iO GOOD HEALTH Continue Diamssion 0n Damaged is screen Mowers us Lets at Tuesdays topic at questions on damaged discs in the spine Qlihy do some in at practitioners send patients with disc troubles to orthopedic surl germs and some to nettrosub genus AReterral depends on symptoms Otten the orthopedic surgeon and the neurosurgeon must work together As explained Tuesday the centre ot the spine is tha chan nel lor important nerve trunks with branches emerging bolt tween vertebrae It the problem involves the spinal cord or its branches this requires the specialized skills ot neurosurgeon it the nerves are not damaged but the prob lem is simply one oi the bone structure the skills at the or thopedic surgeon are required 0How do specialists trea disc troubles ASometimes by traction drnwinl the bones oi the spine apart to relieve pressure on nerves Sometimu by book braces or other lupporLs Some Vlimcs by removal or bone seg ments it such removal can rclt lieve distress Sometimes by splinling that is by srattiog pieces oi bone so they hold ade jaccnt vertebrae in proper post tlon 9How successful is traction in curing the ditticultyt This depends on the ex tcnt ol the change Traction and back braces otten succeed in milder disorders but cannot cope with more serious cases oPlease discuss the opera tion in which bone is taken tram the hip and used to strengthen the spine AThis the gratting or tusion discussed above The graft is placed in proper posir lion and the back is held in cor rect postureuntil thegratted bone knits tirmly to the verte brne This means that two icon ceivabiy more vertebrae will then be rigid as single bone The spine at that point wfli no longer be flexible This how ever is small price to pay tor eliminating pressure on nerves tand hence pain and averting the risk at the damage becom ing more extensive as time pastes QAs you have TELEVISION BUFFALO gathered TORONTO TUESDAY AUGU 400 010 ssllhn nouns Show sCoouounluie 411 Secrdt Storm or Love Lucy 430 LVacation Tilas eThs tihiriy show tDoouno Kid coannel nram The Lady Gambler ilzorro 500 sLttltest itobo Squad lllramtly naaLra tlmi Women 530 zLands and seas srnunraner 1Newl 000 dann and one dwutner 7ante Tokyo loe lihlgltiu Weather lbchanaeal llPiem 700 era Jthlixana Troop lllmt in 730 Lats Fro anmari 7combat Ht Tre 000 lllmrtarl 810 Hoodlum 1lrlvaders 900 unwi eNewa ellorleynloooen zCandtd camera sour Piaca 20cculonal wire aTaa Avenger nut Ctflfln Fulï¬l 32 nu WedK have mlspsat disc My dog toraeatrrna to neurosurgeon who recommended tractionpat home or three weeks ldont know whether to return to the neurosurgeon as it in quite some distance to his atticsso miles Aies return to the neuro surgeon it the traction does not provide rellet There is no way to guarantee in advance wheth er the conservative methods will suliice The only way is to try them It surgery seems to be this only method promising success the neurosurgeon will tell you so it you do not return to him but go to some other doctor you will have itali to do over againthe tests and examina tion to establish the diaylosls Dear Dr Mother is there any cream or lotion that will remove brown spots trom hands arms neck and lace Mrs KEN This is cosmetic rather than medical problem The spots are ot no slgniticance hesithwiss Some readers tell me they have had good results with some at the commercial creams sold tor this purpose others using the same creams have said they still have the spots All can suggest is trying them car Dr Mother is crack ing your knuckles bad tor them Does it enlargethem have gotten into this habit and am told it whl enlarge them when get oldenMA it doesnt damage or enlarge your joints but it can be very annoying noise tor others to in ten to Find some quieter way to vent your nervous tensions By MES JOHNSTON liliss Christine Broadioot Tor onto is visiting her grandpar cats Mr and Mrs Harry Lang man Mrs Douglas McLeod and Lea Ann Slidhury are visiting Mr and Mrs Keith McLeod Mr and Mrs Wilfred Jubil stonare on motor trip through the western provinces and will visit Mr Johnstons sister litre Andrew Adam and brother James Johnston at Saskatoon and many nieces and nephews tar west as Calgary PROGRAMS DARRIE DUFFALO BUFFALO 14MMILTON as nvcnme 910 sWoleek éPetttcoat Junction 1Peyton Place omve On nootlop tlMew main 1000 kNewl Special TNlltlvl Stay 1010 lPanAm Games 1100 Hiliflrltlel Weather sports 1130 sTontrhl snow sTna Avengers eMoyles Coda Two 1Movie itne Juggler Lalovle Come Next Spring llilsrterv Theatm sports ll Nan aerton Island space in UNCLE WEDNESDAY AUGUST MORNING AND AFTERNOON 61m ssunrise Semester zwlnoow on the World Iwtudnw on the World 11Newa 700 1an ltNerybad Talking Harmon lLExno LTD 1100 dJIdwa Stlinm tNawr IWindow on the World 730 aiopeye lltocket sail 115chnltrel ltouss Ed Alien aAndy ot Sweep 1130 800 LHollywood Here lLurlclleon qute dDtck van on 7Dflth Game 9mon norm ltBonnta Prudeu aCroidln Kangaroo arv Univemry and gt BRoinl=er noom 11Albert sored 900 zro AFoggsei Ranger 7Educauonal rv DRamper Room llad Allen 930 Hack 14 Lulu dtava ot Lila ounele Bobby 11Hawkeye rsono Hme lfldment Hindi camera llmtue People leoo LMovte DTornnto lzso SNounday Hench sconcentxauon dBeverly Hillbillies arersonaltty 7supcrmarket bsnclnred Hiram 111 Match asnealrsr at Eoual Human Desire shterv Grlrtin 3h Guidlrl Ll illta Ii Mulch 100 Lbteec are saluera aLunohaoo Date aMovie Man Amid llMarrtago lrso aMmher and Motel annth World rum lMovle FREQ sinner liMovle For Heavens Sake 200 anaya is our Livea lPassword 1Newlywed mm 210 zthe Doclm sqneen At Expo 57 tlloule Party 7oresm Gist Heavi In Conflict aoo zAaoenor world sm so 4To Tell the Truth dNewa 7Geneml Hospital owords and Music 110 zYou Dont Say JMgeot Night 11 to al Night 1supmnan olts Your 14on ys Maybe and Fall Tndl neoafl or neuron WEDNESDAYv AUGUST EVENING 400 solike Douglas LCornnlunIcate arns secret storm ol Love Lucy ilsuper Comics Lao erhn Hourly Show me pm Past ncnnnnsl Thetn Johnny Guitar nWooay Wood pecker Mn sWoody Wood archer 1ln Squad ItFamily Theatre nele Sta Daughteri sari sPauport Two scanada Outdoors ltPtura 11Littk1t 130 zViralnian atom my ecrsen 7Moiuoea llluovia 330 onl awa ovta Midterm sea lHithtilyBrtnxisy thiNews mt Sports Bulimia And Dawn NW tuwell al IEatmarl tLost in SPIN altywood Pa Rios osrlrai L801 41dilibtll1zlDe aaoh no eareeir Acres Berton sTesoh rn aGomer Pyle 1000 Zl Spy LWorld st Htlva Allen llMerv tannin lose JPanAm Gama Huerta Hot Seat lloo zAt1vliNws Weather and 590 1130 24c sMonviam dMovtes monies Regiment eNm summary 7Mwia that Films The Most Wanted Man 1100 uMsrlery Them loo aboun ouraway liono cm 67 Counties BRIDGE By JAY South dealer Neither side vulnerable Nonm an qua osona 4mqu Isaac airsr vices ¢qsas on so us our them 41m Thibtddtniz South West North list so PHI Pass Pass Pass wani use vsoa oxiaa 410s Opening leadten oi hearts Lets say you get to tour hearts on the bidding shown and West leads the tea at trump There are many waysto play the hand but there is only one that is clearly correct The key play comes right at the start when East covers the ten ol hearts with the lock The proper play now is to let him win tba trick in which case you cannotbe dolcated regardless at what the defense does next cnossuwo MRS ALLEN Mrs Wanda ltlcEIwain Misses Joyce and Joan hlcEl waln and Mrs ltoy Minty oi Allenwood are on motor trip to Expo and Halifax Mr and Mrs Leighton Mc Ginois Grand Valley were re cent visittirs with Mr and hiss William Bell Mrs Russel McElwain and Miss Agnts lio ins Barrie were guests or hrs Sam ltilen betoro leaving on trip to Seat land Billie Cooper Shcttield visit ed her grandparents Mr and Mrs Barnes last week and Mrs Walter Bald Cooks viiie was also itor Sunday visitors with Mrs Sam Allen were Mr and Mrs Harold Doddemeade Edenhurg Texas Miss Mary Britten Cortu NlYl and Mr and Mrs Reg Archer Barrie CHURCH SERVICE Sérvice in Knox Church Fos will be at Mo am August Rev Gordon MeGinnlswill be the minister Tomorrow ny litltS Wine Toitcnharn Centennial is Aug and Mrs Lancaster and sons Silent the weekend with her daughter and soliinlaw at Fort Erie Mrs Wire visited law days last week with her son Ver non and tamily in Smithville Mr and Mrs Tom Granton and familyI Toronto and Vin cent Lang Arthur spent July so with their sister Mrs Joseph Walsh The ladies ot Fraser Presby ierian ohuooh were hostesses at bridal shower inDflllul or Miss Joan Campbell September bride to be July 24 ill OFFICE HOURS wmllg brand 2imtcked 3Wooden pins 41th sertersot music amath chiettaina gt 7Westem alliance 8Atthhb time 9Capitulaf Ceylon 111aand measures 15Exist AGRDSS LPromon tory 6Penlsy 9rank 10 City in Nebraska 12 Greek letter 135lshops headdress Covers 151rotecttva garments let Eskar 17 God otlovo lslmpulses 21 Coal scuttle 24Cmsura 251015 27oetlo contraction 28Penisea again 30Moslem bigwigs 31 Yes Sp 32Mtirm zitRodents s1 Young hog 3Headtesa bolt 39unch rivet so eonf aumem ALWail DAILY caosswono BECKER lat assume that East eonlt tissues with trump whim you will withvlhe ace it East playa any other suit at trick two you win and lead the led at trumps yourseit to establish more or teas the same position You now cash the scoot dia monds play club to thagueeo rutt diamond play uh to the king rutt diamond than play club to tile ace and rut the last diamond By this time you have played nine tricks and unit eight at them cooaisttag ot the acts at hearts the ace ot diamonds the MW at clubs and three diamond rutts When you now lead the tourth round or clubs you amura tell tricks whether or not East ruita it You are bound to make either spade and club or sparla and dummyslast trump Note that the outcome would not be attracted it Easts distri bution were such that he could rutt any one ol the earlier club leads You would still come to ten tricks it he rotted Note also that it you took the opening heart lead with the ace you wouldeventuaily go down one assuming best Vdeicnsc You have to duck the openingload stay in the drivers seat maintain control over the play SIMCOE COUNTY nails the Sunday school room She was assisted in opening tho gills Betty Gotttredson Irior to her marriage in the United Churdl Jilly 29 Miss Lorna ltowley was entertained at bridal shows at the home at Mrs Fred Kant Several contests were enjoyed Lunch was served by the hostessas sislcd by neighbor girls on the street Mr and lttrs John King and cona Beach TOLLENDIII Dy 01115 STARK Two recently married couples there teted at presentation and miscellaneous shower by neigh bors Pamela Webb nee Cook received many gilts and her brother Logan and his bride re ceived purse or money and piece of Blue Mountain Pottery tor their new home in Toilendal Paris The event was heldat Sheppard Park and the house was gaiiy decorated with pink and blue streamers and bells Mrs 11 Vaughan is home gain on Colborne St alter spend ing the winter in Toronto with her daughter Ada Mrs Vaugh an was born in Toilendal and knows the history of the district as most at her 87 years have been spent here The Ray Webb tamin are home again allot trip out west New street signs are appearing make it easier lorl motorists Sheppard Park issituated on corner at Coiourne SL and Tai londai Rd one mile north tnm Highway ll sunset lS LARGEST Sudan with an area oi 967500 square miles An unimpresslve start as my assistantsyour first official duty and you bring me back the of clgaret 17 Decid unua EB 19 Old salt 20 Not prefix 21 Hawk Parrot 22 Elderly persona 23 stops 20 Pmnalm 25L Consume 30 Volcano 32 King of Judah can Has sunswu NANY NIX out LDG YEAS EN Yesterdays Miller as Loveles al Tolerath 35 Stand ug aa Birds as Liquor Ti by Iteien Hamilton and Mrs inmily spent last week at Al on our corners which should Atrieas largest nation is the JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK ME THE tNTELLi5ENT SCIENTtFIC MIND NEVER sees AN EFFECT wrrHouT assures THE CAUSE ï¬gï¬ahfï¬r OKAY EINSTEIN NOW YOU KNOW GRAN DMA SECRET AGENT X49 YOURE PLMNtNG COLDBLOODED MURDER YVOU vou NEVER saw YOUR on MANS SYNDICATE RECORDS SntEIQ 1m vou DlFFERENT NO MAWER HOW DAMWNG DADDYS RECORDS ARE THEY 0NE SHUIWILL ERING EVERYONE SMAKTTHINKING INTHE cs2 conetamexcsrr swAeMINGw we noon EASACHERVL SOUIHSIOE ISNT some TO USE THAT OUN IN MUSHY remune smmes THEY ALwa MAKE late FUSS ABOUT THOSE THREE LITTLE wows BUT ATï¬RANDMAS MOUSE THERE ARE Two otomous WORDS LIKE BLONDIE oaewcoo MAY HAVE EIGHT DOLLARSTO DAY THE DELIVERY MAN FDR Legihgwimr BUZZ SAWYER WISH HAD ONE or MY vcrecvciav owN KEEP MOMS PHONE CASE MY LINES BUSY THEY card can As AN EMERGENQ HE ON HERS NUMBER vlF You woman HOME Wlllt ME OIRISTY tEiME TAKEYOU TD PSYEHMTRlST COMPLETE commence in panel SHRELY YOU DONT EXPECT ME TD RETURN HOME AND HAVE You WITH 1lt5 MAN DO REMEMBERYOU KARL AW LOVE EACH OTHER TtlE KINDEST 10106 You MN 00 1510 GDAWAYAND LEltlS BE Muses ANa SKEETER musemaemeveéycus us NARDIANAUGEL WAT WATCHES WEE WEMJIAY AND NIGHT wash our vnug narrow 6ooigt maul om BUTKPCEASE ausaolau ANGEL KNow YOURE uses vouu SCARE THE DAVLIGHTS our or ME pour novel