nrws mom Policy Is Urged By UEBBC President Dï¬too Camp of tha National Pragmatic Conservative Asso ciation Thursday urged re Realignment alignment of Canadas foreign policy based all formgn aid dis armament and nonprolifera tion of nuclear weapons In major address before the partys policyadvlsory confer ence itfr Camp said believe Canada can create sense of itself through the creation of foreign policy that is demonstrable expression of its uniqueness The basic pillars of the poll cy are not NATO NORAD and the Unned Nations They are disarmamcnt nonproliferation and the dcvolopment of spe cial role in foreign aid and as sistance related to both our unique capacity and our spocrai hucrests Crash Kills Four itlAGOG Que CPlFour persons were killed and tvm others injured Thursday in twoear crash near this commu nity 35 miles southeast of Montreal Dead are Roland Dion 63 of Quebec City and his two sons Jacques iii and Pierre eight and Daniel Hendrykowski 17 of iloiton Centre Que Tile injured were reported in good condition in hospital To Open Plant CENTRALIA Ont CPiA Eonepoonhmd industry will open plant at the abandoned Centralla air base before the end of the year Alan Etciign viccchairman and managing director of the Ontario Develop mcnt Corporation said Thors day lle said the CDC is actively negotiating with second firm and forecast all seven hangars at the former air base would bl occupied by industry within year Seek ilir Rights LONDON CWindependent British airlines bidding for share of the regular passenger traffic between Britain and Canada expect Canadian Pa cific Airlines to make recipro eal application eventually in Ot tawa spokesmen said Thurs day CPA which operates mule across the North Pole between Winnipeg and Amsterdam in tile thhcrlands is known to want landing rights in Britain Extend Sessions NEW YORK APlThc New York and American Stock Ex changes Thursday extended the abbreviated trading sessions through next week to give brokerage firms extra time in which to whittic dovrn mass of paperwork that has accumu lated during recent record vol ome The boards of governors of both exchanges ordered the earlier closing hour of pm continued it has been in effect since Tuesday Usual trading hours are to am to 330 pm The governors said the nor mal trading schedule will be re sumed Monday Aug 21 panama eesglNirL ForDiet TORONTO CPlAlvin Ham ilton one of nine candidates for the leadership of the Progres sive Conservative party said Thursday that if John Diofenba her should seek to remain as leaderof the party he will no doubt gain the leading number of votes on the first ballot didnt have any doubts about it before and now that Ive been up and down the country know it Mr llamil ton said at pressconference iic saidthat at the moment there is no leader in the race started out to win more dale gates in Ontario than anyone else he said After month of campaigning in Oninriol think Ive been successful Now have two weeks to do the some thingin Quebec He added that unless candia date is capable of getting the lootingnumber of delegates in Ontario and Qirohcche should not be leader of the party DALTON CAMP Seeks GrassRoots EDMONTON 0P Premier Stanfield of Nova Scotfa Thurs day called for downtoenrth Progressive Conservative Party that seeks purposeful chango for Canadians of many ballots The candidate for national leadership of the Conservatives also called for more system atic approach to policymnklng based on party research and footing at the leadership level for grassroots thinking Prisoners Escape SUDBURY CWThree flur wosh industrial farm prisoners escaped Thmsdoy while they gore milking cows in the dairy arn Robert John Hineheiiffo 19 of Fruitiand near St Catha rims and Lawrence Alexander Davidson 24 and James Siltrll or 20 both of Chaiham Ont escaped together Hinchcliifc was serving to months for breaking and enter ing with intent Davidson and Shearer were serving 15 months definite and six months indeter minate for theft breaking on tering and theft and attomptin to break and enter Beach Settlement MONTREAL CPtA calla tract settlement providing wage increases that would add an av orogo of $2000 to the annual salaries of CNR locomotive on gineers was announced Thurs day by officials of the Brother hood oi Locomotive Engineers Wright assistant grand chief engineers and head of the unions negotiating committee described the new threeyear contract as the best in my memory Short Mystery OTTAWA CPlA shortlived mystery blew upand quickly collapsedThursday Whether Health Minister Mao Eachon had indirectly declared candidacy for the Liberal lead ersbip The confusion arose when ox cerpts from speech by the minister showed up in the Par liamentary Press Gallery Buy companlod by rrrimeographad copies of newspaper column which discussed possible Liberal leadepr candidates and gave strong plug to Mr lilac Eachen Show Disageerment QUEBEC CWCapital gains shouldnot be taxed as earned income as recommended by the federal Royal Commission on Taxation Progressive Conserv atives were told Thursday study grounat the partys advisory conference disagreed with this and other commission findings in critique that may serve as basis of the partys policy of the future Airline Surprised VANCOUVER OP Oiiicials at Pacific Western Airlines Thursday expressed surprise after learning that PWA char tcr aircraft has been running guns to embattled Nigerian fed cralrforcasin thewestAirlcar nation Jack iii PWAS vice camp Gets Years MONTREAL tcPllteienn Vaillaoootnt 20 and You Gagnon is both of Quebec City were sentenced Thursday to two you in prison for herb ingauxldrtvcrwithlolron bar Claude Lalonde suburban Lasaiic policeman testiï¬ed that the Mr into taxi driven by Oyrlllo Quunel 60 in downtown Montieat Quesncl was beaten about the head with an iron bar Backs Proposal TORONTO CPlKcn Ery den ï¬nancial critic for Ontar ios New Democratic Party said Thursday the NDP backs Premier iobn Robarts recent or op or al for closer fedorah provincial cooperation in fiscal policies hfr Bryden who represents Toronto Woodbine said the pro posal itlr Robaris mode in itfontmnrcncy Fails QUIL Wednesday was along the lines of what the NDP has been advocating for some years Riots May Flare TORONTO CWRiots that ravaged Detroit Newark and Cleveland recently could flare just as easily in Canadian cit ies Bishop Joseph Gomez of the African MEUIOdlSt Episco pal Church said Wednesday night in an interview he said Anything can happen thought Cleveland where live was most liberal city until woke up one morning to learn differently Bishop Gomez was here to address the opening banquet of the nth Canadian annual con ference of the church lie is the bishop of the churchs fourth episcopal dLstrict which in cludes Canada and several northom US states Fires Increase OTTAWA CWThere were 2063 forest fires in June that burned 446000 acres of Cana dian woodlands an increase from 1231 fires and 211000 acres in the same month last year the forestry department reported today There have been 3391 forest fires in the first six months damaging about 551000 acres in the same period last year 2962 fires burned through 244 tltltl acres Probe Complaint 0ND AlliScotland Yard is investigating comi plaint that former Conserva tive cabinet minister Duncan Sandys re he Britains Race Relations Act in tolcvi sion interview Police took action after group of West lnoiian immi grants dernondcd that Sandys be prosecuted During an interview July 24 Sandys called for halt to im migration and said the breeding of millions of halfcaste child ren would produce generation of misfits ScotlandYard will hand its our srAMr our srnnnorns None are quite so alone as the stranger in town or the newcomers to the neighbor hood Remember your last move how you felt as the moving van pulled away howyou more than haiiwisheo youd never come Spars your new neighbors feelings such as host Let IhoWeicomeWagonHostess bring gleatlllgs and gifts in Ihem at home bangers gon today tienf rn coarsercorners was commenung on London reports that PWA Herbuies from Brit ish Columbia has been flying Britishmade arms into the bat tIo area He said he had no idea the aircraft was being used for arms shipmcn CARRIER MISS YOU if your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by pm please phone 7282433 And Copy of The Exsminer wru lio Delivered To Your Home by pan THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS ONTARIO and Quebec will continue cod today but warm er weather is expected for Saturday and Sunday Sides Foster Mother Refuses will be mostly clear Thun derstorms clearing tonight aro Nrecast for the lfnri tlmeo The western provinces rr in mm narrows rumor sooner on Turn Sunny Warmer burner on Saturday will continue sunny apd worm iigoroson the map lndlcate expeued high temperatures today ICP Wircpholnl To Return Sisters PRESTON Ont CPlA 13 yoarold foster mother Thurs day refused to return too little sisters to the Grildrens Aid So ciety because the society plans to split up the pair Mrs Arthur ï¬nnvreli locked her doors to two stunned social workers and kept the girls Peggy and Valerie in the house Tho Childrens Aid Society dossier on the complaints to the director of public prosecutions who will decide whether any further action is warranted The Race Relations Act for bids statements on racial issues designed to lead to disharmony Champ Defeated JERUSALEM It rcnco Day of Ottawa Canadas junior chess champion was de feated Thursday in the second round of the world chm cham pionship by Victor Emnde of Argentina Day had advanced to the sec ond round with victory Wednesday over Gudmondar Sigurionssunef Iceland The junior championship is biennial event for players under the age of 20 lieenact can BRANTFORD Ont ODTile placing of the worlds first iongdistance telephone call which took place Aug 10 1876 was reenaotcd hero Thursday llhe call 91 years ago ori ginated in Brantford tele graph office and was received in Paris 0nt eight miles away The original transmitter and iron box receiver were used for mil simulation oi the original on Buy some sherry invite group offriends simple But what about thesherry Thats eve wants to split up those two children put than in separate homes sold tearful hils Thriirelll Wnt have it Theyre going to have to bring in the police dont give damn what their policy is Those two kirk are like glue thc yre inseparable And wont let them be broken apart Mrs Ttmhrcll tried unsuc cessfully to telephone Prime Minister Lester Pearson or On tario Premier John flobarts for help iiunsborger director of Waterloo minty Childrens Aid Society in nearby Kitchener said his staff plans to separate the two because two iamilies arehrcady to adopt one child cac RELIGION DIFFERS The childrenare Roman Catholic while the Timbrells are Anglican and it is society policy to place Roman Catholic children in Roman Catholic homes airs Timbeell has accused the society of putting protocol before people We even told them Ill bning the children up Roman Catholic if theyll let me keep them iilrs Timhrell said And Mrs Paul hforin next door has voluntceercd to take them to the Roman Catholio church with her every Sunday Mrs Timbreli has raised nino chiidmn at her own in 23yeors of marriage to construction worker its an awkward situation Mr Honsberger said We know hirs Timbreil has repu TO SELL lSRAELI BONDS NT tCPtilfaior Raanan Lurie of the lsraeli Army has arrived in Toronto to help promote the sale of State of Israel bonds tann osn finemother and it is good family The two sisters urrivcd at tho Timbrell home last Jan 25 on two hours notice from the socl otylbcy had been abandoned Mr Timbrell was at work Thursday when the social work ers came for the children but isycarold married daughter hfnrgaretsidod with her motto or against the social workers gives every indication of being Gear and cool again tonight Saturday should be sunny and little warmer The weather man has made nopredletionl for the weekend The overnight lowrecord downtown at the Examiner Office no to degrees Tholernperaturo at 950 Ian was 60 degrees roitonro tCPtOffi dal forecasts issued at 530 mm todly Synvplls large high pres sure area centred just west of the Grcnt Lakes over Wisconsin and drifting rslowly southward the main foaturn controlflng Ontarios weather for the next day or two Today and attain tonight temperatures hr the em Ontario and as the high set tiea southward this warming trend should appear in southern Ontario tomorrow and Sunday This along with considerable sunshine today and tomorrow promises to get the coming weekend off to fine start Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ni ngara Lake Ontario Lake Huron southern Georgian tiny linllborton region Win London to ilomilton Sunny with few cloudy per iods and continuing eonl today Clear and cool again tonight Saturday sunny and little warmer Winds north westerly 15 toilgbt ilLQW Forecast Tempenlures Low Milli Illlll Saturday 50151 it 50 hfuskoira North Bay Timmlns warns ruun raucrt RENTAL nirsmnss 1259627 lee flow Quickly JOHNSON no DUNLOP Opposite The Queens ALLlENES PRECISION enounoro YOUR EXACT NEEDS N0 EXTRA CHARGE FOR nurse LENSES on PRESCRIPTION sunsurssss NC APPOINTMENT NECESSARY PETER STREET sourH onILuA ONT Hours Open Tons thdu Sat am to pm Friday nites Ti pm Closed All Day hfonday Phone 3251601 SINGL VISION 51395 Complete with from lenm and Corn BIFOCALS $1995 Complete with From hitter and all Bifocnlsfif requircd Kryptok litter or Flat Tops tllfllllflll TB III IID IIIIDlltEIIAItS Hilfll JOEIIIISIK flittilflllllti Fltltl IT Stle llill PIIEES llfllElt muss lEPtllEll Ill lEleiEfl fillilE III WAIT WISE litllmllii srs KING AND save Among Brlghisiine Canadian wines is remarkable sciention oiremark able sherries All different all todiflerenttastes Theres President Sherry for Instance axcallontt 7451mm is the most popular in Canada Erlghfs Dry Sherry tor those who prefer drier sherry Theres mm Solcru sherry an outstanding Spanishtypo vary dry shorty Canadian Cronin sherry the most distinguished sherry of is typofver produced In Canada ade trom different grapes Appealing siren RY PARTY novel gift idea Sherry Party Package collar at Brights line Canadian sharrles makes onlnexponslvo unusually welcome giltl Brights rm CANADIAN wines SINCE rm PhonefBrights fortree home delivery