Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1967, p. 10

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY NEW FLOS IIIS IIANLESS Mr and Mrs lini Millian and fantin nere recent guests of Mr and Mrs Reg Wood Vic toria Iiurbar Mrs ttooil nas thc last teacher at New Fins school before it was closed and the bearded with the Mllligans Wednesday ctening it show cr was held at the home of Mrs Dc Backer for Miss Dorothy Ann French nlio is to be married April to liariey Edward Dec eroti of ninilroun The marriage Is to take place in St Georges Anglican Church Harrie New Fins iril Club Cati arlian Cookettos and tiielr leaders Mrs Iiaroirt Smith and am Alien attended venteut Day Saturday at Eltnvale high school The 11 girls took part in skit typical family meat featuring dish of another country calr bage rolls Belgium In spite of the cold windy ieather large ernnrt attend cd Ross Kirkpatricks stile Sat tirday afternoon This was the first sale eier held on this farm The ladies of New Flo ill who sold refreshments report tbiit they were kept ery busy Ross has purchased home in Sign er and is now moving tbcre Mr and Mrs an Clark and faintly Shanty were guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Cline ann on tile occasion of Larry Itawns ttth birthday isitors on the teekenti with Mrs Clarence Atkinson included her SOIIInlllw and daughter ir and Mrs Campbell Steele and Laura iii rItoblcoitc Mrs lfar old Pearson and Murray At idnson ditiston Mr and Mrs Willard Dobson and family Utopia and Jim llaroid and Dale Atkinson Toronto Steve Rnnn has been pn Licnt in General and Marine Linspitul Collingwoud for the past week IVY By MRS ILMER WILSON Rural Training School held here that lncek Guest speak crs included Archdeacon Read Stafi Sgt tiiin MD OPP Dr Shearin DVM and Dr Viil lvcs MD Stayner Farms vis Ilctl were those of Richard lfricc Peter Melier Henry Dav is and Frank Elplilck The ACW of the tiircc churches catered Miss Marie Hoggarth ltegN returned home after being pa tient in Barrie hospital Rev William liewton andsev cral AYPA members spent the afternoon of Apr 16 at St Pauls innisfil where slides were shown of an indian reserve to which AYPA gives assistance Mr and Mrs isane Speers soninlaw Bill Davey husband of the former June Speers was awarded first prize for black anti wlilte portrait at photo graphers convention at the fun on the Park Toronto He has been invited to photograph some of the entertainers at Expo 67 among them Oscar Peterson and Perry Como G001 OLD DAYS The April meeting of Essa Teachers Council was held in the Ivy School As all had been Invited to come in 1861 costume the ladies arrived in bonnets shawls and floorlength gnwns The gentlemen completed the picture in longtailed coats and high hats The teachers of Thornton and ivy schools who had charge of the program cart ricd out the centennial theme by showing how things were done in the Good old days Mrs Charles livid shorted how wax candles were made also how floors were grained using combs uier fresh paint Mr Duek norlh mode ice cream in an old tlme freezer which had to be cranked by hand Mrs James Mchrmott prepared the History of ityvfhornton Telephone Sys tem which soon goes over to the Bell Miss Dunnill showed how butler could be made ill sealer old butter print ladle butter bowl and dash nere borrowed from Mrs Estcn Davis for the occasion WINS POSTER CONTEST Earl Cunningham the chic foi Essa called at ivy School recently to present 53 In cen tennial coins to Debbie McLean daughter of Mr and Mrs Lyall McLean Debbie nus named first among the gitis who took part in poster contest for Grade pupils in Essa Township area On April it at the Town Hall Cookstonn nners in the Sim coe County Mutual Fire Aid As sociation fire prevention poster contest were presented the priz cs they had won on the theme Fire Prevention In The item Receivtng honorable mention for her postcr was Debbie McLean The runncrup pupils were warderi fire safety crests Deb bie was accompanied to Cooks town by her mother and her teacher Miss Dunniil PUPILS AT COUNCIL Grade eight pupils of ivy school namely Larry Davis Lynn Davis Patricia Iiewto Sandra hiirsls Karen Marshall Ronald McLean Michael Price and Brian Reid accompanied by teacher Miss Dnnnttl were taken to Barrie by Essa Reeve George Davis and Mrs Davis April it to observe Coun ty Council in session The group was shown around the new Court House buildings and at noon on toyed dinner at Lakevlew Res taurant as guests oi ltir and Mrs Davis Mrs Henry Davis taught the senior room nhile Miss Diinnill and grade eight class attcndcd the session Sympathy is extended in the Banting families here and in Barrie in the death of George Banting at his home on Owen St Barrie Although he has liv cd in Barrie for the past few years his heart was always in lvy and he never missed an opportunity to return for special occasions llis pleasant smile and happy disposition will long be remembered MOUNT ST LOUIS By MR5 III FRAWLEY Fifteen tables of friends and neighbors enjoyed game of euchre in the hall and another is planned for Wednesday May Mr and Mrs Sid Clark visited Saturday with Sids fatherat the hospital in Mindcn Mr and Mrs Bill Grantham and family Barrie visited Sun day with Mr and Mrs ftcg Morrison Mrs Stephenson spent few days with friends at St iathurines Mrs Chown return ed with her and enjoyed visit at Stephensons so soon HEALTH Tranquilizers II Hyperltinetic By JOSEPH MOLNEII MD Dear Dr Mother Would you eitplain what is meant by blow ing air into your tubcsi My fqmiiy doctor said might have to have that done have been trying to become pregnant Mrs Dear Doctor What happens in the air blown into the body it caused lot of painVLLT The Fallopian tubes are the titttfis through which an ovum has to pass to become fertilited and thus start pregnancy If the tubes are obstructed usually due to some past infec tien an ovumeannot get through The tubes are small and sometimes mild infection perhaps little noticed at the time can result in enough swelt fiig and scar tissue to close them Hencc when other conditions appear normal yet conception does not occur it is wise to eheck whether the tubes are pen this is done by forcing air throughcalled tubal insutfla ion This may in itself open up clogged tubes or in any event trill indicate whether some ub atruction exists If This procedure is not harm 1nd The air rises in the abdom jnal cavity and can be painful especially if trapped under the tltanhragm The air is soon ab tsorbcd however Then the pain lis ended and titcrc are no after feets Dear Dr Mother We have 4Llilicl who has been diagnosed as rliypcrkinctie by the school and iir otvit doctor who has been ring hirrra drug which had iittic cticet lie then tried anr Eotiier that made him even more Tactlvc What medications were lfiyun referring to in your ar dicte Perhaps nur doctor could pr the themC Help are in use for this and ther may be others Tranquiiizers help in some cases and in other cases they do not Tranquitizcrs would seem to be thoroughly logical means of controlling this overactiwty of the childyet strangely enough some drugs which have quite apposite action sometimes prove to be superior in some instances carefully controlled doses of ampheta mines are successful These are the drugs used in pep pills yet for some reason they do no crease such childs active ncss but instead they help him channel his energy into useful activity Finally one of the psychic energizers suits some patients excellently This as well as the other drugs must be used with discretion and suitable tests to be sure adverse reaction does not occur But this wanting of course applies to any powerful medication Dear Dr Mother had Pap smear test this winter The re port eame back but have been asked to wait for six months for repeat test Why must wait called and wanted is test right away but the doctor told me lélIISI trait fm worriedMrs dont understand what is worrying you Didnt the duetor tell you the result of the test if it showed any serious trouble you would have been called back at once if the test indicated some thlng mildly out of line but not dangerous it would hear vateh ipg six months later but re peat test immediater wouldnt add anything Finally routine Pap test every six months In good pot iey for any woman over do and Isreeommended by many physr lctans You have alarmed your Ai least three types of drugs self unnecessarily CROWN HILL By MR5 DCNSMORE This community extde iarm welcome to William Mai comsoa daughter Janet and son Andrew The Mattomson famin former Barrie residents are in residence at the Snitxcr farm Janet Mulcomson was one of the successful girls rifle shooting team from North Collegiate hich won the Province of Que bcc team championship Janet also took the Individual Junior championship in the match rifle section Mrs Miles tfictding has been elected president of Crown lilll Womens institute for the ensu ing year She succeeds Mrs Guugh The executive to assist hcr are vtcepres Mrs Kennedy Socycmas Mrs Dunsmore assistant Mrs Kennedy District Director Mrs Tuck alternate Mrs Gough Branch Director Mrs Flower Program executtc flowers Mrs George Atkinson Mrs Joseph Quinton auditors Gordon Dunsmore Mrs 1rd Sutton pianist Mrs Norman Tuck for iricndshlp treas Mrs Doris Boyd delegates to District an nual Mrs Miles Iilckilng Mrs Tuck and Mrs Gough Standing committee convcncrs Agriculture and Canadian indus tries Mrs Roy Netison iiistor lcal Research and Current Events Mrs Jacob iiiiyer Cit izenship and Education Mrs Gordon Atkinson liome Ecuno mics and Health Mrs liorry Wright Public Relations Mrs Norman Tuck Branch curator Miles iiickltng assistants Mrs Norman Thompson Mrs Iacoh Juyer Safety Mrs Roy Nenson MINETS POINT Dy ALLAN lNGRAM Mr and Mrs Alf Tompkins hate returned from Melbourne Beach Florida where they spent the winter months There are still four fish shan tics on tile beach which have been there since the first of the month No doubt the owners will hate them removed at an early date and thereby assist in spring cleanup Mr and Mrs George McKay Stroud are purchasing the cob tagc owned by Clarence Canning on Fairvlciv Ave at Cliff Road Representatives of the assess ment department were making rounds of the Point last week Vhile visiting the graves 01 our ttio sans In Dieppe Can adian Cemetery year ago we met Monsieur Henri Forget who resides in Dieppe lie visits daily the last resting place of his nephew Francis Forget of Penetang who was killed in ac tion while serving with the Roy al Regiment of Canada in the raid August 19 1912 Stephen Lambert young son of ltfr and Mrs Gordon Lam bert has one foot in east re sult of fracture received last winter in sleigh ride accident GOINGAWAY GIFT goingaway party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Den Lamb last Saturday for Mr OFFICE HOURS Ill be eager to see you at the office tomorrow too soyou can pay me back the ten dollars was borrowed DAILY cnosswono ACROSS 42 Spirited Fleece home Muscle 42 Fill contrecttim topped 11Verbose hills 12Formeriy DOWN the Math Hermit Greek Kingdom poet 13 Cnndienut Muse o1 trees lyric 14 the poetry teeth Notices 15 Eneounr of sales tered Sunte Fe 16 Ecseech for one 17 Chinese ebbr mile Ancient 15 Part dagger speech Small 20 Peruko horse 21 Tree Skill 22 Space race goat 23 Admis nionl 27 Birdl 25 Metal 29 Churchill sign JD Careful of 34 Verbal ending 35 Part old fashioned lamp 36 Wing 31 run up to the curb again 39 of this Apostles Arflell 41 Put forth effort and Mrs liank Break and Ion nho Ire moving in farm on til extension Moonstone thisi weekend Some 20 persons were present set of tables no presented by George Kcnnington association president to Mrs Break and piglet to flank and son Mr and Mrs Drank came from Iieiiand fewyears age and have been active In eom munin affairs LEIIiOY By MRS MAURICE REID Mrs Susan Paul has returned to her home after spending the winter months in Toronto Marshall Reivc ls working for the Department of Lands and Forests for the summer and lrist neck was in Mldhurst Mer shalt and Robert were both home for the weekend Miss Norma Willson Orlllla spent neck at her home here Mrs Jim lIeid went by plane to New Jersey nhere she spent few days Four sisters held scant this being the first time they had been together in 11 years Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Sellers on celebrat lng their 50th anniversary nhlch was held at the home of their son in Villoitdale Those attend lng from Letroy were itir and Mrs Vntts Mrs lngram Mr and ltirs ira Fleming Mr and Mrs Grose and Mr and Mrs Maurice field Mrs Blanchard and titlldren Woodbridge spent few days with Mr and Mrs Eagle Ferrier last neck Mr and Mrs flnbcrt Cul bcrt and family Bradford Mr and Mrs ifaroid licli Fcnnetls and Mr and Mrs Norman Gil more and Mrs Iierbert Gilmore were guests of Mr and itirs Earl Gilmore Sunday the oc caslon being their daughter Su sans ttth birthday Twenty one tables of euehre players were in the Community Hall in old of the Cancer Society The event was sponsored by the WI and about Slit was cleared Another euehre is planed for May RUGBY By MIIS JOHNSTON Mr and Mrs nin Rodgers of Mathcson visited his father Thomas Rodgers and while here attended the funeral of Mrs Rodgers mother Mrs Mc Phce Our little sick folk namely Jimmie Home and Murray Lang man are home from hospital Womens lnstitulemet at the home of Mrs Keith McLeod Mrs Jim Langman second vice president presided Plans are being made to have booth at the centennial celebrations in Orlilla ltfay 2ft Achievement day for 411 Homemaking clubs will be held day at Park St Collegiate at 115 pm There was an auction sale of baking with ltfrs Tyson Langman and Mrs Motley as auctioneers realising over 512 Allan Thomson Sault Ste Marie visited his sister and fam ily Mr and Mrs Berna John Large it rt seal 10 Do amen SR figk9 Berta to Rod 19 shi $2 clocks wig 20 Court 12 pg Yeltudlyl Answer have 21 subter at Conan mean 32 Radical hollow 33 Endures 24 stuff as Brenken oneselt as Dessert 2550111 so Hewlng 26 Drain tool so Bagged temps down measure ston and Bryan BUZZ SAWYEP JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK ETTA KETT sauna POLICE ARE roo SHARP THE WHOLE lt II orricsm CAN await lt lt DAEWCDD ii mu WERE KING WOULDVEU RENOWEE YDUH WRONE i311 stuviv ALL mi you ways not rr ammo wt earl tCVG Do mu in you An 5w AthD or wars WAY cum suvPcstD was to five ism usrrl waterless PETE MUST BE THE SLOWEST KID IN TOWN III LOT rescuern HADOFYDU WERE us WANYED 1c WALK wmt ME FROM THE SUPERMARKET ro HAVE TDGNE LOOK AT THAT RAT RACE DOWN rriekz PUT VOUE ANDS DOWNI ULDJADED HAD TO FINDTHE LOGT AND rruusr WORE ME OUT euo H00 H00 YOU DONT LOVE ME scrum 101 was saricu use msnuotw SUVE GLAD lM FAT CATI mviNlts KEEP swwED DOWN To His SPEED kuuN out BLoNniE OWE SOMETHINE To Mv peerage Muses AND SKEETER SIMPLY ADORE Ii RONNIE OUQ ROMANCE HAS FINALLY CAUGHT FIRE JUST AS SOON AS HIS BROKEN ENGAGE MENITO EILEEN is OFFICIAL WtiATA vuu TIME to have YCWE DONE WETTI WELL in nor too ATTRALTIVE GIRL AS WU ESCAPED MARRIAGE ALL totem is HE wssur iii cuss AFTER Recess mammalian DIDNT in IM sue ttE SCHOOL iM SORRY iNerAe orni VASTI lETS Tlttf ABMIT TIIE FUNKY ttE neonaaw iusr ovsksrAVED RECESS

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