lym nmoar Maroon Rdlllllib to theirhome at strung who were married May 18 spent the weekend with the tigers aunt Mrs Monty Eer Over 30 students and iriends Grade ii BDCC enjoyed hay ride Ittheierrnoiilrsnd Mrs Norman Miles Salurdav evening Later the norm wint to Innlsiil Park where winner was held around camp Mia Susan Binds end Mas Anderson Weill Wintrain ing at Toronto General Hospital apentthewcekmdwitbtheioc mers rumble Ind Mrs Herb eck Walter Amos has named home after three weeks In Bar sic homitel Mr end Mrs Jack Wmster arrived home May 26 alter one am WM ltley visited the grave Mrs Webster Sr in England and that of Pie Kelly in This Brena While In England they talked to Mr Wary one oi the briï¬ tinow lng committee Mrs Donald McNah lctt last Thursday or visit withher uncle William Reive Winnipeg Karen McNabb is holidaying in Barrie with her grandmother Me Ralph Reive Rev lolm Morris who minis tered or ï¬ve years in this com munity 194951 moves tram be Ing assistant minister in Time thy Eaton Memorial Chunh Top onto toSt Andrews march more succeeding Rev John Congratulations be Mr and Mrs Ross Parker on the birth oi son Ross Hamid May 23 The May meeting Strand Womens Institute had an propriaie mil call give flower name starting with your Initial and was answered by as members it was decided to ask ion short course on list making and miminte atrial rniliinery second dloice home Eumlshings The district course chosen is New Lamps or Old Mrs Fred Mullrolland pres ented Mrs Edgar Thompson with Womens Institute cup and saucer Mrs Thompson had served as president and as rotary treasurer Another pres entation was to Kathy Fox who had obtained her Provincial hon ors 12 completed courses Mrl Roy Goodier spoke on Tweedsrmlr History book vollnna myand also reported attended the Reading Assoein tion Mrs Gordon nix District Director who was delegate to Guelph Training School ior tour days reviewed talks and suggem tions made by Mrs Trivers provincial president and Peter Alnoyd centennial projects dis eCtor The program was in obarge of branch directors Mrs Lem nox Black read paper on the motto You have to live with yourselfbe sure you have good company prepared by Mrs chezy Mrs Gibbins in troduced the speaker Gordon Mason Township Welfare oitice Mr Mason said many acts ol parliamentpare passed toaid uniortunate people Weiiare oli icere have varied duties inves tigate indigent hospital patients work with Childrens Aid So ciety administer welfare and work with those on probation sndrrilabilltation He explain ed government subsidy of his work Many problems come irorn dcsertinnand broken homes ll nuor and debts There is olten lack of moral responsibility on part oi parents Mrs William Lucas conduct ed wild flower contest won by Mrs Gordon Kill social hour iollowed over the tea cup with Mrs Roy Goodteilow Mrs Jacks Mrs GrahamSmall lend Mrs Campbell servrng aale of plants and blribsdo isnonf heard United church med by um Goodiellowdip Green At the bead table were the predict Bonnie sndher mo Misha and their mothers and Rev and Wsmdawi NW mean dodedtheworsblpperlod Guest speaker was sin Pm madam Explorer graduates wereLIurI Elam Carolyn Bosh manned Iols Handled by Mrsllarold Wallace Prue tethnvoi lanyards to the girls was by Mrs Roll Hubbert and Hurley ills Girls graduating were Ruth Biaï¬ Bonnie Mul ghope mm and Glenda Mason by Mrs Herb Black V012 N0 RAIL slndayevening olmg cops from Letroy MIL sroud attmrded the Vote No rally in Stroud United Glurch Bill Kell Giorddll and Mr Bowman Bell Ewart gave short ï¬ne ilim was gown by oy onnmlng on Dose bugle What Alcohol My JUVENILE BASEBALL no that game of stroud Ju veniles was played Friday night It Cookstown Stroud won 33 with coed Raymond Neely in charge CHURCHILL sins swarm Registration Day was held at Central Sdlool recently 21 little ioik registeredto start Grade in September The dilldren oi the village had their iirst glimpse oi swarm oi beer when one lit on the side oi the house north at the store on Friday Miss Lillian Sloan is repre senting St Peters Anglican church at Synod in Toronto this week Sympathy is extended to Mrs Albert Marlins and Iamily In the death oi husband and father Mr and Mrs Thomas Fitz simmina and the Misses Sloan attended Deanery Church Ser vice atlst Johns Tewmacih Sunday night Congratulations to Miss Joan Burns and Mr Duiiyoi Orlliia who were married at the brides home Saturday evening Miss Alice Rogerson ot Blythe spent the long weekend at her home here and with Mr and Mrs Lambert Willson Glories Haughtoa and Mrs Bert Clement of Toronto spent Sun day with Mlss Rogerson June the Vote No Committee will meet Rev Lind say Orillia will be the speak er at Lakelanda Iiali lbe GA at St Peters enjoy ed bike and paper chase Fri daynighi Following this they held their meeting around Ietdownto camp lire Asingsong and wie per mast completed the evening Wednesday evening Miss Lou Ise ReeldonMisa Lillian Sloan and Mr and Mrs Thomas Fitz simmins motored to Alliston in St Andrews Anglican ururch where they attended service dinner and meeting and heard Don Rough layman speak Mr and Mrs RussellSiewart Mr and Mrs George Lucas and Mr and Mrs on Beatty attend ed the International Reading Association banquet at Barrie and heard Dr MLCormack psy chologist at the Ontario Hospital School Oriilla speak and show pictures Recent visitors with Sloan were Mr and Mrs James Sloan Bobcaygeon Mr and Mrs Fred Wicks Markham Will Boyd Barrie and Mr and Mrs James Wicks and Laurie Mr Slim is under the doctors CHTE nated by members with pro 11 Plantain CreeypingCharlie hickweed troy Saturdhy evening to see the Rowe man at InnlamlSANo master at ceremonies massed choir of grades to vrn opened and followed outer selections and its rinsing several numbekrs 0th sr items on the program were and released choir oi Grades to IV singles iive selections drop at reading by Aicone and Jon dances by Letroy Douglas Kell voiced the air predation oi the pupils to Mrs Mdeweil loi her direction and she was presented with shes oi red roses Mrs McDowell and the la leathers in charge are to be commended tor fine var Iety concert mom one By MR5 BARTHOLOMEW Mr and MrsR0brat Miller attended the wedding D00 Irwin oi Believllle Saturday Mr and Mrs Malcolm Camp beil attended the wedding or the latters sister Mary Mawdsiey to Earl Cockrsne at Forest Home Mrs Either Shelawell and Brenda went on bus trip to Ottawa on the weekend Other chUdrcn at the schools went on bus trips earlier in the week Mr and Mrs Roy Austin and an spent the weekend at Maple Some of the ladies in the neighbourhood attended showers held for Miss Myrna llIcDougall while the men attended bash lor party at James OBricns tor Leon OBrien Leon and Myrna are being married June sat 0m Station haw Lowlef By MR5 PADDIBON Mr and Mrs Reg Bowennd BMW Barrleerfanders and Iamliy Toronto spent Sunday withr and Mrs Oscar Rowe Mr and Mia Cliiiord Fission Mrs EPsddison Slmday and Sharon Angus called on Mr and Mrs Wesley Bates visited friends at Rtebmondlliil Sunday Mrs William Manshridge is waiting triends at Port Severn number at the Ladies Aux iliary to the Canadian Legion attended the rally Monday evening May meeting oi New Lowell United Church Women was held In FellowshipHall May 20 Mrs Stainton was in charge Mrs Mackenzie led in the devo tlonai program continuing the Bible study of Ephesians Mrs Murray read an article Un wanted concerning the dedi cated work of Salvation Army in regards to probation oi boys 0611 and Messengers attendv son Toronto at Eimvale meet at thellome DIN mliv to attend as thlalstbxegcimfgmeetioghe iore the commence ayrl1trsnor At the morning service In St Johns onus Church an al ed the service with their lead ers and the dedication to mis sionawas observed Rev Higbarn conducted the service Mrs Herb Kelly and mm oi Tomato spent iew days withMrs Wallace Bell Mr and Mrsierry Mouidcn and Ialnily Georgetown spent Saturday with the latters mo ther Mrs Iisrb Ritchie Walter Hoslsrd and Frank Lenard oi ihorobury were Sunday guests It Burt Grahams Sunday guests at Mnand Mrs Carnelian were Mr and ass Dickie and Miss Lisa and Mrs Carl Waiters and Miss Rita Lawrence oi Isiiugton Mr an Mrs CharlesBurton and Bob oi Torontospent the weekend with Mrsnd Mrs Francis Burton It the Club was saga Beach gt Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs lloy ltrclrwerc their sons Stephen Barrie and Ralphrot Toronth who isltaking tour year course as electrical op prcntice Paul Marshall lion na David and Paul Reid Ber rie and nephew Dougles Cer Mrs Albert Orton Mrs Ron Craig Oriilia visited Mrs John EllInk Mr and Mrs Mark Campbell Burnaby 30 wererguests of Mr and Mrs Albert White Mr andMrsd Ray itlckend family atttended the Georginn Bay Junior Riders Spring Horse Show andGymirlrana in Cold water Janice is is member and won fiye ribbons and prizes with her horse Mr and Mrs Albert White were guests at the Jamieson Holden wedding whinh took place Saturday in the Salvation swims MOTORSvllMiiED Mourns smear 726231 Servlee II MilitantAntler Itsglyiaobnker Anion wererecent Visitors Wqul Millscontin ed armservice Iadeommm emu be It Isidburnamrrh music it no Fri Tels oi the United mm omen were iser hiu amid BIrrIespeat otdeyswita Madrid Mrs Scott gloom wnaceetover the eomnnrniiy Saturday whenlittle Dennlsiones In El sonoi Dave and Noreenxlones was killed instantly white riding his bicy one if Jï¬a lymp to the bereaved iamiiy Mmsiilllisoel lgrepp returned ome IY lentil cw weds wltlryherilster in Aurora congratulallons to Mr and Mrs Ivan Sldnner on the birth at daughter ltls United Glurch Women in at Mrs Scotts May to 12 Present Mrs no car eon conducted the devotional and program The June meeting will be at home oi Mr and Mrs 3min summons By MR8 ROBERT BAIBB noose son normu notion nnelsnmioded on June 11 tor Trinity linked cumulatively Idem XBey aria decadencer Congratulation to Brenda no iiiih who won two awards at Orlille Kiwanis Music tivsl security Iolwfllml ANII Alt ALL rucs mowen fo nu Fer sun ends1 ldnilrllniied Giurcb Women will hold their meeting new iu1n8siniin day June can on in the eggsrung me sdrooi room This is into wwmflmuu munlty Friendship Ind Visits tion program and Holiylucw willbe guests tissues will he Mrs Scott Other visitors Hamill Iqu will be welcome Barries nuns rBertliortonspentpartotille metal weekend with his father Dr Fmsclilsga only ii Horton and Miss Frances Barrio Toronto Wicklunr 1292203 in on St The Order oi the Easlem Star wmmm Indie Oockstown we present Sunnidsls Cornerswl met It the home oi Mrs Earle Bull lilursd evening and new pro sldent rs Munro was in the chair Roll cell response was donating book tor the hospital Public Relations com mitten announced plans for an outin in June Plans were made to es ebrate the 60th anniversary ot the WlIn lune Historical Rel search colivcncls Mrs Fat terson and Mrs Iougheed were ill charge oi the program There was discussion the Needsmuir book ACHIEVEMENT DAY The highlight oi Mi Home making Club course Cotton Accessories tor the Bedroom took place Saturday at Stayner Kathryn Wood was commentat or ior the local exhibit lhrce BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Benutiinl Snrnples iroe Estimates FREE PICKUP fAND DELIVERY Phone 7284433 Upholstelins is Our Busi ness Nouns sideline 05 BRADFORD 51 no Many local people were at ie GALLONS who WATERf PERM also means Wills lT cosrs YOU ONLY PER MONTH TOHEATJT tier Details Gail ITHE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIQN or ms crrveraasals I5gtBAYFIEIDSTREET 7261823 Lyohuey Darldelion anesthesia PAN iAW wrro KILLER Two great weedkillers in am