RONALD PEMBERTON DETROIT WITH HIS OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOG Eitll rnln couldnt dampen the success at the must ambi tious and successful dog show ever sponsored by the llarrio Kennel Club at the Barrie Fair Grounds over the civic holiday weekend ith the first two days of perfect weather the shows suc ccss was virtually guaranteed to thc third day rain in the afternoon forced the show in doors to the Barrie Curling Club Billed as the All Breed ins ternational Centennial Dog Show the three shows over three days were the most ambi lions project the Barrie Ken nel Club had evenattempted Two years ago twoday show was held but lastyear it was only oneday show The cluhv has been sponsoring dog shows for do years in Barrie An indication of the success of the show surpassing even the estimatcs ot the clubs organi zers was that all programs for the show were sold out on Sun day the day of the second show 1000 PER DAY The attendance was estimated at 1000 persons per day in addition to those who entered dogs in Sundays show and 375 dogs in Mondays show Each days showing constitu tes an official Dog Show ac cording to international rules governing dog shows Owners were free trcnler their dogs in the same classes in each days show and hope that the judges agreed with the decisions or the judges on the day pro vious Entries were received for the shows from all over North Am cricawith some people coming from as far as California and Alberta ENGIISII SIIEEPDOG in the judging one of the out slandlng dogs in the show was an Old English Sheepdog owned by Mrs Diane Buckland from Calcdoo This dog had bccnon tour through thcltfaritimcs where it took top honors at four separate shown within one week in Barrie it repeated the per formance and took top honors as the best in its group best in the show and best Canadian Bred dog in the show The dogs were judged accord4 ing to six classes sporting dogs hounds working dogs ter riers toy dogs and nonspari ing dogs There was also an ward for the Best in Show the Best Canadian Bred in Show and the Best Canadian Bred Puppy in the Show Saturdaya show the best sporting dog was Viislal own ed by lrene Landefeld trim the United States The best hound was an Afghan owned by Mr and Mrs Phillips from Clarkson Ontario The best working dog was St Bernard owned by Mr and Mrs Richard Seaman from Sebright The best terrier was Kerry Blue owned by Miss Larri Lang ley from Petcrborough The best toy dog was toy poodle owned by Phyllis Laventhall dram Toronbo The best non sporting dog was miniature usr WEEKEND FOROPP Cdr Demolished DIANE POWLENZUK 0F OSHAWA WITH HER ST BERNARD International Dog Show In Barrie Termed Big Success poodle owned by Florence and Franck Koch The Best in Show award went to the toy poodle owned by Phyllis Lavcnthnll of Tor onto The Best Canadian Bred in Show went to standard poodle owned by Susan Fraser from Toronto The Best Cana dlan Bred Puppy in Show went to Labrador retriever owned by Sandy Briggs from Mark ham sporting dog was an English Springer Spaniel owned by Johnson from Sarnia The best hound was greyhound owned by Stanley Potter Jr train the United States The best working dog was on Old Eng lish Sheepdog owned by Mrs Dione Buckland from Calcdnn The best terrier was west highland while terrier owned by Mrs Thelma Adams irom Unionvillc The best toy dog was Pekincsc owned by Louise Snyder and Susann liearnc from Stithville The bcst non sporting dog was miniature poodle owned by Florence rind Frank Koch The Best in Show award went to the Old English Sheepdog owned by Mrs Diane Buckland of Caledon as did the Best Canadian Bred Dog in Show award The Best Canadian Bred Puppy in Show went to Shetland Sheepdog owned by Mn and Mrs Fred Wilkins from Nashvilte Ontario MDNDAYS RESULTS In Mondays shoiv the best sporting dog was an Irish setter IMan Injured In Accident An accident on Highway 400 Saturday morning in the vicinity of the Ontario Government in formation Centre pleiely demolished one car and sent passenger to hospital in Barrie fortreatment of injuries car driven by Yvonne Smith 23 oIZBZLl Wnlcnlt SL Fernadale Michigan went out of control and into the median strip of the highway Damage to the car was estimated at $2 ooo ibert Simon Jr oizm Wol cntt Stv Fernadale was treated or head cuts at the Royal Vic toria Hospital and released No charges were laid MAN CHARGED An accident on Highway 26 at the junction of the Highway 27detour early Saturday attor noon has resulted in two charges being laidtagainst Barrie man car driven by Harry Lon dry 41 of 31 Andrew St New market had about $500 damage The second car driven by Don ald Scott 64 of 19K Dnnlop St Barrie had 5400 damage There were no injuries but Scott has been charged with careless driving and failing to yield BROKEN RIP An accident on Highway 27 at Simeon County Road 11 on Sat urday evening resulted in total otvsooo damage to car and abrokenhip for the driver The car was driven by Will iam Green 30 of 1301 WI sonAve Dowosview Green was admitted to the Royal Vie iDtIaHospital in Barrie with broken hip sustained in the ac cident No charges were laid noun INJURED Four persons were injured in an accident on Highway it in thavleini roadtn lnnlsfli Township on Monday afternoon gt gt SandraHoltz at Bl Ilie iifnth llno the Road Kitchener was treated at the Royal Victoria Hospital for bumps and bruises second passenger in the same car Deborah Carman trom Lefroy was treated for lacerations to her mouth and re leased They were passengers in car driven by David Carman 46 of Letray which had 5650 damage No other persons who were injured included Illinoier Mary Taylor 44 of 53 Dcerham Wood West Hill who was treated for bump on the head and bruis ed neck The driver of thecar Desmond Taylor 45 was treats ed for bruised elbowl The car driven by Taylor had $750 damage second car driven by David Carman from Letroy had $650 damage third car driven by Walter Craig 40 at 3B4 Atwaicr Avenue in Port Credit had no damage No charges have been laid THREECAR ACCIDENT three car accident on High way 11 just south oi the luih line in Oro Township resulted in $350 damage to two or the cars involved car driven by Peter Seirier 58ot 1094 Lincoln Road Wind sor had 5150 damage The sec and car dlrven by Alexander Banger 50 of 12 Franklin Avenue Villowdale had $200 damage Thethird eachdrivon by Margaret Kornacker 31 of BB Hawkestonc had no dam age There were no injuries but charges are pending DESTROY HORSE no accident between car and horse on Sunday evening resulted in $250 damage to the car and the horse had to be destroyed The accident happened on lt In third concession in oro Town ship Thercarwwgdrlven Stephen miih 10 of 5tMli View Crescentfiteidale and had 5250 damagchhc horse was owned by Keith Bradley oi Shanty Bay and was valued at about $200 The invcsiigatingAOPP had to shoot the horse following the accident at the request of the owner No charges were laid ITWO INJURED An accident on the Highway 27 detour just south of the Tax aco Station at Midhurst resulted in injuries totwn persons from Midhurst The injured persons included William Bell 71 of Peter Street who sustained whiplash injuries and Mrs liiargorei Bell 53 also of Peter Street who had the lower portions of both legs lacerated They were passengers in car driven by Marilyn Coll it of Eimvale second car drivenby Derek Jones 34 of 2641 Cradree Crescent Melton had $190 damage The third car driven by Robert Setuin of RR Streetsville had standam age MINOR Misuse minor accident was roport cdon the Highway I27 detour about half mileeast of High ln Sundays show the best owned by Betty Crawford from the USA The best hound was basscl owned by Mr and Mrs Carter of Oakville The best working dog was boxer owned by Mrs Shirley Do Beer of Thomhlll Ont The best terrier was lake land owned by George hieGuin nessfrom Richmond Hill The best to dog was toy poodle owned Phyllis anenthall rum Toronto The best non sporling dog was standard poodle owned by Susan Fraser from Toronto The font lnShow award wont to the Irish setter owned by Betty Crawford No Bomber Giwp nitrite mm TUESDAY Anousr 1031 BitInstructor Fit Base Borden McEwen Dies 10th CF Air Vice htarsbal Cllllord hicï¬uca air are in the First World War and commander of bomber group in the second died in hospital Sunday after brief lil ncsr its was 69 Known as Black Mike ho was credited with destroying Elli enemy aircraft in the First World Wan in the Second World War he was commander of the RCAF in Eng land for2 years diuing which time the group not many re cords to the unstained bombing at Gmnany Air ViceManual MoEwen born at Griswold him joined ttic7Royal Ethylthon in April 101 For his services in the wir he was awarded the Military Cross the Distinguished Flying Cross and the ltallan Modal Valori and Croce dc Guerra He became an instructor with the BCAF alter he returned to Canadka 1952 to 1341 he assumed command of air train ing operations at Camp Borden Ont then at Trenton0nt To ronto Montreal and Halifax lohs Availablev In Barrie Area gt The Manpower Cen trc in Barrie requires the iota lowing oat atlas of workers to tilt the no ot various employ ers in the Barrie local oltico area at tho resent time General to oppor in as male Production workers tac tory Some mechanical ability and capable of sustained heavy physical labor Stock clerkauto motive pnrta to keep inventory make liporders some counter work ltouteman for solidiink distributor ohaIItfcurs licence required Maintenance mechan ic to instailhsetup and repair production machinery in factory shift work Machinistfor produc tion work using drill press lathe and boring mill Anyone wishing further infoe motion regarding any of these positions should apply tothe Canada Manpower Centre can Dunlop Street West Barrie Any person employmenc should contact the office immcd lately Wins Trophies Sixtenths of mile per hour and half second were all that separated lion Melson of Barrie from two ï¬rstplace ï¬nishes in model boat rating at Delaware Park Buffalo this weekend The competitor Model Marine Club stilt man aged tonr secondplace finishes and third in live race classes In the electric precision steer ing compatition Mr Melson fin ished onehalt second behind Stove Kezenski of Buffalo Ken Coleman from the Metro To ronto Marine Club outran the Barrie man in the gas precision steering contest in the 16thmlle drag Melson lest out on firstio Ron Brundshidle ol Buffalo who al so defeated him in the encoder ter inlle ovalbyifourtenlhs of mile per hour The feature race of the day saw Mr Melson holding first place against fierce competition in the final elimination run Pressing hard to hold his lead MI Melsonrmisjudgcd turn his boat collided with buoy and plunged under water nose first dropping it to third in the open class Between 15 and 35 competitors were entered in each of the five races with one of the hoaLs of iically timed at an miles per from Barrlc Mr In Model Races liour scale speed of about 450 miles per hour Three other Barrie model rat crs who had planned to attend the twoday race meet were away on vacation dubious award the Rock Pile Trophy wont to Ken Cooke of Toronto This is presented to the competitor whose boat surfers the worst accident dam age in competition Mr Cooke tore the bottom out of his re4 mote control competition but when he collided with stone Mr Melsons boat was clocked at 17 miles per hour compared to some of his direct competi tion which reached over at mph try to win through consist ency and reliability hoping that the fast boats will prove unreli able said the successful local competitor Through conversation with other competitors Mr Melson has plans for alterations to his boat that should give him an other five miles hour with no change in rehab ty Already he is at work pre paring tor the next race series This will be held Sept 9410 near Rochester NY Merchants in Rochester have shown tremend ous interest in this race and do hated between an and to fro phi said Mr Melson 5000llcre Provincial Park Top Be Top Touristilttraction 5000acre provincial park expected to become one of south ern Ontari greatest tourist at tractions is being developed in Slmcoe Ccunty so miles north of Barrienear Feuetanguishene The Ontario Depaer nt of way 21 early on Monday after flflflfl car driven by George Mar ushchak 43 of 521 Roxton Road Toronto had $25 damage The second car driven hyberiram 25 of Schutt Road New York had $15 There were no iniuIiesand no charges Were laid DISTILLED MA URED AND TILED HENkEYfJIS LtER Lands and Forests has bought aooo acres and is seeking an additional 2000 for the parkland The park will include well over mile and hall of share line with long stretches of san dy beaoh Extensive caniping facilities are planned Land purchased is in the Me thodist Point Methodist Bay Todd Point area in Tiny Town ship on the sole of the boot shaped peninsula north of Pane tangr The department has been boy ing land in the areatorvthe past several years with development expected to take several more years Tiny Township council asked lt5 My Res0uÂ¥nd ng taste at quiet rice EL Garner ocentre and whiten wasting st theitotary Bar Rotqry Barbecue Another Each year theBnrrlo Rotary chicken barbecue grows in pop ularity and this year was an an ccption The Botarlans sold all Loindinners they had prepared Money raised from the annual venture goes to Rotary service projects in the city Largest orders of dinneri50 went to the 05d Fellowsllomel Each menl consisted of haita barbecued chicken cole slaw potato salad ice cream and col fee or milk SellOut Many stayed at St Vincent Park to eat The day didnt look too prone lalng when rain started atl pm but by pm when the meals were served the weather became more agreeable Almost so Rotorians were on duty train am to 030 thL en thslut of the clean up was finished The last person had been sorv ed by 7pm This yearnha club Eaton vaccination PlannedkBy Optimist Club There will be no reason for anyone not voting in city olcc lions this fall it It Get outtiie Vote campaign by the Optimist Club of Barrie is successful The campaign will be design ed to make it so easy for people to exercise their franchise that everyone will do so club spokesman said The club plans to try to ar range separate nomination meet ings in each ward rather than one central nomination meeting Thcy wil provide rid esio the polls along with baby sitter service tor parents program will also he launched to famil people with their respon ies as electors They will provide rides to Ibo tinuous Respect for Law pro gram aimed at creating an wareness among Barrie citizens regarding their responsibilities In upholding und respecting the law and lawenforcement agencies The program will lode sys tem of awards to citiiens who go out of their way to assist Plan Dance To Raise fonds To raise funds to send Jun ior leader to the National YWCA training camp at Yel lowknife at the end of the month the Barrie is sponsoiang jgtvivixtecn dance tonight at the Music for die dance will be supplied by the Thinga Unsald local group Dancing for the 13 to16y2nrolds will run from loll the province four years ago to develop park in the area The township includes 40 miles of lakefront but the public has access tobeaches at only few small packs police it will also honor out standmg police officers Club president Ed Jennings noted met over 500 boys were contacted by thede through its Boys Bork Program last yuanWith an objective of 30 we to be raised and spent on boys work this year that num ber should be doubled The club will bring the Tom my Hunter show in Barrie on Oct 13 for two performances at Contact Collegiate Proceeds from the alww will go to boys work in Barrie and dLstnict MILLS EALTEB letl Jack Teller preparing Goldman for basis in St Vincent Park in Barrie on Monday All med were sold served 50 dimers more than last Year The club trusted close to 829 ToNiGHT see Jim Jim Fre pro Grove Park Church 345 GROVE 7261003 VBS Classes 930 30 FAMILY FILMS pm VBoth ThisWeek ONTARIO ONTARIO DEPARTMENT or PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE SPACE REQUIRED STAYNER Submissions uninvited from owners or authorized agents to lease approximatelylmo square feet grosaof office space to accommodate the Ontario Provincial noun Detachment at Stayner Additional requirements pramred all services and reoidred parltlonlng hiciurilng Inside ac commodaton for cars and outside parking tor approxim ately 25 cars Written offers on existing or proposed buildings will form the halls for future negotiations arid should be for worded notllter Ihlii August III 1957 toMr Bcnlley Chief Property Omar Real Estate Branch De partment of Public Works 080 Bay Street Toronto On tlrioTclephone Area Codeltï¬ Dial res471a Please rate to File No him Skyner Lowest or any other otter notinccessarity accepted Low Low Regular Dry Cleaning Prices Poiiis Undies Syioeksv 65 SKIRTS Plain PLAIN DRESSES 135 Minus suns FLASIi SERVICE Free Pickup and Delivery 65 135 1285423 iHllitotiili cIEIIIIEIts 34 Mary St Drivein location