rlflwmemwmfow are mp souls Giveilids TGhanée To hive hr intuit About men wear husinrss suits mostoi the time will put on elr walking shoes next week its sort of an unofficial marathon with the wing hers being many oi the districts entailed children The men some members of Barrie wanla Club and others just volunteers will be selling peanuts section or the ci euz of HayfieldStflet will be trekked Mond whit the other half will be done luesda at bet that lot of the fat men will lose upwar of pounds in the twoday grind Others even those who can walk around golf course all day will complain of aching feet However all of the peanut sellers will feel hit of pride pride in knowing theyve belpedegat some oungsters in summer cam for few we They linow that without the he clubs such as theirown thousands of Canadian led children would know nothin of the outdoors these nature gt The ex ense of crating camp ior cri led chil dien suchpas that atplilue Mountain near Co gwood is almost unestimable Service clubs from across the rovince in cooperation with the Ontario Society for gflppled Children foot the blil Barrie Kiwanis Club has two cottages at Blue Mountain Much of the iiulshln work such as varn ishing painting and eaveatroug is done by mem bers Because only few of the members are qua at these trades its terrific to see what great job they can do ive had the satisfaction of being on several of the work parties and while Iye seen men become com pieter covered in varnish and paint lve also seena cottage attain beauty After the work is done the service clubbers dont stand around and admire it Renovations are usually coin leted just before camp opens For the three goo summer months the cottages are occu led by engaged children who are not to be pr ed hut ed ed Counsellors have told me many times that the time spent at camp in the woods does wonders forthe mena tel condition of thechildren Camp is notexpected to rebuild crooked and twisted limbs butaomev times what it does for the mental outlook can make one forget his other handicaps This is one of the reasons Im forever urging people to get off the city streets and enJhy life in the coun try Nothing is so beautiful as nature and nothing so healthful And while you can get out whenever dyou wish askthat you remember the handles boys and girls who cannot They are the egple or whomffpea nuts will be worth amillion do ers iliTEBMEDlilTE SOFTBALL Landon REVISED SCHEDULE May uSmilha Dairy va Clarirson Hotel Queen May zoslmcoe Coop valiakevicw Dairy Consumers Gas vs Clarkson Hots hi slClsrkson Hotel vs Smith lSmiths Dairy vi Lekevicw Dairy Queens Jun iConsumers Gas vs Slincoe Coop bCslflkmnml vaslrï¬lilifleitieglmllhyalrgI coe vs eeus lakeview Dairy vs Simcoe Coop Quec June eLakeview Dairy ya Smiths Dairy Queens June llClarkson Hotel vs Consumera Gas Queens June lzSmlthsDalry vs Simcoe Coop Queens nd even more important ddies would never have the chance to enjoy mï¬ M1 yam rï¬m an HIS srajc1atriiisgssuuist Northern Dante sniiis carrots atop cake hold by his trainer Horatio Ltlrm pa ha celebrates his ml thrd birthday at Belmont Park yesterday Groom Wit ile hrevard is the third man new mmm tie pace oi ra dym gmkgin nailed the mscduct on June ewhioh if he wins lt will nuke him thefirst messes of the Triple Crown maka Derby the Prenknead and the Belmont eihuCiisiioniook itrin 1m Northern Dencers otiiciai birthday like that oi all thor oughbreds was on Jan AP Wlnphoto Angelle To AL the victim oi some duly Good shows iine lood beau tiiui times iuslv dont dig that stuff any more its strictly soda pop and earlylobed world now tor Bo Belinsb who Wednesday night pitched his first complete game and hailed his entire are via iory total by winnlng No as Ms Aogeles Angels deleaicd Minnuota iwim in the opener of twinlmter its been two years and as days since Belinsky veteran pool sharkand rookie pitcher announced his arrival on the major league Louis by hurling ndhitter Lastyesr be made his iirst exit shhpedlo the mi nose with recoid League Leading lhls time he says things are going to ba¢llient GAVE UP HOMER Against the nuns Beiinsky allowed his only run on Harmon Kiiiebrews lth homer but sclt tered seven hits much out clghtnnd did not walk man iuiheuirnaibozlevar came back ghcsp winn tag is on Don Mlndsers homer in the 18th luninl Elsewhere in league Dehvl Ed stopped Baltimore Orioles for the second time In time games and preserved Tiger vic tory New York Yankees whipped Cleveland indians 72 and Washington Senators edged LjeqiSZWin 103 Dave Vineyard might have handled the Syracusehitiers but he was no match for his own inï¬eld as Rochester lied Wings took adulecing The international Leaguea defending dismplonsgot big lift from three Rochester errors in the first inning asthey and died Vinede with sixrun dei iicit before his mates even got from the Chieis Weddesday night mines in the third inninglbeflred up Rollie Sheidons sir hitter sun homer and pairof dou bles by Pancho Herrera to de feat the Crackers for the Virginians Columbus capitalized on Bob Baird two Sex in 111a nings Chicago White Sox were rained out in KsnsasClty Atble Pearson scored the tie breaking run for the Angels in the third inning of the opener when be singled stole second and scampercd home on sin gleby ice homes in the mm Bob ï¬iiisons ma homer produced an early Min nesoln lead but the Angels scored twice in the eighth to tie the score Minchers seventh homer decided it more ORIOLES Mow who pillage twohit relief for 14 innings against the Orioles Monday stopped Baltimore on we hits over the line this time ihe Tigers IIokeaittieiniheiourthwltb threerunraliy Don Demeter starting things witha triplraad scoring the lead run on wild pitch by Dave MchilyAi Ka line later homered for Detroit Bill Skowron and Chuck liln ton homered for the Senators as they built 74 lead but Dick Stuarts second homer oi the game eventually tied the score in the seventh Each team scored in the eighth beiore Washington pulled it out in the 11th against Dick Radatz when Jim King soured on Dick Phil iips aingle BEEFgE ai lcague lotion tonight sees lruelove Heating and Camp dBordenmeeting at Camp Box en DOWNEY GAIN WIN Plan and Air Force Ind in theth gsme last night and Miles had pltdrerWen Downey back in the lineup it wsi Dow ncya first appearance andeiter shakystartin which hegave upfourrlmslndaixhitsinthe renown our men hidesssh scoreless Bill Henderson wen tencs iorCsrnp Bord the dit and was port as titres of Plans iii FAWN ARRIVED HOCKHOLM AP Floyd Patterson tomes world heavy weight boxing champion ar rived in Sweden Wednesday to begin training for his fight here with Eddie Micheal July is 25$ is if gti ill iSVarleant Zoo LTD launcher PLAN spreads seamen ov peymom uniformly ï¬eroedyoorilootoilpowovhmmonymooihhotl sHoNs 7282491 MARY Sllitlifl one owaencan idw mileage ONE OWNER Wmflmuiflmiirymueens Juns liSrniiha Dairy vs Consumers Gas Queens June lsSlrncoa bop vs Clarkson Hotel Quema June ieConsumers Gas vs Smiths Dairy Queens June lBLalrevlew Dairy vs Clarkson Hotel Queens Simone Coop vs Consumers Gas Queens June IlClarltson Hotel vs Stmcoe Coop Queens June mbaheview Dairy vs Consinnera Gas Queens June 25Srnlths Dairy vsClarkson Hotel Queens lime zesimeoe Coop vs Lakevlew Dairy Queens Consumera Gas vs Clarkaou Hotel Queens June zsClarkmn Hotel vs Smiths Dairy Queens dime Mniths Dairy va Lskevlew Dairy Queens July 1Consumers Gas vs Simone Coop Queens July SClarkson Hotel vs Lakeview Dairy Queens Slrncoe Coo vs Smiths Dairy Quems July ï¬LfliieVilW Da vs Slrncoe Coop Queenl J35 Hokeview Dairy vs Smiths Dairy Queens 9Clarkson Hotel vs Consumera Gas Queers July 10Smlths Dairy vs SimeoeCoop eons Consumera Gas vs Lahevlew Dairy Queens July izhmlihs Dairy vs Consumfla Gas Queens July nSirnooa Coop vs Clerksoniiotel Queens July loConsumera Gas vs Smiths Dairy Ilakevlew Dairy va Clarkson Hotel Queens Sirncoe Coopve Consumera Gas Queens leClarkson Hotelvs slmcoe Coon Qllocna July roLakeviestlry vs Conslunera Qu JulykeSmiihs Dairy vs Clarkson Hotel Queens July Hlmcoe Coop vaLekeview Dairy Queens ffl Coosumcrs Gas va Clarkson Hotel Queens lg uLterkson Hotel vs Simcoe Coop Qu HSmith Dairy vs Lakeview Dairy July SitConsumers Gasva Simcoe July 31Clarkson Hotel va Lakoview Dairy Simeoe Boon Smiths Dairy Queers Aug Laksview Dairy vs some Cow Queens Aug aï¬hkevlew Dairy ya Souths Dairy queens Align eclarkson Hotel vs Consinneia Gas Queens Aug iSmilhaIDairy vs Slmcoe GoopQu29ul Ciarkson Hotel vsLakevlew Dairy an alarm mwmwuhoguuolum VI 961 thCountmars obs Coop vsConsurners riiotel vs simcoe fife mite ï¬lediscouraged Red Wing hurler who added to his problems by giving up five wniirs in his four inning stint suffered his second loss in five decisions victoryboostcd the Chiefs intosecond place games behind Toronto Maple Denis who hammered Male Discus locum half game ahead oi Ja nviiie Suns who were trippedrzo by Hidimond Virgin inns Columbus Jets rounded out the schedule with decision ovsrAtiadta Crackers Mud Jena and JilnNolth run contributed home runs to the Syracuse attack making things easy wasnt particularly sharp uuanilihiis and three aiks but left lifhasc runners ibeiiesfs also collected is hit at maid buttmade thorn countas they tagged the Discus with their ï¬lth straight loss Larry Osborne drove in four mnswitia apair oihome runs Bob Ssdowski hit one with man aboard and Jim McKnight WW accounted for three runs with double and Kopiitx won Dick Ricketts at iunddtble for Jim Adams who posted his first victory Adamlv spectacular GWESALL Mickey Menus Sidelined Again NEW YORK AP Mickey iantle iilemmlr Yankeea ury pa ar menu thrust aside any possibility of switching irom centre field toI less laborious position to pro ssrve his ailing legs The switch hitting slugger who underwent his second knee operation last winter was torced out of the linen again Wednesday because at muscle strainin his ieitsaidh in the same areawhere he had an previously bothered by Lazar ley horse iheiatest injury occurred in the erghthï¬inniog of The nights game with Clevelandin dlanswhen my nade ca fly ball an by Marat Mantle has hada history oi legtrouble but it has nevsr been moreeyident than this see an Onoeone oi the fastest in be identiï¬ed said the an year01d Man was playing on ane ulna WASHING SERVECE WAY field Ill quit but it is evident he is not haii the centre ilelder he was in other years the teammate said He still makes great plays on occasions but these ere plays diet would have been routine for him More Jlta inevitable that sooner or lano er pea onper hnps to ght iieid Mantle is agains it think as long play ball will play centre field he said dont think Ill ever have toswitch When the time eomealhet cant actualiy and is the position wherelm least likely to get hurt lihere are too many quick starts and stopset first base Also there is always the olll with run danger of not play ccntrs CA centre ielder has Hon ONEDWNERCAIIH ONE OWNER CAD door sedan alludes push clean car 0am owamnxcart to somewacuss doorwithnush lionredio one owner cart 1959 nones MAYFAi ONE OWNER CAB ONE OWNER CAR freedom of rangeo than right or left fielder and theresiess danger or running lnloawsii EREN¢H Mora rtoezcuamsasaaAToGA iDoorSedamietblackJrllinaifluishwnamrear 32000 acmsiniies completely equipped mum 1962 roan FALCON SEDAN Turquoise with matching interior radio and other extras gt ma PLYMOUTH SEDAN door cylinder with automch transmission mum thrmrshouhnmmllss Jookund runs likenew 1161 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF door sedan automatic transmission cylinder attractivetwo tone turquoise with whita too until 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK momma lC release 1952 METEOR custom noon dcyiinder uceliait tired all tuned up dr dyio cylinder automatic in excellent condition resarimourn ruav vs door sedan with automatic transnsis