Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1967, p. 10

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ro coon Hamil Calcium Plays Part In Ioint Repairs By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr liotnrr am man at tn have had complete as Imlnation and xrays and the doctor says my back pain is trom degeneration oi the bone so he ordered me to lake cal cium tablets three times day also near sacral belt want to be sure too much calcium nant cause me trouble in other Joints The doctor aaya it get too much it will pass out of my body but hou come ao many people have calcium in their JointslE Your doctor leveled with you as he should Calcium is necessity it onto tributes hardness to our bones and our teeth but it also serves in other ways particularly in healing damage to the body it bone breaks calcium Ic cumulates at the oractnra to mend and allerward we can see it with xray like soldered repair The same thing occurs alter aerere lntcction and Inflam motion The inltamed area heals in much the same way rilb calcium as an important part ol the repaired times The reason so many iolks have calcium in Joints is that over the years inltnies ordinary wear and tear or inflammation tram Joint discasuincludtng arthritishare to be repaired hy the body Hence the calcium accumulates Sometimes the heated place rnayheanuiaanceorbcpdntul as byproduct The best ex rtample may be bnlised heel The bruise gradually gets better as the injury heals but then theres small accumulation oi calciumand like pebble in your shoe it can be paintut to walk on Area you mrely remember how we used to repair tires whether or oar or bicycle We oilen created bumpy spot when we patched puncture it could make the ear or bike go humpvbumpbump but it was still preferable to having ital tire Thats why so many people have calcium in joints and else where They are mended places That is why your doctor wants you to lake supplemental cal cium in tablet torm to be sure that you have sulliclent cnlelum lo combat the degeneration ot bone in your back Calcium does not deposit it sell tor no reason It will not bother your joints just because you consume it Only it some inlury or disease process ls in volrcd will deposits occur it you get more calcium than you need the body will discard it but It you dont get enough in food or msiictnal form there is no way tor your body to get any except by robbing your bones ot calcium Dear Dr htotner is there such thing as ever gelling rid at ringworm have doctored oil and on for more than to years but when seem to be rid at it it comes back any where lrom my knees to my chestMrs Admittedly ringworm being lungus intection can be stub horn but there is no reason why dermatologist cannot cure it Part your dtttlculty may to in the oil and on treatmcn an rsd it scents to be gone little of it buried in the skin then can spread and start new intac tion Continuing trutmcnt tor period alter it apparently has been cured may at last linish this oil permanently tor you Note to Mrs Your thought ot venereal disease has become an obsession with you The three doctors are entirely right it you had the disease it would have shown In the blood tests you had at the lime ot your operations and testing you again would be waste of time and money No Crown 0n Queen OTTAWA CPIThe Queens picture on stamp to be issued at the time oi her Canadian visit this summer will not show her wearing cronn Postmas terAGeneral Cote told the Com mans Thursday But he took exception to what he said was an implication by Opposition Leader Dietenhaker that the Liberal party was try ing to net up republic Mr Cole gave the iniorma tion on the stamp in reply to question asked lttonday by Mr Dietenbolrer LaterI he said the Opposition leader in astdng the question had slipped in statement that he thougbt we were abol ishing the Queen TELEVISION PROGRAMS T1 nwrato BARRIE scheme BUFFALO BUFFALO ll HAMILTON THURSDAY APRIL EVENING By JAY South dealer Both sides vulnerable atoms aisles one QR an 191 91a oars 114102 30m allot VKQlbl OLD an iha Hddtna South Won Nam so Pua INT Pu so Paaa or IIII Opening lead tour oi dia monds To mtsplay slam can be very costly as South discovered to his sorrow in the accompanying hand ttlcst led diamond and dc darer played the Jack from dummytcovered by the queen and ace South then drew three rounds of trumps but eventually went down one when he lost both club and spade Actually declarer could have made all 13 tricks with correct play He made two serious er rors he could well aiiord ana ot them but not bolh To begin with he should have played the three at diamonds tram dummy on the opening Row Oi was an em otoaaea 49a CIIARUOIIETOWN CF Prince Edward Islanders will be out in force this spring to commemorate Canadas tooth birthday by planting centen ntat trees or flowers For anme islanders how ever the prime concern will he with row at trees whose roots are as deep as Canada hersett These are the lindens planted by Col John Hamilton Gray one at the Fathers ol Coated cralion along the driveway to his country home lnkerman House on the outskirts oi Charlottetown it was at lntterman House that Col Gray then premier of Erince Edward lstand enter talned delegates tram the titer ilime provinces examining the prospects oi Maritime Union in September that With the 15 Maritime dislegales mingled delegation trnm the province at Canada who came to expound plan tor the federal union of British North America Internal rut believed the re suit of injuries inflicted by 1956 steel storm has shown up in some of the remaining trees on lnkcrman Lane and the city recently ordered them cu down CONTRACT BRIDGE PEI Project BECKER lead not the Jack The eflect at this play is that Easts queen is trapped and South now automat icaily makes diamond tricks Souths nine is potentially valuable card and it should not be wasted by playing the lack trom durnrny at trick one By playing low declares guarantees three diamond tricks whenever West has led trom either the ten or queen diamonds it East produces the ten to lorce the ace South can later tinesse West tor the queen at no cos sinceeven the finesse losesthe club loser can be dis carded on the diamond king Smitha second mar was to drowthree rounds oi trumps He should have drawn only two rounds and then played three rounds at spades It the attit was divided eienly or the jack tell he could then draw the last trump to assure tricks if the spades tinned out to be divided and the pllyzr with four spades also had the third trump declarcr could then trees ly rutl his lourth spade tn duln my to make the contract Even it the player with the third trump had only two spades this method at lay would not coat anything ause South could later rut his last spade in dummy South tumbled twice the am end time totally Cats may have nine tivca but apparently not doctarera Trees pruning the remaining trees would still have anotherrquarter century at tile Cot Duvar also suggested new trees be planted as um tennial protect this spring be tween the existing lindens to maintain continuity and pre serve the beauty of the tone which now is city boulevard Belore final decision on the centuryold trees is made Col Duvar urged that the city em pty the services of an expert tree surgeon Arthur Wright chairman of city councils property com mittee said borings would be taken in apew evaluation oi the trees condition it the tests showed them to be serious public halard they would have to be removed or replaced with auitable species Historians meanwhile con tinue to promote the idea of restoration otlnttcrman House itseit as an historical shrine PERU FOR PANAM GAMES LIMA APlPelu will par ticipate in the PanAmerican Games to be held in Winnipeg aria llPtlm sexton 1ana on Realtor NY 22 Mg The SW up new 700 elta Happening CUTTth HALTED Natlonal Committee agreed Tzrnnsunieltesu Newg Weather LtCol It Hunter Duvar to take part in the games it 23 5523 33 whose larm adtolns the lnker was teamed that soccer swim nsu to ma Hous erties or It is it per Conaloa urn uttieatlioho 74 am Pt rtye mlnlg as as at 430 Hatmm n9 Mm in lime to stop lurther cutting shooting and track and told ara aZorra 11 50 and got stay or execution among the sports for which 7an FM lfi trom city authorities with the Porn will send competitors to richanrlutmtynta Hm 5375 lT contention that With proper the games eea 4x mm llMerv nrlrtln 500 esrom loan gMtner ea gm Without arnic Cat tTliiiti ace Titerean gm z419llNews ather Sports eor land and sun 133E534 WC men iltustc EDP llMovta orllght Show 1Nen mm Wallace can eat mm ahty ram 5m 1Star Trek mm eNm anon sNln mayo ttlonle at War 7tnvtl eaty Three 5m 7ovre rm Texan nnrm TBewttched Th Lady And the eatr 900 gliacrrdtt th lsr unsmo Stolen ManiIM Matte 11Mrmn That FRIDAY APRIL 14 MORNING AND AWERNDON 630 fianfiéarh School Loo awtneow en la 73 DCartoon Flasher eggInn semester affiggxzin circle olurImu SydnduJMLVru Itm 7vvlvri3°w man garb1 At canu Therea one thing IDO like about your work We Hon nilI on re moth Giant an wheattr typedttatlmtlmfemnzywtywtto Elihu ABnlefitey lttllhtllles tDoubie Conlusiortl more important dim 7717a ne up aZarty Na 34 tumt Prunes dNewa nsahininr rlne figtmIgofidm 51WW 1W rm DAILY CROSSWORD 7au Zfiaulsea and Hate gm rump Him snip mahflggm 33535 tlsehnltxet Home We vNawlywed Gama PM amass 423ymeana 171m acaoc Kangaroo ii the Dotfllll LT mm 1Partor or uni itTV Univenlty 1L3 Fm Ward antic 43 Floor tered AN MO Lflnuywam mum 441mm 12 4Goier coating 18Dta we illlimpet Room saonnte marten 7Ttme For Us Hogan patched rr stud Hank Van Dyk BPehptalncontilct manna DOWN mum Mu tprttnr Gégnl mm ameer Louieitn lated Bl Hm 510 lzoum 3793an Wand uldanuil wuorla 2Hola agssm tgnfiigenmdae Hm Fm my aCautral armhole in 53 14m for my sayeye and Pata dTolelt tn mu 33 ave Pvmkfmhh 44m Weather 7Generat Hospital 10Gunwata 1Noblarnal ing llLtttle reclai 332 wm MM Pin house mold Yesterdays Alum aao mm mm 113mm out 221m Hfiefium caramel Today in moigang ONothlng 245hadn ELExlerinr PM nr Nine hearing Graph 250otton atmtck Luv Lu 15 Grim Full air Mffll 1th 9Gradlent madllllu 353mm Amtfl 5mm oNoanoay Re rt 15upemlan New Sum caearctr or outer ilta Your taava sooo 15librctama armr 25Etreplaoe sorrelnoel esmp Judgment tllta listen Confidential tron 12Foodttatr 29Cosrntc 381mm WAY APRIL EVENING 181xum 14Waterrall cycles 395nm aloo HHSNews am 11 Malaadutt lCornmureatl Mm 59 karmic rastlke Douglas snow le mt annwtthout Pity is firm Sacral Etulm tllovta tiey tan lnley mo All in thhtl deuce it slsnper Comicav Well Work 22Feat can Sportl 7=M° as Culinary sAaventm sntanms toll department Lesa snow oPeot1la In many zTle Cat 25 lFort Petticoat 0Pruttts of 1rhytlta miter Channel mm Southtmpton 1141 Patrol a1Petnarna mm mm 1144 arvnnt lone torn PIKEth um HM gt venger Mil 7ao asttsrlon impossible 3El°m°d sante zTmm llaterv nrluin particle titties Verne twua wua Went lloo atPoem 1rngnwy tataol 7Gnen Hornet 15019ltNewa 32Negattve ll enmity rnum lHawls ma Potti Warner Sports town or any mu 4m mm gm zor Land rod sau 1Newr 800 that Margret tan Slag teatale all Work SEMItit can eta mm film an 1ante 1° wmm no tailor natal Willfl zaran treat Intel man and htonalar mm 51 It sTemnry Hunter oMovle aHogana Hnoea 11 Andy Men Willing knownBrink llatan Prom UNCLE llLata Show DONALD DUCK JULIET JONES HENRY MUGGS AND SKEETEK lt SECRET AGENT LISTEN AUC BKALISE Wu 7M OLD museum TYPE IM IUSVNGMIJP out so mesa avo nrtl Vod wo rams ma sorta Lrarztt East OFF ports Faxes EEili MGER ANY orAt mu Mac mm rnrsE FERE ymssrrrs I5 illEGAL sent A5 now new we MGRYGME on ms rarm ESIABUSMMENY eon FEEL SORRY FOR HlMIF HE DOES HAS TO ERUSH AFTER EVERYMEALI Meanmuemuiesralesm mutated cventocgmstountotd vrssoz ISPUrtEDHiS PICTUE tNIHE POSIOFFICE GRANDMA BLONDIE ETTA Km BUZZ SAWYER eer THE IDEA MY DAD THINKS rM excess WHEN PUSH MY may BROTHER IN THE SrROLLER PUTFHE slaccsrztss IN THE KITCHEN EiSHlEEN DOLLAZS YOU COULD aw THI com REMEMEE NHEN MANYGROEERIES TONIGHT MOVtE THE PtCrUEE GOES ON AT EtcHr Peavtew ATSEVEN HES COMING seam sovou AND MOM can more HiM OVER WONDER Mills KEEPlNG HER t5 SttEtttE 1YPE KEEPSYOLI WAITING IIMT SHES THEIYFEIHMS lZTtt wanna FDR WAltEYESttIRN more oooewar srauosmm as lFlN SPOTUGW gunners tLL GitSIT THAT Tool 50M DOING our ntANK ooowessr pour HAVETO DRIVE MU66TD annuities some to I70 me PRMNGAMD 720p ME ore AT my omen rate WHEN rte oars Ta scttoot lrs DP To HIM

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