MWEWWAAWMQIW It nrwsnouuoor onrmcrwrmm ogry4omï¬zjruwrgj5g 12 imiauï¬ For Bramalea Lots BRAMALEA Oat lCPiBy late Monday more than 100 can and about to people had lined can here lartodays opening at relliog and leasing of Loss gov eromcntowoed buildiogJots The lots in Brambles ï¬ve miles west or Toronto are among the 219 being ollered today in eight Ontario commu nines under the Ontario govern Home Ownership Made program Ontario Housing Corpora tion ofï¬ce here was surrounded by home seekers and their re gattasleeping bags reclining couches card tables and tent The government announced Monday that 1149 lots txuld be made available under the HOME plan Enthusiastic public response ed the government to another 045 all in Bramalca Tuesday Call Meeting nonrum CBRome sentativcs of more than 300 Montreal gas station operators have called meeting for Wednesday to decide what to do about recent gasoline price reduction at no cean gallon Imperial Oil initialed the move to lower prlcmto 119 cents gallon for regular and 469 cents or premiumand was followed by other major companies in the arm ltudy Sauve president of the Fraternity ol lilontroal Gas to tailors said he is against the uction This is not the time of price cut when dealers costs are rising Open Convention OTTAWA tCPlDemands tor rlier retirement and for pen sons tied to the cost of living were presented Monday as the Union or National Defence Em ployees began l0urday con ventlon here The demands were among scores or resolutions tahlcd from locals of the 250mnom ber union set up to deal with the government under colilec trvc are aining legislation passed in March Captain Freed ANCHORAGE Alaska lAlr 1Russian Lrawlcr captain Dan ic Earokin chargedWith vii lating us territorial lishing watc rs was freed Monday pending trial alter being held in jail here since Friday UrS puty Commissioner Dennis Lazarus released Baro ifin to the custody of Yuri Clic ud third secretary at the tcmhassy in Washington emokhud arrived Saturday toassist Earokiu 110 Years Young KrNGsroN tCFiJohn Green 110yearold man with passion for cigars celebrated his birthday Sunday at the On tario Hospital Tho patients gleecluh or chestra and chorus entertained Mr Green and giant cake blitzing with candles was rolled in his room Mr Green is not mentally or physically ill hospital spokes man said but he needs medical attention because of his age Life arrived at the hospital from Sharbot Lake Ont 13 ï¬ars ago with prool to show he was born Aug 1857 He has lost weight since then and is dridden but still likes his ci gars An advertising firm or the Tobacco institute of Canada heard about Mr Greens fond 1less tor cigars last year and guaranteed him constant sup ply Mixed Marriage TORONTO CriA Roman Catholic given permission by ht church was married in Protestant church Saturday with Roman Catholic priest ofï¬ciating at the wedding It was the first event or its type in Canada Neither the Anglican bridé Jane Seahorn nor the Roman Oattwtic bridegroom Albert llaahcy is changing religion and the bride did not make any written or verbal promises about what religion is to be taught to future children PAUL llELtAElt May Enter Race CPlA apokcs man for Dclence Minister Hell yer conï¬rmed Monday that lilr llellyer is making plans to con lest the Liberal leadership when Prime Minister Pearson retires The spokesman William late Mr llellyers executive ns sisiant was commenting on Montreal Galettc report saying Mr llcllyer Finance Minister Sharp and External Alfalrs Minister Martin nre putting to gather campaign leadership or ganilations and actively seek ing backing Mr Sharp said no leadership campaign was under way yet but he would probably run lor the leadership uhcn Mr Pear son rnlircs hlr Martin was not available or comment Accepts Blame APiLord Rt hcns chairman ol the National Coal Hoard Monday night ac cepted repousibility for the Marion cool tip disaster which killed 144 persons mostly childlt ren and offered to quit But the government asked him to stay on the job until the board completes lts examina tion at ways to prevent disas ters similar to the one in the Welsh nilnlng community Breathe Water TORONTO CPiMan might one day he taught to breathe water instead of air Dr Ed ward Lanphicr told the Un derwater Society of America Saturdayr Dr Lanphier associate pro lcssor of physiology at the State University of New York in But lalo said six dogs survived tests in which they were ancsfhcliscd and had salt water sollution pumped into their lungs Need Checkups TORONTO CPLA physical examination prior to prescrip tion at oral contraceptives and egula checkups thereafter should he providedi to cheek heart or artery disease that may he encouraged by the pill says the Canadian hledical As sociatinns Journal The magazine said in an edi torial its recommendations are based on survey of research results from England lawyer Dies NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF Willred Martin of Niagara Falls prominent Ontario criminal lawyer died in hospi tal Monday following lengthy ï¬tness He was 64 native of Whitehorse Yukon and graduate of the University of Toronto and Cs goode Hall law school Mr Martin was senior partner ol the Niagara Falls law llrm of Martin Calvert Sheppard and Clark He was called to the Ontario bar in 1929 and made aKings Counsel in 1938 AT uuaouui naiveIN The Man With No Name played by Clint Eastwood rides again in his second aggpearanceljllorra Few VITDXS More United Artists re release in Technicolor is now playing at the Remote Drive In Theatre gag 4a Drivers Meet OTTAWA CWMora than 125 delegatu gathered at carte too University here Monday or tha opening session or an All Canada Conference of Young Driven The meetings wind up Thursday with young drivers Senate at thaPar ament Bulld lngs Most of the Hers group took time out allu registering to assemble campus dis lay at halterrxt auto parts ey are calling the conlerence smashenlngLe happcnlng they ara here to prevent hap pening Insurance Federation whlc hrc ltas Support VANCOUVER CPDUpped Linn header Dicteohalter said Saturday he has evidence or surge or grassroots support it he decides to light for retention of the Progressive Conservatwe leadership next month Mr Dielenhuker told news conference that during his threeweek holiday in British Columbia he has received huge volume at mail 35 to 98 pqr cent ol which urged him to run or the leadership at the partys September convention in Toronto Need Exchange TORONTO lCPiDr Ernest Veissmao United Nations ad viser on housing and planning Monday called tor on exchange of knowlcdgc on urban prob lems between cities to prevent total collapse ot the worlds utics Dr Veissmnnn told 210 ox peris on urbanism at the open ing session of twowock can lerencc on metropolitan prob lems that an annual world pop ulaLion increase at 70000000 persons clogged expressways crime in blmhtcd communities the disappearance of parkland and lock or housing spoil tmuble ahead Wants Car Back BEND Ore ADMrs Car roll Crnndoll of Bend sold her 1950 cur last wcclr tor $300 Now she would like it back Saturday the cars licence number HAB 393 was posted us the weekly winnerol $2500 in lucky licenccl contest sponsored by the Standard Oil Co in Oregon She says thewinningmumhcr wns leaked outhut not to her belore she sold the car lni Oregon the licence number stays with the car when the title is transferred Heltou Perccll ol Milwaukee Oren came forward Monday and claimed the $2500 from the Dounelley Corp which conducts the contest However state police say the award will be hdd up pending an investigation ery please instruct your restart delivery dates must pay for every or he customers It is thgp be given stop and restart you go on your holiday trip THE BARRIE Subscribers 1Naoie JAddrex STOP Date Monday STARVT Carriers Name minor disturbances or peacetul GoingAWay For As an independent merchant your Examiner carrier refore suspended during your absence on vacation Also your earner receives Special bonus for every restart date turned 111 With holiday stop order Your cooperation wdl help your carrier earn extra cash You can use the coupon below to arrange your sin and restart dates Just completeit being sure to in cate stop and restart dates and hand to your carrier before PS If you would like to have The Examiner sent to your holiday address phone the Circulation De partmeni at 7266537 and well take eare of it STOP and RE Date Monday This section for carriers use PeopleLineUijdrly SKIES WILL be partially clear across Ontario today storm mire moves east into Quebec but more rain Is ex pectml Wednesday Tempera tures will be lower Weather in the Maritime will be main ly sunny and clear The fore casi or British Cohlmbla ls sunny and warmer The Prair 433 to Provinces will be cooler with some showers Hooded in Man ltoba Figures on the map in dieato expected high temper aurres today OP Wirephoio SOYS Canadds Policemen Are Frontline Soldiers OTTAWA CPICanadas 25000 policemen an the thin line that stanrk botweer the citizens ol the country and the anarchy we see in so many other places RCMP Oommls sinner George ll McClellan said Monday He tdd 250 delegates to the Ontario Police Association con vcntlon that they are irontline soldiers who must bear the brunt of any rmistance to legal lyconstituted authority The speech was his hat in ï¬year career with the RCMP Commissioner McClellan retires Aug 15 to become Albertas and Canndastlrst ombuds man He pointed to recent violence in us cities in expressing con cern aboutiihe widening gull between police and public The moral rumor of mix treatment of white or Negro in the US resultml not in Threealtrer Killed In Cobalt Crash COBALT Ont CF Three persons were killed and six in lured in twoear collision near Cobalt about 70 miles north of North boy Friday evenlng Dead are Yvette Label 38 ct Temagami Ontr and Salonge Renaud 61 at Sturgeon Falls Ont Police withheld the name at the third victim COMMUTE FROM PORTUGAL Some lumberiacks in Canada commute from Portugal lying out in the spring and home when the cold weather comes TRY EXAMINER whnr ans PHONE mam protcsls but to what amounts to an armed insurrection in which whole sections olu major city on destroyed One at the germs of this sickness is the emergence or wouldbe lenders who advocate not only the violence we have already seen but even greater violence amounting to guerrilla warlare and who publicly ro toice when policeman is killed he said REPRESENT LAW The commissioner said police represent law and order In the minds of the public Where you have resistance orcontcmpt for authority and law and order the police will be the first to experience the antagonism and the violence which follow He dascrlbedhipples as id hilzers in the game of tile Summer Holidays If you receive your Eiraminer by carrier deliv carrier as to stop and before you leave or she draws for delivery to essential thatyour carrier dates if you wish delivery EXAMINER srARr arose Route No youths who hld their heads ln the dreams of marijuana or LSD but still reserved the flxht tn crittclce lla said policemen have right to considerably fmore support than they have been getting from the public at large Some editorial writers dalmcd that the police would get such respect when they had earned it and it was their own actlviues that lod to disrespect Commissioner McClellan sold this was true to the point that one bad overbearing or rude policeman could unto the work of hundreds of others trying to improve the police image But will not for moment accept the suggestion that any breakdown in polleepublic rela INDIE is entirely the fault at the police Cloudy Showers On Wednésdc1y Scattered flowers or thunder timer on forecan once again for Wednesday morning Wind will be 1W and the turpen turu will be on the warmer side one weekend low at the Exam iner oftice downtown wu de gnu The taoperaturo at 3250 can was so degrees TORONTO Cplolden loremsis at 530 mm Synopsis Skies are clearing across On tario and mostof southern and central arms will lava many bid cool weather today In the north howevu norm clouds and showers will move it duo in the day Regional forecasts Lake St maintain Erie Lake Huron Southern Georgian Bay Vintkor tandon Sunny with tow cloudy periods today Sunny aodw no or Wednesday MI booming mosh ly cloudy during the morning with scattered showers or thun dershowers winds light today and southerly 15 Wednesday Niagara Lake Orderlo Hall burton restarts Hamilton Toronto Cloudy becoming most ly sunny by alternoon Sunny and Wanner Wodnsday but be coming mostiy cloudy by after noon with soatterod showers or lbundershowon winds light today and southerly l5 Wednes day Northern Georgian Bay ll rnagoml Algoma North Bay Sudbury Cloudy becoming sunny and lltttle ï¬rmer by alternoon Wednesday mostly cloudy with showers and scat tered thundershowers Winds light today and southerly 20 Wednesday white River Cochoane West ern James Bay variable cloud iness and little warmer today It tcw showers this afternoon and evening Wednesday cloudy vlthshowcra and scattered thundershowera Turning cooler late Wmnosday Ught winds in ieroashig to soiithmly lotoday no not own car Wednesday Formrt temperature lni Wt hill Niall FArlton Sault fled caaaseassssssgsassss WANTS rotm mum RENTAL austhss um 7266527 now Quickly on Answch JtlllllSflll DUNLOP Opposite the theory nynn were norm 7141900 llou should apply now for your oreace SECURth reusros By applyingnowyouwill receive your ï¬rstpayment in January 1968 when persons who have reached the age of 67 become eligible for Old AgeSecurlty If you were born In 1901 You Shouldmake application for your Old AgeSecurity pension sis monthabefore your 67th birthday An Old Age Security application formvmay be obvtainedat your local Post Ofï¬ce of your prov Gunman moons coprocessor or by writing to the Regional Director of Old Age Security in the capital city ince With it you will receive pamphlet giving full information about Old Age Security As soon as your Old Age Security pension is approved you will be sent lofdrmntlon about the Guaranteed Income Silpplement and an application form You may be entitled to supplement which together with your Old Age Security pension will guarantee you monthly income of at least $10500 IssuronvrHEHdu ALLAN MaciéActIEN MINISTER THE DEPARTMENTOF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE