in It as It DIFFERENT APPROACH Justice Behind Closed Doors By GARY SEIDLER Examiner Stall Writer The tniormsiity oi Juvenile and Family Court pments rclrcshlng change irom the bus Inesslike proceedings dumin ing the remainder oi Canadas judicial system Given the rare privilege oi spending day in Judge Marjor lc Hamiltons com was aa lounded by the relaxed and motherlike iethnloue used by ller Honor to get to the crux at Juvenile case was equally impressed to observe the lighthearted yet lirm authority she displaycd while disposing ol intimate and oitcn heartbreaking iamlly com ploints With so many looptnles ex dating in Canadian Law Juven ile and Family Court is one area where reassurance can be gained Every avenue as to what mot ivated the child In question to commit his crime is lully ex plorcd Each iamllymaiter is treated with rcalism and in dividualily in all cases what Is In the bcst interests at the accused person Is given the utmost con sideration bciore pcnaliy is imposed in so many juvenile cases be ta iormcr Commander oi one of Canadas oldest lniantry liai tailons and currently Comman Ider oi Canadian Forces Base Bordcn will now head Cana das pcaca keepers in Cyprus He is tlrycarold Colonel Elliot who since April lots has commandcd the Na tlans largest training Base CFD Borden with population oi over 10000 He came to the Base in October 1955 as Comp Com mandcr oi Camp Borden Army Colonel Elliot will assume his new dulles early in July as Commander oi the Canadian Contingent oi tho United Nations IFnrces in Cyprus He will also hold the appointment as Deputy Chief ol Stall ol the Unltcd Na tions Forces In Cyprus This will oneyear tour of duty un ccompaniod by his iamlly During his tenure at Borden ICoi Elliot has implemented and istcd in many changes to the asc structure These Included he incorporation of the Royal Canadian ArmouradICorps and 3lntantry Corps Schools into one ï¬newntraining unit named the Combat Arms School The six lian technical schools were pcornblncd to term the Canadian Forces Aircralt Trades School CTC Employees Police Press new ICanadiaa Tire Stores in the area have changed their policy jln dealing with persons appre hended tor shoplitting ll At one time according to Bar ria Canadian Tire Store mana gcr Brown the store was wary ol prosecuting to protect its public Image This is not true any longer sillir Brown remarked We have come to ho conclusion that be ï¬ling sott does not pay all The oiicnders laugh your back Heemphasized the importance aicatchlng young plilarers in slate area More bliey have the opportunity of tasting success Canadian Tire shores employ ces in the district Monday night ROUND STEAK coaAco SMOKED FRESH Beet Front Quarters Hlnd Quarters sides at Beet Wiii Head Contingent In Cyprus These and the other militaryl RUMP SIRLOIN TIP uaIt FOR YOUR FREEZERI tore Judge ilaraiiion the iulure criminal activity at the young ater can be determined by the treatment received and the pen ally assessed Many awesome stories con ccrning the overexuberance oi mixedup children are heard daily One case hcard Monday in volved lsycarcld who alter wetting his palate with alcohol ic beverages wont to dance at the Dorrie and pulled knitc on an executive member oi the YRIYiiCt stall lie was charged with posses slon at an alienslve weapon and consuming alcohol while juvenile Allcr police olllcer testi iicd that the boy was unruly uncooperative took the whole thing as joke and made general nuisance oi himsell the boy when called upon by Judge ilamilioo altered no ex plonallon to his actions The line at conversation which lollowcd clearly emphasised Judge ilamillons undcrsiandlng at youth Judge lintnllton Ara you sure you dont wish to question the oillcer son DayYes Judga iinmllton under stand boys lm hero to listen COL ll ELLWI schools on the Base are now supported by common transpor tation supply construction en gineering mainlen lood scrviccs and administrative un its under the new Canadian Forces Base concept Col Elliot has always been member of the Queens Own View Film 0n Shopï¬tting were shown ï¬lm which caught professional and amateur shop liitcrs at work The ilirn obtained irom police in California was also viewed by members oi the Ontario Provin cial Police the merchants com mittee of the Barrie Chamber at Commerce and representatives oi the news media Following the screening question and period brought out effective measures store can take to prevent or at least minimise shoplittlng Mr Brown who said an esti mated one per cent oi his mer chandise is plltercd annually said he was prepared to screen the film again lfll the benellt at all interested area retailers low Every Day Prices litliiSi 69 pIcNIcs 39 EYS 39 Lb V57c Lb 47 Lb anadian Holding up ballot this is pretty dangerous thing What were you doing with it This is peacelul town You dont need it for protection do you BoyNo maam Judge liamllton Are you in the habit oi drinking beioro going to dance Boy No somebody gave ma bottle Judge ilamllton Well what made you draw italic Were you looking or girli Boych Judge liamllton How do you ch about the whole thing now Boy Prctly silly Its is customary with most juvenile cases Judge Ilnrnii ton planned to postpone judg ment until she had the oppor tunity to study prescntenco report on the boy Another case lnvalvcd man with severe drinking prob lem who assaulted his wilc Tha case had been heard week earlier and adjourned lor hidgment Upon entering the courlraom the couple in conflict was given warm welcome which notice ably relaxed them both Judge Hamilton to wile How are you Your cyc looks better iiiiles at Canada and has the distinction ot being the only oi ilcer in the Canadian Army who has continually servcd in the Queens Own Rifles since tall With this iamous regiment he landed on Day as an as sault platoon Commander midst enemy waicr obstacles and had to swim to shore He is Hold oliiccr well 9x4 perienccd and schooled in com mood and leadership His higher military education began in Aug ust 1945 at Cambcrley Stall College England in February 1956 he attended the Scnior 0t ilcers School in Great Britain Following stall college in lets he became mcmbcr oi the Ar my Headquarters Dircctorntc oi Stair Duties and later in list transtcrrcd to the Directorate ol Army tiudget where he was pro mated to major He went irom Ottawa to Eur ope in 1952 to serve with the Queens Own liilles He was appointed to stall position with Headquarters British in tantry Division lirltlsh Army on the Rhine in late loss During his career he has also served as Army Public Rolo tions chlei tor Ontario for over two years during which time he attended comprehensive Pub lic Relations Ofï¬cer Course in lN lll COURT VENII Judge Hamilton to husband And holva your drinking problem Husband lot bcltcr He assured Judge ilamiiton he would sincerely attempt to reloln Alcoholics Anonymous alter which he received sus pended rentenm and was placed on one years probation Much controversy has been raised in recent months as to whether the press should be allowed to view and report lu senile and Iamlly cascs At present prcss member ls allowed to observe proceed ings only at the discretion oi juvenile and iamlly court iudgo Alter taking in day In Judge Hamiltons court the reason tor this caution was made clearly evident Cares board are oi such personal nature that perhaps they should be heard behind closed doors On the oth or hand the pub llc should be made aware at the sincerity honesty and above all ialrness oi Juvenile and Family Court But why should man who continually boots up his wile receive such protec tion while other alicndcrs in say magistraies court are sub lected lo publicity Will Address IllPIi Meeting Creighton of London Ont member and director oi the administrative committee of the industrial Accident Prevcn tion Associations will address local lAPA members at the Con ilneatol lnn Thursday night With 25 years oi supervisory experience behind him Mr Creighton is presently the works manager ot Sparioa at Canada Lid For two years he served as dtainnan oi the MFA Western Ontario Division He has addrcs sad many supervisory and man agement mcetinga across the province The inner meeting gets un doc way at 630 pm with lai iowship houro Retired Ilinnan Purchases Theatre New owner of the Shanty Bay drivevin theatre Frank Waln wright hos had long associa tion with Barrie He has lived here tor tour years but before that time was stationed at Camp Borden with the RCA irom lfm l4 lMS irom 1946 to loss and again in was He also served overseas and at other air Foree bases in Canada iiir Wainwright is now retired New York City in August 1961 he was promoted to lieutenant lcolonei to command the let Battalion of the Queens Own Rifles than part of the 4th Can adian lniantry Brigade Group serving in Germany He relin quished conmanor at this regi ment in January toes and was firsth to Kingston to stall pos ton While inltilllng hL may schedlt ulo as Base Commander he kept hlmscli physically lit by par ticipating in gall curling ski ing and squash Concerning leaving the Bose Colonel Elliot had this to say Although lm looking forward to the uselul task oi serving the Canadian Forces in Cyprus it is with considerable reluctance that leave Borden My job here has been extremely inter esting and challenging and it is with much regret that say good bye to my many good lriends CHOCOLATE in the communities surrounding the Base to Lb Ave 35 LYONS HOT Save Me imm the air force and opens his newly amplltcd theatre this FINAL DRIVE will be needed by moununlties throu ghout Ontario to raise s50qu to bring the Easter Seal Come mign to its minimum objcc tivc This was pointed out at the Spring District huncil hicellng ol the Out Society tor Cripplcd Olildrtn held at Community Ilouae last night FROM LEFT Jack Butler chairman oi Iiluc Mountain Camp Airs lay Wallace rc prcscntsllvc oi the Ontario Society ior Crippled Children John iawccti mcciinz chi Insn and John Butler supcr visor ot service club relations Easter Seal Campaign Fails To Hit Target Returns irom this years Eas tcr Seal Campaign are short of the minimum oblcctlvo by ap proximately 5250000 it was re ported ion night at the spring District Gounod meeting or the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Objective was 51400 mo John liutlcr supcrvisor of service club relations said that although the campaign has cnd ed on II national basis members of various communities should attempt to give the needed push to bring the receipts up to the minimum required Representatives lrnm i0 Eas lcr Scal Scrvlcc Clubs mat with nurses and oillclals oi the st clcty to discuss the program at activities being carried on tor the bcnollt pl crippled children throughout the province The meeting held at Com munity linuse Icaturctl discus slons oi the services and iacii llies made possible through the society and service clubs with money irom ihe EasterSeal Campaign Among thcse services are nursing program camping pro vision of equipment research and education Jack Butler oi the Barrie Kl wanis Club and chairman oi Blue Mountain Camp tar Crip pled Children laid the meeting of the problems and operations at the camp Mrs lilay Wallace ot the On rav EXAMINER wavr ans Friday Doctoral SIGNS ITCHY scans cons SM minim no inoculationoily Imu out new on yams to salansss lIl1 you In dvrï¬ hid it on Win yourIf ywmtl webs am MO CAN KW will harms wralaib Inner Na mm help mu mill who no Iilsk IAID their years If Nvfll heu lass WI when null null grows lain ing1M us In pvau what we hen 1H would muse as week until Is to tlons Save YourHair EXCESS HAIR HAIR T00 DRY OILY FREE SCALP EXAMINATIONS GIVEN Hair and Scalp SpoclallstsWill Ba HoldingnA FREE HAIR AND SCALE CLINIC IN BARRIE CONTINENTAL INN on THURSDAY APRIL 27 1967 between the hours of pm and ii prn REMEMBE SEE Mr Wage at the Continental Inn on Thursday April 17 between the hours of pm and ii pm Ask the desk clerk for Mr Wages suite number All examinations are given in private No obliga IMPERIAI Canadas Leading Hair and Scalp Specialists PHONE mzus sror BALDNESS DANDRUFF tartar momsss FIOILEM lumber that was imaoith head bolt Ioota my nil is all not pool or mm In ton mania altar plop amt and am mm use innused bale macaw only ndsitwd by Inltlr an okay review tol nutr puma IIIr Irena gel in nu wmm not stain arr rIls racrs It yew wndltion Ta nap MI all you Frankly For at at than unminla rl hopeless are Imam my uh deerto yu an yet lam drum surgeons new or mum iario Society lor Crippled Child rcn pointed out the relationship between the society and the ser vice clubs anti the operations at the society There was also report by the district nurse which pointed out graphically the type oi pmblern encountered and tho aids given by the so cicty TINY HEARING AID WORN Chairman oi the meeting was John Fallcctt oi Collinguaod Progress Club lilr Fullccit stressed that cvcryone should at Icmpt to see the new Cripplctl Children Centre in Toronto in order to see what is really be ing done with the moncy irom the campaign it you capertprccision performance irom hearing aid testhear Ihe new animations Weighsonly 16 ounce tiny Microilthlca circuit vvilh your choice at power levels Created lot most mild and moderate heating losses The quality art in Solar the more mi un so Dunlap st Hearing Aid Clinic may 1967 MocKAYS PHARMACY 7282903 KINZIE SWISS MAID EAKERV rHuas FRI ONLY SAVE counts Rog 29c pkg ONLY 25° Available at SCOTTS PASTRY Ciapperton PINEVIEW VARIETY ICor of Napier Nelson DUTCHERS 52 Dunlop St LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT 135 Dunlap St was MARKET Alcona Beach VIRTUO DI ROMA Barrie Community Concert Association 6768 MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN April 24th to April 29th Campaign Headquarters Stephens Store for Men Boys PHONE 7285410 Compagnia Nationale da Dense Franaalses French National Dance Company GET YOUR MEMBERSHIP THIS WEEK NO MEMBERSHIPS SOLD AFTER CAMPAIGN WEEK SEASONS TICKET ADULTS $900 STUDENTS $450 Dont miss an exciting season of renowned entertainmenttie tiring GCOMPAGNIE NATIONALE DE DANSES FRANCAISESSONGSVAND DANCES OF FRANCEA COMPANY OF 32 MORISSET AND BOUCHARD DUOPIANISTS COLETT BOKY SOPRANO