T0 coon HEALTH Various Kinds OI Heart Dis Dear Dr Molnrn What are the uarniny signs of heart trouble when do you go no doctor about it understand woman is more protected while still in her menstruating years But is this necessarily true Does age have anything to do with it Is throbbing or tottering in the chest alter hIrd work signIA There are various kinds oi heart disease but the one to vthich you refer believe It coronary heart disease or the common heart attack ly an suers will not necessa apply to other heart detects hut there uill be obvious symptoms in other types anyvtay It is true that beinre meoo pause ionien are much less lt likely to hate heart attacks The exact reason is not tally understood but they are pro lcclcd tiy estrogen the teman hormone Alter menopause the diiierenco between risk tor men and hump tends to equalize When to see doctor about your heart It you hate pain or dis tinei sense at pressure in tho mid chest under the breast bone It you are short oi lireth alter nrdinziry exertion Iluiirng and putting altcr heavy exera tion is normal It you are knottn to hurt high blood pressure or diabetes the heart shnuzl be cherked pe riodicnlly ideally ih an elec troeardiograut to ilelect any changes early to throbbing and flutter log it depends This can be symptom at disorder in rhythm oi the heart but such Mutterings also are common during and alter mennpatistk anti sometimes belowanti can he innocent An electrocardio grant will identity true rhythm disorder ii present iamtly history of heart trou tile is signiiieanthut parent ur othcr ancestorWho died oi heart attack at tit or so does not indicate history at heart trouble Presence oi high fat content In the bloodI and cholestcrtd is the one tor which tests usually are made is suspicious lure runner Any unexplained dilziness warrants checkup of heart actionbut there are many ex plainable causes for dizziness not involving the heart ease As to chest pains again there are many causes It depends on the location and type ot pain among other iaetors hlost chest pains it oil centre are not due to the heart Dear Dr hlolncr My sister toataw takes strong laxative site each meal to keep her height down This has been so ing on for year and hair She is 38 teet Weighs ill pounds and enjoys good health aside Irom tiring easily cant understand this because have always thought laxatives could lcad to trouble guess must be irDiigI Just be glad its her digestive tract not yours The human system otten can absorb on amaring amount oi abuse he tore it rebels but such massive amounts at laxatives will take their toll in time by such means as gastritis irritable colon rec tal disorders or others question its eitectiveness for reducing to begin uith but hope she stops this before she develops digestive disturb once at one kind or another Shes pretty siirc to do so un less she stops Dear Dr Mother Will you explain the meaning or erosive cervietis sod oi metrorrhagia Erosive cervicitis means on ulceration oi the eeriic which has chronically ine Iected Mcirorrhagia uterine bleeding between pe Liods svmplun uhleh should Predicts Republic For Canada LONDON Ont CPLCanada has 50 chance becoming republic by the your 2000 John White Progressive Con servntive member at the legis lature for Lontlnn South told members or Londons Interna tional House Sunday night But republicanism will be hot issue it it does come up he said Mr White made few other predictions to to years education will be to those ivho want In t5 years the Canada Assis tance Act will provide or guaranteed minimum income or everyone in Canada secondary ly ran TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO EARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO rorronro ii llAtttlLToN TUESDAY APRIL 25 cvamnn 400 sso 900 Zlliko Dough Show LNewa Zhlovle Hotmonotone weather Spflrll little Hawaltt lThl SEEN Storm HChlllleel ll News Love LMCy 11Pilirre Berton 930 WEI1P0 comic ePetiieoat Junction Ly We trier stigma Plti It ew ve 331 Sports iiium iinmiiw ena tttitrty snow ll Lore ilelvtni kGlllllens Island iiioneynroonerr to no rCIiItIncl Theatre 9F Troop Iii Wild Irish ROS Fisctu Special 12am 4mm Lrurtuvr atuo mo 91 Spy knitting Hobo zGlrl rmn oxen 7luztmny Patroll Handld Camera 103 traniily Tholtn enriuirt JNM Spaceship 0n 7Combat lloo Vennst 9star Tick 279HNewl 51 HGlrl From Uncle Wreath Sports iands and sear tews ind Spam Weather prime itiie vanniy secret itlugtuve 2Occaslonal the enea skeitun 7wfl in the skies srnn Avenlcrs ltLaredo ADD Lilli Egon itoeitev zTanlghl Show adrne AvenKen 4tovle iAit At seat Liter1e tSon pr liiiyl Itllystfln ttreotrn WEDNESDAY APR 26 MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo tolo Loo 4sunrise Semester zConeentxitloii dMeet me stillerI zrwlndow on Itll srriendiy Giant lhtovie Wand Funerty Hillbillies Tomorrow 1Wtildow on the 7Evcrybodys the Day Worm rniirini Lhtovie iiuewe oFmtureo Phrases tDrice tipon irom iiiiorninr Tillie mm tltbmantit Aeei Lï¬ews summary Hm eni Livineow on the gztt°° zLets Make nest 7i rld PM mm dAs the World Turns vi 1supennirici kPophe sweep 2oo 7Rocltct up eitr and Mrs It seiiniire House iisruike oouginr tssnr 800 7Newlyw2d Gama iCsotain Kangaroo 1130 9iv University 230 33u nnonnie pllomper Room 4chk irom stout 7natlnc son lck Show kHollywood Sonares DMagtstrater carre dd ZThe Doctors Game 7Dmlm Glrt oPenpis In Conflict has Allflrlp 200 JD urine ru en 7mucatlonal cv ZJeoplnly tiiiihii warm Lunch Bobby EFoplye and Fall k1 Tm hum 753d Allen dNewfl tNéwl or iSPHI 3W 7Gerieral Hospital 2inch La Lanne 74 asiasemoiseite de ParLs FLove or Lite rtWiiite Hunter 1000 zSnaa rudsnieni tCanadlen schools Handtd Camera 1210 Hench row iaztten Angeli oTorooto Todly eiterv Grtmri SVNoondth Report owords and Music mo zvou Dont Say Lance oi Night iTbe Edge ot Ntritt 74upemssn toi Tomore 9lis Your Move Hafloons 4an Guidan Lirat iiinarrlago Coolid ttcd Allan ilIts Match antil WEDNESDAY APRIL 26 EVENING to assNflr Weztii 930 on p0 3rFettval CLï¬mflxfllï¬ iiPtem Berton FGosmer Pyte eaiis Eecnt storm ot Lav Lucy 7M 1000 11Stiplr Comics zNews weather Spy sham dDlnm Kaye lme tIltrerv Gnllln scong ionn Sliver ltoweti Theirins JTho snot Show eantinnn an isletr SlrnltBEll llNIMVI VFM In Lemma Theatre 13mg Gentlerlrien Marry no P0 Entne iiwoooy Wood 2353 uracil 11 pecker 74mm 2J41YliNM 5m ettnlwwoon Palace Weather Ind Sports Limos Wood no 113o nee 1trmmy Patrol lGmn Am inoolihl sh Jami new Plum tin George Ramr 11MW19 czttovie W450 ittois inin Crown Z4 We em timer higaprbout iiirie MW 31m mp tseemr Meeting mo smtlauuu ï¬vï¬idi Wlid West aNauenr purines FMDVI tum PM ismn Never sleeps 12 7ï¬ilii1eti if it icmmm on Mm Ag ti Mystery Therm 930 1hiovie 100 nHunulrnflnkloy in museumoi sDoos Gotraw East dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 93 urn onxr use me use urn com 9oz qiooas out use 1091 one nouns AAloo vase ontoz mos ltiobiddlnr Elli South West North PI INT Put am Opening leadjack ol clubs The outcome ot most hands played by depends largely on how the deJeriders cards are distributed Since de clarer does not see the adverse cards and ircquenuy has to choose between numerous lines at play the best he can do irom practical is ohoose the method thitt appears to oiiel the greatest chance or success For example take this case where South gets the tack ot clubs lead on which East plays the king There might be tempo taiion to duck in an ettort to im pcde communication between NEW YORK AP Moz sheehkov nod Vinogradov So viet intelligence agents uho blew their cover then locked themselves out at car have gone home But not without spy spool ending to their months look around New York and Washington The FBI held up departure of their plane tor hours Sunday night while they examined parcel hurried to the Russians just bciore takeoff It contained spy novel and maps and papers marked top secret and tor eyes at president only Several phone calls to Wash ington later the FBI carted the reading material oil and the plane lctt ior Paris note stuck in the book An Expensive Place to Die by Len Deighton said it was practical joke Best regards the note said Hope you enjoyed your visit Sorry about that chiei signed Your American friend The two visitors assumed to be here or checkup on Sovict embassy security were Vasily ltiozsheehkov travelling un der the cover name oi Kuzoet sex and Nikolai Vinogradov Both were described by govern ment sources as otticers oi the KGB the Soviet Unions com mittee on state security OPENANDSIIUT CASE Their movements ctwe en New York and Washington in cluding an incident in which they locked themselves out at their own car were under con stant FBI surveillance and re ceived wide publicity alter the story was leaked to news media OFFICEIHOURS to it rr spa ACROSS City in ihurtngto Germany Petle 11 Axons plant 12 God of thunder 13 Parts of windows 14 As barbie 15 High priest 18 Gel of song 17 You It In Regains 21 Praia 22 Ohio college town D0VN One who Biases in wonder Eeelestab neat cope Brunet Hostel Paid notices Old Norse wotkc Waste tlber Forrnteid Reed mace 10 Bother as Rigorous 19 stmpietonr aptkennrd 31 French pointer 351Jigraph as Brown in the sun 37 Scotch leer 38 Of the pope 40 Firm 42 Goddard ofpeooe 43 Fat 44 Spirit lamps 45 More exposed CONTRACT some By JAY BECKER East and West but because spade switch nould proie em barrassing South takes the kill with the ace Declarer has eight trlelrs in sight and his only real hope at producing ninth lies in hearts It he played without thought II this point he rniithi lead heart to the king and finesse the jack on the way baclr in the actual hood this line at play would tail oben the tack lost to the queen and it turned out that the suit vias divided instead ol South would etcn tualty go noun one by playing this way While it is true that he uould make the contract more often than not by adopting this line at play the tract is that South can improve his chances by playing somewhat ditrcrsntly Since the heart Iinesse is bas ed on the assumption or hope that East has the queen Smith ls bound to do as ivell or better he tackles the suit by Iirsl cashing the ace and then leading low heart to the king In the actual case he catches the queen and tits worries are over but even it It turns out that West has doubteton heart without the queen South would still make the contract by lead ing third round or hearLr to wards tho jack The safety play of guarding against doublcion queen pays very good divi dend Soviet Intelligence Agents Locked Out Of Car Blow Cover ally stopped the ltussians Air France jet with its Ilaps up and its engines blasting Just belore Inkeotl man ldentitying himself as an FBI agent handed gilt wrapped parcel to stewardess asking It she would give it to Kuznetsov Her suspicions were aroused and she turned It over to pilot hllehcl Vacliy who opened the parcel as he waited for runway clearance when he saw what was inside Vachey wheeled the lot around and called for the FBI Accept Drilling Applications SARNIA iCPiThe Ontario government is not accepting any applications for oil or gas drilling within 330 tcct ot the Lake Huron St Clair Riycr and Lake St Clair shorelines letter irom John Si moncli provincial energy and resources minister made pub lic durinL the Weekend said the policy will remain in etieet un til Michigan and Ontario gov ernments reach common pol icy on the distance Ralph Knox Progressive Conservative member of the legislature tor Lambton West who made public the letter said such ban agreement might be reached at meeting in Detroit June 13 TRY EXAMINER WANTS ADS Sunday nights incident literr PHONE 728a2414 Her application seems to be ï¬lled out honestly With the possible exceptions of age weight and hair coloring DAILY CROSSWORD 20 Jop gt4 BAQIN sERapt 551 at plant EMS ¢VAFIN iiliiigon ég 243mm head LA is EN zslvmdy es Yelludlil Assnr sweet cherry 32 Anxious 26 spleknel 33 stand up 27 Little 34 Beneath child as River in 31 Division Kenya 01 the 39 Enclosing United so Steal Kingdom 41 PI tree lflfl do ï¬ï¬ï¬ DONALD DUCK JULIET JONES strum res some salami Flatt writ rot stow Lotte scour sou sou sneer so our cementum sveus LIKE thai mu ammo rrsse nova ms on sacrum my carer was censor rM turt to Msirn RWANS FROZEN TIGHT DRAT 1145 LAY 5PRING FREIZE5 BLONDIE gt III As X9 leaves the terminal Interested WET 7W eggs followup 5v ere so FAR gtlt noones commcp MEMAYBE AT INMYJACKETUNING as THE HOTEL ASL WOULDBE lt FOR everyone ELsEnsrHtsswzr OFTHEIRVACATION iii FORMEHSTHE VI STAKTOFBEING LEROY were EOLLY MP OTISYOU COULD USE SOME THANK5 GRANDMAL ILL BEING YUUR TEACAHT HELP WITH ALL THAT MAIL YOURE BACK THIS AFTERNOON THIS MORNING lt lt UTA KETT DONT TELLME EltAS GOING SHOULD star rite ALARM ceocicMoms= To act EARLY in No5HEs INVITEDTD SHES GOING UPSYAIES TO TAKE NAP BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER its nomaosiusr swoon LIVING ROOM AND XITLIIEN WELL nor THREE TIE FIGHT WWW Etlt mourn our TEN 1w tsur vaa Hey ï¬RAMPSl mask THE wrwoeious Sims it iiiiir omen oug VENNIES EVENING you Musr nave HAD to nuoi How tDVELY YOURE tDOKIN5 THIS OT 0F PENNIES TD EINTHAT MINKSIOIE sue SEEMED cousmsk rrA MAJ WEAKmm