Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 13

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TUESDAY auntier more an no no 5K NIHII lWolaek Monaural vtPtlttmat hustlers kn mi IIthi II 01 have Lucy ilriem Mrtn mm 70 llxmonorwm LVualioll nua femnu uina oiiow when or moron tNrn specul Oooaoaoms ClW glliual in spam Grinder roman suavei 119101va arm moote ocanm Planets L00 liuula hlah um 1w Hullabaloo Homalntlon 13013 Maul llama royal lm 630 IWlliki 521 Hanna rumor 1Windou on Wot IlNoil 100 srooar Ihrb Km 54mm Ebolanun nu 130 000 so lisaiuuual noun 000 Hut Kluam 30 HIV lile ilAibm sued 000 IToopfl dGuilon Morten Tniaunr rar boom anomnarnoosa IA Hat In Wait Stxro This rt illi aim Theatre liviirii lloecauml wila in item Wort An Hack IA Luau tLor Ol Llio Mia 0000 1000 ssnap Iiidlrnaat Humid Cumin the ham erratum TV SCHEDULE Tin sonata 2mm FRIDAY nuousr It unites gm orro ChZBuiiaioCh3¥BarrieVCh4531111010 arming Barrie fifixm Ch7BullaloCh9TorontoCbllHamiitonV murali sLanda and seal STraUlaaatrr TNm GNawa and mm owaaiaar IIovl How Guiltr spru lIM NIX Bill Flotil Bad Tor his other sAa to ward llesm 11o Mm Born 100 Lunarem mm 10 titular mm sIaddowue TJMHII Hur ans lu XN 90111 an 12 gm Weather swm llnairiari 1150 aaosm caron HP Em Fall In Tho 511 30 Noellth 1Iavadara OTho Audion 000 Ilill Illnil 1110 alro lotter onietr Van Um Tnadty 0am Ilbhl Doctor 1100 Howard 3441an para oNaal Warm spam Tetovta It Wltas laat maml Iiarunlo Tow 111w um lzo lMln Grlflln xNoondu Ila rt Harsh or am row or Ivam Ila HimI Pam Tnmls out HWDIA Ila Gould 00 Hullr we rlaaa nllm tTo Iull tha hula TOenanl lso tlal Owluoa and um 3130 12123 301111 044 the rum 140 an IItl Your Ion liMm Dbullll CONTRACT saloon vulnerable The bidding has been FRIDAY AUGlilSII ll EVENING 030 000 lum mm mu out um surety Him 5M Berton Tilly Bellini Latm liilom tsouln sa woasanl Mo SUNDAY AUGUST EVENING lMavla aaln wumr Miami llTlny Talent Tiar Fm PM 700 1000 su ror sum OLaadl 00 sJttnnls 0mm Lan uncl v30 iviolla Vaflllllil thddlo Star lGoil Cindi 008011 Boone 0100 Ai In liMoryil um tslatlcrya Hurricane 300 Idwrtmltn lFliooor LJllm suture 1iiiovia tlho Deadly loam Lanna Naw Sean 000 io11a The Bomb Oompfl tom swux aimy 4101 cenolry Lima lloraa 1m Momuniull aalrlra Doiqu Show thrnl Ilium la was 010 sVmuon Ttnla OMfivlt Tm Cavalry bCnanm all Cattle nlivel iliaca and lily 11 700 Howl Weathefa Sports 1Voyan Islnllum ilTul hiluiol 7J0 sw iiinu sil Landlord 0ilaA0mll illoa Hal lIliat Patrol 1010 sPrm LW to My Lip LTh Land In Paopla ilhluaia Go Rom 1100 10 our Sports ll Huaaaai ll OMQVII The Na 7ilovllm twhm Tbmonw com 1100 0H llcrut nail an runny Lamina of Southampton ilIll mm 710 zTarran awtla was rout 7Ttam Tunnel 0Hatols and rattl cells 500 1130 SAihlilla History lJolulliy Clmll DMoala Alum The Mull ltuadnd thawing Us liica lTho Snorkel illflaunt Ililnd 1° UNCLE Gin irora ov smart erratum nonl bltorana llama Blaea mount IMailbia Uncle Tm llMIH oriula 1ooo Hmu ran DIlluizn Impoarlulo 1m usualNan Weather Sports Pnrtridga Tractor Service Presents flle llomrllte XL Chain Saws Hwy 11 North 715215 500 Slam air Traci TSl Siltild llTullliy Thulll lronim fhl Niriltl 530 50 Land and sun TNIWI eon 0NIIIv Wllmlh Snort IIlovlo Adventure 01 Tom ls sm Sullivan add euiuvao 70 llMovla this Lona lions miter 310 aDoot mill al arram or Insulin 000 tBonlun anonan 50ur Piano Norths double strong sags seals spade su port all it he confirms this is raise you are almost sure to make ten tricks if you evaluate the hand on pointcount basis you have points in high cards and the equivalent or more points for the HM distribution Soma players would jump directly to tour spades which is certainly reasonable alternative One spade You have ample strength for voluntary over WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 040 1000 100 tsuurlu Bombs aConsantratlan oatm ma Istllrn lIhlo snnu sIvindow on tho ABnori Itlilbllllu ahmheoo Date Hug il From world Hanan altovla Tarragon ontaa figs swams wonln BRIEFS same we IiNIWI slilairnn and atrial new AIR scnvtcn Answenng 5am RICHARDSON 100 aToday khmmm 33 Worldiluru REGINA CPLAir Canada 5mm 5mm Tn Variantma will intmduco ocs latltner le End Repairs mews dualism 1400s on mung ivnv n1 sarlioa between Regina and other major cities Sept Wat North on Booth mla Whatwouldyoubtdnowwlth each or the allowing tour Annual AM oqs e910 siren 241am glam an uses AQJASH allis as ld¢01513 ya am MOM 1100 YEAR slamlo Ion ANY World amnurea Phrases 1110 studs lt 7Rockat Ship mucosa Go rnlcctcd nWit the vcxtm protection of State Farms new GO insurancs Arranged gkostantlyi mu ma lulum HARRY PROMM 14 Davidson Slrcet Barrie 734101 State Farm Fire and Casualty Company can Head Oifite Scarboroush Ontario Madman district sales mom said Wednesday There will be our such flights daily Westbound flights will operate to Vancouver via Calgary and nonstop to Edmonton With connection to Vancouver East bound two flights will operate iaVirlnipcg to eastern Can adn one to Toronto and another nonstop to hientreal TEST SPUTNIK CIIUTE MOSCOW ReuterslNo ull manned Sputnik have been launched by Rilsslato lost new parachute system for tu lure cosmonauts informed soulcm said Wednesday The new system toilows three months at ground tests to discover what went urban in Russias lost manned flight when Col Vladimir Komarov crashed to death aboard Soyuz on April 24 SATURDAY AUGUST 12 MORNING ANT AFTERNOON 050 Hurlrlle Semesitr 7Uxal News 1100 Hlutcil CIilo aOaplaln Kangaroo llEii macs 030 2iicrciiics ItHoooy 1100 7crsprr Ml Hanson Playhouse fan ZMr IIin tuts Go children liOu dbdoorl UnitnaiL gran VI HUMP 1130 Hpnra Kidsttea irilo Spare Ghost 71Ile Beatles 2Sacrel squirrel tsupornlan pLono nearer 11300 Time chtsnns Cartoon LThiJ rs Expo oLone runner 7111an The Monster alnn Bonita llCsaneron On Canada 1200 zWrils Farflo fllslcm islnhpraa aTns Ecltzlts 7Etiagllla Gorilla 100 zUpbeat Lsnooktr onarai nevlew 7cnaolp Bowlinl 11411 Lancelot 130 4Port taner lllnterpol 2100 Turn April in Parts van Horldld Canaan nusmtss on PROFESSION Night and DayEvery Day Reliable Iricndl Courteous Theres ways an Answer 0913 Mary MONDAY AUGUST 14 MORNING also zwtnaow on the World eSunnu Semrltu 700 aTodv AEaily Nawl 7wtudow on the World 730 Tnoerusip 000 SCIpllln Kannroo 000 iturllverrtly or the Air 900 2Toppcr Carllon Frederick pnompar Room 7131111 tor Dollars 11Dd Aiitn Timo TJacir La Laurie 4Neuu OUncle Bobby Illlawkeyo 1000 2smp Iiidlment iiIaittla Picnic 7160411 1030 zOnnrantrallon oileveriy lliiibiliiu IDilelilla ocutoau Playhouse iiErpo 1100 2Peraonality tAlldy Grlflilil Talolleylnoon luau 0hlcllll10 Phrasal iiltl hutch 1100 zYioibwood Squm 3221 Allan aDiak Van nytu TFamlly Glllla 9liylnr Doctor iiHonnio iruddcn 1100 zJsopardy 4Ncws Veatller sLuncnooll Data 7ltllovtil The also who came To Dtlllierl BTorolllo Today liuot Hm 1230 2iielv Grislln JNewl Veathtr AGilldirig um isumn For Tomorrow AN Wheel Alignment Shoclts Balancing 160 Vespra 72683711 AFTERNOON 100 JLullcoeon n11 rfiaaltu Ina atulerr va 0IioIvio Confiden 01 130 sMovle Bud To The World 4511 lb World nu llMovte Over nl Odds 2100 Loav oi Our Lives trnuwora 1Nowllmd Gama 230 Irlloclon Illoula Party vnmm Gin nPeopls in Conflict 300 ZAnolhrr World sTaks 470 Tell the Truth IGrnrral Hospital 0Word and start 330 IYau Dont Sly 354 or Nlrnt ATha Ed oi Nizilt 7Supem1all snow Sita Your Mov iIvIlLlsl nonalas MONDAYAUGU91 14 EVENING 400 liPettloosr tFoneye Tnoclal sills 1mg mmu Splinilywwd Soum 44 Allan Hlpulll Kannroo but ETV mum 141nm oun ariyln portal TJIHIHI For DOUIII liBonn Fwd BRomur Win liAlbort itlld one iTO El odalilon marten 7H llonalugv IND II fiHpAiien 910 HICK IJIIIII IAVI OI Lila bUncle hobby IIlekeyl 11100 ISlllv Judgment 0CI0010 Camera IIUtufl Ilobi l00 AFIIIIOM 7Ntwlyw=d Garlic 200 ITfla Doctor 07100 Plfl Tnream Girl Howi in Conflict 300 Mouth World pTalla so To Tell the Truth lGumai Hflivllai BWolds and lilaria sso ZYou Dont SI smo or Nlrht 1200 Hoopardy lMWI Ind Pall INIWI IIiovio The Mall Who Came To Dinner ITomnlo To llstot Lilla 1210 zltlerv orluln aNaonau lta ort tsaarch ior olnoh TSuoerrnaa alts Your Move ilIllitl Damn WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10 EVENING 14 05112 Walla may liilargzr Berton higggggfgnmd mu AGolnor rm zNatrl Wnaur 1000 5133 Sits Allan GIAWOII Thoma lMgn Gnflln oaunuu mo 11uitleri llabo mm mm 130 zVlr lrllan 13070llNewa him In 9910 Vuthrtr and Sports iiPlcfle Burton 1130 Hahn Carson afiilrlurl salovias No Time To an Younst aNam summary lltlovilo mu Spect vary ONews Weather and Sports 00 lttillla Dnuslaa SComlmllileate one seem stores lava Lil Lat Lvacation noss aTrutn or consequences acalnnsl Theatre iodattri llwondy wood pecrrr 500 5111de Wood lprcker LPelry aims 7Bltranu ilFalnlly Theatre talnwinx Wild 500 1Plflwr¢ Two Hanada Outdoors 600 sGmn Acres Iltionmea illtiovll It Thundcr or nnlnlsl 010 LEO Hope Tnaya at our Ltval lTbe Idle of Nitflt No nolrunlp in general when partner double for take out he has at least the values for an opening bid in replying to the double you therefore represent the degree of strength you have in much the same wily as though he had opened the bidding Of course Easts bid relieves you at the obligation to respond and with poor hand you would pass voluntary bld shows at least moderate values While jump response under such cir cumstances indicates gamego trig possibilities Obviously this leolnt hand is likely to pro duce game opposite double and jump to two notrump is thereforein order The absence heart stopper should not be permitted to stand in the way North is practically certain to have heart strength Doublejomelhlng ts rob ten in the state at Denmark East is probably fooling around and the best way of exposing this is by doubling him it tho bidding now takes new turn which Is highly likely you can then show the spades Partner will thus learn that you have heart and spade length as well as highmard strength neces sary tor such bidding Two spades Th era Is good Ichanca oi matting goma opposite double and tha best way of informing partner of this is by Jumping to two spades You would probabl have thought game llkal North had opmed the bidding dealer and you should not call and you might as well spent your place right at this point of course the spadesare noth ing to brag about but you have to make do withwhat on were dealt Remember that eileel ou are leaning on an opening id by partner and probable spade support Parliament Should Be Recalled Over Strike Diet PRINCE ALBERT Sask fCPiPsrllamcnt should he called into peclui session immediately to deal with threatened strike by 5000 mem here at the Sealarors Interna tional Union Opposition Leader Dleienbalter said Wednesday Legislation can be passed by Parliament toprevent lha threatened Aug 17 wolkout while conciliation efforts contin ue he said Thls thraetalied strike should not take place Recom mendations made hytha board of arbitration to prevent strike are reasonable and Can adas economy shauld nntbo loft in the custody of 5111s lead er Leonard McLaughlin Mr Diefenbailer also said in all interviewa strike would be serious setback to the nation al economy preventing western Canadian farmers from ship ping graint 700 LNEWI sPotttcoat lunauoa Hlbd western my Rldo 1Get Smart BFalnily Mills iiLittla People 730 ZMollkua 0sina Alon 4Oilllsaua island 7Euffola aiils Kickoll aaavsrlsy Hillbillies Hm not sut mm lysterv Intro ovlo L301 Hop Luau Sacret lyml Ill Si 100 onllmlooma sooua Girlaway APaper 01D llltawkya MVEIIIUII 1000 zslanaa ir arranaaustriu rr TFOPIYB osunrray ll80lmlo model Iitiovla toonquest or llmne car llhiovle The Night lti Num ber Callas Up 030 llnonpa need feel less bullish Just because it was West who started the bull rolling Ml Land and Sea 8wa0 out 61 43 1hlavla They Rode was 030 sauuuyarlultlar alulks Douala asmet atom ol Love Lucy 420 sVaeatlon Tilda 0431101 or dances atloricu Witness For lho prosecution lIrtreoall x1 500 Junction uerendiflty sinners OBil Vllily liMarv Grilth 1000 ZRlln POT Your IA ENEWI lullaan kCoronrt Blue 1200 2Cool McCool sNews snoaa nonpar oluovie maps to Japan iischslltzel Hmtso ABANDDN CLIMB WHITEHORSE YT OP Poor wealher has halted third attempt by an unidentified tourman palty to climb Mount Steele 100 miles west of here Campbell Ledlngham manager at the Alpine Club at Canada said lVednesday the group was taken oft the mountain Monday by helicopter limitless TRY EXAMINER WANT Abs CALL 7102014 NORTHWAY nus CO LTD Formerly Universal Rog THE iiousr BROAD¢ SPECIALIST WALLTOWALL BROADLOOM MIDDELS AUTO BODY Conlpleto Collision Its Spring Tuneup Time NORTH YORK MOTORCYCLES airmain ODucail 93511 OMatohless INorton Fast Repairs Service to all makes nuling Speed Equipment 15 Essa EVI NRU DE Headquarters SPORT HAVEN Shanty Bay no 7201001 THURSDAY AUGUST 17 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 1030 aIlssl The Miller rm miilva Hammum Humor Thutre 052113 mum Innocents In Paris Mmi Human ihumen 130 sltovla 1omorrow At Tell oAa to World Turns 111mm iNew Orleans 200 zDays at our Lives lParsword 1Nswlywra Gama 20 Th Doctorl Flgoula Iggy rum lPeopic ILCnllfllct 300 29301 World lIn rail lira Truth iNaua 7Gullral iterator arWores And Music 330 2Ynu Dont Say spdrroi Nightr final1le otNtslil 740nm snow attr Your Move 330 Esau Rd at Barrie lilry 7200601 SATURDAY AUGUST 11 EVENING 700 930 ZNaws roman trlstalr and ssioasrs Petticoats aaoanu Tabla Tpiccaduly Palace 7Ilovlo nla To The Stars LATHE W3 60 0Gllxlsmok OIIIm For Your Li zFllopar 1030 JTarzaalv 00 elviglley llliinluies iAway Go 11Ouurans Island Only Two Can Play 100 1100 zDaldns on 47911Nawa lIMovla The Tires races or wm Ev into lidlo rumour Hm sso Hlt Smut Him Sunrise At Omnbello Lhiissitm Imwsslbll ILIWIuacd Walls sou 400 1401 clusls ilPtlli Gums 430 Lwlds World Sport Donna Reed 00 L11 rs Race Altrespirameln ll 7wula World Sport llsecret Mont 500 ZDarltter asuss Bunny 600 2weth Valley tlnlst in Space lClllllnsi Rlpolll iIiatl Sin Out 030 Lmundtzrbtxds 2er tnlewls 711 0V Ni lrtmlra Ailey 2Mov1e The ley Takes llWrestling twins or rim Fiycl SUNDAY AUGUST 13 lliORNINGvANDVAFTERNOON TRocket ship Lao 1030 sHerata Olgame acul ur Skim Name only Dec 3on up andKu IlClmtlnwtli Minitun 323 guklodw 130 3Dvy and Goliath 9Carlooal Pllyholise Hm new 7nullwinlile Tlssuea le lrLacmsse ll00 Mrnat Show 3Spoctnim QGod And him 7Discovery 67 0lldata 1200 sNawr Weathnr JSnnred Heart tNsws Weather 14an Film altallan Alhuln 1v 115mm 1230 zMovla mls Fury dials $0203 Mac 560 llFather areas IPeraonallty lOnoe Momllll oAndy or illyarns rlroneymon lines oalaaturea Phrasnu 1Ilta install 1130 znotlywood aquarer Allan aeicx Van Dyna 71min Gama onvinr nests lIBomw Pmfldfll ankles ONLY 24gtHour Restaurant lousecooked AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION EXPERTS itlalor Minor Repairs Compiele Car Care WESS TRANSMISSION nasrnunaurl SERVICE 7253591 mm 205 Ninth rt on meals It on 2Y rd HAYTERs ANawl Sfuhr Roll 14 not My Wifes Bast Friend Jioronto Todr llatot Lina 1200 zMrrv Grluio Nonnday Raporl ijurcitjor lo Homo mm lulu 710in Trooper no LMWI TUESDAY AUGUST 15 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 000 1000 100 zthdow on tho lConclnlnuon lLunchlan DI World ioevuty Hillblllln illseune lillaar Dateline Tnmtwa 10011 VTflflllli Francis llllaxrlua 130 alt as wéée 10 Ml CI meliow uhvl°w IOniy Woman 200 2Day 01 Our leesi tpauwnro 1Nowlywad Gama lbw 230 Privltna stones zraa Illicit lvhiumtarl 4Houro pm 7Drlifll am nPmpla in Eonztat 3100 aAnotusl world sTana fhirt 14 Tall tile Truth TGunerai iloopiial ftWolds and Marla 000 2Ydu Dontsay smro or Night aTna Edlo oi Nlm 1surierman Show Dlta lruar isova IIMlh Douala sllr Plpcr Ln Lucy ml 103 lifhin Tm kaolingig prrm ocnastm 55 zlnlovla llnD zigzag Ind Sea 3emililt5ummerl it LN Fm Tlmuk Nails Weather Sports 500 7Pm Netball 30 Mn IBrwluhed zasilmvy Clavori kn Spam sAirmi Hitchcock IvItfeatflger 02pm E0 any summm P1 Ti senses one am Sons Mm 0w on 201 llNewl 9M Iillail hilnli 1101300533 slat 150m LISTnu Semester pause dy outrun nCouniry lltuliu rlau sum 771 IlNewa 700 01110 730 EPopoyO 7RMket 511410 llScllllilxel Haul 000 tCsptaln Kllillm orv University Tao onompar floats iiAlbait Steed 000 Zliomier Lceflton mderi 7016neyflloon El Winner nooln 11121 Allan non Hack La Liam Films INevawed Guano SUncilt Bobby uiIawireye 1000 snao icauaia ti udrol camera 700 114m Iranu 3130 ociulstapner liaiazlirliloiseue 300 Hgnciillur kwoad of mo flBenny arid CnclI llSacrcn Hnln son 21m one an Pliovla titamll and The Deadly remotes 1Llaus itBihlestorlcs 3000 zCaptaln Slilm Ltoald 7KlnX Kori uCartaons walrus 030 auncla Terrys club 7Ruckobhip tillallan IDlIXllli 1000 21 Answer tIalmvUmga My 14 HR SERVICE P11011173 7260551 For Qualified And Certified Technicians 1100 2Prrsomlil stiaod Ilorailltl kAnd oi billbatrv 7Koneynloorl iuca otraotareo Prima Illta Match lEarly News 130 Taockrisnlp 800 04 gt natal manner 30 2Hollywood Squares 7Dlalirut For Doilall aad Alian Lilaivusiiy tor the 4bit van Dyh Air Trurnly Gama 11Altlart Steed 9Hyinx Doctor 000 zTopper 40nrlton Predeficks 7Dtullnn For Dollars oltnmper ltoom lilld Allen THURSDAY AUGUST loevanNa so aw siuiko Douflaa endoscope sCommuniaate lanil The Secret Etorm tllnthl 3110 IllLy 71ilat Girl 930 2Drasnet gt LWorld 0n Stlxa 71ovo on nooltop zvia oamnna SIAM Hot Summit 75Itmmer Fnclll itth Rite 033 Icot Ids moguls Cat Formerly Ualversnlflus Titan em Wrath 50 use HUMIer Carson aolrl Front Uncle illoia iTflml On Train IMITVII finial or nova anll two cities slum uatynery Tooaua vvtnnos STOCK or REMNANTS ON HAND ff 14o Nem womanspr llPiarranerton 100 znawr wmlm Sports STiml Tllnnoi OTns lamest am BBIImlll IlthtlaatHuiN 100 Loonoort lLucy show fBltmln 0its ulna llcaadla Camera 000 aMan tron UNCLE Troop 9Pro Football liMovia Llihl Hook 000 tMy Three Sallil 70 Mwhod Aurwen unsold iicThis Soacl Ase 200 tCethedfll mm Art on 7Neiriywzd Gama 120 LO Hropsrdy ltLuncheon nata oNmn News 71110010 The Man wno Camo To elunon sTornllto Today 1lltot Line 1ng 11191 Gflflln slimliney Rapon carols for lomnrV lladioTVllili DaeierFori Phlco Zanitll oiar 613 33 Collier St nvie Dakota incldzntl use 20 Land and Seal Marl Scoutlnl 7les 000 thtwy 5° 7llfovle Asslttnrrlant Outer sum 000 Hack LIIunto llel IlVKawkayo 1000 2qu Iudulliellt acsnSla Camus llwun rennin mask or To AVEnKOIl 300 210m oral XJUIV Graham llSpectram ss0 LClaeckmale FM

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