to GOOD HEALTH Shots Can Reduce Poison Ivy Sensitivity By JOSEPH IIDLNER MD Dear Dr Mother In an arti rie on poison ivy you saidtt was your understanding that ol jections were wortidess but you would be willing to stand cor rected it there was real evi dence to the contrary Iy iivlsyearold son ttotlid get ivy poisoning every spring and have it all summer until the plant died Iiis eyes would sttcll shttt his ears mouth even genital organs would swell lie was miserable and piiiiul sight Creams anti lotions didnt hl lining child he had and made things worse and had to take him to the doctor about three times neck for treatment to reduce sttelling Then our riottor suggested shots The next spring before the plant came lip he had shot every work for five weeks Ilc got poison ivy that year but only small bumps on his hand and lotion vletlred them up orA grnighl lic has had boosters since in the spring and this is his third year The dottor warned us they might not pork hot or are ery grateful that they did for usIls IN Nil SURE CUIIE guess we didnt achieve very good meeting at Lilc minds ttitcn wrote previously maintain that know of no shot that can cure person to tho esicnt or preventing ivy p0l50n ing any more than there is cure ior hay fever Extreme sensitivity however can sometimes be reduced in the some fashion that sonsttitu ity to ragweed and such Will can be reduced by dcsensiti tion This cvitinntiy is what hits Ns youngster hada series of desensitization shots with boosters in subsequent years Her letter is one ot quite number rcvcited including some irom manufacturers All can say is that when the extract oi ivy poison or poison oak is tlsed ill this manner whether in the form oi drops tablets or injections it should be done under physicians supervision because reactions can occur and can be as art noying as case or poison ivy You cant guarantee success TELEVISION BUFFALO ii BARBIE BUFFALO TORONTO cullistancos you must be careiui and watch ful out certainly would not want anyone to forego the bene ï¬ts it such treatment can in deed help him FAlll APPROACH was pleased incidentally to note that the brochure from one manufacturer included empha six on precautions to be taken air and honest approach Phyaluans are not In agree ment on the eificacy and the reason may well tic in the fact that although some talk bene lit other expect too much and do not observe due caution in avoiding ivy Dear Sir Will you please cas tigate or inform those who still buy sell consume and otter uni pasteurized milk regardless cf their claims that herds havc been inspected These people represent the weak link in the community in eradication disease namely TB etc tlII have lli repeat more than T11 is involved Typhoid bru ccllosis undulnnt fevcr tlnd other diseases can be transnt letl Inspectlon of herd is line but not all diseases can be spot ted immediately licidcs thu law says milk must be paslctl ilcd wouldnt under any ctr atlotv unpasteur iced milk in my house Dear Dr hioiner Is there any cure ior candylnmn accu minatttm and does it ever be come cancerousLS Thats the technical term for warts in the genitalanal region These can he removed eifcctive ly and relatively simply but dont try to do it yourself It requires physician prolerably skin specialist or urologist There is no connection un cancer RECALL ATOM BDhIIlING iiIROSliiilit Japan AP Hiroshimn observed the 22nd anniversary Sttnday ot its lie struclion by the worlds first atomic bomb dropped in the closing clays oi the Sccond World War Some 30000 per sons gathered at the citys Icacc Park to olicr minute oi silent prayer for the thousands killed in that single instant uhcn US bomber dropped its deadly load PROGWMS BUFFALO HAMILTON TUESDAY AUGUST EVENING 400 630 ziltks Douctar Show lComnlunfcaic tIhe Secret storm llChannei 91 Love Lucy tlFiem Mn 70 lacallon Time LVN are mum Show fltuck Around The Clock lanncl Theatre ivnc cco Blue sm IlZflrro 500 SAthtlest liobo Ln Squad ramuy Theatre at release sin Ealxae iiDaktari and and srasl MD IATrailmaster ttlghl 7tntts out tNews and Sport 90 44mm Loom 7ilovle tvuu To Jungle llml Planet IIuzitivo Weather 94 rrvon IILost in 730 Daktlxi 7Ccmbat 9N tOur Place Ettccasiollal with 45 he Avenger anwo This week 930 no swoicck sports 4Pattteoat Junction it New 7Ieyton rim acrlnn 91m On unotlon Ithiuv Gnrtln tGlltlgalls Island klioncymnoncn Solcc LGiri rroru UNCLE accounts Camera 04mm Quebec 9Star Trclr 11no 21473 llNcns Weath ports Lao LcIunlght Shvl avne Aveolerx 4lovlcs Canyon Passach 7Movie tUItlamcd Brccdl 9tlovle tllre shriek tislystery lhealn Small WEDNESDAY AUGUST MORNING AND AFTERNOON 630 lotao ksunmc Semester ZWindnw on till 1tVlndow on the World 11News Talking 043mm llExno 700 21 unay 00 News Summary lNetts Tilvindow on urn World 730 7tiopoye Itoukct ship 117 sennilsel Hausa 1130 tEd Allen IAndy 7sunermu Sweep 00 ZHoliytvood Square Mantaln Kangaroo JLmltlgm oTv university snnrnper Room 11 Mauit otced 530 1200 ZToppor dFarcst Rangers HWm Hidduezttional rv bItompcr noom llilld Alton lNeoltt 1Movie 2Conceotnttnn Acncvcrly Hillbillies Vortd 7Everybodah 2Portonanty DFiactflrcd Phrases ILJts Match up 4Ditk Van Dykl 7Daltn Game snytnr Dortorl IIBonnie Prudon lfltl lItleec lull tLunehoon oat DMovle out Ilcneath To Seal llIiarriaco 130 lltltchcs and slate ti Wfllid Tm ov high Scandal may Ilvhlovlc This luv Lav 211 or our Live 4Pssiward 1Nuwlyttcrl Game 230 we Doctor until Expo trtouse party 7Drcnm Girl IPenplc in Conflict Date JFopey and Pat 300 zAnather world rm to Hunter in Housl 01 Tall the rruta 920 Everybody Doc tNewr caecn La Lanna ILove ot Lite 12 30 ttUnelo Bobby IiHowkcye 100ti evsnm Judgment row lCznditl Camera itLittle People sNoonay 400 ttttuts Dough 70a JCommuntcata srne secrat atom on can Lucy ItoSuper Comics 050 eoatrnsn LThe tThlrty Shaw ltthtlcsl Ramar LACltnIInLl Theatre tt=tr on on mm zvtrrtnlan 50o 7nrtumn Iï¬oody WDDd acc er 7r Sound 500 Family Theatre trn nlartnz rarest 74km 530 tlMovlr ErePassport Two Fm mi Hanna eutoanrr 7ews mo 600 1Nnuonr Busine trlcws tovla IAllxunIl 630 zIiuntleyBmlkley SNcns Venlh anasaotts lIPlvirl nmon Sports analtlari AFootlbaii 9Socccr 7Movle voyalzrl 9minute ruaay 4Semn for Tuition tTn Guidlntz Light IiItr Mitch WEDNESDAY AUGUST EVENING ZNews Weather 4owell Thomas oLost in Spica bHoiiywood Palacl sGreen Acre lnon um Laos none vGenerat ltnspltal swmdr and ltrusie 2Morv Griffin 11 Report zYou Dont say LEdge at Night 4111 Edge Nizbl 1Sflpermm IIti Your Mon 930 srns am 1000 zI Spy men on stars Hob IllIerv Gnliln 1030 JPanAm Games Noam Hot Seat 1100 ManiNews Weather and Sports lth ZTfllll lï¬blovlzel 5h WI IKE Elly FMUVIE tGldeon FNews summary 1hiovle Drnlmbfllil OMovler tA Danaerous Anal 1200 IlMyltery Theatre Mo knoll oarrswuy CONTRACT sumac ay lav Beckett south dealer Nether aide vulnerable Noam an venous um west use vxor on QM 51 no 15 out arms soon not Ata gnu axon na bidï¬rm South Wat North 141 Pun Pill NT Pm NT Opening lead nine oi spades Detense is largely matter or partnershi cooperation but some of the decisions resulting from this cooperation are based on very delicate inferences The masages delivered by standard signaling in well developed partnership are highly illumin uling but than is always the Monarchy Best Fleming Says IOtNTE AU PICI Que CF Donald Fleming candidate for leadership oi the Progres sive Conservative party says constitutional monarchy is the best system of government or Canada Ho interrupted discussion at ta Conservative meeting here Sunday night when one young Conservative referred to the Queen at England lllr Fleming said She is the Queen of Canada She is my queen and Ior me this is completely acccplabic am not for change Constitution nl monarchy is the best sys tcm llIr Fleming iormcr Iinance minister in the Dieicnhakur government spoke at all times in French Iointc nu Pie is 73 miles northeast oi Quebec City Female Attendants Given Pay Increase TORONTO lCPlFemaiu at tendants at the Childrens Psylt chiniric Research Institute in London 0nt tvill receive sal aly increases at up to 51215 year by January because of judges ruling combined witlt normal increments indge Anderson of Bcllcyiile ruled alter an inquiry under the Ontario Human Inglth Code that the aides who were receiving $3000 to $3900 ycarshouid be paid as much as male attendants since they did the same work The male attendants had been receiving $36 to $4400 but under new pay scale ef iective Jan they will earn 54035 to $5115 Details of the pay arrange ment were released by the civil service commission OFICE HOU Whos checking at the door to make sure that just our office staff get in DAIIY cnossvlonn ACROSS Part Droid Across Italian com Satan Guldoa 10 Work highest 121mm note drama Etwandec is one on Aquatic anions bird 14 gram hum or can tree my kites 15Forbtd Emma 16 Perform 11 mgrnon 18 Purchase lb Cherished lifDlrly animal as 20 chimney 15 Clumsy person 23Well 181mm known street Jaimie mama 25Dlmtnlali SLUniock poet azagypttm pleasure KN envelope of fruit as Headland 38 Fruit of the link 40 Film 41 Famed 42 Abmlva material 31outlla Shift ooWN LBoyagnizi nosing the nine us shortvsuit the next play 19mm 22 new danger of night mlscaletdatlon Consider this hand uhera South was in three notrumo West lodged from the bidde that his partner bad length or strength in spades and therefore led the nine or spades Declarer had no trouble diag lead Ite therefore went up with the king on nhich East played the deuce led the queen oi heartsand Messed West per mitted the queen to wln but won the jack nub the king on There appeared to be no fw ture to another spade lead so West shifted to the ace of clubs on tvllidl East signaled with the lack West then continued ttiib the seven declarer discarding spade from dummy as East tot lowed with the deuce and South with the five It was at this point that West fell from grace by leading still another club Deciarer won with the king dmve out the ace Ill diamonds and came home wit nine tricks instead or leading the third round of clubs Wat should have atlvllched back to spades Had he done this South would have been down one he would have lost all told spade heart diamond and two clubs Easts play or the deuce on the sewn of clubs which held the trick was the signiï¬cant clue that escaped Wests attention Obviously it East had wanted clubs continued he would have overtaken lha sevcn in order to lead another club ltis play or the deuce there fore suggrstcd shirt to another suit Viewed in this light it should not have been too diffi unit for West to revert in spades Cabinet Studies Legislative Plan OIIAIVA tCPlCnbinct min istcrs Monday went into utmost weeklong study of legislative plans Ior the tall session at Parliament opening Sept 25 committee session was held illnnday and full meetings were listed tor Tucstluy Vedncsduy anti Thursdny spokesman ior Prime Minister Pearson said the sessions may carry over until Friday No topics were disclosed but the agenda could include such matters as planned aanLi ments to the Criminal Code re form or divorce latvestabiish mcnt oi department or con sumer aiiairs and an expanded housing program Youth 18 Drowns in Muskoka River PORT SYDNEY Ont tCPl Maivin Gilbert Rogers iii olr Niiiingatc Nfid was drowned in the llluskoka Itiver here Sun day evcning It nonswimmer drowned when he slid all some rocks at the river shore The accident occurred during Sun day drive to this community about 55 miles north oi Orillia Rogers hall been vacationing with Toronto friends The body it be flown back today az IVOItliht xn cush Iona 21 Away from Wind one mmqm wver am 21 tug 231mm Velcil ï¬gs 2am snlfldfltfllllhl money earreuuu aeropuur 27Hemlt mulls 29tRealm 30anerty strickfll cargoNazi organics tiona 3511315 moxie singetr 37 11 avenge Eggs logis tutor abbr BLONDIE JULIET JONES WAKE UP UNCA DONALD ryts BEEN THINKlNGi DONALD DUCK EVERY VUR 7m EUY HIM LICENSE SLtM ONE SECRET AGENT X9 IDUEE SQUINTING GMAN SUN GETTlNG lN WAITAMINUTEHHERE MAY BE CHANCE LONG YOU WOULDNT WANT ME TD MISS THE APPROACH cocktehuugrur WOULDN MAKE IT KlNG Roscoe éETstfMY QUICKERTHAN ANY KIDHN THENEIEHBGR MEI BUT YESYERDAYIT TOOK BUNCH or YOUNGSTERS ON PAID OFF AND we was rue GNLYONE NOT BOTHERED BY ANTS FIGURE5 HUNDRED PERFECTLV WITH MY CHECKING accowr BALANCES THE BANKS STATEMENT MY BOOKKEEPING couas our sxAmLV RIGHT DOWN Tu THE THAT mom KNOW tr MUSTBE ALLWRONG NllEMOMS lM GONG ovEQ sues HAVING ccowo IN aut WHAT ABOUT you AND wwcazv SPLITTING ties WERE so peck HEAR THOUGHT YOU trs AcqmeAs vouAlzaaArer wttltr tF olives watt sorrosum clthSlY SAWYEK SUPPOSETIUS rota LOOKING Bov Is My son BUZZ SAWYER fltE ANGUISHWIMT Md TO SAYTO HIM IIVE NDY BEEN WELLTIIINES ARE SHAWWY IELLME ABOUT IT is TO SEEYDII AGAINNtOTltEl ltAVEro car or WEN IM sown ASLEEPAND do wueu IM we AWAKE wuv MUST Go up To