Swédisiistari Minionsnnvimg Back F0 EXPO Of lekirtg Ddgsv Swedish star dorm Birgit NiLsson is returning to Montreal early In September this flare to appear wllh the Vienna State Opera and Vienna Philharmonic 425LmWagywcgum iitrs John fleet and Mrs John lilurray right work In the Paper Things store in Tar ontas Colonade an Indoor shopping centre The store run by voiunlcra from lhe Nation al Ballet Guild of Canada sell such items as paper flowers KEEP in THE TRIM Sedeniary Workers Acquire Hump From Poor Back Posture By JEAN KMN ltevalarming how many se dentary workers can acquire positive hump listless you are alert to the need to keep your back straight there is tendcn ey to round the ripper back and it is this habit that slowly but surely loads to hump sit sideways to mirror Its sum the position you use when bending over desk type writer drawing board or the sewing machine if the posture you naturally fall into rncnur ages forward position of your head neck and shoulders with chest depressed you are on your way to hump Whatever lsbabilual feels right but the workvposlure that brings on hump cannot be right Expressions commonly used are bowed town with axe but not with the years Its not age but habit Years back when age 60 was nearing the end of the journey maintaining good posture wasnt quite so imporlant as It is now Today 50 is just the prime of life lilapy folks can look forward to at least another so years if we are to escape the achu and ailments that can stem from years of sleeping we had better straighten up TAKE TEST Try this simple test Lie flat on the floor on your back or if the floor seems long way down lie on bed wiih firm mattress Stretch arms straight back beyond head with upper arms close against ears Stretch legs straight down Try to lie so flat that the arms en tire back and legs are in con fact with the floor it you conl not place your arms against the floor lhe difficulty is with the chest and shoulders there is tension in the area of the chest and tendency to rounded upper back To test for swayback ask someone to slip her hand under neath the small of your back If there is room to accommodate fist theres the trouble swayback The following exercise en courages straight young pos ture at any age Position me on back on floor feet elevated to chair seat or hassock arms down at sides backs of wrists on floor Action Circle arms around on floormatil extended beyond head not letting backs of nrlsfs off floor and at the same time flex altemnte knees to chest while pulling strongly upandin with abdominal muscles and pressing small of back flat to floor Repeat to to times easy does it BUILDING NEW OASIS SaudiArabia is tapping un derground water to build an ar tificial oasis between Riyadh the capital and the Persian Gulf coast STORE SUPPORTS NATIONAL BALLET gift wrap place mats bags decorations and even paper store are turned over to the National Ballet Canada to help Obscene ny JovnnLLEn Ar Womens Editor NEW YORK lAPlHave you heard more fourletter words lately New York psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr Renatus Hora toga says obscene words orche coming chic Surprisingly except in psychiatrist Its the decorous middle class matron who is making the most of her oppor tunities to drop fourletter bou mots into sophisticatcd convergt sation Fifty years ago she would have managed to have her skirt creep demurely above her on kle Today she may smile sweetly and turn the air blue with barracks language its all part of playing the fourletter word game as Dr Hartogs terms it which pro vides socially acceptable proe iection surface for repressed motives and instinctual needs In his recently published book FourrLettcr Word Games the psychiatrist attributes the in New Synthetic Material In Disposable Dress Deéigns ay EILEEN DIXON This new synthetic discovered by two Canadian companies it Vwas boundtorhappenintbis rthis summer has emerged with age of computers and rockets new softness drapabllily and The newest fashion raga the durability which adds to the disposable paper dress may be low cost virtue inherent in paper on its way out replacedby material new synthetic fabric ITALIAN Drainnnns Home in When received the coloilul it Locate on second placegiv and 399 seconds Wm Keybalt garment in the mail almostconsigned it to the waste basket Now lam glad didnt NEW MATERIAL The newmaterial dispos able rayon fabric is mounted lured in Canada by an exclusive process that does not require Weaving equipment Ias matter of fact the fabric ts from the same family as the already familiar all purpose towcgs which bare become mus in most Canadian house holqu The one nice thing about this new fabric is that it allows ex cellent print patterns breatha bility and cloth like feel in the summer It is especially cool No longer does the wearer ex perienca the crackling noise as sociated with wearing paper dresses Wearability has also been improved COLORFUL PATTERNS An exciting fashion note is the color and pattern story The de signers have chosen wild full color kaleidoscopic prints inspir ed by Italian designar Emilio Pucci to decorate the line dresses One for instance gaily beckons the shades pf blue and mauye Another its based on varyrng tones of pink and fuchsia Tha mostrewarding paint is that few people know youre wearing paper dross At least thgdtsewhat this wearer discav er ausrnauan our unas MELBOURNE Australia RemarslScott Henderson of Bantf Alta beat some of Eu ropea top skiers Sundayto win the mens slalom title in the Itustrallan Alpine eham ships at Mount Butler rso mi southeast of here Jim Heugor of the United States and Her nard Orcol of France shared identical time of 43 seconds THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 1561 Are NOW Chic Dr Hnrlogs in an interview JillBritevius pay Itsoxpenscs Two stores are in operation now and tub more are to open soon Photo Words crcasing popularity of dirty talk to the Ohatarlay syn drome the acceptance oi lor merly taboo words in middle einss apcccb lle says it dates from 1959 when aUS district court liberated Lady Chatter leys Lover from the bonds of censorship HAS SHOCK VALUE The lower classes always have used these words said but now in certain middle class circles itls veavptogrEs sive put that in quotes to drop little word that has shock value Now there is definite loos ening of traditional moral val ues which primarily affects women who have been forced to hide behind what call the sham barrier it has not bcen the role of women to be rebel lious but as they become more aggressive intellectually and sexually they are more inclined to use words that reflect anti value He says that cocktail parties where flirtation and quasi scxual pursuit are part of stylized ritual are the prin cipal playground for these new conversational gambits The dirty word expresses something of persons secret wishes and images at the same time it tests societys re action or at least the reaction of the person to whom it is ad dressed By this kind of word game the person can at least on the symbolic level strike balance between his own needs and the norms and rules of so ctety The tour letter word game allows woman to remain pbys ically within accepted bounds while committing transgressions he says Her stylish use of profanity openly violates nothing more than fading conventions of po lite discourse yet by implica tion it overthrows bread spec trum of restrain History Of Homes Shown In Senes lit 67 Exhibition The development of home fur nishings in Canada from Indians rand pioneers in the 194th will be shown in series of Vignettes presented by the Womens Div ision of the Canadian National Exhibition The decor series is one of the special Centennial presentations planned by Elsa Jenkins Manager of Womens Activities and her designer Maria de Nagay Authentic pieces of Canadians manydonated byprivate collec iors show the changing trends in home furnishings as they re present the change in the Can adiap wayof li lt7 Ono vigncttev time pioneer kitchen of the early lbttthThe wooden spoons but ter churn andoiher antique cooking utensils are from vast private collection In another Vignette visitors to the Queen Elisabeth Exhibit Hall wlll find an entire suite of Caner dian crafted pine furniture from the midttilh century In eluding dry sinkdropleaf table and spinning wheel One vignette will be built round theimposing presence of siel originally cialtcd bi given by the Vienna Phllhnr ahon ancaIdJ fooyearoid solid walnut butt buepf Orchestra it will be her mud Montreal engagement this year On June she sang the role of Isolde in Richard Wagners Trbtan and lwlde with the Royal Opera of Stockholm ltsr appearance with the Vienna Opera and hestra will be of longer duration On September 14 and re the intu prcts the title role In Richard Strauss Elektrai ftegina lice nik will be heard as Clytaemnes lra Monte ltysanen as Chryro thcmls his 1th as Acgtsthus and Gem Nienstedt as Orestes On September to ltflsrNiis son will participate in concert monlc Orchestra under the dir ectlon of Josef Krlps She is to sing ldebeatod from Richard Wagners Tristan and Isolde Doesnt lndliidetAqllPooches Deer Aan helm Since you caused my problem perhspe you can tell me what to do about it You have wrecked my home life with those ridiculous letters abouk tllklnl First let me tasks It tear that my husband is solid citi zen have never sown him to go oil the deep end about any thinguntil he read In your cot umn about the poodle who told what to go outside and the spaniel who spoke Italian Now my husband is firmly convinced that it other ies do can talk ours rhoul be she to say somethlns toe For week now he has been trying to get our boxer to say The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain The poor dog amok know what to mate of Must For Swe Going off to college this all gt for the first time Dont despair iiyour high school wardrobe seems little tired to carry you through try stretching it with the addition of couple of smart new hand knit sweaters Never before have knits been so much in the fashion lirnellghl marvellous opportunity for the home knitier to create high style boutique fashions right in her nwn home This is the year of variety brigbt uninhibited mlnldresscs and pant suits are shoulder to shoulder with the classic lines of more conservative fashions Reproduce this trend In your sweater wardrobe Start with strong basis in the elegant yet simple lines of the classic car digan and then let your im agination soar MATCHNGjOCKS Mad mod minidresses with their own matching knee socks sweaters that button at the shoulder seams zip with indus trial zlppers and come with their own zany designs to knit right in or saw on afterwards are only few of the uptothemlnute patterns that are now available for the tirst time in your wool shops For your classic cardigan ex perts suggest choosing either of two terrific patterns theever sbuseful front buttoning style with raglan sleeves and neat round collar Or for more type jacket with its nobutton front and slightly raised collar complete this pretty fashion Both are to be found in the now your wool shop now But if you are Modat heart citing new knit sweater and dress patterns some of them specially designed for by Mary Quant that bright young Eri tish designer that has all London at her feet The fall fashion scene fulfills her exciting predictions can ice and ribs are still very in cables become liner and are used more sparingly ribs are flatter and widely spaced Tex tures ara mixed for fantastic new pattern looks link yourselfnna oi these swinging Mary Quant dresses matching knee socksprovidetan extra bonus for fashion com bination with newsest an op art sweater ot bla white stripes and squares With warm turtleneck collar thats fabulously flattering for tall altera long search The rest of thelurnilure in tbevignette will also be antique authentic Canai dianpieces made by old manu facturing firms still in existence Other sections of the Canton nlal Exhibit will include Vigneti tes leatuiibg oaken victorian style piecesyand several pieces from the mate flamboyant Manson variations Canadas oldest manu cturers andoniy recentiyirackeddow BACKTOSCHOOL DAYS Classic HomeKnit Cardigan glamorous touch the Chanel Narrow culls in plain knitting Mary Maxim pattern books in youll find whole array of ex hut in new and different ways US holids gt ater wardrobe it really swings and sizzles with novor adull muddy or keynote for this palette of true luminous hucs grouped around the carthtnnes These brown in flucnced colors will be seen everywhere in such marvellous shades as Copper Gold Tansy Yellow and Camel the ideal colors for fashion pcricct fall outfits The true greens such as Jade and Emerald and the vib rant primary shadcs of the lac quers in Dasblngftcd and Ome ga blue will provide the perfect your brown toned knits The choice of yarnsf The new ones from France of course These yarns now available in Canada for the first time under the namcs Courtelle Encore and Caprice are simply marvellous completely machina wusbr that wouldiit any color fancy Maka this fast moving sum mer your knitting summer and start on your back to school knitting now Remodelling and Repairs NowAt Sumer Pricasl USE our LAY AWAY PLANI your selection until Christmas vague momentrrllrilliancn is the complimentary shades for all of able and dryable in color range Asmaii deposit will hold without storage or service charge budget Terms also invali able Nn outside financing My bulband hla faith to you And no lamtell him in your column at not all dog can be made to talk And lo stop rook In our hound erersble Cant Get Through to lllrn Dear Cut Get Through Husband book fellaJava the P031 rumour It be balsnt as an up to now ss not likely tatever So give up already PARENTS TO BLAME Dear Ana Leaderr Last night we went to party at lira home of relatives Itn 11year old girl was being honored at birthday party given by her parents The child ripped oneniont beautifully wrapped gift after another glanced at the cone touts tossed the gift aside then ruched for the next gift with out uttering one word of thanks or even looking at the person who gave It to her BECAME BORED After she had opened about doren boxes she became bored stepped over the gifts as if they werrgarbage and trottedinto the bedroom to try on her new clothes tier parents didnt say one word to has about her rude ness Please tell us if weshould say something to the child or to the pumnts The girl is be coming mm obnoxious by the doyConcerrred Relallvo Dear Relative it is ciear from the tone of your letter that you dislike the child The tim of poor upbringing it Is tragic when children are reared to be selfish and ungraclous Think of what thailgirl will on iAii FllliiitiiS mu iRuE See Wiggi Furs Barries Exclusiv Furriers who make and sell Fursonlyi LargeEtseleotion to choose from Madetoorder at no extra cost satisfaction guaranteed Iliberal tradein allowances sad truth is that she isibe vic tim to overcome tater in Illl Bey polling Your remarks would not be well received Do try to understand however that the child Is not at fault STAY WITH MOM 04 has Leaders em girl to who is torn between my mother and my father They were divorced last month an em nervous wreck blvgb choice of ring with my on who has raided to stay tn this house or can move to an apartment with my father whom love dearly ll go with my father wiii bare to change schools This means leaving my friends which Would kiu me also feel should stay with my little sis ter who has no choice he must remain with Mom but this would mean Dad would have no one while Mom had two Please help me decideOne Who lilies Divorce Deer One isryesrold girl is usually better off with her mother It new school plus the emotional problems of freshly stilt home is too much of load So stay with your Mom and spend your summers and hollda with your Dad and good uck honey Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles lsrludnberltaguttrlsne pmsair rhhk hemorrhoids rndnpalr dangl liam Arunowncd researchinstituto an found unique bcsling substance with the chi ity to shrink bemorv rbolds slnlusly It relieves Itcbla and ldrooutfort in minutes so speeds up healing oi the injuredi Inflsmed tissue In case after case while gently lraving arnactual reduction brinksgsilitook plant Most important of ailresults were so thorough that tbirimprove ment was maintained overs period of many montbe This was swornpllsbsd with new bullnihsubstsnm BIoDyns which uic helps her inzure calls an stimulates growth new tissue Now BimDyna ls adored In olnb meat and su pository form called Preparation Askforitstslldrug cameraman TAKE ADVANTAGE or our 17 Aiiiiiiér FURSALE gsAVE 20 1040 roa ouALiry srvLE woaKMAusuiP Auo ABOVE ALL largo Selection of Coats Jackets an Reduced during this August Fur Stale WIGGINS FURS Barries ExcluiiviFurrlers who make and sell fursvonlyl storesmoney back guarantee andTWltEls the only way In five iiiitlliliiiiiiiiiiiialtilllSliiZifiiiinttvtiiitlttiititttiif VALUE Stoles