rfryrmmrw 30 mph 71v hum son nan dun Mu Jacqueline Kennedy lits on the stairway ol tormer Amhnuador Joseph Kennedys home in Hyannls Port yester Parliament Bi IiGlance FRIDAY liin 25 Opposition leader Dieten baker said Newfoundland Pre mierv Smellwood has been given lintormation about the flag denied to Prliamentt Immigration Minister Fsvu run promised iurther inves tigation inln the deportation case of Amertcan Eric loom Justice Minister Favreeu indicated the government is considering to end the use at the lashon convicts The Commons have first reading to bills amending the Farm Credit and Export Cred its insurance Acts Douglas Aikenhruek PC Prince EdwardLennon said the government has betrayed cheese producers by reducing the export subsidy Barry Mather NDPNew Westminster said muscle and sex should be eliminated from cigarette advertising day waiting for her one to ap pear onaspeclel live transat lantic OBS News hroadcast via Teistar ii on the occasion at the iatePresldenis hirthda NAMED no couucn mews CPl ihree appointments to the Canada Council were announced Friday nightby Prime Minister Pear son They are Douglas Le Pan lormtr diplomat and now principal designate ol Uni West Berlin Germany iro iand and landon oiiiclais join ed in discussing the spiritual legacy of President John Kennedy AP Wirephoto versity College in the Unlver sily or nnronlo Kathleen Richardson oi Winnipeg well known tor her work with the lioyal Winnipeg Ballet and Mrs Annette LaSaile Lodue violinist and art critic trom Montreal Til Sarieant Ico no BUDGET PLAN Tanned HEATING Oil payments unllormly Spread yew iuel oil payments evenly over many theirth Avoid it vy midwinter bills when fuel consumption is high and other or are generally heavier Call In ledayl HEATING 01L PHONE 7282491 MARY smear i3sirnrsg IMPROVE magnum magnumg FOR BUILDERS SUMMER COTTAGES 71731 vv waspcw quyun Holiday Home building time is here if you are looking fora Wayio build faster better andat less and who isrrI itwill pay you totinvestigate ONE SKIN CONSTRQCHON with MARK17 Thls versatile outdoor bulldingpgirelbombifls all the properties 9fl3ouglas Fir Plywood with several exclusive advan tages whiohwill slinplily your bulldlngprocedures andfletiect substantlal overall savings ones or panels emr 32ml feet Ill tI You save many hoursotvnult because you In mmhllngtviilt wit Instead of building hpnoos min Sllfllilllh Win Me any skinoom sdrhulhlngendsl ml wwwlï¬tunmsminngts mPWY olirntnstsd yer detain Mr mat in one FbGTORV PRIMEfSHINED Maritalcomes primestained in Red vmod needing any one or Iwoï¬nlshlnr out of stain on till loll lIimIsuin Ilia protectplywood urinatth flit during construction issssrupniua munnmlads 24osnlenunng onssmdlnl con um Shawnamastmmeunmw sparkling colour omplsll til Ill amnion shtdiusnd mm nalenilxvllxtlnfmslhunï¬w ill easy nurse ninywlwm Iinn Inning pom