Barrie Race Marat on By TED RUSHTON Enmtner Stall Writer Barrie entry driven by ler rylticerliqitviimiï¬ï¬‚ in the overall standing ti this years Barrie too Marathon held Sunday on Kempeofrlt Boy crowd Unrated at20000 persons lined the thorn to watch is watched Rice take fir in the overall mending ur and with twin 105 hp Chrysler outboards ln the first Sitmile heat of the 100 mile race like managed to capture and hold the lead on the choppy waters that tirade the handling of the boat tricky task At half time he comment ed that the race is going just notoriously as long as the boat and engine holds out well finish firs But at the slmt of the sec ond 50 mile lap Rice was one of the last boats to get under my in the pace boat start rid he had some hard driving to regain the lead By the end of the second half though he had managed to more from behind passing every other boat and was again out In front as overall winner for the day The pace boat start involves the boats starting off in straight line at it slow pace and gradually picking up speed until the pace boat drops signal flag and speeds out of the nay C0va 36 W8 to winning the race Rice cov er as laps About lHmileo in two hours and min utes setting an average speed of approximately 60 mph The closest competition for Rice was provided by Stan Stouf fersJ8 from Ashland Ohio which alternated with him in holding the lead in the race ootuirysGCourierpowr out wings rnn mm manner masoav auovsr on sea Accident Slows Traffic 0n Highway 400 Anucidentnodionorthbormd lane of immune lust routb oflheBaytreldmnmonSunday roorningtiedrnitraflieonlligbi waytooforsevualmilestothc routhbefore itwudurrndup total of five care was In Witt 501ml to $3150 dam age to the can but only in haytoooepersoo JERRY RICE LEFT Bar boat 766 CENTRE and co drivtr Ross llountstcvcn ney Rouse mechanic for his Muller also finished 36 laps but took two hours and minutes to do it just one minute longer than Rice In the first half of the race one of the boats lost its steering and veered into another boat The skillful handling by all the drivers managed to bring the boat to halt without any lur titer mishap although they had passcddangerously close to one of the corner marker boats in the process Later during the second half of the race the combination of drown water on Kempenfett Day plus the heavy wake thrown up by other boats shopped one Toronto entry The boat driven by Isaac Raymond from Toronto almost flipped in the rough wa for ripping ahoie several feet in size in the side of the boaty and teanng out the engine cov and the two inch screws which had held it to the frame 77 rcumnnrvrrto drivers commented on the choppy water which made driv ing conditions very difficult and caused some of the boat to With draw from the race Floating ammo in the water also pos ed hazard with at least one boat having to withdraw from the race after its hull was holed when it struck driftwood iii the bay Apart from the two near soci denls however there were no serious incidents to mar the nice total of 31 boats started the race but only to finished The race was considered by many of the drivers as pre view for the major competition Whld1Wlil be held during the Canadian National Exhibition la yar in August Entries for the race came from all over On iario Quebec and the eastern United States Close to 100 en hia had beEn expected in 11 classes but by race time there were only 31 entrantsand some ISAAC RAYMOND with the lay Marine and the hole knocks flipped during the race boat sponsored by number Val ed in the side when it almost of the classes had been combin ed to make total of only seven ntassm There was total of 5200 in prizes for each class with $100 being awarded for first $50 for second and $25 ach for third and fourth prizes The filst boat in each rvice quali fied for trophy as well as the cash prize DIVISION WINNERS The winners for each division included the following boats and drivers In DivIslnri with class FG and Ni together ranging in size from so to 7999 cu In dis placement out motors Duane Galloway from Sandusky Ohio look first place inhisboat H435 by completing 30 laps in two hours and an minutes to Division with class Fl and FJ together ranging in size from 80 to 9999 on in displace ment outboard at Stan Staufler from Ashland Ohio took first place in his boat lB by completing 36 laps in two hours and Birminutcs In Divlsion with class FwII for boats of unlimited motor dis placement Bob Pickett from Cooksville look first place in his boat 76¢ by completing 30 laps in two hours and 29 minutes In DIvIsion file U2 dass for outboard boats of unlimited mo tor displacement Jerry Rice from Barrie tookfirst place in his boat 766 by completing 36 laps in two hours and 34 min In Division and of the in board boats vhicb were com bincd for boats ranging in size of motors from to 300 cu in displacement Marcel Parisiene Imm Laval Quebec took first place by completing 30 laps in two hours and 2E minutes In Division and of the in board boats which also were combined for boats ranging in iCreemoreg Celebrqtion Draws Recent Crowd Featured by Legion drum head service wellattended Sat urday night show at Creemore arena and recomvlmg parade Creernores centennial celebra tion which concluded last was described today as moons to beyond all expectations We had between 60 and 70 entries for the parade which took an hour and quarter to pass any mot along the route said Reeve Gordon Watson who said there were literally thous ands oLVisiiors in the village hr the celebration It was the largest and best attended par ade we have ever had Police Charge Barrie Youths tbs arrested in connection with car which was stolen from the lot of Dean Myers Motors on Friday night The youths who have been arged in connection with the cldent are Wayne Donahue to Ross SL Kenneth Eldon Dona lrue 19 Ross St Gary Wayne Jnmiesoil Sanford St and Al vlan Douglas Pattcndcn of 92 John Street The car 1966 model valued at approximately $4000 was re covered in sandyvhollow ingttie usti riearihe Barrie crtydump in may Reeve Watson extended civic welcome to visitors at Legion drunfhead service or the dis trict at the Community Park Sunday afternoon Legionbands eoler parties and special Grey and Sirncoe Foresters Reserve Unit in 1867 uniforms addedfo an impressive demonstration be fore large crowd Rev Doug las Gill Crerinore Anglican Church rector was chairman and Rev Downer MPP of Duntroon commended the vet erans during his address Mr Downer also was among the speakers at the dedication of Creemnres new library the communitys main centennial pmjectat which Reeve Watson was chairman Located in the former Toronto Domioinn Bankbuilding on the main street the library location as it was opened for public spection Rev Douglas Gill said the dedication John Ney man ager represented the Toronto Dominion Bank which assisted the project Harry Wren repre sented the Crcemore library board and Corbett of To ronto former local druggist recalled earlier days of the Creemore library when it was located in lrisrlfaihers building PRESENTATIONS Little Betti Leounbrvdougliter of Clerk Jack Lemmon hold the ribbon while Miss Florence May cut it to mark the official opening Misses Florence and Nellie May presented portrait of the Queento the library An olher presentation was book Renewing Natures Wealth by the author Riahard Lam gm of Toronto summer resi ent ReeveiValton introduced mem hereof the citizens committee and of village councils of 1965 1966 and 1067 responsible for the library project Miss Marian Priddle is the librarian and Mrs MoArthur assistant Much interest also was taken in shcep dogdcmonstration by Bob Walker ofCreemnre Can adidn champion at the school grounds TORCHLIGIII PARADEgt torchlight parade from Ten Hill to theschool grounds was headed by Miss lei Wilson chosen earlier as Miss Creemore TeenAger for the celebration Miss Wilson who is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Wilson of Creomore rode in conver tible colorful fireworks dis play added to the program some 15003amrned into the arena for the Saturday night show and applauded Andrew Murdlson of Barrie for his Scot tislr impersonations and other performers There was also large crow sttlre opening lee diaerdnrrc when Miss Wilson as crowned queen size of motors from 300 to 500 cu in displacement William Gleasoncr of Willianrsvilie New York took first place by com pleting 32 laps in two hours and ti minutes The chairman of the Barrie 100 Marathon committee this year was Bill Pauiia Joe Fossey served as referee with George Mosier as timer and Emile Vansfield as starter scorer Mrs Isabel Vansfleld measurer Em ile Vansfield and Jack Gifford and medical Facilities being pro vided by Dr John Hicksand the St Jolur Ambulance Brigade BreakIn Thelt During Weekend The premises of Ellis Construction on Edgehill Drive were reported entered during the weekend and an electric guitar possibly missing as conse quence Entry is believed to have been gained through side window The entry was discovered by an ernployee coming in to work on Monday morning who found all the lights on in the shop Thetheftofatnrckfrmna local construction firm was re ported to Barrie police over the weekend The halfton truck was report ed taken from Headway Build ers and contained number of construction tools in the rear of the truck MARINE FORECAST TORONTO ri ne forecasts for the Great Lakes issuml at 830 EDT today valid unt Wednesday Lake Ontario Winds variable 10 to 15 knots increasing to southwest 15 to 20 knots tonight Cloudy Lake Erie Winds variable 10 to 15 knots increasing to south west 15 to 25 knots this evening Cloudy Scattcrgdfshowcrs and lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds varmble lit to 15 knots increasing to southerly 15 to 25 knots this evening Cloudy Scattered showers and thunder showers Wednesday Lake Superior Winds south to southeast 15 to 25 knots in creasing tozo man this site noon and shifting to north to night Cloudy tithslrowera and scattered thundershowers rnv EXAMINER WANT ADs rnonnmmi car driven by Cisco Mass lmllano 29 of 41 Quinn Drive Toronto had $300 damage The mod car driven byGuiseppo Trlolo ll of Ardwick Road Weston bad $900 dam The third car driven by Mia mud try of ii mrsnune Road Toronto had 8275 damagep The fourth car was driven by Nicola Ciralinciooe 37 of 55 Paid Arc Toronto and bad $575 damage The fifth sir drlvur by Gulseppe Podone of EL nathan Crescent in Weston had 51100 damage passenger in the ï¬fth car Francis Pedone 15 was treated and rdeascd at the Royal Viclt torin Hospital in Barrie for back injuries No drarges have been laid yet Charged With Thelt Oi Auto man has been charged with auto theft by the Oriliia Police Department following investiga tion by the Barrie detachment OPP into single car accident early Saturday evening The accident happened on the second line in Om Township about mlle and half north of County Road 11 The car was driven by James Butler of no lmown undress and bad bout $500 damage pnsscngcr in the car Glenn Kenning 25 is an inmate of the Edgar Occupational Centre Butler has been charged with auto theft bytha Drillia Police Depalttmoot Finn PRICES MONTREAL CF Agricul ture department quotations Eggs Average weight price wholssle to retail In one dozen cartons Acxiia large 556 Iarge 515 Amediurn 406 smalth AMONG TillJ lnvitcd guests at the official opening of the new lnnislil Centennial Park tinSaturday wcre Alderman Dorian Parker representing Mayor Les Cookeof Barrie Miss lnnislil for 1967 Robbie Cranlleld and Mrs Noble from Leiroy Once Swamp Area Now Beautiful Park swamp purchased during the tears for $400 to provide workfor men on rctlafdrniog the depression has been trans formed into ii park as the Con fenniztl proim by lnnislil town ship 1he park tooated at DIE lunc tion of the 7th Line and No to Sidcroad is the townslrips ef fiolal Centennial project and is the second park to be establish ed by township The ï¬rst park in rm on the 3th line on Lake Simon has be come so popular with pcople from outside the township that local residents have been larg idy crowded out of it The new park is designed to provide quiet recreation area for township residents rvlro are not looking for the range of boating facilities provided in the takeshore park It consists of pavilion playgroundcnnipmmt Mounts in our Car Bus Collide Girl Is Injured Arr accident on Monday even ing between Gray Coach Lines bus and car resulted in about $750 damage to the car involv ed although the bus was un damaged car driven by Teresa Wright 18 of 241 Dunlop Street West Barrie had about $750 damage Miss Wright sustained neck and shoulder injuries in the accident The bus was driven by David Albert James 29 of lot Burnett Ave Willowdale The accident happened during rainstorm when the pavement was wet Charges are pending ROY INJURED young Barrie boy was struck and injured by car in the West End Plaza on Sunday afternoon Kenneth Stephens of 15 Burton Ave was struck in front of the laundromat in the plaza The car was driven by Roy Wayne Spnrle of 183 Owen St Barrie Heivns taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital for treatment and later released BIT AND RUN bit and run accident that occurred Friday evening was re ported to the Barrie Police De partment on Saturday morning car owned by Mrs Will is of 55 Newton St Barrie was hit by vehicle while it was parked on Owen St on Fri day evening TWO CAR MJSHAP An accident early Saturday af temonn on Collier Street just outside theLCED store resulted in damage to two cars involved One car was driven by Willard Lang as Collier SL Barrie The second car was driven by Thomas Neymo 21861 sherWnod Drive Fairviewrtark in Ohio HITS PARKED CAR An accident early Sunday mor ning resulted in damage to parked car when it was hit by second vehicle The car was driven by George Case of 14 Shore View HERTZ TRUCK REN Drive Barrie The parked car was owned by Frederick Thomp son of Midland CARS DAMAGED An accident Sunday afternoon on Durdhp Street in the vicinity of the Lakeview Dairy resulted in damage to two cars The cars involved were driven by Paul Hesonmp of 144 Nap icr St Barrie and Harold Mei vin Parker of 122 Main Street Markham LAKESHORE DRIVE An accident on Sunday after noon on Lakeshore Drive in the vicinity of the Centennial Park resulted in damage to cars be longing to drivers from Don Mills and Barrie One ear was driven by Chris topher Hodnett of 11 Clielford Drive Don Mills The second car was driven by Ronald Sonuners of RR Barrie PARKED CAR An accident early Sunday eve ning involving parked car was reported on Napier Street lllre parked arr was owned by Rela Fialitit of 322 Bayfidd St Barrie The second car was own ed by Kenneth Newton Switzer of 142 North St Harrie PARKING LOT An accident early Monday we rring was reported on the parking lot of the Clifton Hotel in Barrie The accident involved cars owned by Gary Dean of 157 Bradford St Barrie and Ron ald Robertson of 360 Blake St Barrie BAYFIELD ST Lateron Monday evening on accident was reported between parked car and another vehicle The accident which took place an Bayiield Street in the vicin ity of the Sirncoe Hotel involved cai driven by Broom nier of 15ft River Road Angus and car drivenby Margorle Olive Mchulley of 266 Dun lop SLBarrie Tits Commercial and brlvate iariial at economical retes Dally or weeklyx ESSA RD can 72661474 annotationsiota ANDALE baildiamond which is yet to be built picnic areas and sandy swimming area change house washrooms and gate house The official opening of the new park which had been delayed from July when it was mined out was performed by lnnislil township Reeve Cochrano and Simcoe County Va rdcn George Mack1y COST $62159 The cost of the work to date which includes the development of only loracres of the 100 acre park is $62789 total of $23692 was received from Fed oral and Provincial sources as grants for Contcnninl projects and another $10000 was receiv nd from the provincebccause the work was also so up under the Community Centres Act of Ontario rrrrr The Federal and Provincial governmean provided Slrcacn per person in the township as their portion of an approved Centennial project The town ship was requiredto at least match this amount with St per person for its share of any pro ject undertaken although they were allowed to spend more than this amount but without matching subsidies for exlra mounts cost to the taxpayer in lnnislil township has only been 51 per 51000 of assessment per year for three years or total of $3 per 51000 of assessment Reeve Cochranebold the crowd of several hundred per sons on bond for the official opening Wet weather has delayedfhe installation of some of the facil ities planned for the initial stage of ï¬re new park including the ball diamond The total plan for the park includes large conservation area with nature trails and an enlarged laker DONATE SWINGS During the dodimtioo cerc monies tributewas paid to the Churchill Womens Institute which donated set of swings for the wrk Reeve thrane urged other community minded organizations in the township to prayide additional playground equipment In officially dedicating the park Warden George ltlacKny praised township officials for having transformed mos quitoinfesled sivanrpinio some thing of beauty and use for future generations The original cost estimate for the park had been set at $42645 but changes which were made after the project was started raised the final cost for the first stage to $617 One of these extra costs was the re quirement by the Simcoe County Health unit to install flush toi lets which added another $13 000 to the final cost In defending the selection of the silk Reeve Cochrane said die lakeside park has become very commercialized and we felt that something different was required if it ups lobe for the residemsof die townv ship it would be too costly and toosclfish to restrict the lake side park only to the residents of lnnislil township he said This will tie idoaifor people who nunl quiet park with picnic facilities and swimmi ing area oxpcct many of tho youngcr people in the township will still prefer the lakeside park but the older people will be able to Lake advantage of this park Although much of the criti cism of the park during its con struction was based on the number of mosquitoes people claimed were in the area llccve Cociirane brought laugh from thc audience when he said for every mosquito in ths park Ill bet therc are 75 of them at my tami which is on bill at that The architect for the park Gary Alex of the Barrie ï¬rm of Pentland Quaker ond Folson praisedllrrfworkand dedication of both the council and tirancn who had done thoactual con struction work for the park EXCELLENT JOB They did an excellent lob under very difficult conditions he said They were able to come up with great number of very helpful suggestions that have addcd much to the par One of the guests at the of ficial dedication Miss Bobbie Cranfield who is Miss lnnislil for 1967 thanked the council and the people in the township for having provided her with the opportunity of being ltllss Innisle this yearn The program was under the direction of chairman Cowan ll opcned with In sing song led by the members of St Paid Orchestra Among the activities conned led with the dedication of the park plaque in memory of township residents who died dur ing the wars and in memory of the townships pioneers was un ed by some of the senior ci ens from the township The plaque was dedicated by Rev William larnioa who was thanked by EliReevele Locke hart AftEr the official dedication tugofrvaricorrtcst for boihv children and adults was held BIeRITE PRESCRIPTION save on PHONE 7232429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 301 Blake St Barrie Shopping Plaza Lots of patterns colors in FLOOR TILES are available Allandale Lumbe Will give your floor look of luxury for lot less than you imagine Why not call in to Allandale Lumber and let the experts work outyodpestirui ate Youll be glad you srsnur 10 did