Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1967, p. 13

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rt armsem new mn7 ul Arab searlln ill Walnut fllxcri inane ARTICLES TO RENT YOU CANT BEAT THE CONVENIENCE OF RENTING Camping Vacation Equipment CALL 1280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 37 Dunlop St mason Tmra FOR RENT sleeping be all ctmpins lduipmtnl aiio mi rear waler This boat and motors nalrie Sport Ltd Collier SI mm FARMERS MARKET gt DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed Ircc For Inst service PHONE BARIUE 774M731 Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK EENITH HIM NO CHARGE or hours tiny days neck Poxmeud Ontario License No 298G Nick llIontaguo Fran FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Iarrn Suppllu Service Case New Holland David Erovrn Realty 176 BURTON AVE 77837 CASII TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie llolly Hwy 27 $0338 rcltausou Tractor with front and loader and plow lint ll itmev IiindLY like new Telnphanfl 487 5837 ltlnuNT rouasT ihresher as to nil roller bearing mounted Slilw cutter is It grain elevator with pipes and drive belt Excellent for rouse Lhrcshlnr price slop Aoolv to Leo liorenu tcicphone W715797fL uscn new lioLLANu ailer moor El 166 only ll misfith old fuilv guaranlccn also nlnsscy ll dinn Iib liay mower as good new Apply llorciu rim Edulprnonl Ante lllllls Tclcvnorio Elmvllo 752R FEED SEED GRAIN CUSTOM COMBINING DONE Telephone 77mm WHEAT snow for rule 15 acres Telephone drum for Iurther or tails QUANTITY or hay or is poll in nupert ichrath Telephone mnez LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ILASIIY PONY ilaro Ior sale light moan and tall Telephone 7239722 for minor Information nccrsrsnnn llotitsiilre Gills open or nreo For Iurtncr particulars cull rzaoilas uLAcK ARE vears Irllricd gllsll showy lno gisttrcd ii tall 515 mascara RR Midland POULTRY do CHICKS SPECIALSUMMER prim whllr they last lo week old pulicls Chaim oi whitc or brown egg liyers nod Sussex aili cncks moo All orders over s15oa shipped prepaid aonnleu Chick liplchcry and Inrrris Ltd Elmira Ontario Phone pleasemoi AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE OVERSTOCKED We have good selec tion of late model used COMPACT SEDANS CONVENTIONAL CARS nAv SIMCOE morons 94 liffin St 7232317 Your satisfaction has built our business ByronGraham Motors 119 BRADFORD ST Barrie 7284061 Our name means great deal VIAU RAMBLER 11 Gowan St 7266488 I964 MERCURY PICKUP TRUCK cylinder speed Transmission one owner excellent condition Licence 123290 MOFFATI MERCURY Bi Essa Rd 7735658 mi VOLKSWAGEN in good order slim also 1959 Austin nan 55a rci eplhoti tansols for lulthor Porti cu lira STOCK colt Trailer for rule Teic phono moans for rurther Lnfnnnor lion 0W CHEVROLET BISCIIYIII Station Wagon dark blue vo automatic rudiln power steering power brakes very good condition Cash slouo Sari Leonardo Loop Camp Bordon plane 1552 Tom at ton truck rise 1an ulic tanri loot Gill ton III in Al condition and completely Illfinished Telephone Tamal loco AUSTIN iloo excellent con diliori 13000 miles equipped with radio mow tires pest otter Tclcp phone Hadron Ital lile pm lilo CHRYSLER SBmLufl Scdnn push button automatic vo motor ulr conditioned black This Mutant remlly car in AI conni lion euner leaving for Us Must lull Cbegpv in crash Telephnno togams mall UARTICLES FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE SLOST 8t FOUND HANSON TRANSPORT CARS FOR SALE nu union in and or main Good CI of rum Baikal mo Inf VI sit lira offu lu tunn or Inforimiica telephone 1W WITNG Cs VI Illlofilmp RANT 90W ITEM 90th bum mibgiulmllpflfflzg DDT an IV Runs to pm or mum on PONTIAC standard Dev nondlm II more ilon Inlck udth it nor IM and lino new not tab $200 CIII MINT LANDROVIR me sheelnme in excellent firings To Ind If Gr rim Reasonable I900 writs Box no iiirrio Ennlrier 1m shun our wbuh Aamii against ltinri court included moo or best alter Telephone Camp amen moose TRUCKS FOR SALE ciic nucx Ind lawngxn unit mo in bliile tn roped condition Telephone man GRIC TON melt NH busily transmition our our helper 191153 idi I101 MW mull N0 Ianher Inc for none Tciepnope 1754675 CARS WANTED TO BUY KEEP INNISFILI CLEAN can cans AND METALS SHAKELLS WRECKING AND SALVAGE Call 4363677 Stroud AUTO REPAIRS MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Slalfcd To Service Any liaise 01 Cal Our Expert Mechanics ARE STILL ON THE JOE TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7286558 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Moiory Rebuilding Engine Valve Work PAINSWICK MOTORS 7260i 63 CARTER Bodv and Fender Shop Complete refinish repair FREE ESIIIILATES 13 GOWAN ST 7284577 MISTER TransmlSSlon Ltd Automatic Specialists 83 Dunlap St 7156241 SNOWMOBILES THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Salt and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Lakcshorc Dr Barrie mom PERSONALS MUSIC INSTRUCTION Summer and Fall courses Gui tar accordion and piano Instru ments supplied except pianos Billy qualified teachers Limit ed openings lavailahle Tale phone 7250111 or 72196014 RE FEMININE superfluous hair removed by Electrolysis The sale scientific method Our Ccrtilicd Electro logist 15 available for consults tion without charge SYLVIAS SALON Fred Grant St Barri Ont mosao an in you drlnkinl problem inn help poor any time moch 12 CAsII sorold items books clocks Turniturz china lamps lewcucry pictures atlases nthZHm WILLIAM 32 Wilson of la Fletcher Crescent Alliston will not no responsible for any dents in ourred in my name alter this date Augmt 1067 without my written consent mo Accommodation nvntlnble sit and $12 per couple £300 for single to minutes from Expo bus and Metro Service for roscmuon call Talbot iasi Dcschenes vni Lcmnync Telephone aliena979 AMAZING quick relief for dis comfort of mouth sores white carich spots ucntni plitc sores tender Rum with Fletchers sore llIoutn Medicine 3100 it rinrrliyr Pharmacy lwooiworttis Dept store Cusdcns Pharmacy Ille Kaya Pharmacy Harpers Pharm ncy and Tamplyns Drug Store WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all hrali cbcsni benutyculturc DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY Si 7284962 mum nltniiteo free hosiery and cash bonuses inst Tor helping in advertise simply introduce few of your mood to us Dont miss out on this wondersut now offer Rush your mine and address for exciting details to Himse of run crle Advertising Dept Suite no 57 Yang st Toronto Ontario 9LOST FOUND WALLET with money and vital papers Inst Saturday between Wei Ilngtntt rlotci mi Salvation Army Citadel Collier street Reward Telephone Mr Gram mos HINT FOR TEE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classified Ads for terrific furniture and an pliance bargains Ill Co nocuim CAKE tut leather lost nieaday Auxusl in Full none and Gunn Sllml ml Amelia win wormlion telephone 72mm as or not newid roi malty l0 HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS Excellent Income Because one of our men has been promoted to sales mana ger lor the Province of Quebec sales position is open in tho Guelph Bramplnn Gait Bar rlc Owen Sound territory for man to represent our Company He will sell vcry ellccllvc pres sure washing equipman which has wide applicalIOli In indus try agriculture transportation and service stations This equip ment is being very well receiv ed since its cost saving poten tial is great Each sale brings continuing sale of sumilles base salary Is provided and incentive compensation lsgood Car and expenses are paid by the Company and there is profitsharing plan miinlng will be provided for the success ful applicant at our Toronto Head Office The job will appeal to men who have sales experience like mu chincry llketo represent qual ilt Product and who want situation where Income is limi lcd only by their own energy and initiative Please reply In writing all let ters will be acknowledged and Interviews arranged locally Herbert Construction Limited 79 SchIarti 5L Toaonro 9242181 DImlBUNRS or KLEEN KING Pressure Washers TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CALL 7184414 TRADE SCHOOLS rims HIGH School at home in no how plymenu books supplied Inccmr tax deductible Canadian Academy no 51 Hamilton 0n iarlo Document MALE HELP ATTENTION anN 17 49 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Are in demand for hullaoieri scraps molar mom onrllnu oiclrnoer arid shovels If you aullsy you will be trained by top Instruclnn right on the equipment Dont delay enorur now Write kivlnc more idoles and telephone number NATIONAL sciloot or IIEAVY EQUIPMENT ormATlon nor to aarrlc Examiner Out of town neutrino invited flcllhllgbnhbodl 3111 fothIllp oun mam ephone APPLIANCE Serviclmiln Anolhlr exverlcncfid acrvtchnan Li needed by mandala Applllrices Good wan REWDXklnE conditions Ind other smaller Apply in person Mull be Experienced and reliable permanent work North Toronto ares Telephone misses MIT in it run or 839le evenlngr PARTTIME Silesman required for downtown mens store Must be over 21 Weekend only ly Mosiyns Mens wear to Dun on st West nooxmrim required for approx imalely two hour in the evenlnls Apply in person to Hoover Essa station to Blyfleld street Barrie RAWLEIGH uusmiusa now open In Iain1c Trade wou estnnilahed Excellent opportunity mil time write hanlelgn Dem rhinotoo gluchclleu St St Henry Mon ExrmuENcan service station At tendant food TLIILIM SIIIIy plus commiinn ll Iqu paid group insurance student Muiren or balance of summer noon in galsop tn mo station to Blyfleld ce Ancrlrrilcrunnl office millins lunlor to operate olue rint Ind dupltcrting machines WIII possi bllle of upprenticn draitin post Lion Porttime mlght no confide cred Good salary and working con dillnris Vrlto no In aim Examiner $2ool REWARD MISSING Motorola Color TV Set liloch No MEN Serial No 2mm LTD Corvette Stereo flinch WI ARIFM The above $200 réward will be paid to alwer who supplies in formation rcsulilng in the return of the two lions Persons supplying information will not be implicated TELEPHONE LcBLIiNC EARRIE DAIRD HAMILTON LIBERTY $1161 lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP DIETITIAN SALARY SEEM$6515 member of the CDA ls ro fillide by llletropolilnu Toronto for Home for the Aged in Newmarket Permanent posi tion lohr week good fringe benefits Apply Personnel olf ice 2nd Floor East Tower City Hall 3618025 Toronto or 194 Eagle 52 Nowrliarlrcl DO YOU WANT TO SELL It is casy to be aucms and cam good money with AVON COSMETICS For particulrirs write MRS TONI SMOLUK P0 Box 45 Barrie Ont Phone nocsst WANTED NOWL Teenagers Mothers Grand mothers start at once to show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gills to friends nclgll bars relatives Earn extra cash for Christmas this easy way No experience needed Our catalogue with over 300 Items beautifully illustrated in full color helps you to get plenty of orders Write today for Christ mas cards an approval and Iran catalogue Monarch Card Co Dch 217 Cannon Hamilton CLEANING Lini Taoulrcdlor lo cal mntci over all you of use Ttlepbono mom for author in formation INSURANCE SECRETARY required ionneoiulclywiuu short nna Ind typing Telcphonn mom for appointment WOULD nrvz large unfurnished room and board t2 malch with nze child in exchangeror doing house keephlfl end care of children age to 12 in memories home Minc sing Ontario Telephone viluim vouicir 7288562 utter p111 or nnrvarm requires lad for full time year round hos lus positions ladies for lull Lima year round kitchen DOIILIDRI We DllfiJm unconditioned hit chen nest of quality good work in ondillcm hostess uniIorrns ma rhest any Selle flexible hours lranmrtution in Barrie Folinterview please call mlmi MALE FEMALE HELP NIGHT JANITOR Man or woman wanted on full or partellme basis to clean large store Must be bendable Apply In writing to Box F26 Barrie Examincro Tlir VILLAGE ct Coohstown Wat er Ind vrlyoro cornmlssion rcouires iceretarylmanurer Aliyan inter oslod in weltpaid parttime post tlon please apply to Mr lionkman neevc cooksiown Ont SALES HELP AGENTS WANTED CORN AGENT Latre well known seed co has locil opening for sallyo Agent lWe distribute one or the finest Ind best producing Cont Variety excellent income for rigttl mn Write nox aims Examiner coNscinNTIous re main lad le Ni new mduot WI exception ii potential IIlKh mink Ex ptrlence not necessary rree train Ingi mill pr partlirns Box n1 Barrie LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of CHARLES LEVACK late nI the Township of King in the County of York must be sent to the undersigned not later than the 10th day of September 1367 after which date the estate will be distributed DONALD FINDLAY QC 22 Kceler Street South IGNG CITY Ontario Solicitor for the Estate er ONTARIO INVENIOR JUNE 1941 FLOOR SWEEPING COMPOSI TION made in Canada Patent ed 1963 For Information write to Developing Engineer EARL DAVIS PO Box 491 DAR RIE Ont BUL DOZER OPERATOR Experienced bulldozer operator wanted immediately Telephone 72618560 om ll lroAi NOIICE NCREDIIORS AND OTHERS Creditor of ANDREW Mm 715 JR Iota of tho Township of Essa In the County of Sun coc Tobacco Farmer who died on the lath day of July law must lilo theirclotnu with the undersigned before Auguit 1961 afier which data onset of the estate will be distributed having relard only to those idarrna which hlvo been receiv FRANCES IRENE LAKATOS Administrairix co Smith Mc Lean tlr Owen barrlslm and Solicitors 20 Owen Street BAR RIE Ontario I2 TENDERS ELMVALE ONT TENDERS FOR SUBTRADES AND MATERIAL SUPPLIES Tenders will be received for all rubtrodes and suppliers by the undorslgncd until pm Thurs day August lo 1967 for tho construction of the new PUBLIC SCHOOL for SllllCOE COUNTY SCHOOL AREA N0 BOARD Elmvalc Onlario SALTER AND ALLISON Architects 19 Cloppertcn Street BARRIE Ontario VEREN BROS CONSTRUCTION CO LTD BOX ISLINGTON ONTARIO Telephone Collect 2335211 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of all antiques some miscell aneous including furniture ap pliances etc the undersigned auctioneer has received Instructions from STAN HAMMOND At Int 21 Call lnnlsfil Township on Big Bay Point Rd miles east oi Paiuswick lurn cast off No 11 Highway nl Webbs Service Station on FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST liih at 631 pm sharp to sell Ihe following ANTIQUES Captains chairs Washstands Caveback setlee and matching chairs Sewing Machine sewing stand Largo carved back upholstered chair smaller curved chairs Hall stands Upholstered parlor chairs Pine kitchen chairs as sortmcnt wooden choirs Ornate tablc Basin and pitcher sets Ironstono sols Several small pitcher and lugs lland school bell Outdoor school boll Eruss candlestick holdcrs Smaller items In brass and copper Pump organ Several organ stools Apple peeler Slerco scope Viewer vlctrolas Old records China plant stand Buffels Butler bowl Ladle Prints butler churns old stoves Cutter Buggy Crooks rocking chairs Flat irons Handles irlvcts Sugar kettch Long handled poi Sets sleigh bells Moustache cups Shaving mugs Large picture frames Old silver Hand painted plates Assorted cut glass and pressed glass Coal oil lamps Gas lamps Mirrors Maps Bible Vases Figurines Cow bells Chlna roilingpln Urocks Bot tic School desks Church pew Vagon wheels Guns MISCELLANEOUS Light fixtures Plywood Shelving Pegboard mounted on Stacking chairs continental beds with mattresses Refrig erators Stove Dining room In ble Chrome kitchen table Rollaway cot ing room ta ble and chairs 1953 DcSoIn Radiorecord player combina tion Polo lamp Mirrors 2man chain saw Band saw Sectional chesterficld Sausage maker Boys bicycle Terms cash No reserve as owners are going out of antique business Nothing to be remov ed until settled for Owners or management will not be held responsible for ac cidents on their property day of sale Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLlN auctioneer AUCFIONEERS REMARKS rLarlies Gentlemen This is hit of good antiques and inter ested buyers would be well ad vised Ioaltend sale WELL HELP YOU WRITE want ads that get raullsl Examiner Ad Takers will be happy to help you write your classified ads To place your next want ad dial lot as beddi mayoraraaaaw lllarlln Kip reads and nails in comfort while holding his Inlhcrs place In lineup of about 100 people who camped 63 III TRAFFIC Ry TILE CANADIAN PRESS Traffic mishaps claimed tool of 21 lives In Ontario duri ing the threeday Civic lloliday weekend survey by The Canadian Press train pm Friday until midnight ltlonday local limos nlso showed two persons drowned In the province one man cleclroculcd when It pipa he was handling touched highvoltaga wire and another killed while testing rifle national survey incorporat ing titoday weekends in all provinces except Ontario Mani toba and Albert whcrc Mon daywas holiday showed faint of 32 accidental deaths 63 in traliic showed 13 persons drowned Lhrcedlcd In tires and three died in other mishaps QUEBEC DEATHS Quch recorded as deaths by midnight Sunday equal to that of Ontario in day latcr total of 20 etc kllledun the big ways in Quclicc six drowned fire claimed one life Onc child was crushed by farm wagon British Columbia had our traffic deaths ollc drowning and two dmths in flrbfihSaskaI dnewarl recorded three traffic deaths and one drowning and Newfoundland and New Bruns wick each rcporied two high way falalilics and one drown ing Nova Scutla reported three died in car crashes while IiiAUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday Aug at pm Show for BAYVIEW DODGE VASAGA BEACH blocks cast of the main street on the waterfront at the River side Hotel sign Sale of all cottage equipment the list Includes refrigerators many antiques stoves lgtetls mattresses and springs pillows dressers wash stands pres sure systems complete chas bullets lamps tnif some lineus dining room suite complete with table cltairs and buffet mir rors dishes pots and pans and many many other smaller ar ticles tau numerqu to list Terms cash No reserve as the Ontario Government has bought crs or management will not be held responsible for accidents on their property day of sale FRANK WEBB Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer PLEASE NOTE Thereis plen 728Mio direct line to the Want Ad Dept EXTRA order or THE aAltltlc EXAMINERS CENTENNIAL EDITION ARE STILL AVAILABLE IN LIMITED QUANTITY 20 CENTS EACH If ordered bymail please be sure to include remittance and full mailing address With your Iy of free parking COPIES 3111 manic Examiner 16 Baytlold Street SThe nationalsmiley also the property for parkland Own ouledc Ontario Housing Corn oilicc Monday night They are prospective huyeis of 2104 lots offered at eight provincial Prince Edward Island was in talltyvlrec In Manitoba one died on till road and one drowned and in Alberta four dicd on thc high llnys The survey dua act include indllslrial or natural dcalils known suicides or slayings The Ontario dead MONDAY Florence Victoria Atkinson 72 of Sloulfvillc 0nI killed in twovcar collision north of Lindsay Julia Plain 18 of Hamilton killed in tlvocar collision near Guelph Illcky John JoncS 2i of Tow route in bcudon collision two miles east of Mirich and it milcsnortll of Pclerllorough SUNDAY Karl chin Scale ill and Edwin Murray 19 both of St Marys out killed in car has cidcnt northwest of Stratford Percy Hartwich 22 Mountain Grove Olll Daniel Marshall 21 and Cheryl Massey ill both or SmithFalis mo in it two car collision near Sllarbot Lake John McNeil 87 Otlcrvilic Ont struck by car near Woodstock John Carson Widcmzin 25 Markham Qnt when car smashed into MacdonaldCar tier Tlrccway bridge near Pick crlnc Michacl Rocllus 20 of Ayl mcr clcctroculcd when length of wire he was holding Iouclied an nlllillvolt power 11ml Michael Conduit and Sheila Noonan both 17 of Hamilton killed when hit by car in Hamilton Loon lllodrzejcwski 50 of To ronlo when his car kit pole in Toronto Lionel Kirscilmall 24 and his son Daniel in tivncar coili slon near Guelph Melvin Gilbert Rogers 18 pl Twililnsgatc Nfid diotillcll in tho Muskoka River 55 miles north of OriLlIa Mike Jannakowicz 57 and his wife Irene it of Toronto who hit by truck AiVIiiIBIlffik ing onliighivay ll southolurf illla SATURDAY Martin Larson ill of Lively Olil ill hnspital alter motor cyclc accident One oflhevfinestl AWAIIS LAND RUSH UNDER HOME PLIIII centres under the provinces Government Home Ownership Made Easy program CP Ircplintnl Holiday Mishap Toll Hits 82 On Weelcend lliarlin Stoppa 21 of Daug Ias Out in an Ottawa hospital alter being hit by car near Ills home Donald McCartney to drowned in neighbors pool Ill Ncpmn Township outside Otta wa Richard George Vlctor Morin 22 Bmckville when hit by car on the lilacdonaldACnrtier Flotway near BmananvilIe loll Francis Walters lo Toronto LIINWII from motor cycle and run 0ch by truck in Toronto FIRDAY Itlurray Second 25 of Brace bridgc of gunshot wounds sul lcrccl while testing new rifle Yvette Label 38 of Tcmaga ml Oat Salongo Renaud oi oi Sturgeon Falls out and third unidentified person in ttvocar collision near Cobalt 70 miles northrol North Bay Unveil Cairn 0n Bruce Trail TOBERMORY On Lord Hunt hero of Mount Even cst will unveil limestone cairn here today on the shore of Lake llurnu Engraved on the cairn are 21 namw of the Duke or Edin hurgh gold award winners from 13 Commonwealth countries who will set all Wednesday to tramp the first 170 miles oi the Bruce Trail with Lord and Lady Hunt Five of the hikers are Cana dians James Mooney 19 of Montreal Catherine Todd 17 and Andrew Angelopouitm iii of Saint John NE and two girls from Pcterhllrough stlcy Clarke 18 and Patricia Sutherland 19 The uthcrhikcrs arc fellow gold award winners from the West Indies Kenya Malta Hong Kong Rhodesia Sarawak and Ffil Starling here at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula they will fol low the shoreline of Lake Huron and hike high along the dolum it cliffs Illey will pass camprun hy Ojibway Indians at Capt Croacr on Gcorginrl Bay and and the hike at Owen Sound The trail continues through Southern Ontario to Queenston near Niagara Falk Canadian whiskles this country has ever tasted by GILBEYS av sue Smooth thighs roofsnsiotfi one wall Amountmn Mt Ar

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