgt0LD COLLIER STREET LANDMARK vvulSOilRG€idBiiugETTVBE Restored To Rebuild Mill Work is expected to start later this month on restoring Coulson gmlll road and bridge where it was washed out by spring floods some weeks ago Scores of visitors continue to inspect the spot where gaping hole some to feet long Was left in the road by gushing waters which carried away mill more than century old The mill will be rebuilt after the road is res tored new bridge has been recom4 mended An inspection of the scene showed the Zlurw of the Goldwater itiver hos subsided considerably and is back to nor mal nature the dam was washed out apond area above the mill made anattractive place and it is hoped this pond will be rteestablished Residents said thousands have visited the scene since the wash out oi the dam and mill and thegkeep coming although bar ricades have been placed and signs have been posted stating the roadis closed Asmall rural community lo cated around county road 22 which borders Oro and lifedonte at this spot Coulson has had more visitors this season than in years Warden of Simcoe County George MacKay lives at Is lay Farm about milenurth of the community HorseshoeVale leyiski south Originally built in that by James Coulson the mill was wellknown throughout this area It toppled after defeat wide zaioot deep chasm was opened when concrete dam gave way under pressure from gushing flood waters of the Goldwater river duringheavy June rains MISSING MAN Barrie police discovered no trace of missing Barrie man in search by divers in Kcmi penfelt Buy on mIIHSdWi The search was instituted as pre cautionary measureutter car owned by James Spring of ion ittulcaster St was found aban dolied in the vicinity The tire sauce of clothing in the car led police to suspect the missing man may have disappeared in the lake Awards Night Program Held At Codrington Except for those directly In isoloigd an swords preseniltion en ym ordeal Such wn not lemme the Butt Perks and Recreation lerdl night progrm held lust night at Codrlogton School The twohour program was kept Ictlvcb presentations of slots byehli rco from various parks in the recreation warm it did an admirable to of con taining the squirm and chatter of over zoo youngsters watching Many parents were also present chk Morrison chairman of the parks and recreation comlt irutteeustnrtcd the evening by welcoming parents and young sters to the swarm night He commended lz directors and five 11 gunrds who ran the program from Queen and Lions parks awards were presented to win ncrs oi the Bicycle Rodeo by Corporal Ralph Berry oi Barrio City Police 31 Robson irom Queens Park unners were Bob arch and Dohflpbamb from Jillhbson for the boys and mists Spanis Queens and Susan Wallain Lions Track and Field day awards presented by Lynda Gigg went to Julie Hudson at Codrlagtorl ton girl nttdete and Doug Lamb of Johnson 51 top boy Awards and crests were pm sented throughout the evening to various winning tennis among them the Girls Danish Ball Team won by Queens the win ning Junior Boys Baseball team won by Grove senior girls soft ball team by Codrington sea ior boys softball won by Shear followed by swim awards boys all star baseball team was also chosen The golf award was won by Julie Hudson and Charlie Miller while Ron Botr belteand Janice Osborne won the tennis award vae most popular of the many mterestlng parks presentation was the beauty contest stag ed by boys from Grove and Oak ley Parks ab Pour Questioned In Theft Case car wanted in connection wrth athett In Vaughan Town sbip was stopped in Barrie on Thursday afternoon but after questioning the four occupants were allowed to proceed without any charges being laid The Barrie detachment of the OPP received request from on the lookout for car in con nection with theft in the town ship The car was stopped on Highway 00 in the vicinity of Essa Road and the our occu Pants taken to the OFF detach ment for questioning Following questioning by of tlcers from the Vaughan Town ship poliee department the men were released It is nothing short of amaz ing exclaimed Arthur Quin lan Strathroy lawyer in refer once to the progress made by Barrie during the past quarter of century resident of Strathmy for 23 years Mr Quinlan once attend ed St Marys school in Barrie and also BarrieCcntral Colleg iate before continuing his studies in law His tether the late Daniel Quinlan was Sim coe County treasurer for some years until he died in 1923 The late Mr Quinlan was then succeeded by it Coleman father of the present treasurer Jack Coleman who discussed county administrative changes with Mr Quinlan when he call ed at the county building COUNTY CHANGES three have been vast chang in county administration too since my lathers day said Mr Quinlan as he commented on the modern new buildings and greatly increased services Mr Coleman pointed out there were just 21 persons on the per manent county staff when he started back in 1931 when he was aclerk on his fathers staff Today there are morethan 350 Barrie has changed great deal too said Mr Quinlan who Following lit by youngsters First overall in the rodeo was Vaugiinn Township police to be AWARDS NIGHT pmng of the Barrie Parks Ind Recrea tion Committee last night in eluded trophies for top boy and girl athletes from the field day competitions held July 21 Doug Lamb of Johnson St Bark and Julie Hudson of Mercury Dips To 45 Degrees Last night was the coldest this month the Base Borden Weather oftice reports The lem pernturc dipped to 45 degrees The big temperature of 63 degrees compared infavorably with the months highest lem poruture of 72 degrees At least 16 places in the pro vince tied or reached record low dayt temperatures Coldest point in the province was Nak inn where the temperature mai ched the daytime record low established in lost oi 56 degrees Numismatists Set Meeting Two Ontario Numismatic As souation slide feauirettcs will be shown Thursday at the next re gular meeting of the Iluronia Numismatic Association the Loyal True Blue Hall High St Lundy Island the story of the famous tokens issued by Martin Cole Harman will be the first feature followed by World Fam ous Orders the story at meri torous orders of the world The meeting will again fea ture an auction in which mem bers and guests may participate lifembersand gusts are again requested to bring displays for exhibition at the meeting Impressed With City Progress itfr Quinlan was much im pressed with Barries new Cen tennial Park and the laketront improvement The lakeside road from Hayï¬eld street to Allan dale was picturesque route which gave visitors line view of KcmpenieltBay This made an improvement which is cer tain to be more appreciated and valued as time goes on re marked the Strathmy visitorr FIVE CORNERS Discussion of Barrie schools and parks also brought wards of praise from Mr Quinlan who said it was difficult on compare the Banie oi today with the town or 3000 in 1930 He did mention the Five Points intersection traffic man strosity which made Barrie uni one Mr Coleman mentioned that local people are used to it and take the many changesin lights and uniting periods as matter of couse But it was easy Do understand how it could be come confusing to visitors It was there when lived in Barrie but traffic conditions were much diftereiit then re marked Mr Quirdan While in Bande Mr Quinlan was greeted by Arthur Evans MIPP Centre Simcoe represen tative in the Ontario Legisla mentioned in particular the at tractiv are available at Adlandal than you imagine Why STEP UP TO 49 errand Ila note 19 nus clL Lots of patterns colors In FLOOR TILES Lumber patterns that will give your floor look of luxury for lotless not call in to Atlandale Lumber and let the expertswork out your estim ate Youll be glad you did Lumbér ringlon iron these awards Presentations were made by Lynda Gigg and Helen McAr Value of construction in Bar rle during July almost trebled the corresponding month last year and pushed the years total close to the $7000000 mark Building inspector Chris Spaois reports 63 permits issued in July with the value up in rest dential and commercial categor ice The increase over 1966 figures is now $2083821 with 421 per mils issued some 129 more than last year During July the building de partrneat issued permits valued at $29155 jump of mm over July 1966 New dwelling permiLs were up $139100 from 5209900 in the corresponding month last ycar other residen tinl permits showed an increase of $102632 from the July 1966 figure of mold and commer cial jlmiped 5106750 to 9139050 The only decrease came lathe miscellaneous and monsters able category which fell $14140 from last years fuly mark of $11600 No industrial pemiiLs were is sucdrin July last year or this year Over the first seven months of 1067 the building department is sued ill new dwelling permits 150 permits for other residential construction 49 commercial per mits six industrial and 75 mi cellanoils and nonassessable Their value was upinthe residential commercial and role cellnneous categories but down in commercial and industrial New dwelling permits issued by the end at JuLv were valued at $2324u10 an increase of sliaa2to over the first seVen months of last year Other resi dential permits increased $101 051 while miscellaneous and non assessable were up $1047593 from the 1566 figure of $2362 365 However Find Body OI Toronto Youth 0R1LLiAThc body of James Conrad Budd 17 of Cairns Ave Toronto was found floating in Lake Couehirhing yesterday by search and rescue crew The youth had been missing from the municipal camp grounds since Monday at mid night wh he had been camp ing with his grandfather Fred erik Budd also of Cairns Ave Police said the youth bad mk en 15foot aluminum boat with hp outboard motor from the camp He apparently took the boat out on the lake during dangerous high winds Monday night The boat was founddragsins its anchor in the lake on Tues day about four miles tram camp commercial devel tlinr Various team awards and tropines for golf tennis and bicycle rodeo werealsn Construction In City Nearing $7 Million oprneot has dropped $91398 to States and arenas to 553000 Residential construction reprc seated the greatest pmeatagc of building during July but over the first seven months miscel laneous and nonassessable have the edge Last month residential devel opment constituted 767 per cent of the total as compared with 826 per cent for the correspond ing month last year Connner ROBBERY Noncw leads have been dis covered by the Barrie Police Department in their investiga tion of the theft of $21000nvorth of clothing from Craig and Sons mens weer store on the weekend The thieves cleaned out all 250 suits and 200 pairs of trousers in the store but ignor ed other items and apparently made no search for cash WINDOW SMASHED plate glass window in the Colonial Restaurant in Barries West End Plaza was smashed sometime during the evening Nothing was reported missing from the restaurant and the only damage appeared to be to the window NEWSPAPER BOXES Thefts of money have been re ported from several newspaper boxes in Barrie recent The Globe and Mail box at cor ner oi Vesprn and Bradford streets was broken open as well as Barrie Examiner boxes at the Gray Coach terminal the Lake view Dairy Examiner oitice and on Dunlap Street industrial from Local 1th GENERAL EEE DER pmcntcdi1t01 LEFT Lyn da Gigg Doug Lamb Julie Hudson and Helen McArtllnr ciai building constituted 227 per cent about double last July and miscellaneous nod nonassess able was per cent as com pared with 91 per cent in July lftilo Over the first seven months 531 per cent of the construction in Barrie was in the miscellan eous and noaosscsrnble category as compared to 02 per cent last year Residential was 375 per cent emimercial 133 per cent and industrial one cent THEFT OF CABLE The tliett of 70 foot reel of copper cable from Esstview Se condary School was reportedby Lloyd Bristow Ltd plumbers The cable is valued at approld matelt $6 per foot WINS TRAILER Winner of the Barrie Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club draw for camper trailer was hirs Brown of unit 196 Barton Ave Barrie Proceeds train the draw go toward the work of the conservation group in this area KIWANIS SPEAKER Peter Gitl tield oilicer of the Nottawasagu Vallcy Conserva tion Authority will address the next meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie The meeting will be held at 615 August 14 at the Bayshore Motor Hotel Chair man wflt he Ralph Nicker son THEY LIVE HIGH Twothirds of the inhabitants of Guatemala live more than halfamile above sea level illiMfS ttillliES MttiEtS llils ails Write in RR if Newmarket BlilTAIiES CEEDERLOG BUILDINGS LTD sale chruzntntivn in Most Area See our displaycorner of Don Mills Rd and Davis Drive Caznarrth will enable you to have any at the modern conveniencel you will and um retain the chmn of use uillrr log horns Cedlr used nae only it natural ueuury out for in high insulating mg mien thus enabling in in emu nme in tit mars ms or Canada The tori are machinedried then Ihapcd to uniform Ina pattern design with Iongunl and grooves in pmvide wt tiertight aim when mumblea Even the crou nlnu machined to win we call the Sludic buck lollll nah entrn available only from when run when you receive your Ocean wn package it will be may for mam lly by you or your contractor wear To Know moss ham and we would be glad to am you mm Information bosom gt 7261466 Irr endorses flue 1426lnclusivel library will Be Open From 200PM 530 PM library Will Be Closed to The ViveningshSoi Mornings 9341 9th