Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 2

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HUNDREDS USED THE EATING FACILITIES THE WITNESSES SET UP AT oounnn more at Toronto centre delivered the key ad dress of Thursdays session of lehovahs Witnesses disciple making district assembly at Barrie Arena yesterday Vith will HIT 4000 MARK over 3100 Attending Willi955955 Assembly Almost 2800 persons attended the opening sessions of the four day jdl ple making district assembly ol Jehovahs Witnes ses at the Barrie Arena ycster rday afternoon By pm he crowd had swelled to more than 3100 Donald Trmt convention chairman pointed out the scho larly intention oi thonssembly program saying This is time or learning time for refresh ment of our minds Let us be truo disciples the lrind that rlcarn mth view to helping others The program continued through the afternoon against the background of Biblical sceoe olJesus disciple mak ing on the Palestinian seaside Key address of the days scs jsion was that Mills ot the Toronto branch of the Vatcbtower Society Miaistervaifi Baptized Today Before crowd of more than isciples of Clwist After accepting this responsi bility they were conducted cross Dunlop St to the pool of the Brookdale Park Inn for im mersion Approximately 300 latives and other interestedlper sonsrwitnessed the ceremony To Jehovahs Witnesses the day of oncs baptism is the day of his ordination It is then he lshows himself to be truly com jointed Christian wear insistence that all Dhristians he ministers of the GoodNervs stems from the arrangenront ot tha early Christ Iian congregations where there uere no clergy laity slons Bdore the irnmcrslon Don nld Treat chairman of the dis frJpla making llistrlet lneinblyof Jehovahs Witnesses ond leitthc arena Mr Mills posed the question If there is really God hr heaven why doesnt he act to help people live in peacel God is very much alive to the plight of man he answers ed He has set timerto step in and vanquish his enemies the enemies of peaccnnd hap piness Thattime is now May we not be counted among these enemies At the end of his talk Mr Mills announced the release of new publicationrto be used by Jehovahs Witnesses in con tinned training for the work of reconciling peoplelo God The bohk Qualified to he Ministers was described by Mr Mills as handbook otvdis ctple making Assembly officials expressed optimism thatrheir announced attendance figure for the week spoke to the audience at the arena on Baptism of Those Who are ed all those had the decision to be disciples to stand He had made clear that one must already be disciple before he is suitable candidate for baptism The entire group that rose an swercd yes to number of questions which Mr Trost put to them These included Have you re cognizcd yourself sinner and needlng salvation from Jehovah God Have you acknowledged thatthls salvation proceeds from Himand through His ran somerJesus Christ tllhile the baptism was being performed the remahrder of the delegates received ionstructions and yuggostlons on making dis crples in the Barrie area They were then organized coverN the oily doorvtodoor groups him are convention chairman Trost left and Russell Hershey oi the Barrie congre gation and sessions of 3500 persons would rise to 4000 intended originally to accom modate Witnesses mainly from the Barrie and NorthcroOntario Districts the gatheriug is now taking on an international fla VOI Allen Archibald accommodat ions manager says requests for sleeping quarters have been re ceived from ten of the United States four provinces Trinidad Kenya and Rhodesia The Rhodesian delegates have been serving there as mission aries and are now home on vacation for six Weeks Convention officials point out that delegates are not especially selected and sent to conven tions The meetings are for all the witnesses and each pays his own way and makeshis own travel arrangements Dozens ot teenagers were busy at various duties abput the arena under the supervision or their elders In some ways the atmosphere is more like farrrily reunion than ligrrnts meeting ronncnsl TORONTO EFT Marine rssuedat so am tooayrvaltd until it am Saturday Lake Erie Lake Ontario Northerly winds 15 to knots today and tonight Cloudy Lake Huron Georgian Bay Northerly winds 15 to 20 knots becoming northwesterly to to 15 this afternoon and westerly to night Fair Lake Superior Variable main ly northwesterly winds it to 20 knots becoming west to south west in to 14 this atternooo Fair FIND OLD ANCHOR KINGSTON Ont CPlWhat may he the anchor of French ship that sailed Lake Ontario before the British won control in 1758 has been recovered trom no feet ofwater about mile off the Kingston water front HE ARENA YESTERDAY FATALDltOPS At the turn at the century it was common or so people year to be killed in elevator aca cidents An accident at noon Thursday resulted in total at $700 dam age to the two cars involved car driven by James Alan Viktil 73 oi 90 Henry SL Bar rie had about $200 damage The second car driven by Ernest ry 52 Barrie lrad $500 damage The accident happened when one of the cars went through the other veldcler Charges are pend ing CARELESS DRWING An accident shortly after midA damage to only one of the two cars involved car driven by Archibald Looker 47 of 35 Dunlop Street Barrie had 575 damage in the accident The second vehicle had no damage Conviction onva charge or careless driving resulted in fine of $25 plus sasso court costs for Stayner area man Thursday Appearing before Magistrate it Foster the ddendant Hans loacbin Dittrichholeaded not guilty to the charge of care less driving He was charged after rearend collision on April 14 which resulted in $1200 damage to tho two cars in volvcd vealed that Diurichs car hit vehicle which had stopped his hind stopped school busdriv ing the iirst vebizde lorward past the bus and almostIhitting child who was about to cross the highway to board the bus in attempting to stop behind the first Vehicle Dittricll skid SEEKS AIR LICENCE British United Airways has applied for licence to operate regular passenger service to Montreal and Toronto Juan on Max Stuartshaw managing director of British United announced the applica tion to the Air Transport Board Wednesday and said air traffic between Britain and Canada now exceeds 350000 passengers year and is increasing at grassland CAR AND muck lEliSlllfl LATTRACTlVE YEARLY sores CALL 7265474 allows DRIVEACARX Essafid Allandalu Herman Ecadway 37 oi as Per stop signnata corner and was involved in collision with that night resulted in total bl 575 which was parked at the time Evidence given in court re Memory blank Man SaysOt Fatablllisliap rpidirr trvmauo Borden was final 30 pin unto in costs alter he pleaded guflty to charge of careless driving hid following an mldeot to arth another soldier from Base Bor dart was killed In Magistrate Rosters not on Thursday Private hodr trick lmepb Morrison 16 of Base Borden plowed guilty to the charge to evidence presented baton the court Morrison rail he was unable to rcmenber anything in connection with the accident witness to the accident raid he saw the car being driven by Mormon appmachiog him on the highway then go onto the shout der on the wrong side of the road and roll over coming to mt on its root Both the driver and thootsscogerwm thrown out 01 the car when it Ivllcd Tho engcr Laurence Bri aani dens 20 of the Black Watch Regiment died at the scene of the accident Morrison was taken to Royal Victoria Hora pilot in Barrie and the trans lerred to Sunoybrook Military Hospital in ibmnlo The acct dent happened on Highway so lost west of the Snow Valley road on June 21 during the early attornoon Testifying on behalt of Morris on Malor Dixon Cottingham who was president of the Militer Court inquiry called to inves tigate Glddcns death said the otlictal decision was no person or persons were to blame for the death He admitted the Court ot inquiry didnt know of the witness who saw the acet rlent at the time it was held CITY NEWS THE EARME EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST ll 67 $700 Damage in 2Ccrr Collision Maker has been charged with cnrcloss driving ONE 155W only one accident was investi gated by Barrie detachment of OPP during the past Moor period Two cars collided on Hile it just north of the 6th conces sion in Cm Township when they had duticulty stopping at some barriers for uorkbeinx done by the department ot highways One car was driven by Asa Martin 72 oi as Gowan Ave Toronto and had about sloo damage The second car was driven by David Arnold of too Exbury Road Downsvicw and had 5200 damage One car ran down several warning cones setrout by the department and the second car ran into the rear ot the first vehicle There were no charges laid and no injuries Hit Parked Vehicle Found Guilty Of Careless Driving dcd 194 feet before hitting the stopped car it had been raining and the pavement was wet at the time to direct question tram Crown Attorney Thomp son You were driving too fast for conditioml the defendant replied Yes musthave been Magistrate fl Foster found him guilty as charged Battery Their Is Reported battery was reported stolen from car parked in the vicin ity of the Canadian Tire store sometime during Thursday eve nine The than at the battery was discovered shortly after mid night when the owner attempted to start his can The incident was reported to the Barrie Police Department by Ron Abbott of $er St mBarrie llaal snouloER cuors Pure Fork SAUSAGE Clarks l9 ox PORK78 BEANS Large Green CAanAos lso callur 52 rncrurms to beavalllblo were outlined yesterday by at Royal Victoria Hospital with Donald Cameron hospital ad completion of the new addition Donald Cameron admlnlstra tor ol Royal Victoria Hospital Yesterday outlined to Barrie lto lariaos the services and facilities that will be available at RVH with cornpletloo of the new eight otorey addition Among the added services will be psychiach service dcslin cdeventually to serve most ol Slmcon County 1er service started last year presently has one psyolrlatrkt and will include psychologist when one is found The intensive care unit pres ently only three beds will be greatly increased offering trill roundtheolock service train specially trained staffg The first floor will otter in creased Xray and emergency ward facilities and admlotstra tion olfices to replaco present tacllities described as pitituily small Last ycar the hospital handled 14000 emergency patients with an additional 2000 expected this year The second floor will provide space for medical records sec tion as well as laboratory stor es and change room llenry Greenidge Remanded Week In Barrie Court weeks remand to August 17 was given James Henry Green idge all of Toronto when he an pcarcd in Magistrate Fos terfs court in Barrie on Thurs day Grecoidge is charged with attempth murder He was charged in connection with the beating and stabbing at on July it on sideroad ncar Crown Hill about five miles north of Barrie Howell who was tak en to Royal Victoria Hospital for treatment of his inturies was later transferred to the Toronto General Hospital and placed in anintensive care unit Howell was discovered on July It naked and lying in ditch by farmer who was checking his cattle in the area He had several stab wounds in the neck shoulder chest and abdomen but had managed to stagger al most mile tram the place he was attacked to where he col lapsed to the ditdr Grecnidge was arrested on July 15 in Toronto is connection with the incident and returned to the Simme County Jail to wait trial surrender ytlthBEits City Police 7zsssss Fire nip ore Hospital weslmuo SPECIALS AT DYCKS VARIETY sroae 45in sron $1qu iron 29 VARIETY Slllllt nosaso William Howell who was found ministrator in an Address to The hospitalvstarlcd school for laboratory technicians two years ago The first six alu deals to complete the course will Ernduotc at the end ot this month Thcdifst floor in the sixfloor tower section will house pharv macy as well or expanded physio and occupational urorapy sections Mr Cameron rcvenled plans for deck area where patients could be token for trash air He suggested that the Rotary Club being experts in fountain con struction might donate small fountain to be placed on the the Rotary Club of Barrie FROM LEI1 Dlggle Mr Cameron and visitor Bob Hunter Tells or servicesfro Be Available At RVH for my patients at the hos pr He also commended the club as citizen ot Barrio for its contribution at the Rotary foun tain at Centennial Park The next two floors to the tower will contain psychiatric facilities and 34 psychlatric beds Floors four and live in the tower will each contain at medi cal boos while the existing medical beds will belused for chronic cases Top floor in tho structure will bouso board room and chapel work is to be completed year from September To Call Tenders Soon For New Nursing To cope with an already acute shortage ot nurses a$loooooo building for the regional school ot nursing will be put up for tcndcr shortly according to Don ald Cameron administrator of Royal Victoria Hospital The structure should be com pleted year irom September said Mr Cameron and will ola fer bottr residences and teaching space The government will bear the full cost of construction in previous years 30 to 35 stu Scliool Building dent nurses were graduated in this area 1er is crpected to increase to so this year and about as withlcompletion oi the new facilities Students in the regional nurs ing program are presently train ing at Midland Penctaag Allis ton and Collingwood Vo are one of only two hos pitals in the province with program at nurscs training like nos Mr Cameron stated it is separate corporation that will completely divorce educa tion from service careless Driving Results In line For Trenton llreav Man plan of guilty to charge of careless driving and having fine of $35 plus $47 in costs for at Trenton area man in Mag istrate RFosters court in Barrie Thursday The charge was laid against Eric Elande 50 of RR Tren ton alter an accldent on High way so about half mile from the entrance to Base Borden Thecar driven by Blande side swiped parked car at the side of the road Blande stopped and reported the accident atthe cntraoca to Base Borden HAVING LIQUOR pleaoi guilty to charge of careless rivmg and having liquor in place other than his residence resulted in total of $60 in fines for Maltoo man Thursday Otticers from the Orillia de tachment of the Provincial Pol ice stopped car driven by Ver non Alan White 23 of RR Multan on Aprfl Thecar had been driving in an erratic man ner in the passing lane at about 40 to 45 miles an hour belora police stopped it After check of the vehicle ititoodthinktheidistillery noted for its well police charged him with having liquor in addition to careless driving Magistrate Gordon Foster lined him $40 plus $165l costs on the careless driving charge and $20 plus $1250 cost on the possession of liquor charge wasscarorrok Saavrcss Slit£7 on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 301Blake St Barrie Shopping Plara aged whiskres Would have theyoldest Canadian whisky available in Canada 18 years oldf tAndlts too good to save ordyior spacial occasions wlSGRS Drinkawhislsy that older and Wisezs WimsteLlooaAOyearsqld Wisers 101 Byears old Wisers Old years oidina protective carton WisefsSpeaal BlaidAyears old WEEKS Dimm BET1mg CANADA

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