Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1967, p. 4

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Elite Published by Canadian Newrplpcn Limited 16 Hayfield Strut Walls Publisher pm and in arril Ontario gt William Teller Genflnl Manager Mthmon ManagingEditor TUESDAY AUGUST impnoon HM Who Owns Shore Lines The Riparian When land grants were distributcdio new settlers in Ontario the authorities little dreamed the muddle they would get their descendants into over the ubltc ri ht of the rivers and above al the la cs Recently mildtussles took place at Fort Eries edge because visitors wanted to enjoy the beach but residents claim ed they had bought and consequently fenced it For more than 50 years this vextng question has cropped up In 1911since the old British law grant ing otvncrship of river abutting rm party to the centre line of the river could not be applied to the lakes the On tario Legislature passed the Beds of the Navigable Vaters Act This granted ownership to the riparians of the lowwater mark also mentioned in title deeds as the waters edge 10 lake the shoreline the river or Just the water In 1940 after some discussions on the Winning Wor The aggressiveness which Canadian manufacturers display in exploiting new market opportunities will determine the degree of success they may have in cap turing larger share of expanding world markets In its current Business Review th Bankof Montreal stresses that this atti tude will set the pattern of Canadian de velopment for years to come Tax environment the nature and scope of any assistance the government may give in the transition period and the tvhole complex question of controlling costs and increasing productivity also are seen as influences on thecountrys economy insofar as results of the Ken nedy Round of trade negotiations are concerned The substantial loweringof tariff bar riers which was agreed to is likely to pro vide real stimulus to and stronger Don noon on 35 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 1932For third time Barrie Examiner von Mason Trophy emblematic best allround weekly newspaper in Canada At an nual CWNA convention in Forth Arthur trophy was presented to editor Alex MacLaren It was donated by Mason publisher of Sudbury Star in 1926and ThelExaminer was first win ner again in 192 Since tlten winners have been three Bri sh Columbiapapersr Duncan Leader Vernon News and Kam loops Sentinel and Simcoe Ontario Reformer Thomas Olsen former Copaco plant manager established new Barrie industry Simcoe Sausage Co Leaf hoppers threaten potato crop in Simcoe County and farmers were advis ed by Cassin agriculture tieldman to act now with heavy application of spray Dr Robert Sprott Barrie dentist and exmayor returned from visit to Saskatchewan and reported west ern farmers optimistic of crops Wh in Saskatoon he met former Barri people lIarvieW rrick chief clerk for ContederationL Will Reid Nelson Garrett Mrs Grafton and daughter Marieand spent three weeks with sister Mrs fellow of Kinley Magistrate Compv ton Ieffs in Barrie court encountered most unusual person motorist who ad mitted he was wrong CNR made changes here At Barrie station ticket and freightoffices combined under John Campbell agent Allandale station express office combined with Barrie in charge of William Pomfret iVOntario AROUNDTHE waning Prospect Yltr By emu DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst at attack against Bay Pointclub Mrs Allanlngram time for cardparty in aidof Star Fresh 51 Good special effort not to late th regulations the first place Conununisls in Latin America Castro is the apostle of the New Left which believes that Or Public subject the law was altered to read the highwater mark in 1951 the law was again altered to specify the lowwater mark Thls vagueness in the law has caused many court cases and again there was no unanimity One decision of the court of appeal went for theiowwater mark an other for the bank of the lake and not thewaters edge This of course would cover the case of people who suffered loss of land through erosion Wherever the bank of the river or of the lake went to 50 went the boundary of the pro perty Then in the Canadian Encyclopedia Di gesl third version grants Crown ripar ian rights on all the land between high and low water mark In addition it con cludes that possession of the foreshore in its natural state can never be in the true sense of the term exclusive There lies the problem If the law does not know who owns the shore who does competition in international trade Assuming this to be the case the main issues for this country speaking generally are whether Canada will be able to maintain or increase its share of expanding world trade and whether the Kennedy Round will in fact prove to be turning point in Canadas transforma tion from natural resourcesorlented economy to more industrializedone The bank says the trade talks provid ed Canadian manufacturers with easier access to the major industrial markets of the world At the same time relatively high degree of protection has been retained for large segments of the Canadian mar ket For other Canadian manufacturers who have lost protectionto significant degree there are offsets in the form of reduction of duties on materials inter mediate products and machinery Motor League threatened legal action against Town of Barrie re charges for speeding by local police Ken nedy Innisfil farmer suffered hand in juries when attacked by bull Hon Leopold Macaulay officially opened Highway No 26 new pavedstrip Stay ner to Collingwood Miss Agnes Macpbail MP headed poll in election for directors First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Little of Shelburne elect ed president Walter Allan of Churchill secretarytreasurer It is hoped tohaye Allandale plant reopened very soon whileworking on furnace with father Alderman PHJ Moran Jack Cole man 14 of Welland when struck on head by golf ball at Big Summer home of Minets Point set Air Fund 1JL Garvin hadhOnor of playing againstcheckers champion of America Newell iBaltksJof Detroit One Editors Views not nor roMAKE WORK OttawaC zen Rubberstamping of signatures of jus tices of the peace on sworn statements made by police on minor traf offences llno longer be alloi Theresult willbe more work for ustices of the otortsts arkin Nucledr War learner 45 weekly prasure in connection with frontattons near their bbrders They believe as the New Left seriously hurt American cities to force US retreat from Vietnam and F0 mosa is the prospect facing US strategic planners now they have established that Chi ballistic missiles in three to four years And not only Vi ham or Formosa but any other confrontation between the rich white world and the poor col ored world could touch off nuclear war This is not an American nightmare only it also Russian nightmare Moscow at tacks Costro for his Li American act ties accusing him of undermuting lhc revolu tionary rk of Communts And indeed is under will have intcrcontinentni Russia has become rich coun try and no longer cares about revolutionwhich is t1 what Mao Tse Tuog eves The New Left maintains that road Chinesexrockets sea in stalled in Cuba in 1962 Man Tse Tung would not have been star down by Kennedytbe icnuse lCh not being an urban soc yet has much the US Seoule iulhlsknowl edge of his enemies greater vulnerability Mao or his sue cessor is likely to practice nu clear bl kmail so American ategisl BELIEVEIN FORCE And the Chin in find fh metres to Vexercxsing lhink many ga less to lose in nudear ex change than would Russia or believes that the poor colored world mustforce the rich white world on disgnrgeits illgottcii and mtum whal the whites stole from the eolored people Faced with an elusive gu ril la enemy force operating Latin Amert Africa and Asia guerrilla force backed by the explicit threat of Chinese rockets the rich white world having nnfstomachrfor fighting and fearful of losing eiierytli ing will submit says the New Loft it believes the key totho white treasure chest is violence which has the added virtu specthnd manliness as well as the discipline ill QUEENS PARK 1d Markets Charge some Drivers For Squéaling ny noNounAnN TORONTODte lawmay be an ass but sometimesthe ad ministration of it dclics suitable dwription in fairtilyncws rarer Item 0n Augt neanW went into effect makim certainre quiremcnts of advertisers This was section under the Consumers Protection Act which ordains that oil advcrtisi ing of loans must state or timepayment terms must state both the true annual in terost cost and the dollar cost There was confusion on the day this started for neither merdtants nor the newspapers had been advised of just what was expected of them rne vconsumers prolcrlion branch of the new department of financial and commercial at fairs hadnt told Ilium It hadnt formally notified the papers that they must follow the law them eith the regulations under the act or instructions on just what was and was not now permitted When asked about this branch people said somewhat indignanliy that the regulations were available They were At the Queens Printer here in Toronto That is if you happpened to know the law was coming in and you happened to know there were regulations printed you could Norbert Moran received leg injuries CANADAS STORY And it hadht sent misfsiimfi Tires write here to Toronto and get copies item At thclast session them was an amendment to the unneces sary noise clause of the High way Traffic Act ll bannul Hollywood muf tiers and certain other types which cut out and make roar ing noise Some zealous reporter sent out news story whtch was widely circulated that broad new laws against car noise were being brought in It shirt that in future friv ers ol noisy cars would be diargcd Since then police in at least one Ontariocityand probably othershave been on noise crusade gt They are summonsiug drivers on grounds such as squealing tires What they actually forcing is newspaper There has bceh ho oh Ice in the law excépt for mufflcrs Thcrc long has been an un necessary noise section in the Traffic Act but it is pretty well confined to mufflers and any bell horn orslgualling de vice Certiinly the intent of the section is to apply to these me chanical parts of the car Butmagistrates also appar enliy are going along at least some of them and convicting for squealing tires Tide Of War Can Change Quickly By BOB BOWMAN The tide of tvar can change very quickly In March 1911 the German army began an of fensive that pushed the Allies back 40 miles on the first day This was unbelievable after three years of fighting in which again of in yards would be hailed as victory The heaviest Canadian casa ade avmm Elite Atom Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorised as second class matter Posttoffice Depart ment Ottawa and for pa merit of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statinmy Holidays excepted Subscription iates daily by yearly gle copies me By mail Barrie 92340 yearly Ontario $1200 year moto throwoff $15 year Mail ou sideoiitario $14 yeér Out sideOanada British posses siorts 515 year USA and foreign $76 year National Adver ing of rices 425 University Avenue der st Vancouver ac Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureaunf Circulatiois The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for repu cation of nllnews dispatohe in this paper cred ited to it or The Assocnted Pressorlteuters and also the local oowspublished therein $2340 ualties in the war were at Pas scbendale when the Allies gained two square miles of mud altar months fighting The socallcd victory cost 500000 casualties The Germans lost mom men So in March 1918 it looked as though the would break lhrnugh all the way20 Paris and it was perhaps mir aclethat they were stopped at the second battle of the Marne whon Field farsbalzliaig sued an order that the British must stand to the last man The tide turned suddenly on August 1918 It was called the black day of the German Army by General Ludcttdorff The Allied High Command used Canadian Australian and New Zealsnd troopva trick the enemy Whenever the Camp diaits appeared the Germans expected an attack 50 small number of Canadians were moved in Flanders andtold to make themselves obvious The main bodyo the Canadian Corps was litdd in tlio Amicus area The mans werecompletely fooled when the tralinns began at Amieu supported it tanks which were compara tively new in warfare found only six German ns defending the areafhey stormed ahead eight miles on front 15 miles wide and the im petus of the drive was never lost until the Germans asked for an armistice on November 11 The attack became known thistoryjs The Hundred Days of theCanadian Army which suffered 16000 casualties be tween August nnd October ornnn one nvnhrs isleJens Munck expedition to Hudson Bay held first neran sarvlce ittcanadar OTTAWA REPORT Liberals See Ruin from de Gaulle Visit By rltrrrcn NICHOLSON OTTAWAThe great dc Gaulle crisis of course has like overy molar debate two sides One of these has been liberally sired by Prime Minister Peor son by the newspapers of Eng lishspeaking Canada and by innumerable writers of letters to those papers But the overlooked other side of de Gnulles visilto Canada thepolltlcol fallout from the griatesl jolt Parliament Hill ha suffered in many years do scrch cquul public examina tion Suppose that General de Gaulles axhortntions in Quebec were to achieve the very worst that Prime Minister Pearson fears suppose the visitors moral encouragement did preci Dilale the sonaralion of the Province of Quebec from the Canadian Confederation what then The politically conscious Liberal cabinet was quickie sense the first inevitable conse quencewhich the great public debate so far has enlircly over looked The federnl Liberal party would be shorn of its great power base which gives it office Take all Quebec MPs away from Parliament and we would not have Liberal gov ernment the standing tomor row would be 119 Conservative MP5 13 Liberal MP5 and handful of New Democrats and western Social Creditors REMEMBER MEL Prime Minister Pearson like his Liberal predecessors St Laurent Mackenzie King and Lauricr is maintained in power by the ghost of the executed rebel Louis lliel Ever since he was banged by Conservative gnvommenl the Liberals have consistently received the sup port of the great majority in Quebec except tor the two brief interludes of the Bennett BIBLE THOUGHT For when they shall say peace and safety Ihclt sudden destruction come upon them Thessalonians People who have failed to look up had better look out No man knowcth the day nor the hour whcr the Son of man com government in moms and the only Dlefenboker majority gov ernment in interest Take away the Quebec block of Liberni MPs take away the support of the ghost of the rebel and the Liberal arty would lose in historic ack bone But even more desperate for the Liberal party the second ary fallvout appeared when sto ries of de Gsuiles visfl filtered through into Ottawa llow God Save the Queen was booed in Quebec Citynot by the band ful unknown separatists in the crowd but by the entire gather ing how flags bedecked do Gaulles motorcade route along The Kings Highway from Que bec City to Montrealnot the Canadian maple leaf flag but Quebees bgautifid provincial flag and the French tricolor how do Goulles cry Vle ie Quebeclibre was cheered not by bfew hothcsds but by the largest street gathering ever seen in Montreal PEARSON FAILED Prime Minister Lester Pent soos policy of appeasement lay in ruins behind de Gaulles triumph His cooperative fed eralism and his granting of Quebecs every whim had failed to win La Belle Province Englishspeaking Canada has been forced to give up its Red Ensign because Quebec did not like it has been saddled with the medical care plan theCan bda pension ian yes and even the family alownnce plan pri marily as various sops to Que bec Englishsspeaking Canada has had to carry the load of military service inwar and peace because Quebec did not want conscription iiivni LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Examiner invites con mw tributlnnsto its Letters to the editor column on the ed itorial page When possible letters should be restricted to in 400 words and they should be signed Writers may use pen name if they dc re tarlo has paid and paid tux which have been drained oil to Quebec Englishspeaking Canada has illegally been bur with bilingualism to cater to Francophonia But do spite all these steps mostly by Pearson Quebec is not satis fied tho mood of separatism is growing The top Liberals are now sensing the terrible wrath which they will reopen the re siilt of the disclosure stemming from de Gnulles three little days in Quebec We will lose every single seat we hold west of Ottawa if on election is hold while Englishspeaking Canada remembers de Gnuilc said tlptop Liberal They hold Very few west of the iakehend today but an awful lot of Ontario seats are west of Ottawa and 10 of important heads will roll when they are swept out at Englishspeoking Ontario irrrrns TO THE among FREEDOM NOT DEAD Sir The Press merits the highest praise in the present worlds struggle for Freedom No words of mine can add to the message of William Heine Editor of London Free Press and photo in the edition of July 22 gt The murder el Edith Cavell by German firing squad in 1915 is similar in ferocity to the mur der of three South Vietnam girls in 1967 by the Viet Cong Sig port for Lyndon Johnsons fort for Freedom will now be come Cmsade on the part of millions of idealisLs who farmer ly were lukewarm These three young women have not died in vain Each drop of blood that flowed from their young bodies will plead like angels trumpettongued gainst the deep damnation of their takingoff and for every drop of that bloods millionmen willyrise to join Lyndon Johnson in his crusade to des troynot the murderers but the devils system that produced these murderers Freedom is not deadb It but sleeps to awaken at this trum pel call to rid the worldnf inlt justice can WWWW IT Hawaiian IN we wantu wua ountveo use rinnvusaru ms was gt CANADA venue in CATARE Moi ORCHARD Parkhitl Uni am it CANADA THAN odes TsiiRE Ann 2500000 ear mus HERE AND GNLY 2300099 boss demise wass MEN RESIDENTS of AKIAVIK 1N olENDlllllWESl lERRlloifiEi NNOl liilNK nil PAINTle BEHIND WEALTAR nF 115 ANGLICAN CHURCH l5 UNUSUAL lfoOM TiJPEEWKIMUI HARRIET 10 North East MIAMI NS 1744860 MK W55 WA MARI£0 IJER FEM25 117 715 AG 0F IllD HEPFkffllfSilfD WAS MSTEY WWIN5 SHE 71 MAMDA €1le BIZAND WW WAS lff£0 ATMSIEGEAPMWfi III758 MlllESEIiINQ WW WFRENflAPMMSIIE MflfltlEDFDR THIRDTIME titl1th diff4W0 47 WIN EAYMAPMEEEAMUI SWAMPfl ME 560 4550 I06 WARS 4F7£R WDiAflaFlERFRITIIIIIMAD ms momzmammalianmm ljlflllfllfilSW Maem

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