Hand FullOI cash 15 Bette Than Garage Checllt Your Attic Storeroom Garage Somebody Will Pay For Your DisEards Call Want AdVlsor 7282414 11 BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 1M1 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Monday thud air at leesxhr thud is lull pl gm maximum Chill roll or am Thurdays child has in In so Fridays cnud Ll Invinl and Mal Salurdï¬y cnud tum bent or in iinr And gaggildh gut Is porn on lbs LI rm and wise and good and or children neuipr ibii rent by Counter Cpuen nlunyl want to know unith day or LII vreeIr um their birth ante Hetp ibis and other important Iplpmlllon tar your childs tulurc timi tx lmlncr Illrib Announerrnent will Ineludo Lhe lump or iour child the oily ol the week month Ind year or birth tho Meilht and oth er ritalinlomiptlon printed message can become permpent rrn In moyr Book or Family Albums The rate lor mule l1 miner OLrIII Notice is only $1011 To pin noun Dhonc mutt OEATHS nuxr Margach At Machwood Irinlc liomllal Peurlmrulsnens on linnda Angus 71h 1951 In her oath or Margaret Drysdale or rtnu InIbIsd due or the Isle villred Illlou llunl our mother or Laura tslrs cinnde vniiel 121m mlo 11in snnIiod by One rundi shoulder and run KNIII Ilrpndchild rcn Hosting at the James 11 Lynn ltlirmi lIunIt ivaalc lor lnnerai eerilrc Wednesday August It nun Interment IJmirie Ceme ten IN MEMORIAM Irlsrivln lining memory or he husband And lnihcr Chalka Anneul passed turd August loos In turmon dallv thought In neon slleul sorrow rirr romembured by children pnr IIIIL Eleanor ln ioilnd memory or luv mollicr and grandmother nerntni snssnsn lapp Mic passe liuay nuuuli 1956 ll had all the world to cite Id elu Il yes and more Tn lnrr lur Voice me her smile And met her 11 1119 also not all can 11h am moiner Is do and Iclltl mlir grave Aid Innie behind toklns nr lure To the nest moiner God eter made Him to IIIIHI nneu lilo ls done vlirruitr healen mas be Slivll on standing at lne door Up Ihbrc to Iicimmc me Sntllv mlswd by daughter Iran and grandsons COMING EVENTS Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop 51 West $300 JACKPOT ADMISSION 50C In support of the Barrie Branch Navy League of Canada BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday at pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond GRILLIA BINGO Thurs Aug 10 ST JOHN VIANNEY HALL JACKPOT $260 CHICKEN BARBECUE Wednesday August 16 53 pm pm THORNTON UNITED CHURCH niio 0on Ior Want Ad Section accepted until pm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELERHONE 72324121 Classiilcd lldchLIsomelIts and not ces or these puges must be re euved by on any preceding publicullonw1th the exception or cimsilred Display advcrtlsernerits whichmust be in by 1200 poor procadliiz day CANCELLATIONS 1310pm to uni lur same day 24 worm Mmmuni CLASSIan AnvlzlulsINccasu Discount Rules apply ir paid with In dayx Single insertion be per word Tivo callsrcullve iriscfllons one per were per insenien Three consecutive insertions 4o per word oer insertion tutni szul Six colt aeoullvo in rtions line per word or insertion lath 5504 lllnitlple nominee may be ordered sublcct to eaneeuatlen when rotisraetorv Icsults obLalnod 10 per cent ld diuonui charge not paid within seven days Ilbnvll LETTER uox ncruxn charge or so cents made rur use pl an Examiner Box Number Idontlty Ol Ilnx Number users REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE KEITH In ACRE LOTS NEAR LAKE 0Wooded near Lake Simcoe road access year round 500 eadl lBuilding lots with items to private sandy beach and park excellent bathing area or children $1700 to 52000 LAKE lIIDM SIMCOE bedrooms with boathouse guest collage boats marine railway good well Mar gar age completely lurnishrd main building insulaicd with lire pace landscaped lot picture spot $8000 LAKE SIMCOE ONer bedroom bungalow Ideal retirement spot all it needs is heat and tenants 317500 bedroom cottage with elec tric hcal ï¬replace excellent sandy beach inside conveni cnccs $19500 Contact Ed Wood Oro Station 11372473 ORR LAKE Beautiful lramo cottage on large trcod lot walcrdrontagc good swimming boating ï¬shing nai rnnsonuble price cottage is win Icrilcd $8500 BROCKS REACH Wooded lot close to Georgian Bay $1400 ELMVALE 1015 government surveyed really or building at Elmvalc $1100 each Contact Garry Machan Elm Vale 18114 181 Eglinton Ave East Toronto 12 Photo MIS Realtor ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS 15 OWEN ST 7252378 NEW SPLIT LEVELS AND EUNGAIDWS $17800 bedrooms Lshapcd living room and dining room Down payments mm and the balance on one These homcs must be soon to appreciate the tvaluc you re ccive lor your dollar Call now Ior appointment to inspect AI Rose Ila 72811116 Bill hiackncss Res 7160725 Russcll Smith Res 721141996 Mary Vair Hi5 72303116 Dick Hartley 721179711 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appraisals Morlgages 19 COLLIER 51 77115583 Ii BRIGNELL 725mm LADDIE GRIESBACH 72119341 OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 27 Telephone Ivy £91111 JA COUTTS AND CO OWEN ST 7287485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo 11115 Realtor EVENINGS GORDON Tu corms7mm WALTER courtsbull SANDY COUTILTW ACTION RESULTS can the Aciionf Line 7284401 RCHOIKAN CO LTD MLS Realtors Lawrence7280873 Baker7734401 Gibby Gibson7260464 Marion Newman7258892 Fh0lo MIS gtDéw5nap REAL ESTATE 7768366 FOR BETTER BUY Give Our Service lry Richardson 4496147 PETER and WILES LTD 7mm LARGE COBBLESTONE HOUSE Mammoth barn 4515c rés of the best of clay loam with good Ironli age on NO IIHigh way south of Barrie Eric ural gas heating arlesian wcll mortgage REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE EMORY MILLER MORTGAGE ARRANGED 775131 15 REALTOR 61 Dunlop St Wat SI MDNICAS AREA 071 beautilul hlclrose spacious Mrm stone and while lridr mlonial style home with attached garage Stone tinplace in large living room lullsuite dining room Real IamlIyslu kildlen with loads ot mahogany cupboards lnrge adjoining breakfast room baths ï¬replace in lamily room Choice landscaped grounds many extras Owner moving out at 1mm Must Sell immediately 1115 Call Rita Scandrcli moor Rita Scandreit 734865 Percy Ford mmo Kennth Stiller 4061314 hari Marshall 7729011 Gordon Spencer 7285148 Harvey Weber 43631115 human Swain 7763605 Robert IIEueLIIIlg 1286531 Emory Miller BIDWELL Real Estate Photo MLS 38 COLLER STREET PHONE 7284430 FOURPLEVEL BACK SPLIT $21500 Built by Alex isbrandt Nearing completion Electric heat living room with dining Hollywood kitchen second bath room Iourth bedroom recreation room with Iireplbce Can be oomplcled lo pluchascrsspecilioatious Double garage Near both public and high schools Call Wilma Bidwell NORTH coummlb AREA Ihrcchcdroom split level kitchen with large dining area bcalltb iul large bathroom lights in clipboards walkout lo paLio lovely rccrcaiion room separate double garage and workshop Double paved drive Cali Wilma Bidwell WILMA BIDWELL 755121 BLAINE INESON 72114294 11le MORRISON 7289933 CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR HIGH ST 72902 RES 12117139 BEACH AREALovely splitIovcl home across road erm be lake Use ot beach lot tor swimming and duck tor boating Large kit chen living room with ï¬replace bedrooms Ipicce bauirbbm attached garage with oil hcating just 11 years old Call otttce ior morc iriIomilltibri or in evenings Mr Rcad 7287817 eniirc property Priced at $6500 CIIEIIIIE Read mzulr Dull Campbell innm Doug Campbell 41172473 Bud Watson mulls Smith Campbell 7287389 Fred Taylor 7281205 SHELSWELL he TVILLSON IIILS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 1151 Dunlop East 7251422 or 72914121 WATERFRONT PROPERTY NEW LISTINGS ORII LAKE Family cottage containing bedrooms large living room beautiful Iircplnco completely turnishod Wooded lot 501600 good sand beach Boathouse boat motor vatcr skis good wcll Everything gocs Asking 315000 No 9167 Call 1115 Tarllush vie11214 LAKE SIMCOE Completely winterized $27500 Owner built RC cedar living room with large Iicldslonc ï¬replace dining room opens to lagstonh terrace large bedrooms apiece Ilaiih fuel oil iurnace completely lurnishcd including stove and reirigerotor No 10567 Call Jack MacLaren 7294951 Vor 772611960 URGENTLY REQUIRED Two Or 3bcdroom bungalow All cash Call Jack ViIIson 7761422 or 7284531 Orca Brown betd Atkinson Joan Land II unsure Ion Lonittln mtgh Plowman 72squ Ron Allan 4555313 7237255 71311796 7185751 mam Ilurirmi rirbunb 72mm Norah Rallies ouuvr Sineilr 7334950 Khim dichlulu sans Enerett sneisweu more Longhu Atom IL with ugnpnn sneisweu mam HAROLD FORSTER 8r COMPANY 95 Hayï¬eld Sirect PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7256153 ilortgage Funds Available Free Customer Parking Below are some o1 our finest listings in the City of Barrio Look them over leisurely 103 WELLINGTON STREET EAST 11115 19 MARSHALL STREET M15 116 SHIRLEY AVENUE MLS HIGHVIEW MLS 23 DOIVNSVIEW DRIVE M13 17 SPRINGHOME ROAD MLS £1119 BAYFIELD STREET 401 BAYFIELD STREET 1$fl DUCKWORIH STREET IS ALEXANDER 77 OITAIWAY AVENUE 22000 MLS 11 there is one in particular th npy call us now for an appointment II none of the above interest you call us as well We have more and may have lorgutten to put in the one that suits you EVENINGS CALL cunnin mousTERlIAN mMllshmlbm moons MARGARET 11100 72114374 KLOOSTEMIAN GLORIA KOSSATZ 711K175 Lou GOEDERIONVA IRENE FORM5 mott2 ROGERS CONNELL Photo 111 Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Points EVENINGS CALL AI GI IIqukIlhui 1264b Rogers 7283582 gtEd Green 7784113 sumo 27200 2501 27300 22000 21500 185 18500 153011 IIILS instill mom 1vv nits 721411 Phone 7287568 Prod Epleu Emsm Council 7289765 Mrs Roline Rogers 7234an CARSON PHUIO HIS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7263481 Norm Synnott 728533 Russ Carson leIIlGl Bill Hamilton 72115325 Rupert McGarth Elmvllle 7391122 Charles Hepivorth 72554112 FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 anvrmuo STREET EVENINGS CALL 7739979 non SAUNDERS kastn 4554165 7751415 new 7261415 CHUCK COHAN FRANK NELLIS CECIL MILLS L1CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 72Ble 93 Dunlop St moans MIKE hIIGUS 0110 mam FOSTER cc Potter Real Estate Broker 23 OWEN ST 7281960 lst and 2nd mortgage funds availablecity or rrilral BUSH LOT 100 acres some timber excellent crock through Ist and and mortgages wronged on low monthly payments We buy your presentlst and and mortgages MABEL MARSHALL rlolsol unncuclurie MOORE more com 2111mm 7725117 JANE YOUNG 7234717 LAURANSKERR illusion LIME Pmllll cubism 7732425 1115 Realtor WHITE 109 Baylield St 7281071 Appraisals ngs invited slrtelly continentlsu Hcllllos to absenpuihe hcldohlyln days utter lust datebl publication $10 ZDWN Still EAYFELD 91 7288017 Evenings 72611132 Real Estate Broker 7239451 SPECIALIZING 1N RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call LEO CAVANAUGH 7281207 LARRY TORPEY 72547715 BILL FAWN 72511999 bedroom brlelr bungalow 1V bruironm illtchcll wuh bulltiri rtuvc Elrburctor broulloam In ltvingrllnlng roa and LEmlA Av Ripleys Mo wllseMmisu or Lemmylb SPENT TttE USI I9YEPIRS or llls LIFE AS mVEWflLIM HERMII AFTER H15 SISTER WAS HANGED BECAUSE HE DELIVERED HER PARDON MINUTES DOME gums REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 0T eAPTisnzY the Wm of Mona hallo SEWER RENEW 1500 IMAM 48 ROMAN Mm RENTALS HOUSES WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE Dont Be Dishwasher BUY ONE Kitchen Aid Dishwashers with work saving advantages ROBINSON HARDWARE 81 Dunlop Street 7282431 NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD ibe bolus IInobIoadioom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADWM Romania all sizes and pricu 65 Collier St Phone mini um mama so 127 mud Me In 51d 40 1h Mkl Nod SinkL loo Collier mom mm NRCBD All We or In good condition fur gfi Damian IIIwhom 718 ms Pvnrr lewtnl machine also lï¬rm labile In excellent condition cw wooen rlrpcl we pluun mom momma numerator or rate in ereeiiuu snaps 711 Cu 11 Teleplwm mm tar lurlner we ttcuhra nrmcmtolsnpd third pfrncrnrit gt rloilMcdluba are urn m4 po col or St ruu Srmlzo Record Player Ind Alln1 Rldio combination Tor pale mm 9150 Apply 26 Molina 81 manna hurt to ubtn Lipllen tents cullbtnxp lup STA 01mech ML II Ballad um Strpr TclIsphonnv TIMI AIGRIESBACH Broker VLA properties available 7289844 STARR We 5111 Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE MCLEAN Cockstolill Ass45 nlncc Illznliooli llonse wnnled In uremic 0cllnalicy hv Still wan to Box loi barrio Ex Imlncrs WANTED TO purchase house or cash Ilouse uiai needing tenors Iini pnd repairs Must be reason nble In or near rialrte Box bnrrle Examiner IvANTznTo BUY house near llarrlu or surrounding area Im mediate possession Prieed reason ably vrlte Box NJ Barrie Ex aminer 10Tst SALE TEN ncncs trees near lirrrle 31900 Box 1711 Barrio mamlnnr INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transler your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage OI any kind sec STEVENSONTS 113 DUNLOP ST 721111111 BUS OPPORTUNITIES GIIDCERIES and Snack Bar plus sellconlalncd npaflmcnir and vacant coran lot on highway Iain lie dislrlct Full price stlsoo Iel ephone 7261661 siverlui scrvicl grossing Sscu per month in the city or hurrie three bedroom home plus attire and new workshop an so on lot 55 155 Illness tnrecs silo slomu Apply to Box 521 Bardlo Examiner BUSINESS OPS WANTED ny APRIL 1958 Won situated lul ly equipped inurlsl establishment small to medium size write pap tleniors priee reason tor Selling to Box llII Barrie Examiner MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MobileHomes General Glendale Travelux Paris and Service Clish or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 7289356 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 15b and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL nouns FARMS AND compzucth PROPERTIES 90 or VALUATIONS If You Need Money To eonsplldalo debts Phy all existing mortlam our mortgage cumin duo ofloma improvements Any worthwhile cause Write or Phone 72150981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonSears 129 DUNLOP ST Illeruber Onlarlp Mariam Brokers modaflon WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple Interest Up to 3077 of your pro perty value Low monthly my meals up to ï¬fteen years to repay For any mortgagopro biems see COREY Real Estate 93DunIopSt 7252419 RENTALS HOUSE 0R APARTMENT WANTEDI AILlIv OFFICER andIsmltv twp hcdroom hoilsg mclorably with separate dining room earaeo and garden Closo topnbue school Oc cuparicy 15 Aug or latest Sept Usual lease agreements nvaiinhi Barrio even hug and IIlerooiicr to see any errors viiie Malo Cowln cm ol GIIIbrd olirarn Ont TRY EXAMINE ANI ADS CALL 7282414 chELLrLVr well established an children 13 and require or IIEIIIIOD House mated to mill lleduind or Sept Tel Ivy Ills 9M nannooll helm or winierlred polling wanted to rent by Bell Telephone mancor lrdllirrd ror August II TcIlphonu collect 4405 llunrsvilir rAlllLll wml teenage children llulllfo or bedroom house llenl approximately 3150 Tellphone LITloss on ucpnooii Ilumorcouircd by bustnlman wth tennis or adults and children wuilnc 1o rlen lease and or pay premium lor tboire home barrle or closeeln inrsl considered comet Leslie IZMSJI extension to p1n daily APARTMENTS WANTED MODERN two bedroom unturn Islied opallinenl muted to rentby bank orlteer nlihln the ncxl aggro Irelmnees Telephone 713 stove and rclinuralor supplied contact Mr Choun liase lins piil Clmp Borden APARTMENTS To RENT oNc Ann Two bedroom upm rnentsto rent from $3750 month 1y Telephone Mum lor lurtnrr inionnatlon ucnuooll Aplflmcnt or rent Private rnuanee All utilities In eluded stove supplied Available immediatciy Telephone 771291197 tor pm would like It Io be modern Pleu mow STARTING llotor clutch and nev enl other plrll lor Ill Clielpilic Lllctm pm Mlvy nllkb dent no also modern wrltlpd desk 71o Telephons Hows wzllnnld nms The 1017 tull length Ion sleeves original mo del much lace bodice ltlk tulle okIlt over supper soil Sump at back or skirt mm ncllun EALON Duuinnlcn Alr condiunned drycrl with chair hy dnulle Ind slvlvcl chairs steamer desk Priced 10 Roll All In good condition Tutphone mass or mom Human 10 Foot 10 inch electric nude lo cum loot refrigerator piece bedroom suite lutmnllll washer and dryer All in good condition 72392 BIGNII roz BALE in 12 ply white cupboard bxmp1s an to neat House or sue etc Available erril Lumidu business otlice Tyrcwrllrlms bought soul rc pnlrea routed Special student run 111 rites llquIIN about our uuy wall You Rent plmslnr Type Full Of Dont Needs ARTICLES FOR SALE INVFSI 1N COMFORT with Gibson air conditioner Irolu ROBINSON HARDWARE SIDunlopSLE 71ml CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tum Tor nip lop oulllr bro pacer pen1e Sports ceuler meet 7mm m1 grim rent by up moon pert Teirpboul mom Tim um trailers wit and nerd top lean mom Vi mile min of wound Open was nun use 111 all nine Telepme worm FRUITS 8t VEGETABLES cuculllluu W111 bin to es mi been on Isnvlieid 51ml Msrumnrzs lpr ule Piotr your gm per aunt Telephonc 4o7 Rhsrpuuuu Ptcl your own we per quart erllbla pleitm needed Paid lse Im mrl 11m lam on ten north oi hire and Grove st potper CONST MACHINERY am COMPRESSOR twin Cylinder llp on whack 0H1 DOGS AND PETS noyAL VIEW Kennels have good selection or Dachshund Ind modi Pupplrs litidhurst Ontario or tel whom rtem barrio GaulIN SHEPHERD Puppies loi nle mustered Mick and up no cacti Telephone mom mnlnu tor lather Interruption mum smith pupa registered chmplnn tired and bred weeks old shots tattoo extended pedi uree ostv Kennels Box All nu 405675 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED ntrnlturs slovu Ap nuances Dulles Antiques ltnln SMEï¬mG Bind Shop 6114570 or 1264 BOATS AND MOTORS POWEII WINCHES Installation and doiivrried Rolland Boats Ltd Hwy 11 North 0111113 3255141 INBOIIILD MOTOR AND CONTROL sznvlclz Punswlelr brown 716 01 13 17 Tool Traveller with John son no elcelrle Used board 52m writersco 7M Dunlap St West 5E eusb Telephone mam RVICE REPAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job immediately rorit Iurnlshcd stove and rclrig mtwr with private bunCentral gallon pulling Telephone runNIsIlnn apartment the rooms and balh elearl central to eallpn sellcontained available ul tcr August It slo monthly Tele phone 7257017 alter bun ROOMS TO LET 110011 FOR RENT In private home lor yonnz Kcnflcmanr centrally lo ealcd by bus 51071 Telephone 721 1855 or lurther Inlormatlon noon FOR RENT In private home north end Gentleman prolerred Parlours Linen supplled Telephone mm ROOM AND BOARD noon AND BDAILD available In centrally located home Gentleman PrLIcrred Lunches packed no light laundry Fruiting raeiiltles Telephone 7756665 0FF STORES T0 RENT OFFICE SPACE In explosive coin second floor sullable lor Ipw otl Ice dentist or doctor Available Immediately Sloo monthly Apply ioan Garrick Iialr sis1m lull Coli lei slreel 72114665 suMMEil RESORTS coTTAoES To RENT MKEFRONT B11 Bay Point area sleep six clean eomlortable Ilv road swlmrrilng Available Auguit weekly or monthly Telephonl 415 1657 COTTAGES WANTED 51mm COTTAGE wanted to rent near Barri till end or reason Ilust have nonvenlsnecn Pioup writs 11ml Pa Barrlo bummer McFADDEN FURNITURE Er APPLIANCES 7289288 Highway 27 North Refrigerator door 10 cubic loot one door refrigerator Automatic dryer oil used and in good condition DampJness your prob em EHUMIDIFIERS are the answer Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St 7282431 Cheques Draw tickets Business cards Letterheads Emelopes Perma stamps Wedding stationery FREE ESTIMATES 0N ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commerce Printing REDSITTING Room Apartment lor melttut area 700 square rent an ARTICLES FORSALE PAVING ROOKKEEPING PAVING SPECIAL Asphalt driveways and parking lots Free estimates year WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIERI PAVING CO Phone moon PAVING BY TsuBONE CO 01 BARRIE formerly of Toronto Our customers are our best ad vertisers Japancse paving ex ports Asphalt lots driveways etc Written guarantee for three years Call 77116345 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BEVS MOWER AND MARINE Service and Repairs Lawn mowers chain saws Outboards roto tillers etc Free pickup and delivery LIIILE LAKE BARBIE 7266117 BAYSHDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Sales and Service NROVVGRAVELY lmd DAVIS Lawn and Garden Equipment PIONEER CHAIN SAWS 24 Toronto St 7266444 WELLS WELLS Cleaned Deepened Plumbing Pumps sold serv1ced Barrie 7281861 PAINTING PETERENE PAINTING and PAPERHANGING CCOMMERCTAL RESIDENTIAL OINDIJSTRIAL No job too smallor too big Only experienced tradesmen PHONE 7282011 Or 4357944 Ir BRADLEY interior exterior paint deem expert paperlns opping Buy me cm 511th 71817346 GRAVES Bin lnstaiu Bookkeeping SMm eome 1px Planning 72116073 minus moms per bullet pushing and humor 50 16 shim Pickup and delver mom JANITOR SERVICE Lonma FDR clean cleaning tor homes oillces starA1 Blond Cleaning Service 7mm cannons Illllvmu dcuoob Lireueoa nstruetor am 1111mm Liess Pbona 7736175 anytime MODERN bluva scheme lng to drlve the modern way lelppbone 7155915 INSULATION BWWTNG METHOD Insulation Free estimates Guaranteed norlr Telephone Scott Ilulr 7731167 HOME DESIGN Home Design llonu plans drawn to your speciï¬cations Garry Lu cas Stmud Phone Llama MOWER REPAIRS rAlJlRORIZED Service and war ranty all moist air coolcd en zines Mulligan Mowecservlpn at in burlon Avel Tzollzl EAVESTROUGHING zAvEsmouGlde nonllux Ilrrii luizx chimneys Graham Bios shalt Metal mIool CARPENTER ALTERATIONS renovations house covlsimctian By timeslrved trader men 4496105 Angus mom MASONRY FOWLER MASONRY SERVICE oBrick Repairing all and Chimney Ropolhting aierprooting astoneworir FREE ESTIMATES Phone $5351 PRINTINGPROBLEMS 52o lists11o uselnnea Commerciul Printing division The Barrie Ex aminer ls Buylleld 51 72114537 LIGHTNING PROTECTION REFRIGERATION LIGHTNING ROD INSTALLATION Work done according to the Lightning Rod Act For estim LIIB EARL EDGAR Box 113 TEESWATER 39215565 392471168 EbMVim 7211141 aItcr pm ALTERATIONS STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 31 Clapperton Street PHONE miss SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25 any size house tank within 25 miles of Barrie WINTER CO LADIES ALTERATIONS MRSMILLER villhelp you expand your wardrobe also isible mending