WEATHER 8mm mam Wet badly in tonight 50 dental 67 I967 ions Your No 13 Yer and his wife share quaaac CPlEqunl French and English language ï¬ghts throughout Oanada and the extent of Quebecs separate ness were touched on by study groups at the Progressive 0on servative partys advisory poli cy conference Monday Launching fourday discus sipn of constitutional change one study group quickly re solved that ren he Englishspeaking Canadians should enjoy equal rights in use of language and access to edu cation in their mother tongue regardless of where they live in Canada Plenary semion oi the confer ence were told Monday night of another study group conclusion that Quebec culturally at least is separate state Richard Simmins of Van couver reporting for the conr ferences cultural study group said that based upon an evalu ation of cultural patterns but tressed by language and reli gion Quebec is separate state NOT DISCUSSED The political and economic implications of this were not discWEd he added yers 44th birthday celcbration amoonmio Canada runey Auguflai 1957 CIIYCROBBERY ii PIZZA cnkr FORBIRTHDAY Defence Minister Paul llelh park for Mr llellyer fea Sunday The hiniw Liberal timing plaza six act in slice oi pizza during ittr Holl Association threw the party in diameter GP Wirephoto fQuébecSépdrate=State SC Meeting stroid Mr Simmtns later said his personal View is that Quebec should beregaided as sep arate political entity and fail are to realize this is simply burying our heads in the sand Although he had been report ed as expressing this view as consensus of the study group Mr simmiiis said this is his own opinion Even his report that Quebec is separate state in cultural sense was challengedjy partl cipaan in the conference who maintained that this was ex pressed by only one among in attending the studygroup and was not further dealt with In the constitution study group participants agreed that French and English shouldhe the language of the courts and legislative bodits and right to education in either tongue should also be guaranteed the constitution South Vietnamese lfepei Viet Gong Mortar Attack SAIGON ANUS Special Forces troops and South Viet namese irregulars counted fis North Vietnamese dead today after repelling mortar and ground attack on special forces camp near the Cambo dian burderr Casualties among the 500 de fenders and their families at Tong Le Chou were termed moderate meaning they were hit hard South Vietnamese spokes man said the 165th North Viet CAPSULE NEWS an Nations SignDeclaration BANGKOK ANMinisters from Thailand the Philippines lndanesiahMalaySia and Singapore signed sevenpoint declara tlori today bringing into existence the Association of Southeast Ifsran Nations preamble to the declaraan called for further strengthening of regional cooperation Film Withdrawn ExpoFestiVal MONTREAL KIDHigh film by Larry Kentf was Iwuii wn Mondayvfrom the program of the eighth Montreal interna onol Ijilm Festival aftér the Quebec Board of Cinema Censor em to Beorganizes firr Force carno ReutersEmt is giving topapriorltyto the air logos in its reorganization and buildupoi armedforces following th Middle East war informed sources here say cabinet Considers Sill Strike Threat omws cmnit threat of countrywide Augllris being discussedibytliecobirret today spokesman said An effort will almost certainly be made to head is strike government North Vietnam and the namese Regiment believed to number some 2000 men at tacked the camp 54 miles nor thwest of Saigon early Monday and fighting raged for many hours The South Vietnamese reports ed they captured 35 hand weaplt oils three Socalibte machine guns and one heavy machine gun iii the air war lblmissians were flown against North Viet nam Monday including an at Mck on therepeatedlyhit lai Dong storage area four miles northwest of theport of Hai phong PLANE saorpowu Anoflrer FiC Phantom jet was brought down by ground fire in the southern panhandle and both crew members were nussirig it was the 638th Urs combat plane reported lost ov sour the last month Explosioii flips US Refinery LAKE cuaanas La AP powerful explosion erupted at thenyties ServiceCo refin eryheroearlytoday shattering plate glass windows in sur rounding business districts and injuring 10 persons Four work men were reported mimng names covered on area of block at the big refinery in air treme southwestern Louisiana The injured were taken to two hospitals Five were later released ï¬ne of theremainirtg live was listed in seriouscondi on Dunlop St East Barrie not insured Sharpen lioNGdKONG Reutersi sharpened struggles for power in Chinas huge army came to light today with reports in the official press stressing the den ger iii coup by reactionary army officers At the same time the cam paign to topple head of state Liu Shaochl gained intensity with call for struggleto the end to liquidate Liu and his agents Radio Canton said the hthrusohevoi China the offi cial abusive term to describe Liu and his supporters have launched second more severe mutilmunailifll Examiner TODAY Ann LanderH City News2 Classified12 ii Comics10 maths12 lawman4 Sports8 means5 TV Iristiogs10 Womens6 Weatherll iiiirmnnniininimnmennwnnm The MONTREAL CPGeurge Bees spoketo Conservative party organizers in Montreal Monday in bid to gain sup port in his race for the party leadership and promised to give Quebec greater voice in national affairs promised the predominatu felt male audience that Quebec will receive the kind of repreL seniation it deserves in the gov ernmcnt we will form alter the next election He said he supports the idea of constitutional reform and supports Quebecs aspirations to sign its own foreign treaties in areas of provincialriurisdic tion but would not like tosee rantinfringement of cdcral risdlction Mr Hees spoke of equality for Quebec and said that if he became prime rn inls he would invite Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau into his cabinet in an important economic portfolio The leadership candidate also released thetext of apolicy statement which stresses the need to rebuild urban socict 250 suitsf200 Trousers Take From Dunlap St Store Thieves escaped with an estiinattd $21000 in clothing Saturday nightafter picking lock at the rear of Craig and Sons mens wear store 42 The thieves cleaned out all 250 suits and 200 pairs of trousers in the store but ignored other items and apparently made no search for cash The loss was George Craig who discovered the theft when he checked the Dunlap St saida goodsized truck would have been needed to carry away the merchandise The theft appeared to be the work of profession BISlhey didnt leave mark Mr Craig said There werent any fingerprints and they didnt even open the till to see if there was any cash on hand He said it appeared to be the sort of theft in which goods are ordered before they are even stolen There was no sign of forced entry and police he lieve lock on the shops rear door was picked The truckwhich was robably used to carry off the mer chandise left no isceralble tire marks on the gravel Police believe the theft may be linked to an earlier breakin at Newmarket south of Barrie in which thieves also gained entry by picking lock store at 330pm Sunday Power Struggles In China countualtackcragainsta revolu tionaries in the armys general logistic dwarfsneat Meanwhile the New Chins news agency quoted an article attributed to an army unit the Red BlhCompany saying that bourgeois power holders in the military and reactionary army officers are the most dangerous enemies of party Chairman Mao Tsctungs followers The article published in the Peking peoples Daily refers to decisive battle now going unbetween MaolsLs and Lius supporters and warns If con ditions ripen they oantihloaists will seize military and political power and turn the dictatorsbp of the prolehariiafa into bour geois dictatorship Radio Canton quoting an ar ticle by proletarian revolution aries in the logistics unit said antidViaoists branded revolution aries as counterrevolutionaries and imposed white terror in their first attacks HERES our Artist am sorry that you dont like nature as see it sir but only paint whatvl see Visitor lhen you shouldnt The former trade minister paint while youre seeing things like that Hermie Bid For PC Support chosen nuns national conference on urban affairs iEstsbllshment of an urban Canada development corporation to speed up urban renewalproiects vAnatianatattacko 01 canon policeman Robert Pallie lcft and Ronald Aili ust before their arrHIEnmtnt Policemen villa Not Pu It Page yesterday on merge oi mur der in the deaths of three Ne gro youtln at the Algiers Mr let during the recent Detroit riots AP Wirephoto harged In Murdering Negroes DETROIT AWOfficials say more arram are likely in the casa of two white Detroit policemen charged wrth mur dering two Negro tcenagers bi amotelatthepeakofthecitys riot Prosecutor William Cahulan said he expects more warrants to be issued in connection with the shotgun killings but not murder warran lie indl sated conspiracy diarges might be filed sminst miof those present when the shootings oc curred flie patrolmen Ronald Au gust ill and Robert Paine 31 pleaded not guity at their ar raignrneni Monday They were held without bail August is scorned of killing dismal with ldlllng Fred Tern ple 18 nurriber of witnessu have said the youths were slain dur ing an earlyan raid by police and national guards searching for snipers at the Al giers Maid in midtown Detroit Jilly 26 three days after rioting began ALSO LED third Negro 0er Cooper IetvLiner Skids To ii Safe Stop NEW YORK AFlAn Amer ican Airlines iet carrying 35 personsits front landing gear stuck in closed position set down on its wing wheels today and skidded to sale stop The plane Flight 418 from Syracuse NY had been due to land at Newark Ni at 758 am but was diverted to Kenne dy international Alliiort be cause of that airports longer runways lt swept back and forth over the afield clearly visible from the ground it landed at 9oiam bring ing collective sigh ofrellef from the scores of emergency personnel who had rushed to the airport Aubrey Pollard 19 Padle ls 17 also was found killed by Haste from lZgauge shotgun in the motel But Oabalan said he lacked evidence on claims that Cooper may have been shot by unla formed man In other developments Mon TAXES G0 iiiJ Ir summits GBEENUP Ky toriA group of citizens protest ing bumpiindgrind show at the annual coinrty fair have been warned of an imminent tax inasmse if the hoolchylto otdry is cancelled in 1967 The city council ma Mon day and left it up hothe untaer fire department whe or he keep the show The de parunent rims the fair each year But council spokesman said the firemen wouldlose about 512001 it cancels the girlie showby far the lairs most popular event The 200 buys frrefithlng equipment each year he said and tax would have to be substituted for the profitable dance day growing out of the riots The national guard issued statement defending its actions in tho machinegun death of fouryearold Negro glrL ltie ooiarty prosecutors office charged two Negro youths with murder in the shooting death of white Detroit painlman Calialan said he recom mended the warrants against August and Pattie as the result 0151aman from 8qu and aopage report compiled by an tarpon Detroit poiice homicide bureau team REPORT SECRET Oahalan refusad to reveal what the statanents or the re port said Pollard Temple and Cooper originally were listedinpolice eports as suspected sniper killed in archange of guniir No weapon was reported found near their bodies and this led toan investigation iho bodies of Templeand Pollard were found in one room and Coopers was in another across hall nurnber of persons who said they were in the motel on the night of the shootings said they were lined up against voatl beaten with giui butts and threatened with death by the raiding policemen 01000000000 Fund imposed for Lessening By THE Assocrsrnn PRESS ln rmove tohead of further racial disturbance Sentors Ahnhnrn Rlbicoff ReinIll and Charles Percy DanuConnJV proposed today the creation of ti DWMDM fund thatwoulrl per rnltPresidcnt Johnson to make grants aimed at lessening tcn stuns to states communities and local organizations US cities remained quiet meanwhile as the last of the national guardsmen called into Milwaukee were sdieduled to llPiï¬lt norm ioisnsrrn Britiishi Coal Board US Tension leave today and curfew in Wichita Kansr was lifted Mil mukecs midnightcuriew re mained in effect Cited as an aid inbringing cam to Wichita was group of young Negro volunteers who patrolled streets shaken by two nights of disturbances in Philadelphia Mayor James ll ftatesaid he plans to extend the state of limited emergency declared to head off violence in his city because mere stillenough inlorma tion to keep us on the al Opensflndusï¬fli jPIObe LOND on CPtLliord no hens head of Britains state run national coal board started an investigation of his own or ize and justdonotlurow what my position will be at the end of the month lichens offered Monday night because of judicial report blaming the coal authority for the Aberfan disaster But Power Minister Richard Marsbaskcd Robcns to delay histdecialon and conduct each rectify faults could have been mentappoinied tribunal said the massive slide of slag that killed 144 persons in the Welsh village last Octoberwas the re sult of folly ignorance and hun glingineptitiideluthocna thority it said the avalanr rcvented and named nine nfiici as especial ly blameworthy to resign his $31500ayear Job The tr unal also bluntly de clined cept some of lio hens dence and described his testimony as inconsistent It said Rubens was unhdsa to state publicly after the disaster that the slide was unforesee enaure disaster of this kind ppen again was revealed in an exchange of letters witthrsh In an interview after the meetln Rotbeos promised to decision and carry out investie shall be at my iob as usualhe said in voice shaking with emotion just do not know what my posh tion will beat the end of th month Askedif the board considered punishment for the ninemfil clals held to blame Rubens sal We babe had boardJncet which is private Ihinkwo must not comment about sea birhhavu