Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1967, p. 10

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Hand Full 01 Cash Is Bet II run haunts mum rowdy AUGUST it tan REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS HAPPYOCCASION lbI NM or your oalldl To leu tb KM bows to rrtande and ncllbbon Bradstreet clemlrled stall near as our telephone at birth but dial unit ts only 00 ENGAGEMENYS Ila1mm sriierou ur and lira Gilbert Abltlltto or Ban rie wish to renounce the enme ment or their flaurhttr Judith ruwheth to air ooh1d Shin um inn oi Mr Ernest snipinn and the lore lri shiotnn 121 Toronto The palme to take place satur flll septrmber 1061 at too oclock in at oile Annien church nan1e litian amiss and am leh lluyer at Bay an nnonce Inc cnrsgement or their daughter Dunn in Mr Leendert Klaus on or the late Clutlln Hendrik Jan and airs Km or Rotlrdam The Nethemnda roe nedding niii latte place Saturday Ilurcuri 1967 II no orioek tn the christian netorrned church Barrie IN MEMORIAM goats In ImInl memory or at mother and grandmother norothy uho pasmi away August 1956 In tears up MW vu sinking We watched ou rude way Our hearts were Illnosl hrokcn You fought so hard to stay put hen we saw you slewing sy prarctuili rm trom nlln re muld not wish you back To nlrrr that again Ssdly mlsstd by ton Don daughter inlew llarulr amt grandchildren Bobby 1m And only Kenny and Kim COMING EVENTS CHICKEN BARBECUE Wednesday August 16 530 pm pm THORNTON UNITED CHURCH $150 Each HANK SNOW and the RAINBOW RANCH BOYS with luanita Rose SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AUGUST 19 AND 10 ROCK HILL PARK west of Allistonl Show time 1330 iollowod by Midnight Dance BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 730 pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond ORILLIA BARRIE HOEIICULIURAL SOCIETY Best Flower Bed in Centennial Theme Competition ENTRY DATE extended to Aug ust 17 Open toanynne in Bar rie Enter yoursellor neigh bor may do so PRIZE MONEY $15 $10 $5 Phone or write JOHNSON 197 Toronto 5L 7282554 or MRS HARRY MORREN North 5L Barrie 7204510 TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place OI Articles For Sale an in The Harrie En aminer keep these points In mind state What Item 1a Itrand name Sizo Itiie Culnr Condition Specificationa Accessoris and attachments may Prevloususage Upholstery Finish Make it easier or the prospect to buy Rentemoer the Articles for Sale rlassilieatinn Isthe PeDDIes Market Place CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 ciassiiied advertisements and boil ces tor these Place must be re eelved hys ont day preceding publicLion with the cxceiltlon or Cluslllcd olmisy advertisements which must he in by 1200 noon precedlill day CANCELLATIONS we urn tna Imtnr nllto do worn iuleliili coassrrrao ADVERTISINGCash Discount Rates apply ir paid with in days single Insertion so per word Two consecutive insertions Idc per word per Insertion Tinre consecutive insertions ic ber word pct lanrtlorl totei slap air can secutlve insertions itae per word rcr insertion total ssni liultlnie userlions may he ordered subiect ll mneeiirtinh when satlslactnrv result obtalncd to per cent I114 diliunal share it uni paid within attcll days llLlNo Lu all uox unruza Jul charge plush rents Is made or use or an examincr Box Number Idcntlty nfIiox Number uscrs room ter Than Garage Full Check Your Attic Sioreroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 enoesarvron SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Photo ms Realllr ROSE APPRAISAIS MORTGAGES neuritis 15 owerr sr 1mm EAST END bedroom bungalow on protes sinnally landscaped lot Full basement recreation room pav ed drivcwny Carries for $9811 per month inputting principal interest and 11105 comm IOCATION txurllortable home or good in vestment This older storey brick home in first class con dition is suitable for one family or duplex Asphalt root about years old and gas lurnace only ycart old Full dry basement Taxes only 8295 Close to but routc APARTMENT HOUSE Modern pier located on Stru bane Avenue All apartments occupied An investment worthI investigating All Rose 1105 7283116 Bill blackness Res mime Russell Smith Res 7230096 Mary Vnir Res 72801155 It Dick Hartley TIEWilll srourr AGENCIES LTD Central Ontarios Largest Realtor ELMVALE PHONE 8W CHRISTMAS TREE FARM with 25000 Scotch pine rendy for market this yearbalance next year On paved road lull price 316500 150 ACRE DAIRY FARM filo dernizcd brick home large shnped barn silo implement shed garage Mcan milk cool er stable cleaner milk con vcyer linc Excellent clay loam Trout stream Fine localion on paved road close to village 100 ACRE FARM with good bedroom home large bank barn implement shed 90 acres in spring crop with balance hay and pasture Asking $23000 COUNTRY HOME btdronm bungalow large living room modern kitchen oil furnace drilled chI finished basement Full price $7003 EIAIVALE Beautilul large rug brick ranch style bedroom bungalow large bright living fireplace bath rooms fiuishcd rec room at tached garage Owner transfer red Asking $22900 Terms ORR LAKE CUITACE fully insulated and lined bedrooms large living roomwrith broad lhom modern kitchen sun porch piece bath oil heated lot tool 01 sandy beach Boat and motor included Beautifully landscaped lot flowing well Asking 512500 OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker GENERAL STORE Well located in village on coun ty road large building contain ing store post oilice lockers and storage space will sell as going concern with good terms it necessary 111 health forces sale Immediate posses slop FARMS 100 acres with farm buildings 00 acres workable balance bush and pasture Year round creek crosses property 13 mile from paved read about 15 miles from BarriePriced to sell at 5169011 monkroll HWY 27 Telephone Ivyzsllll LAKE SIMCOE COTTAGES Killamey Beach lots small cottage secluded good drill ed well $6000 Leroy winterized nice large rooms lots $8900 Stoliey Point Shared beach large lot bathroom bed rooms 55750 Close to lake luil=batlirooni3galu HOUSE AND COTTAGE Bell Ewart 10 acres bed room home it roomed cottage can be subdivided close to lake lovely landscaped grounds only $17000 MOTEL SITE 700 frontage on Highway be tween Madoc and Actinoillees tate sale $1500 All offers con sidered Contact Dorothy Fitzsirnmina Churchill roszszo tslaghnum Ave East Toronto 12 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appralsals strirtt conrldrnlli rep or letter boxes will be held only 10 days alter lastrials or publication acrmwrvngq army gr Mortgages oil ard road alter railroad Little Are and our model homes In on tirst road to the lell WOULD YOU LIKE HOME IN THE COUNTRYI An ailsac Droa Brown 72111155 Deed Atkinson lzaslnl Norah Ralltes TIE1139 Iosn Lang mam Gludyasinelsl 7137910 MacLel 720th Keith ltIcllIIater Itsdist iuo mnglln mszaa Everett shelswell 75951 colms co Realtors 7282485 Highland Park Village Go south on Highway No it to city limits or can tracks turn hit Owen Si Barrie HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Price Range $l5995 to $16995 DOWN PAYMENTS $2500 and up These homes are built to NRA specifications with many added realms Taxes from $160 to $130 per year OPEN HOUSE There will be salesman on the property SATURDAY and SUNDAY from pm to pm FOR INFORMATION CALL GORDON WUIIS FOURBEDROOM BUNGALOW la Dolmsview located close to Enstvicw Secondary School on until treed lot Lshaped living and dining area with braadloom valance boxes breakfast nook in kitchen 4piccc bath with vanity slate floor in vestibule inmfly room with iircplnce apiece washroom builtin garage Call Sandy Coulis MONEY AVAILABLE We represent loading insurance lending Institutions lrust companies and private monies You are invilcd to discuss your mortgage prob lems with us in confidence and without obligation Call Coulis EVENING 72311275 mm Gordon Coulis Walter Coulis Coulis 7234281 CAMPBELL PHOTO ItILS REALTOR 12 HIGH ST 7200211 RES Wei7189 SMALL ACREAGE litI acres with acres of producing ram berries apple orchard largo chicken house close in Barrie Call ourafiicn ior Iurlhcr particulars or in evenings call Fred Taylor at 7281205 BERCZY STREET Neat clcnn Itsstorey home Outside nicely finished with from sun deck and back patio The iinished rLL creation room and wrkshp areaimake this complete family home Charlie ltead 7mm Dou Campbell 4872123 Doug Campbellmam Bud Watson 7200015 SmitbCampbcll 7207389 Fred Taylor 72111205 HAROLD FORSTERIE COMPANY 93 Hayfield Steel PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7756155 Mortgage Funds Available Free Customer Parking 77 OITAWAY AVENUE Attractive brick and angelstone side split bedrooms Spicce bath ng and dining goodsize kitchen with provincial cup boar beautilully iinished lainin mom and don dry basement well landscaped grounds with stone patio Full price $22000 Carries or $120 monthly Drive by then call GloriaKoSalz to see instfc MIS Ilugh Plowman reissue Ron Allan looser EVENING CALL CURLY KLoosllznliAN 72175455 lrlLorllro lioollla norm liArlGlrlrr humans 72111711 KLOOSlIIIIMAN Ivv sills GLORIA KossAlz 71131753 Lou GODDEMONDI IRENE TORRES mom ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At 1111 Five Points P1111113 774115563 $2500 DOWN TO ONE OPEN MORTGAGE 232 DUNLOP STREET WEST Located midway between downtown and the shopping plaza this is wellkept nldcrZstorcy home There are six 16 very spacious rooms modernized bathroom good dry basement mtde oilfurn ace builtnu garage The grounds measuring 651165 ilensure privacy Only $2500 cash required and vendor will take 774 open mortage lor the balance EkcIusive listing Call Mr Green to arrange hlspectionany time EVENINGS CALL MacArthur M0637 Rogers 7213582 Ed Green 7234123 Fred Eplett 7209793 Council TMSTBS Mrs Norine Rogers 7283533 EMORY MILLER M15 REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED 61 Dunlop SI West 72618111 MONEYMAKER Filly acres with 5room house barn 33152 tieup or 15 head pig pen 38x10 all workable land About 3000 bales of hay 30 acres timothy and allalla Only 315500 For in spectinn call Karl Marshall 7009917 TWO HOUSES TO CHOOSE FROM Each with only $1000 dotvll One is located on the edge of Barrie and the other is north at Bar rio For information call Harvey Weber 4363815 WASAGA AREA Camp Borden personnel may appreciate this attractive suiccn home Ilas kitchen living room dining room and bedrooms Forced air oil heat Owner anxious to sell To sec Call Emerson Swain 7060605 filth Scaridrett Will4805 Percy Ford 7237930 Kennelhllliller 4361314 Karl Marshall 7209917 Gordon Spencer 72853418 Harvey Weber 4363815 Emerson Swain mason Robert Fiewelllng 77058113 Emmy Miller 7260563 FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 BAYFIELD STREET 7261005 HERES LOVELY HOME on lovely lot close to shopping and St Monicas separate school Three bedrooms large kitchen liv ing room with dining area Large finished recreation room with space for extra bedroom This home has all the features of corn Iorlahle living including attatdied garage Full price only $21900 mortgage carries for $11975 monthly including taxes LVENINGSVCAL 11 tCIlUClll com 72l9919 non SAUNDERS Cnakstn were FRANK N121le mated MIKE Iernus 7261405 CECIL MILLS FOSTER SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 115 Dunlap 55 East 7201422 or 7261413 on Ari5715 live lirznnrn modern brick home on 23 partly wooded acres with stream overlooking scenic countryside On paved road at miles north oi Barrie No 7767 Call Keath MeMaster 7261422 or 449 6154 LAKESHORE PROPERTY Urgently required It you consider setting please caiINorah Raikes 7261109 liarsmt larhush mam Everett Lou bceri stayner tal les 72le 1L wiuson Norman so well 7111 onurti LANE roomy sunny and heir living and dlnln1room oom blillllplt family kitchen bed BEDROOM 11 storey tpiese bath roll divided basement good condltlnn he sure or land Tele bungalow meme NEE 111E arm MMWTWE REAL ESTATE Real Estate 33 COLLIER STREET WILMA BIDWELL maul DC 511 WORSLEY STREET Norm Synnnlt 7282333 Bill Hamilton 7255315 11 CONVERTED COUNTRY milcs iroirl Barrie $5900 VARIETY sroms main street lock stock and barrel $35m PALNSWICK room modern attached garage 511500 HOLLY TRIFLEX nice apart mcnts on one acre 3111000 KELLY BROKER Cookstown 45114323 or masts PETERand WILES LTD 7282110 $10000 DOWN 45 acres with cobblestone home huge barns splen did location on No 11 Highway Could he made into real show place CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 72112419 93 Dunlop St 1st and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lst and 7nd mortgages MABEL MAISIIALL noose MARGUERITE 11001111 72117 GRKTA ZIETARA 7785171 JAN militant717 LAURANS KERR Aidslon ids7511 PETER curious 7211415 11 Realtor WHITE 109 Bayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENINGS JOHN WHITE mono FOR ammo BUY Give our Service Try Richardson 4490147 RAWN Real Estate Broker and BAYFIELD ST 77739751 SPECIAlelNG IN RURAL PROPERTIES Eveuingacall LEO CAVANAUGH 723120 LARRY TORPEY 7200115 13111 naivu norm STARR We Sell rtiiral Ontario Action Line 7284401 CHOLKAN CO LTD MIS Realtors Lawrence7mm Baker7234401 room up all heal itllgc nun1 mass Ill COLLIER Si by ieu drive hum on this one scotch phone rohn Colo Tanr017 Willie Italian gt Whats Realtor as Marlon Namrm r3 ONLY llth moral APABI DFMOVINS man All 30° YEARS460 BlDWELL MARY MORRISON 7289933 PHOTO 11115 REALTOR Charles llepworth 7265182 SCHOOL HOUSE in ski area 11 JOHN COLE 7253017 BUS OPPORTUNITIES Eric Photo ms FOR near Variety store require edi and nnehedrnom unrunush ed apartment Avallahie Immedllte to Telephone 71407 mlmnlésliim lcigaretlyeodtutri REAL LSTATL mean 331 yrfiiyeihai$snf nit CALL Write or Phone 7260901 BRUCE McLEAN Mortgage Funding our 0mm 5ng SimpsonSears ACTION RESULTS nlléii hid Call the brokerr Amatilion thbyf Gibsonreenter EXJIPPH kllll IIPPERS AND IN All CYLINDER DEFTED IN PRINT ONMufilroo PROPERTY FOR SALE Photo MLS PHONE 7284430 hunt mason more ARSON TELEPHONE 7266481 Russ Carson m6161 upcrt hcharih Elmvale 739M courrs AND CO OWEN ST 72114105 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo ltlLS Realtor bank Ripleys caravan onllor AMJBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobiled Homes General Glendale Iravelux Parts and Service Morlmuplolfeara 170 BURTON AVE RENTALS HOUSES T0 RENT smnoomhatmrorreoths tter HOUSE 0R APARTMENT WANTED cum Mann or reouku two or three bedroom house or met mot outside or Barrie by Octqu as weapons mm HOUSES WANTED PMnLlr wrm teenago children require or bedroom Muse lunt rgmllfllluu ciao Telephone Tim nmnoost house wantld to rent adults and teenagers in September or berore lelcobooo Syd mom or meals RBBRMII house wintertree pollute wanted to rent by Brit Telephone manner required toi August 15 Telephone collect 7m lluntlvlllt minis rouse wanted no rlnI nith option 10 buy prerprabty Milt garden Barrie south or Painwick ares nedutrrd by elderlycnupie Tellprions Lerruy bosses on umnomi time required by Minesnon with family or adults and children Willing to sum leasv and or pay nrcmlum or choice home Band or close In rural considered Contact Leslie yrs5517 extension in it pan daily APARTMENTS WANTED 0N3 ANn rwo bedroom apart Islan to rent from true month 1y Telepllnnl 07170 chamber lnrnrmeuon pm BEDROOM unlurnishcd aperi menl renulrcd by September lol bsnlt orrlrer No children Tele phone 93161 bctore p711 MODERN two bedroom unrum lulled apartment wanted to rent by officer within the next EVENINGS GORDON at CairnsM7211 WALTER courtsnan SANDY courts7mm Potter Real EstateBroker 23 OWEN ST 7281960 lst and 2nd mortgage funds availablecity or rural Evenings 71151032 PROPERTY WANTED rive noosi bungalow wanted to buy npar aerrle liusl state roll particular to Box F41 Barrie Examiner WANTeu To any medium piss house wlth hcdrvorns ncnr bus mess centre or bus line Coed down payment Telephone Htsanti HAVE buyer or bedroom home in strand Older type Dre rerrcd call kcn Miller 351314 represenunp Emory lililer Ileal male FROFERTYFOR SALE on RENT SMALL rrouae ln Angus Service eouple prererrrd write to Jean liurdetie Lisle Onllrlo LOTS FOR SALE TEN ACRES treeanear atrria 31900 Box no Barrie Examlncr crimes 100 177 in em nine miles ram Barrie convenient access to water on private road Telephone mares INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS 113 DUNWP STE 7261501 phone 7268755 FLORIST uusmizss roi sale in the vuiage or Creemnrc Oomlsl ing or hire brick home double gar age greenhouses approximately acre good garden lend Business has rrown too large for present mrly Contact Cllu Foster Broker Telephone Croeinore mound ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money To consolidate debts all kilns mortgull mortgage coming due oma improvements lAny worthwhile reuse WANT MORTGAGE interest Up to 80 of your pro perty value Low montth pay ments up toiitteen years to repay For any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate 93 Dunlop St 7282419 DO YOU OWN mortgage Road cash lvnllabln to purchase same We will even lend you money on your moment Enquire lllorlgagn month netmncra leicobmo 72a owner inspection by appointment MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE gt lst and an mgagefians=Auwhera First orSocoivd at low simple 5049 women immediately One bed mom apartment central location stove and rcflntentor sllpnllcd Would like it to be modern Plus contact Mr Chnlln Base HM pitei cunp Borden or=1= srones To RENT amountac be exclusive carn merctll amn700 soure icet Du second rioor suitold or law Mr Ice dentist or doctor Available immediately $100 monthly Apply ronn Garrick Hair stylist 11o Cou Oi Dont Needs RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT oowtmwn nu easement avlb lbk W10 Tom 71 also am 1mm bowl bested Wm on IsaLn but VIII Ml only Antibin Armin lot too nulhlv Telephone mm mono lam upper om meal Demenl admin deer mat bus at door no morn thtrltoplytnustvlnc¢ntst near Napier latloop can norm unionplaned up per duplex halo heat water any pucd MIM private antsm Adqu only no beta Btu new North and moon yonNtsinm man rental rooms and been all mouthed leta ellLrlntt heal tleN water and parking as monthly Adorn my Home nhrorlmsnm innII mu WL ment clean coolsat location pm ing use there both ulm nlu with purple aw monthly hydro and mter handed sulte more Available September mails ROOMS TO LET noon ron burn in Drivel homo or young lentlelnan centrally in erred by 1m non Telephone 171 also in further inioematiee norm FOR KENT III letu hllml north end oenurmsn preterm Parklnl Linen supplied Telephone mailn in other home citn rumlsned nedroom close to downtown gent lemon preimed parking Iacllltlu Telephone Trial736 All pan irollslxmram room suitable lor buslnul person downtown on pxrklng area as llary Street telephone mm tor funMr pul ueularp ROOM AND BOARD R001 1an llollito avsllellle rind gripper tamerrem Tpionppue 7mm llomr ANu uoann pensioner New lured Lady or gentleman Ao atalnen Phone wrap noon AND noun cenlnih located home fiatd bunches packed it Telephonemooos no laundry Parking tacliillea SUMMER RESORTS corneas TORENT summon Big Bay Point area sleep or clean opinionole my good swimming Avaluhlc August 7tiy or monthly Teleplzonl we as ARTICLES FOR SALE TENT Used only one week nemnabie Telephone 72114967 al ter pm REEF PRONTS 59mm Hinds so 1b side we in Dyekr Food IlarkbL iso Collier mam rlulimn nomtl and so it pole else ice amp service and tort or coal Telephone COPY iur Want Ad Section accepted until ter Street 7184655 SE ALTERATIONS LADIES ALTERATIONS ims MILLER will help you expand your wardrobe also invisible mending or ESSA no PAVING PAVING SPECIAL Asphalt driveways and parking lots Flee esljrnates year VRIIIEN GUARANTEE MANIEERI PAVING CO Phone 7250031 0F BARRIE formerly otTorenlol Our customers are our bestad vertisers Japanese paving ex perts Asphalt lots driveways ole Vritterrguarantee for three years Call 72136545 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BEVS MOWER AND MARINE Service and Repairs Lawn mouera chain saws olitboards rote tillers etc Free pickup BIId delivery LITTLE LAKE BARRIE W117 PAINTING Work done according to the Lightning Rod Act For estim illes EARL EDGARBox TEESWATER 3920565 392611 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton Street PHONE 7284562 11011121 olllm stored Fuiidlllx 71160081 héiLin Cleaning Service 7137131 Sgt in Nb RVICE GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediater 70000 PAVING BY TsuBONE nilan interior exterior report paperinc gyn EIMVALE TZIRAIalter pm JANITOR SERVICE 1011me FDR clean cleaning or Blow Tgéfiufiifi air1 on aw at pm REPAIR BOOKKEEPING snows Btu Admin Install Bookkeeping Sysbellu log coma Tax Planning moon IRONING meme $2 per basket washing and ironing $350 lid antral Plekllp and deliver 7260853 DRIVING SCHOOL LAKESHORE DRIVING acnooLx Haunted instructor and tnsbmcv tees rbons Tia6175 anythne Iranians muva scallop Learn to drive the modern way Tehphnna maria INSULATION 310me Mme institution estimates Guanntced work Telephone Scott Muir nil1251 HOME DESIGN Home Design House plans drawn to your specifications Garry Ln caa strond Phone 4351210 MOWER REPAIRS AUTHORIZE Service and WID isnly all makes sir cooled en gines Mldlgan llinwer Service rear 171 nurlon Ave 7781121 EAVESTROUGHING EAVESTKOUGIIING Rooting llash lngs chimneys Graham Bros sheet adelsi nolssl CARPENTER ALTERATIONS renovations hourW cmrstnrctlon By tintsserved trader men etarice Angus mom MASONRY FOWLER MASONRYSERVCE la our1 saute isey Ems OBriLk Repa ng LIGHTNING OWall and Chimney Repointing aterproo ing PROTECTION OStonewnrk FREE ESTIMATES LIGHTNING ROD Phone 72115351 INSTALLATION PRINTING PROBLEllseij se noun heeinnesfcommerctai Pflnullfl dIVlsIun The Elm El amlner lb Baytleldflbflil SEPTIC TANKS $25 any size house tank within 25 miles of Barrie KEN WINTER CO Baffle Telephone 7260702 cnassvmnu has In WILL snore pneumat some TANKS PUMPED

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