IO HELP WANTED FEMALE Heta Royal Victoria Regional Schpoicf Nursing QUALIFIED TEACHERS unconvinrmm It you are nurse with diploma or certificiteor baccalaureate degree in nurle education or public health and are interested in helping in this new progr phage or write THE DIRECTOR of Wellington St West ml local ï¬e Stlartes are at the Toronto level Ind increments perlcnee MALE HELP are given for ex CAREER OPPORTUNITY BENEFlCiAL FINANCE co or CANADA rcquim Young Man 2230 hrnior matriculation or eijuivalent pleasing personality must have automobile Good starting salary Promotion dependent on ability Excellent executive future for the individual with initiative and desire to assume responsibility willtlrhe largest consumer finance company in America Several positions open CALL MR HAROLD Tmle ACCOUNTANT Bctwccn 21 and 35 years of age Required by growing manufactur ing concern in Toronto Must be qualified to manage accounting dcpartmenl and supervise costing Also capable of compiling tax returns preparing monthly iinancial reports conduct internal audit and prepare working papers to annual audit Replystating age qualifications experience references salary cxpeciod BOX F31 BARRIE EXAMINER its Ant EXPANDING Sale lair brill iiltlelaed saier backlt mind dcsiiable but not euentlll If you have ambition and Ira Interested permanent ulcl position narrie tarminer tn rile Box rii MAN ml without sales lle pertcnee wlnted Must bl able to tonalrt own business About av erage rarninrr AonLv mmpuy Rluleigh Dept renown ions Richelieu st st awry Montreal ARCHITECTURAL office renulrcs Junior to operate aim nrlnt and dnniiutinr machines with cord btiity or apprentice drafting pon tIoIt larttlme might be consider ed Good sultry and worth coir dftlulrs write not aarrte Enmtner WE WANT MAN believer in his abutty who in not amid or hard work and who cxnecu to be eornpenulerl accordingly To the nun who nuaiuiu ire otter wennanent and Independent but lncsi career within the mine work or our national orllrttzatlon ror personal interview write our amt satminer CONTRACT NO 6719 TENDER for Granular Base Hot Mix Paving Storm and Sanitary Sewers Scaled enders will be received by the dersigned up to pm EDST Monday August 21 1967 in Tender Envelopes pro vided for the above contract comprising the following con struction on Bradford Street 2600 lineal feet of total road res construction including sewers as follows 77 121 concrete pipe ap proximately 72 lineal feet 30 21 21 18 12 con cretepipe approximately 1918 lineal feet 14 asbestoscement pipe ap pioximnlcly 1602 lineal feet 10 and asbestos cement pipe approximately 550 lineal feet Plans Specifications and Tendcr Envelopes may be ob tained at the City Clerks Ott ice iii Collier Street Barrie Ontario alterJuly 11 1961 for the sumrof Ten Dollars 01000 iililclt iillhot be refunded Imveslyor anyTender not necessarily accepted an STRAUGHAN City Clerk Box 100 rie Ontario TENDER sealed Teiidets lnenvelopes provided will be received by the undersigned up to pm August 21 1967 for the supply new trucks cab and chassis only GVW 195001bs min new truck can and chassis GVW 19500 lbs min com plate with body and hoist Specifications and Tender En velopes may be obtained at the City Clerks Office If Collier St harrie Ontario Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk itsihe Season To Advertise 728844 l2 TENDERS TENDER Tenders received until August is 1961 for the painting of Sirnud United Church Spectii cations al Truemnn Flatt 2l2 Victoria Avenue East Strouii Ontario SHELDON BOWMAN Secretary of Trustees 272 Victoria Avenue STROUD Ontario i3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday evening Aug 18 at 530 pm sharp for the Estate of the late SQUIRE JAMES LIITLE 266 DUNIDP ST BARRIE Sale of all machine shop equip mcnl tools household furniture including antiques and scrap iron Terms cash No reserve as es tate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for full list August Iii AUCTION SALE Wednesday August 23 at 1230 pm sharp For HARRY McDOUGAL At Lot 21 Concession rt Oro Township 14 mile south of Highway 11 and miles west of Hawkestone corner Sale of 00 head of Holstein cat tle these are mostly springing heifers and fresh heifers 100 pigs one show horse tractors and lull line of farm mach incry hay straw and grain Terms cash No reserve as the owner is in ill health CHARLES THORNTON and JERRY OOUGHLIN Auclioneers Watch for full list August ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Thursday August 24 at pm sharp For HAROLD BUTLER and MARGARET SUTHERLAND at PEELST EARRIE ithe corner of Codrington and Peel Sts Sale of all antiques The list includes glassware toilet sets china platters dishes colored glass chest of drawers settec silver pine cup boards lsomc refinished wash stands walnut buffet rocking chairs bells moustache cups spool beds lamps of all kinds and many other artices too nu merous to list Terms cash No reserve as the owners are going out of the an tique business JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for ftill list August 21 AUCTION SALE Friday evening August 25 at 680 pm sharp for the estate of the late JOHN WEAYMOUTH at 36 rKEItIPENFELT DRIVE BARBIE Sale of all household furniture including many antiques etc Terms cash No reserve as the estate must be sattlth JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for full list on Augy13 AUCTION SALE Saturday August 26 at pm sharp for LEO BODIMER On Highway 89 directly across the road from Purina Eatm Services miles straight cast of Allistoil sale of real good household fur niture including electrical all pliances and tools Terms cash No reserveas the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for full list August 23 my EXAMINER waivrs ADS vAucpl°N SALES Lt TEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST if 1361 AUCTION SALE Wednesdayevcning August 30 at pm sharp at the BARRIE FAIRGROUNDS received instructions from the Pnhlic Trustee re RHODA YOUNG to sell Iii her house hold furnishings immediately following this sale lherc will Belnotheilolofgood furniture including antiques Terms cash No reserve JERRY OOUGHLIN auqioneer WATCH for full list August AUCTION SALE SaturdayScptcmber at sharp For MARGARET BEWURT At lot 17 Concession Flo Township miles north otMin eslng and lI mile west Sale of 55 head of Shoribnrn caltle pigs hay straw farm machinery and somahousehold effects Terms cosh No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH for full list August 30 AUCTION SALE Saturday Sept at pin sharp for SOthIHOthlE COTTAGES on Grand Avenue north of Mosley Street WASAGA BEACH Sale of all cottage furnishings electrical appliances refrigera tors propano slovcsdishes bedding ctc Terms cash No reserves cot tages sold ARCHER COLWlLL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Thursday September 21 at 1110 pm sharp For STAN APPLEGATE At Lot 17 Concession Essa Township mile south of ivy Store Sale of 100 head of mixed cat tle 150 pigs 6000 bales of mixed hay is tons of grain full line of farm machinery 1559 International lirton stuck truck 1964 Customline Ford car etc Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold CHARLES THORNTON and JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneers WATCH for full list Sept 15 i4PUBLICNOTlCES THE CORPORATION OI THE CITY or annals NOTICE IN THE MATTER of the closing of Part of Adam Strécl as shown on Regise tcred Plan Number in the City of Barrie in the Coun ly of Simcoc TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication nflhis Notice at least once week for four successive weeks in The Ear ric Examiner consider and if deemed exp9dicnt pass By Iaiv to close and stop up that part of Adam Street according to Registered Plan lying be tween the Snnlhérly limit of Blake Street and the Westerly limit of the Penetangulsheuc Road which is more particular ly described in the draft Bylaw which may be seen in the Clerks office at the City Hall during office hours AND FURTHER TAKE NOT ICE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudic ially affected by the Bylaw and applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of theCity of Bar rie either in person or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent THIS NOTICE is first pub lishcd the 28th day of July AD1967 BEN STRAUGHAN Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Barrie by his Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM It ROWE IJVOivcltSlreet BARBIE Ontario NOW AT Of all the ingeniousways for secret agents to pass iniormn tloniliis seems the best to us and James Bond looks like hes ignitinglhe message Again siarringus Agent litfl PHONE resMia in1You Only Live Twice The undersigned auctioneer has PAINT OVER SIHNGLESY We have decided the brown mined shingles on our house looktno gloomy Can white house paint be put on over shingles which have been stained several times Ccrtaiitly But not vice versa stain over painted shing les looks dreadful BRASS DODRKNOB CARE Is there any special care needed fir bras doorknobs Tanush rornoterwlll get them bright brass polish will make them shiny and coat of clear lacquer or clear plastic spray will prucrve the results at least great deal longer than without this prpicction from gnrbby hands CHANGING FAUCEI WASHER Please tell me the steps involved In changing corn faucet washer have been told this is difficult job except for plumber With wrench loosen the nut which holds the faucet stern withdraw the stem This releases pressure on the washcr which rests on the bottom part of the faucet called the seat Bclore replacing with new washer use seatdressing tool isimplc and inexpensive to smooth the scat so the new washer wont be chewed up by forceprcssure on rough surface Any good hardware store stocks inexpen sive kits for this repair job con tnining full instructions and dia gram HOUSE PLANS would like to understand Obtain Court Order Against Picketing MONTREAL CPiUnilcil Aircraft of Canada Limilctl Thursday obtained court orddr against what it dcscribcil as massive illegal pickeling by striking United Auto Work ers at its suburban plants and brought 0000 damage suit against the cabin for disruption of business The trikE the first in the compo ys 40 years of opera tion in Canada began at mid night Monday following breakdown of negotiations be tween thc company and union over new work contract Tbc provisional injunction is sued by Judge Albert Mnyrand in Superior Court directs the strikers to cease threatening and intimidating cmployccsnt the plant gates trespassingmn company properly rcquirtng identification of anyone seeking to enter the plants and interior ing with the companys opera tions at Longueil Jacques Car liar and St Hubert The injunction named the United Auto Workers thc un ions Local510 which more scnls the 3100 hourly paid cm ployecs and 11 specified pick ets formal hearing is schcdulcd for Monday when the company will press to keep the injunc tion which remains in effect unti that day in force am To llIlJltG HOME By noose WHITMAN cl the level desired Over this house construction plus and methodsls there any source for such htlormation Many sources Consult your library or bookstore for titles Write in Sunset Magazine More to Park Calil Po ttlar Science Monthly 55 lexiisgtnn Are New York Cit Better Homes and Gardens es Moincs Iowa the American Home Mllnï¬e tan Ave New York City 10022 litany newsstands are likely sources too FLAGSTONE TERRACE am eonsldcring building nagstonc terrace patio at the rear of my house where there is lerel arca in the land slope Whill is the procc dura for this Excavator the area where the patio is to be constructed to depth oi about 10 inches Then place clndcrs innt nshcst in the excavation and tell and lamp well to within five inches put down threeinch bod of concrete using one part port land cement two parts sand and three parts of alone no larg er than one inch Use no ntora water than necessary to make workable mixiurc Follow this with selling mixture of three parts sand and one part cc meni As soon as the setting bed is levelled sprinklc it with at no iL dry porliand cement and lay doivn the tiagslonis in the we arranged pattern being sure the stone ls thoroughly wct when selling it Point all joints with mortar mixtutre of into parts sand and one part cement PARCIIMENT SHADE bought secondhand floor lamp with parchmcnt shade The parchmctit seems dried out and is dirty but treatment do you suggest To clean the shade wash with any mild soap or deter gent and water rinsing well afterwards with clear water and wiping dry To refresh the vparchmcni rub lightly with cas ing oil flr with neatsfool oil Report Chilldren Assaults Alarming TORONTO rtCPA Toronto scltool tnislcc says scxtial ass saults on children in Ontario have reached alarming pro porlions Alon Archer called for hint on of Torontofinanced $10000 campaign to tht inde cnt assaults in Ontario Mr Archer said llclro report ed more than i325 indecent as saults between 1962 and 1966 with more than 230 against citIriren aged two to is lTne Ontario Safel League estimated Brat Lhcrc rare 2000 assaults annually in the prov ince said Mr Archer litany go unreportedbecause parcnls dont wish to be im valved or because the attacker is relative or friend The $l0iloo campaign would be directed by the safcty league and would include film clips recorded announce ments and cartoons Lents Downed By Jacksonville at run CANADIAN rncss Don Hnsch was shipped to Jacksonville Suns by the parent New York Mets because he couldnt handle National League pitching Hc demonstrated against Tn ronto lilaple Leafs Thursday that International League pitch ing is muchlcss difficult The nimble outfielder cracked towering home run in tire ninth inning as Jacksonville downed the Leafs 42 Boschs blast followed aiaop ing single by Ken Boswell against losing Leaf John Thib the dean 43 The homer was nec viiurriiiiii opening in Technicolor and Pnnavision now playing at Imperial Theatre lltrtt United Artists release Sean Conucrys lovely masseuse is actually Akiko Wakebayashi prclllcsl agent in the Japanese Sccrct Scrvicet going cssary because Jim Russi slashed tworun double in the top of the ninth to give the Leafs temporary 22 dead lock Larry Bearnarlh won his seventh game in 15 decisions In other games the league leading Rochester Red Wing bounced Columbus Jets and 51 in doubleheader Syracuse Chiefs edged Toledo Mud Hens 75 in 10 innings and Buffalo Bi suns topped Richmondvmaves 31 Two singles and ï¬ne clutch pitchlng by Tommy Arruda enA abledtbe Red Wings to will the first game and Lloyd Fourroux posted his first International League victory hi the nightcap Fourroux contributed an impor tant triple for the clinching run Backtwback triples by Tom Shopay and Tom Martz and single by Jerry Kcnney provid ed the winning nuts for Syra cuse ninthinning single by pinchhitter Bill Madden forced extra innings and Dale Roberts in reliet won his seventh game Veteran Ernie Broglio gave up three hits and Hal McRae and Cal Emery hit home runs for Buffalo which had lost 14 of its last 16 games DEflTHS Ry THEVCANADIAN rncss Pietrnsnnta ItalyVittorio Valletta 114 who as president and general manager made the Fiat automobile company Eu ropes second largest automo bile producer following brief illness TerenceMrs James En dicolt 70 wife of the dirairman of the Canadian eace Con grcss after lengthy illness MontrealDr Lemuel Er eaux 69 one or Canadas teach ing dermatologists MunichAnton Walbronk 66 Austrianborn British stage and screen actor after it heart of lack Sudbury Ontc Neil nir ney 46 deputy mayor and con troller of Sudbury apparently of heart attack while playing Thn budding Editor The Barrie Examiner Bnrrie Ont bdtrIO 13 ter DINING llVING liqu NJ 12 PIANIING Enclosed please metros for which send me the bookentillcd SUBUttiiAN urn counrnv nouns Thu Barrie Examiner NAME annnsss WASllGlt asiicn By HELEN GILLIES BUSIEST WEEKEND Tltn perfect August days and the growing popularity of this holiday itsort combined to make the busiest wcckcnd ever seen at Vnsaga Beach Police report that while they had big gcr crowds than over before lhttrc were no serious accidents no loss of lfe and very little thieving Tourist operators ol fering accommodation had only to put but the vacancy sign to be sure of customers GOOD FISHING when Mrs Toby Tait looked out her window one windy day last week site was amazed to see beautiful boat complete with motor bring carried down by the strong ctnrcnt Quick thinking Toby an ardent fish erman glut35d her reel put on her largest lmOIl and cast First cast missed but nothing daunt od she cast again and manag ed in get the hook over the edge of the boat then haiilcd it in nailed its chain to at log on the shore and notified the police They were able to locate the owner visitor to the bench VISIT SUCCESS Nearly 8000 guests paid Elsie and her twins visit in her houdoir at Wnsaga Beach over the long weekend contributing close to $10000 which will be used for the Blue Mountain Camp for crippled children The Commission Film 0f DeGaulle Visit QUEBEC CPIThe Quebec information and publicity office has commissioned the assembly of documentary film in color of the recent visit tilPresident de Gorillaof France it was lczimed Thursday Productionlol the short film input will cost between $5000 and 540000 will befcarried out by lcarrClaudc Labrocquc Montreal film producer Most of the film was taken by special camera crew which followed President dc Gaullc dimughout his visit to Quebec NT CPITile Oiiv tario Waterinesources Commis sionsaidlyedccsday Chisncller Ganton Ltd of Sudbury has been awarded contract for constructioninf Sewcrand water works for the rtownsitc or Ear FalLs 35 miles northeast of Kendra in Northern Ofttario It reliable source said lficul ty of the project made it impos sible to estimatchow much it would cost ChisncllGanton Ltd would do the work for cost plusan agreed profit The project yotlldillnlv the townsite to cxbanrl as natural resources are developed in the érca lnrduding the new Griiiilh irnn mine 15 miles north of Ear Falls spokesman for thcvmuhici pal affairs dnimrtmcnl said the Ontario Housing Corp has agreed to build 100 rental units at Eur Lake and prepare number of lots for solento peia sons wlrowant to bpild homes Thc area is to be serviced by newrail line boiligconslruct Please make remittance payable to SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS visit was sponsored by the Was aga Ookvicw Lions Club TIMES liAvr CHANGED An excerpt from The Barrie Examincr of 1917 quotes Thum os burrows who was clerk or Sunnidale rowndtip for in yearsI as remembering the beam when there were only two buildings here One was owned by the late Laidlaw and was used only in the summer months The other was known as the roaring camp Vasaga Beach was barren waste and could be bought for so cents an acre Mr Burrows also rccallcd seeing farm at the beach sold 200 acres at $2900 atax salci Today small lot can hardly be bought for less than 52000 The chief complaints heard from tourists are when is the Department of Lands and For csts going to stop cars parking on the bomb and how soon will there be another road through the village LEGION DRAW ltlrs Harry Ansley no Elmvalo $2500 Banach Gait $1500 Mrs Duggan Vasagn Beach Next event dance and draw in Vasaga Beach Community Sept 11 ELECTION It will soon be elecli time inlhe village and the air is full of rumors and the local papers full of statements Until the close of nominations Aug til we will not know who is runn ing Ittrs Margery Dyerhas in formed us that she will be secke ing spot on council as will Clare Robertsn Russel Poguc and the present Reeve Langevin Get to know the can didaits and their qualifications bcsure your name is on the voters list and vote on August 76 YOUNG MAN Elmvale OPP were called to to the blueberry plains north of thebeab Tuesday Aug where they found the body at John Barry Fleck age 24 of Shelburne Mr Plcck had ap parently driven tattle 51301 in his 1963 canveriiblcaiid death was due to carbon monoxide poisoning ed by Canadian National Rail way e0WRCalsoannounced that OConnell Did of Montreal has been awarded $643047 contract for construc tion of Watermanis sanitary and storm sewers in liluosnnee End Wildcat TSteel Strilte GANANOQUE Ont Cri Wildca strike involving 200 cm ployees of Steel Co of Canada here ended Thursday The menmcmbcrs of the United Steelworkers of Amer ica walked out in protest over the firing of shop steward Tony Noitites The first shiftwalketl off the iub at 730 am Wednesday and ignored an immediate call from the union to return to work RDKOOM Haitit iit with pluniing box to bright on the entrance you walk into living and dining that is spacious enough for any furnl ture arrangement Featured in the room is fireplace and buiét ln China cabinet Two for bedrooms with wardrobe spate plus sludythat will serve as an extra bedroom are among the many comforts offered hcrc bath with plenty of linen room is also provided in this modern one floor home The kitchen arrangement is planned in site snvrng fashion with ample table space and easy acct$10 base meat and side door Design is suitable fornny type of heating Standard blueprints for this Design No oio cost $20 for the first set and SQ for ndditio set blueprints comply with National Building Code of Can5 ada and are obtainable by return maiL Ontario residents must remit per cent sales tax srvoars BRIEFS JOCHEY INJURED PRINCE ALBERT CPIA ioycarold Cupar Sask jockey Howard Ferrnl was sc rinusly injured ay when his mount collapsed while rounding turn at the Prin Albert race track Ferrai was taken from the track uncon scious Officials said they sus pected heart attack caused the horses dcath VALKED 3000 AIILESI MONTREAL 0P1 Hank Gallant of Victoria arrived In Montreal ay alter walking 3000 miles from his home on his way to Eonavista Nfld 1800 miles away He left Victoria Feb with $280 and supound pack labelled No rides please lilr Gallanls hobby is marathon running ROOKIES SIGN on MONTREAL CPtSam Pol lock vicepresidcni and general manager of Montreal Cana dians announced Wednesday that rookies Carol Vadnais and Lucien Grenicr have signed their contracts for the on National Hockey League son PLAN REGAHA HALIFAX GP Twenty teenzage sailors two from each province will arrive here Aug 20 to take part in centenn regatta The regatta will tie held at nearby Bedford and for the first time Blucnosc class ynchts will compete in Cana dian championship REMAND PADDLER WINDSOR Ont CPIRene Frigon 37 of Hudson Hope BC paddlcr with the Cen tennial Voyagetirs Wednesday was remanded in custody to Aug 16 when he was unable to raisc$1000 ball on charge of contributing to juvenile delia oucncy The Voyageurs are group of eight canceiats follow ing the river route of AlexandEr lilacKenzie early explorer Sudbury Firm Granted Sewer Water Contract on the Moose River near the southern tip of James Bay All anew it cMr Astgcix speaking for the hardcore Eaters rejects both Mr lllc Artlliu and Mr Khalil He says Location is not bound bywhat other union members across the country have approved Local 590 will become an in dependent union he says and retain the Muthill namepk well as $2500000 worth of union properly in the district The merger proposal calls for the combined union to operate under Steelworkers name The bardcure group still occupies the MinnMill bustlle offices in Sudbury The admin istrator has no access to files or records The stalemate will apparently remain unresolved until at least Aug 17 wlien Mr Justice Alex ander Stark oi the onlurin Su preme Court is to rule on an application from Mr Aslgen have Mr Khalil removed as adi ministrator