Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1967, p. 2

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mwmmmmwwwifi FH TIIE MESSAGE of this 0X hiblt is presented In the iorm at fiveminute play for the diversion of visitors Five ani mated figures representing the broad career classliica tinns discuss the opportunities for young people In Ontario Mr Business Miss Science Mr Sport Miss Arts and Let ters and Mr Skilled Labor are hidden from view by large cylinders which drop into the floor and the robots begin to move and talk The play is presented in English and French Ontario Pavilion At Expo Fascinating In Every Way Hy EILEEN DIXON Examiner Womens Editor MONTREAL Workmen con tinue to labor around the clock on the site where the Ontario Pavilion is located at Expo getting things in order for the opening of the exhibition on Friday while work has been complet ed Inside the pavilion there were still odd Jobs to finish on the grounds and landscaping when the Pavilion was oitielaliy opened to the press on Monday One of the jobs on the list is to rope oil the area where the site runs down to the st Law rence Ilivcr An area which will be used by families as an out door eating spot Since the pav ilion is surrounded by water on three sides all necessary are cautlons have been taken to pro tect visitors Wrought iron guard rails have been installed at the other points IThis island which Is now called ile Nolre Dame was little more than large pile of stones and mad when toured the Expo site last May and it was dli ticult to imagine what it would look like in the stages of com pletion It is something any On tarian can be righttully proud of and it holds its own even though it is located adjacent to the Ca nadian Pavilion which is valued at $1000000 PRETTY PROVINCE Those who honestly believe that Quebec is In Belle Pro vince will on visiting the On tario Pavilion iully realize that Ontario Is the Pretty Pro Vince The pavilion at first sight re minds you of series of Ice cream cones placed atvarylng angles The root is soaring angled structure of pyramid shapes constructed of glass wood and steel cloaked with sn opaque vinyl glass fibre mem brane which reaches 50 feet at its highest point The exhibit platiorm Is raised 10 feet above site landscaped with instant trees and giant rouehhcwn granite rocks The blocks are from the Laurentinn shield which is basically granite and representative at Ontarios foundation Housed Inside this magnliicent 30500000 structure are 17 biling ual exhibits portraying Ontario Ihe local point or the pavilion is 570cc theatre The exhibits in the Pavilion are about people and for people They capture In highly ima ginative setting the mood and character of the province WORLD OF WONDER Visitors will enter the pavilion through Childs World of Wan cler which it amusing paintings done by ammo children and portraying on can vass the Ontario we know Next you will be startled by amusing larger than litesize robots who will discuss limitless opportuni ties avnflahte for careers and Jobs in Ontario Nearby you can see how and why the teenagar hrenthes his enthusiasm in thc Teenage Scene In one exhibit you are trans ported hnelr into Ontario 1900 to see the homes the entertain ment architecture the people the mood or expectant nntieipa tioa of the period all presented in an exhibit in the form of Victorian bandsheli other exhibits enver tiaance the pntario Tapestry shows the interplay at all the dittcrent groups on the development of Ohtario Society the story at Iiy drn Electric Power and the first track used by Sir Adam Beck in his Ontario Hydro Circus of Oral French For Public Schools om French will as added to the public school curriculum in Barrie next year The public school board last night agreed to Introduce the course after hearing the report of special committee set up earlier to study the question The committee comprised oi Mrs Thelma Coekburn David McClymont and Peter Mills met with collegiate oliieiais and rep resentatives oi township public school boards before recommen ding that Frcnch be introduc ed It will be taught in grades seven and eight beginning in the tail of 1960 Mr McClymont said it was agreed to wait until next year because it would mate diffth tiss at the high school level it introduced in Barrie but not in the sinbounding townships Between now and the tail of 1966 other public school boards in the area will be encouraged to start oral French programs he said Invite High School Students Investigate Possible Careers Some 2000 secondary school students will have the man ity of investigating any of Mrs Banting Dies In Barrie Funeral service will be held Thursday for Annie Banting af Barrie who died Thursday at Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Fontbig was the wife at George Davis Banting former Simone County Warden and reeve of Essa Township who died Atprtl 16 She leaves daughter Blanche Mrs lien Chsntlcrt live grand children andtwo gsoaegwd chlldren Also surviving are brothers Frank Fcltls of Guelph and James or Egbert and sister Molly tMrs Frank Enn tlng at Baxter She is resting at the Jennett Funeral Home in Barrie for scr vics Thursday at pm Burial will he at Christ Church Came WY IVY 50 possible careers tonight at Central Collegiate The guidance department of Central Collegiate is sponsoring the night with the Rotary Club which has provided the speakers to the first evening of the two night career show some too students availed themselves of the speakers many of whom are professional people ram out at town Topics covered range from air line stewardess to forest rang or to welfare worker Sessions run for about 45 min utes with short period while students go from one speaker to another Lecturer start at 730 Students from Central and North Coileglatcs St Josephs High School and Camp Borden District High School are Invit ed to attend Victor Knox head at the guid ance department at Central said he was bit disappointed in last nights turnout but pointed out that many of the careers dealt with then would be repeated to night 1012 and Ontarios economic growth from will to 1999 The iinnl exhibit on the plat form Is Community collec tion of 14 motor pieces of scalp ture tmm prinato Ontario ecl lectinns DYNAMIC SCREEN From there the visitor enters the theatre which completes and complements the exhibit area On dynamic screen IEfeet high and select wide the press tour was shown one of the tar gest most revolutionary 65 mm films at Expo 67 employing technique never attempted be fore The iilm deals with every aspect of life in Ontario and presents cotoriui collage of the sights and sounds of Ontario For me It was the pircc da resistance at the entire tour From the bustling activity the color and excitement of the ex hibit area and theatre it is only short step to the cool calm oasis of the alrveondltioncd res tourant complex at the Ontario Pavilion Seating 700 it is the third largest and no doubt the mast relaxing at Expo In the warmer weather you may pre Member at East Simcne Itid ing for 13 years Lloyd Lether by MPP announced today he would not he candidate for re election in the coming provincial vote Although the tidyearold Cold water insurance man who talked about retiring the announce ment took many supporters by surprise The riding extends from Penetang to Orlilia and in cludes Ora township which bore ders Barries northern boundary President of therrldlng as sociation Kenneth Gillespie of East Om said he had been informed of Mr Latherbys in tention He discussed the mem bers long service and efforts on behalf of the riding At the same time he asked all party supporters to rally behind the supporters to rally behind the new candidate who is due to to be choosen at convention at Midland Arena on Monday eve ning May native oi Midland and one time newspaper publisher Mr Letherby was reeve of Coldwa ter before he was first chosen as Conservative candidate in can test hyelcetion in February of 1954 Since then he has won the riding tour times for the party and during his term of oificeEast Sirncoe has beneiit msumwcr our Save with State Farm low insurance rates tor tsreftti drivers See me Charlie Heyworth 10 Collier St resson STATE FARM MUTUAL Avtopaetu Issussnerocwm Olfch mu nu fer to be served on the terrace overlooking the lagoon and foun tains You will be able to eat mod estly at sidewalk caics ram is wide range of quality foods All the food to be served will be selected tram highest quality produce in Ontario and shipped daily to the pavilion Whatever your taste whatever site your pocketbook the five restaurants at the Ontario Pa villon will fit your needs LOCAL GENERAL APPROVE GRANT Arthur Evans MPP Simeon Centre today announced that approval has been received for an Ontario provincial grant of $30250 to the Township of Inniss fit under the Parks Assistance Act for further development of Innisiil Township Pork ROTARY GUEST Equestrian John Elder will speak at the regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Barrie to morrow at 1215 at community house Lloyd Letherby Will Not Seek Provincial Seat led from much highway develop ment and public works In recent years Mr Lcihcr by has served on the select committee studying consumer credit Mr Gillespie said the conven tion will be wide open to party members Among those who are expected to seek the nomination are former councillor Gordan Smith of Orlilia Reeve Graham Card of Orlilia and James Mar Cullough Midland merchant In statement today Mr Letherby said am nearing 67 and believe it is time to re tlre am grateful to all who so taithiully supported me through the years Mr Lelhcrby added he was glad to be able to leave at time when the riding was en toying its greatest prosperity in sore Youa MOTHERS DAYV GIFT PROBLEMS Why not pick up that Mothersty gift now while our store wide clearance sale continues Final days are nearl All merchandise at cost or less Jim Who 5wp Essa ltd Bonito TishW Public School Teachers Will Get Pay Boost Public School teachers in Bar rie gained salary increases ran ging from to its per cent in negotiations completed earlier this miss it was announoi Tuesday The 196768 schedule will raise the totel bill for the systems 138 teachers to 387L750 an in crease of 3109650 Salaries for teachers at four levels based on Ontario Depart ment at Educstisn certificates will range from H300 to $8900 Principe salaries under the new schedule will be from 53600 to 311300 Teachers at the first lcei will receive 35 per cent increase with salaries ranging from $4300 to $5000 At the second level the increase will be 125 per cent 1th pay ranging from 700 to $7100 at the third level it will be an in per cent increase $lh salaries from $5900 to $8 chcn more teachers will be required next year raising the total to MS BARBIE 1876 EVIL PLACE It was 91 years ago taday Ihlt Ilnrrle was described as one of the two most evil pieces in Canada Barrie ll Inns tI with Winnipeg then wild west frontier town by the YMCA who prayed tor the two com munitics at an 1876 convention lays Iiob Bowman in his Ca nadian Press Flashback col umn Winnipegs crime wave came on the heels of real cststo boom In the early 10s There is no explanation as to why conditions were so bad in liar rtr Liquor oiicnces were the most common with IIS boot legging convictions reported in lull hy the Barrie Examiner Elephant Fund Beaches $670 The Examiners Dear for Indira fund grew by see today landraising campaign is be ing conducted by this newspaper on behalf of the Upper Canada Zoological Society which is try tag to transport Thai elephant to their zoo at Wasaga Beach The idea behind the campaign is to find playmate ior Indira the Indian elephant which is now at the zoo Transportation from Thailand amounts to $1200 So for 5670 has been raised The campaign is now in its fourth week Todays contributors are Mr and itirs Harold Walton of Stay ner who sent cheque for $25 Coors iiowitt oi Shanty Bay who donated $50 and Douglas heap of Kitchener who sent 55 Donations should be sent to The Examiner They should he made out to the Upper Canada Zoological Society which will is sue income tax receipts to don 0T5 Names and addresses should be clearly marked PROMINENT CANADIAN lack oi support given to sculplt speaks to Dorothy lrcadwell sculptor Miss Iiebcccu Sister tlett last night deplored tho tors in this country here she Barrioort club president Says Must Illlake Elliort To Understand Sculpture Ilohecca Sisier one at the most prominent Canadian seulp tors in her address to the Bar rie Art Club last night describ cd sculpture as thrcedimcn sional express at human exper tence Miss Sisler displayed several at her work including cat carved in an old piece of oak in which she attempts to exempliy characteristics of all cats She also displayed clay sketch model of the one to be done in stone as war memorial in Markham iiss Sleer pointed out that in spite oi the lack of encourage ment and support in this coun4 try there is new generation oi sensitive and competent scalp tors growing up She cited Flor ence lilyles and Frances Luring as having great influence on Canadian sculpture Through the use oi slides Miss Sister described the works of many Canadian sculptors as well as the art forms of the ancient Maya civilization in South America where she visit ed this past winter In climate such as we have in Canada she said the best materials for use are stone and bronze Sculpture in Canadais diver sified in character and Is deve loping well she said All sculp turo should be juttcd by truth sincori integrity andhuman ity Canadians must make all ciiort to understand sculpture Miss Sister deplored the lack ol material assistance offered in this country Artists musteat too she stated Alter graduating from the On tario College at Arts Miss Sis ier did postgraduate work at the Royal Danish Academy at Fine Arts in Copenhagen for two years She pointed out that there is very little sculpture to be seen in Canadian towns unlike Copenhagen Since her return to Canada In 1935 she has worked as upro Ronald Kelcey Named Principal llonaid at viceprlnci pot of Iilllerest Public School will take over duties as principal itllth oi the Barrie schools next Mr Kelceys appointment was approved last night but it has not yel been decided what school he will head In other business the school boardapprovcd the appointment of Richard Foxcroit of North Bay as inspector He will take over Aug 15 The board also voted last night to contribute $100 toward trip for grade eight students to EX po Ottawa and Upper Canada Village FARM PRICES wrNNIPaG CPl Most prices held to narrow range with fairly steady undertone today on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange Flax prices were ll higher Iiiay 300 rapeseed Vi higher oats it to it lowerI barley unchanged May 127 rye lower to un changed May 133 iessiona mdrmr in her own studio has exhibited in many galleries throughout the country Site received oonunissson from the rt Gallery at Toronto to create piece of sculpture for their collection in 1938 Her present studio is located at Terra Colts Ont where sh has set up both home and stud io in bindcsmuhs shop in 1960 she was awarded Canada Council grant to study antiquities in Egypt On her re turn she lccturod extensively on the subject During test me hold two one woman shows one for the Cathl ollce Information Centre in Toronto Miss Sislcr was oommissi nod to 1965 IQTIECItC large oun tain groups in stone to act as the central theme or the Centennial Park at SL Thomas QBIRIE uPltiscmpnon sciences VAT on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery AtvNo Extra Charge 3lll Blake St Barrie Shopping COMMUNITY CONCERTS The membership campaign din ner tor the Barrie Community Coneerttcroupwili be held to night st 630 at Continental Inn Ticketsfor the coming series are on sale this week at Steph ens Store forMen and Boys 40 Dunlop St Featured in the 196MB programs will be the French National Danes Group Virtuosi Di Iloma Colette Enky tSopranal and Morlsset and Eouchard pianists APPOINTMENT sorav case White at WHITE Real state 109 Hayfield St to please to nnnoitnce the appointment at John Cale to the staff as umdaté representative Mr Cole who was born In Anton Mills has served for it years with local commercial printing firm and is well known to sport fgitclcs in and around Barrie In his new capacity John will be pleased to service your Real Estate needs and looks forward to running many new friends and renewing ald ncnualntcnee shim REGULAR FARMERS STYLE COPACO PURE PORK ALL BEEE OZ ALL BEEF oz PORTION CUT HAMBURG PA PORK CHOPS WONDE senncniéask SAUSAGE WIENERS STEAKETTES 1R BREAD BIG 2402 LOAF We handle Economy Beef and Red and Blue BranTEaaf assess ME root Budget PORK CHOPS Tricsiz is to IL 150 izfiv nest duality Imrest Price i5l95° MARK Avdnue Free Parking lBBIIind Woniwarthst

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