Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 11

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NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD no boon fine broom Dome AND IMPORTED BROADIDON Fiannaits all clue anti pince es Collier St Pbont instill Dont Be Dishwasher BUY ONE Kitchen Aid Dishwashers with work raving advantages ROBINSON HARDWARE si Dtlnlop Street mini lllclADDEN FURNITURE St APPLIANCES 7239288 Highway 71 North Rdrigerator door 10 cubic foot one door iefrlgerpior used and INVEST IN COMFORT will Gibson air conditioner Irom noamson HARDWARE ii Dunlap St main NEWSPAPER MATS sire is ideal inr ilotnl dikkfii mp1 attire garner etc Med Insulator Only let 5er liarrte biminor nmroxe ml toe ule ion new lubeless Telephone no 0611 cf iorther Intonation Two cools tuheiess llm like new one 21 inch ilntemla TV ML and one cahlnel or stereo radio and record Dinn console model lll lien priced in II news or VAT SALE lmalish inrnlture room eulie point drop leai unley pinei nllst wall cuplt honor drapes carpets ii nan street Apartment liter ti pm PM NIIV lelevlnon aerial 20 toot wooden txlrntlvn ladder hluh tuttr may pathlnette ouoiier baby carriage end bullet Teie phone 725ml alumnirand pourht cold to mind rented special nudent nine in rain Inquire about our in while You Rent plln Star In writer 25 lot nuniop at he moses ACCOU NTANTS tlu ltrfll ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE milr fillings MIMI all In in 01mph EIIIAIDI calcor rent Wqmt cm Street Telephonc Lmqul pine cupboard Antldua recur arid nroapoeen Clemon Infant SIN BTW 0M owner imine roe rhyme Telle phal treated mum is Not so loch electric rune lo ruhic loot hirertor pieco bedroom rune automatic manor and dryer All In hood condition mam PLANO Ion sass ueintucen heautiiully nnlahod and in good oondltlonAtaoI9tMandx dream quantity oi mien Tek poetic mm SIGN mil Mu 11 ply white cardboard ErunplI Apt to Rent Iiouu inr Sail etc Avellahie at Bufil laminar burlnesa oiiice Trollwnrrmts luckInsetmot Special reduced on much no year guarantee Irec home triat Sinner oi 3min mm or AIIIIiori 4155171 Ismiiotm tultr nhl trim French Pivvtnrll nine dnwtr dressing table with mirror tail mans eheal excellent eonnlnon Telephone InaOM counttn erovs in machine tool sis Dunult racer mal eneu sol poli ciupc new no Into riawr radio so cherteriieio and chair no lam doll house max ing lurid sewing box budxiep and our antique bran Ind 1701 childs bicycle 01 neon aleo houselmid Item no douhia hd laid PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MUSIC LESSONS ARTICLES FOR SALE GIGANTIC MidSummel SALEOF SPORTS CLOTHES iURTO coyoou LADIES AND MENS WEAR All Items Select Name Quality COMPLETE RANGE OFCOLORS ANDSIZES Slacks Sweaters Shirts Velour Jackets Socks Golf Shoes Shorts MENS WEAR Sweaters Velours LADIES WEAR VNeck and Turtleneck Slims Shorts Shoes Socks Blouses Shirts Skirts Culottes COOrdlnata Sets SALE ENDS AUGUST I6 I967 nnusnt Antique Ivory tour by 11 Indira wide hltrmr In so My trim lane drawers and dd mm Allillll 1mm Rosa HARRISON Collier 51 Phone met chartered manhunt Samuel II nere cJt Trustee to nanknlptcy FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME svrcnion sunvlcl AT MODERATE COST Convenient Terms an waniey 5L nanla maids PETHICK FUNERAL HOME Chapel of Thoughtful Service 2+HOUII SERVICE 127 Baylield Street 7284530 OSTEOPATH EDMN WILSON BSA 130 ilIAunlcr II lullliliocli 110 DOCTORS OF OMEOPATHY Fred Grant Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72am WILSON OSIEOPATIIIC CLINIC FARMERS MARKET SIMCOE Barrie JESSIE BRYSON Toanheroi Piano sinriul Theorye Puplly prepared the exunlnltlnna oi the loyal Conlenlion or ii Temple All reader and illodcrn methods studio lord st mfllfl TIIE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 17 NAPIER 5T nAnnI ANGUS lII ROSS BA 91 In 51 Barrio 725517 Registered Music Teochu rnnrucuon In Piano and Theory aloo tulonn In French LILin In other action ruhieeu OPTOMETRY Noel Stephenson 110 ononzrrnisr clapperten st aarrie Phillie 1280671 Want Ads Dopi ConThey Pay COUNT MARKET PLACE HEADQUAR EARMERS ATTENTION Livestock household articl es farm equipment or ser vices at word ad rates MILLER INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER NEW AND USED and Garden Equipment rim Hwy South mason Examiner WANT ADS Mosr ANYTHING 232414 TlIE BADGER XP247 finest silo unloader ever built is available now at your Badger automatic feeding sy stem dealer Imagine an unlohder with 50 per cent great er throwpower Silage carries out of 24 foot silo withoutvnn extra elevator liio XPild lea hires big 24 Inch Stringing Paddle Thrower Its the largest blower on any silo unloaded The new Badger XPM will unload silage faster without an in crease in power requirements See thncw¢2tPM todayat WILLARD DOBSON RR Utopia Phone Ivy 6R4 DEKALB PULLET More and more poultry men are choosing Dekalbj Pulleis Started readytoday and dayold chicks For service or help on your poultry problelns call CRAIG HUNTER roohinv FARM LTD scoouo lleioii BI CARIIII mononil Mill Dell thimi SALON laillpmfirt Air eondltiened dryer with chain hy dulr Priced to cell All in rood condition Telephone mops or melts Tm 12 with muted porch In hood condition as or best oiler also piece realloan eherteriieid unite with corner tahic ahncst new nibble or rot Mm belt oilol Telephone mono CANADIAN National miniticn special prim en Stiller sewinl maehinea typewritem vaeuu olenun and RCA Victor stereo and trlovlslom slum oi nurle no mo AJIMan 4mm Clums WOTLKATILB lavm mow er window with honour and storms trio dock eheirs lawn Mach bamboo tisil in red mflthbotn gwflundltolcn wooden Ironinx erc nw en toilet out me new CAMPING EOUIPMEN TINT TRAILS ior rent by week Ileopi rerpenslpie party only Telephone mom rpnnxsT Tm on sale tort with Inside rand In rood oornfltionor runner iniormatlop tllevhlonl camle trailerr lolt and hard top Tiiren luxhway 27 in or Midland Open wean and till pine Telephone 5257502 ARTICLES WANTED wanrho mmihno Stoves Ap II Dishes MANUEL XVIII 5535 shop some or no 017L No WANTED Apartment she please totwml parttcuiare and leiephone number to Roger tdhm Post Office Box 11000 Barrie YOU CANT charm CONVENIENCE on oanrnvc Camping Vacatidn Equipment CALL izaosoo MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 137 Dunlap st moseo LANDSCAPING melt mm nigh mde mwln quality by the load delivery Tele leo Ivy will BOATS AND MOTORS OEDAT LITIS IMARINE RAILWAYS OPOWER WlNCIIES Installation and deliveries Rolland Boals Lid Hwy 11 North Orillla SISSlit MoAitD illinTon AND comm gaunt Painswlck Motors no root coward ior pale his 0MC Inboard outboard whom 726W gt1 Footl BMW to Johnson elutrlc start new trailer Ill lc neurones slip or remainder oi thesm lemme HEW NU OW mini ht Emilie condition 11in bl seen It Clflnyl amt Holt Milton mien to Tel 11 row client orulxer trendy painted ready ior water will eleep reasonably priced Tolovhona apnoea 1s FOOT canAlt stripruneheut with trailer and to ho electric start motor All In road condition Tolvltonl WHEN Ii roor cnoan Strip bolt trail 1i mo rcr°Ti apneaer lllly ceerreatreet Million or can no ice eventm immunox llullltmmdee ia ioot cor ton boa I117 ou 1rd minnow so and senantt lonkAlso canoe Apply Agnes Street Barrie 11 min plywood carton beau with hp ohneon mints sill Bum Also Iva Johnson moIMI tumor boat tnllhr Apply Cede Ir Pdfl Little lelh Barrie mvcxannvnn warn Ans mini ARTICLES TO RENT FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES MSPBDIRIYA for role pick your your pan Telephone HMS or iurther Inionnauon RASPBEle or II Pick your own 36c per quart Telephone urt drlultc and mini entire steamer mammalian Pick your own to per quart Rclllble picker needed Paid ill per quail nnl ilnn on Illt north Ith and Grove St corner NEW maroon or role by bAshei or bushel ior hirther in iennation telephone mule ir £11911 Grommet hlocrntonel neann twax or Green ireeIer type Now ready tmhiv picked Mullet one on beam is low ncht now mllutsl Glldem Telan Ivaale 1371114 From oarrlc north on 27 for nine miles tum min at roadside part no one mile DOGS AND PETS WANTED 00d Mines er kittens Telephone 12on ior turthcr in inrmauon Mum lbr sale purehred males Ind lemaicr to month old Telephone moan rurrizs toe sale German shep herd and border couier crossed meta old 10 each Telephone 7109456 noYItI VIEW Kennels have road selection or Dachshund and Poodle Puppies lilldhuist Ontario or tel dDMlie mom Barrie GERMAN snarlIan Ptlyplel ior rain registered Illch and Inn San each Telephone mom livenlnll tor iurther inioimatlon TRYEXAMINER lVANl ans Call 7282414 FARMER MARKET DEAD STOCK end Or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For inst service PHONE BARIUE 72331751 Collectl or ask tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE 14 hours day days week ER Foxrncad Ontario License No MGM Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES ClIURCH Fann Supplies Service Care New Holland David VBrown Bertty BURTON AVE drama CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equioment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 Mnsser FERGUSON backhoe and mnleno loader to sale Telephone totaled Anus crotme Cninblale Ior sale with ploir up calvina suoud and Ontario usnn new HOLLAND alter inoc cl zoo only months old fully runeneed also iiimy in dine iio my mower as load as new Apply Mona norm Eonlvmfllt anion Minn Tciephono almvalc FEED scan GRAIN CUSTOM COMBINING DONE Telephone mm mam HAY for dale Telephone new ide filial illlamutifll qlillrlnrv of hay in nlo Applv bn oupert iiccreth Telephone Isanzz WELL NEXTTD but tilled II mile loath oi llurll Tolevliom aim vale molt ACRE of luridIn hay nleflinesinl lam pert oiier 52ml KIM RE lehvllll 0r teleohone miller mm celi helium also cowl yearn old and hoiier calves loom radiatered clock To be sold It umvllc Sllu Stallion mule hon 111mm Highway 89 TELEPHONE 4562026 GOLF HAVEN COuniryClub IS Miles 50th of Barrie Gilfbrd Ont FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nAnilITs breedlnx neck New Winn 17Ach lire tor eeie rpe narther particular Izlmvale mwa when lions or rain moot mo It mlldtlll b°lt II Illudl NI I30 Immn II mam BLACK Mann ym Irelned Darnell ahiwry too nuirtared hoii Anhilteilllni Illly email chestnut naxen mum and tail also 7056NM9 Illlit lui hlldldnd CIIINCIIILLAS tor ule SalII herd lie with eager liellitly animals Good investment tor retirement tar spare time nemnable lnouiru the Anna iieseen Ilelloelntain Ont Teli iizolootnm en or weekends AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE VIAU 17 Gowan St 7166488 AS IS SPECIAL 1959 OPEL SEDAN Licence nlmE $99 MOFFATI MERCURT Bl Essa Road 7235553 mi amnion ironicint epnvert ihic best on mom er load condition OLDS 00d motor tires onr iransmLssloIi not or best otter mule taro PONTIAC ior nIe Excellent condition hest Information Cdlfigfilgosf mm vital son FAIMANB son auto matie in Al eondltlun will accept Irade on mall car same er rm alter on 1350 ENVOY 606 sedan for all good fitfililtlon inside and out eele pe act Telephon lair METEOR in need oi II Good in lo parts Excellefipw tor 110 all Best oiier For orth er Interruption telephone moral IIII CHEVROLET ior nlo vs In good condition pond tllils brand new transnLenpnTeleehene Ira ior iurther partleulare automatic Ildlo mow tires bod condition Telepth Lindono Dr hi mar rAnTs mil slim 1m 01 hieIgliiood lnotch gins IldlgnSt ea euona Toronto street or ratWhip Isis sTunnAm vs road motor and rear end No lnnsmluton Tolwhonl macro for rurlher in iormatlon 1995 PONTIAC Podium door aedan VB automatic no rr there ind power hrlku new um H000 miles Telephone 1M uto honcn tee pale roue door in excenent mechanical rendition cylinder atomrel two tone din Pitytr Tellohonc naisz IMO SWEEAM AIMM In Imllellt condition threq topY rinw mil tap Good urea Includes newtiree Enow tires Musinll Home uicr Iann ills AUSTIN crnhndye Sea11n lyullt room one doorneede re Ilr woe or mud 1011 ml ela phone mom isce chairman nicem auiol mound door sedan custom radio good condition Aprva littleemh street harden or teieohone tu itm 1959 PARISENNE door hardtop automatic radio Am hieycie sand con new condition For turf thee iMflmntion Mama no om 1965 Format Pariaienno door hardtop finialdin black Ind hiuo Interior VI Iutnmlflo ndio Willa unil tirce elsloene dupe mum MIMI 1959 Iron convertible Illl ul ve ntandud Leanmunch power ei lnz newly paintedeood then our tom radio rnod condition throw may 8415 Telephone Miroy galno Wflt=c Teiepnon For RAMBLER Ilse sTunmAlms Lark log all BAR EXAMINER HEAT AUGUST ll II oAuIOMouvs CARS FOR SALI ReadyFOr ThalVacaiionl But you had better make euro let you down alid ire have the your vacation itiods Inch 63 FALDON ZaDOOR mlLdllnSIllIell£f Licence 52868 HANDLER SEDAN 63 Alfor tops in moonly see this automntlc with wdiliept chestnut exterior and clean Model 330 Six cyi EZ sildi transmission radio one owner Licence 7319113 NISIYMI umbflon will not easy terms and low prices to keep $1095 879 FORD GALAXIE XL we mm on sicPcUlWe PONTIAC LAURENT IAN 63 ish Iesnred MERCURY ZDOOR Beautifully kept iitl 4d tdoor cylinder automatic power steer in radio white walls etc Ilihroon in dry car appointments Black with red and $II75 $1195 Licence 211770 HARDTOP ly equipped with lux black Interior Licence 406137 64 soon GALAXIE XL adoor hardtop Vii engine lull pow sole wall to wall VALIANT SIGNED HARMOP Polly equipped with $2295 or bucket seats cou arpeiing Silver biuo with blue interior White wail tires plus mnny other beautitul appointments Ona owner Licence 834MB I0 Easy Terms DOWN on Balance BAY CITY FORD 45 BRADFORD STREET USED CAR SPECIALS 1961 COUGAR Licence 149m 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE CONVERTIBLE Licence reselll 1061 CltEV automatic Licence 7192M ISM VOLKSWAGEN 1500 Licence 210 THE ABOVE ARE ONEOWNER CARS Names on request 1964 Volszth 1500 with robuit rnotor Licence TAIOSA 1964 MERCEDES 180 Series Licence 7207 1964 STUDEBAKER Automatic mence 1486M MANY MORE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ROBERT CAMERON LTD in msa noon cowanmu 1965 iicteor low mileage vo lllt0IIlItlc power enulpped poem seats iirhl biuo iinlnh with white top and interior Tdcphorle nomz strpud private iscl ronmc roruicnno Conver uhie tor sale power steed pow er hrkel radio ror author In urination telephone mom alter 530 pm lass momma or pale classic 71 car one year warranty icil automatic winter tires radio nod condition Asking price Slim sun Leonardo lieden mi crntrsncn oonmiihie black and williewlth black top power neennp windows and hrorea sisoo can be at 71 Essa need moons LANDRDVBE 1959 wheel drive in excellent condition Pro treat and rear troiicr hook up extra tuee neaponahie soon Write box no name hammer toil lineal over drive wire wheels Itharth exhaust In nod condition convertible lop tonnuu cover Inciudedsidoo or belt plier Telephone Camp Burden ulooso Auro REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS MOIOI Rebuilding Engine Valve Work PAINSWICK MOTORS 72420163 MISTER Transmissibn Lid Automaiic Specialists 83 Dilan St 7284101 TRUCKS FORSALE nucmnomfi ton pick up on salt ln vlry reed condition mint cell Tllepliond mites lm porn loril wide oox Iinl In dark quE cylindn 11191111 reunionjunior mtooo n°i°RcvciEs ms sin Ior role aliln good can diuon tendonply piloddT moon ror lurthor inionriar an PRIVATE loci Honda onlvim roller complete with helmet and lace uuaro Best can orrer over slot Telephone cord at estIsis 150 cc ovum or rate men ex Ids pm soon In Al condtion Tohphnnc mom or further the ionnation 1965 norm too at loi rno noon condition Tool idt and hcinict with bike ciao or best oller ror dinner rtieuim on or alter 51 ram 7739821 TRUCKS 8e TRAILERS 11 FOOT Trillan Trailer ier sale sooth Telephone Elmvlln comm inr Iurther nartlwhls CITATION1I loot reticenttried house trailer electric brakes ga Ielrlzurltflr and stove with oven Telephone mam SNOWMOBILES THE LIVELY ONE ABombardier Skidod Sales and Service BAYVLEW MARINE PERSONALS MUSIC INSTRUCTION Summer and Fall courses Gui iar accordion and piano Instru ments supplied except pianos Fully qualified teachers Limit ed openings available Tele phone 72641411 or 72W BE FEMININE Superfluous hair removed by Electrolysis The safe scientific method 0111 CertifiedElectro Iogist is available for consulta tion without charge SYLVIAS SALON Fred Grant St Barri Ont TIE038m LA irriiou Thyowl drinking problem and want help rappi any time morn HHS teme furniture claim lumps Itwnllel Pictures latIlse we 71582 DiarmnAsII heat rub insect bites and other minor akin Iri tationr qtnoklv soothedpd reliev cd with aAuinx ointment spe dei molllentchclp Jllvfllixnml ease dLacomiort pauper sec at Ehrldllyn PW Woolwolfll Deptsiorc Cusdenl Pharmuey Iloioaye Phlmacy eroerl Pher macy Ind Tlinblynl Drug store WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDREISSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all broil ches at beauty culture DEEWINIIAIRDEESSIN LADIES unlimited tree hoflery and each bonuses lust for helpinlvus advertIsa Simply introduce low your tripod In Ill Dont miss out trii lhil wonderful new otter IIIJEII your name IIIII Itldflll ior excitinl detail on it use of Lind erio Advertisan DIP to Suit oza o1 Yondc so Toronto Ontario 971mm FOUND mamLadys would palkeith car Ellison on Tuesday mornine between hlulcasizrStrost and Woolworth mom trlcptlonc hloflul $1695 on Lakeshore Do Barrie 7266379 IO HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE HELP IPAlmmn crime mmmmmmm 51 aiernmtatihieinwm or aorta MALI TORT wok Ind Ilium Mnllltld for mmmommsfitfl ny ayiare ltuuunnt Kill way too Barrio mm VILLA oi Mm Or and um communal hum autumnalam Anyone Ilse med Ira pm um ppdtlm pIMur apply to Atria c1211 cocawon Dotano Application do AW IKE SALES HELP AGENTS WANTED CORN AGENT lam well known seed Do on local cocaine ice active Aunt Iwe distribute one oi tho linen and pert producing coin Variety ueehent income tor naht man write no In ismto namlner CONSCIKNTIOUSHRMIIIMO 1d iu or new Mini will cxtwtbm ALDOIrntlal IILrh OIIMDKS Rx WSIlm Til T22 iii or on Burk nuclear TRADE SCHOOLS In men School at ham to lea law paymentr pooh ntpplled Income tax deductible Canadian Academyyall 359 Hamilton Div larto Department mimic technician relocated to Bani ml tech Imminent om merit upenence solid tide circuits Mlle pneumltkv instrumentitem mmmtmitatldnl radar domestic appliances Anil ahle immediately Telephone our HOE DOE VALLEY Day Clmnlnl to continue threum nut Transportation ammed compeleoi nlpcrvlnlpn swimmtnr trout moiu archery overnirht camp nun out so ptr tiny Trio phone 723ml er Ivy iIRa FEMALE HELP WANTED NOW Teenagers Mothers Grand mothers start at once to show our exciting lino oi Christmas cards and gilts to friends neigh bors relatives Earn extra cash for Christmas this easyway No experience needed Our catalogue with over 300 Items heautiiully illustrated in full coior helps you to get plenty oi orders Vrite today for Christ Inns cards on opproval and free Kcainlogue Monarch Card 00 Dept 211 Cannon Hamilton LADIES Here It Is The opportunity youve been waiting for pleasant work good earnings as representath iorAVON Goalpotics VALUABLE TERRITORIES NOW AVAILABLE Please contact AVON Mgr MRS TONI SIIOLUK PO Box 465 BAIIIIIE Ontario or phone 7766551 WOMAN to babysit milled lite in or out IIRzlllar holua no eighty glad to downtown Telephone no axrnnlnlcrln day worker to clean summer collar one day neck Transportation provided Telephone moons ram HELP lol mlic and store roll tlrno employment Apply to 00 Glilit too Dunlap St Dorrie imam woman wanted on baby lit small childrenlive in and do uehl Ilnilsekeepinii dutier write II Hebert ILR Elmylle liolmu Gnu or woman wanted to dp light housekeepind and heiit clerk In urnorll store day week TelcpllinleElmvule iooWd BABYSITTER required in ray home days Week van lo pm Two preschooicn Pcnetanx Street aru Telephone main heron pm Two GmLs mothers he on or remainder silmmlr re ephopa wow ior Iilrthor lnfomltlon IlAIlumzssEn experienced hair dlcfier wanted III or limit Limo mmllmll 7282930 alter houn 72a MALE HELP THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE Invites applications for the pwition of COUNTY CLERK Applications for this position stating age marital status ed ucation and experience will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon on Sep tember tzili 1967 Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience FRED HUNTER County Clark County Administration Bid BARRIE Ontarlo PENSIONER Retired gentlonihn to opetiato blueprint and copying machines and miscellaneous clerical dut ies Neatoess ia requirement Telephone UNIVERSAL COOLER gt 7254415 nalmlIAN wanted Immediately MLPMIlouxTclephom WINES nicmczo body than in top film on body loop in OrilllarTelenhcnu amass nAcKIIoe Opemoor the Model North West study worirrmtooa King Cliyi zxczhtm opportunity ior In palrs call 4mm Aiilaton CITIMNZY swoop wanted Tele DRIng mom or limiter more announce Inan wintod tor munr lurnienlnri department state as and experience and salary ply lo Eflx iilrrle Examllur nurse mucus rimtedp Oroh not toll mile Telephonu 939 ZBSI Schcmbcrg Keystone Con Lnlltnfl norhianch Serviceman Apothor experienced itlrvlch mono nncdcd hy Anaudale Appliances coco wa working conditions and other anonulAwiytln person SALESMKN wanted far retail Mens day week lull alary to expir yn Blrilt ltlIn chanic experienced in general It

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