Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1964, p. 2

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nutritious SUPERMAN Community Only Has What This is hardly thesbason for hockey but we intend to write about the admin lstration of the game rather than the in The subject of Junior hoe ENE age20 pro type of game is well known to most Barrie ans We had it here for 15 years and lost it The situation at Peterborou now ap gears to be about on par th that at gt arrie halt dozen years ago During the past season the Peterborough club was plagued by poor attendance and lost something around $12000 There were reports it would not be back next season but it has now been confirmed it will at least for another try There were 12000 fewer paid admis sions last year than the year previous which was also lower than the ear lie fore that Various reasons have tributedrjustarofficialflrieddo igu what was going wrong in Barrie non contending team although it finished fifth in the eightvteam league and got in topiayotfs partly caused by injuries to key playerswas one of the main causes it was suggested DOWN MEMORYLANE 65 YEARS AGO IN TOWN TheNorthern Advance May 18 18 stapleton Caldecott past president lo onto Boardoi Trade addressed large group of Barrie business men on invitat ion of Mayor Wells From Halifax to Vancouver therevis awave of prosperity he commented sz Barrie getting its share of Canadas emergence from some years of epression Barries beautyhof situati is aralleled Ihe1ieve itlis prettier than he Bay or Naples Mn Caidecoit noted the shortage of industry in town but cautioned against bonusrin ducements Hethought there was ajiine opportum pork dpricking factoryx furor use an thingBame shouldhave tourist is an excellent hoteland be su gested itwas the tIlppiorltiiinity theGrand Twill era sort of legally amateur butundeb One It Will Support At Gotten But there were definite signs of ion Indifference They began to take on other citing interests bowling curling just am staying at home to watch TV to nsmanfewr Whether this is permanent trend away from viewin the actual am or cycle we do not ow in Jun his hockey started rather indiiierently wrth interior teams but by the tiiird sea son there were setlouts every night and there started series oi championship clubs It was necessary to enlarge Bar rie Arena from 1200 to 4000 seat cap acity by WithButts climax was reached in winning two Memorial Cu andaiter the second in 1053 there fol owed teams not nearly so good and gradually the in terest dwindled Alsz TV and curling had entered the local ctureuFour years edt Last year Guelph longtime strong hold in Junior hockey lost its iran chise to Kitchener Is Peterborough about to follow Barrie and Guelph Its entirely matter of whether ocaiians want vhteam enough to support it cv vmvfo rrt oi their weak nesses Mr Nixon is alyoung man oi unquesllificdlnsbihrymsnd some person way But he has been school teacher and armor on his experience here is to two sessions in the House He his shown he can speak well on sgriwlture and with at least some understanding on ad ucstlon But what AM olhsr lisirst OTTAWA REPORT Canadian Magazines InDesperaie State By rsrercir monouon OTTAWA Prime Minister Pearson will best an ignomin lous retreat to position of greater loyalty to and support tor Canadian maladnea Trial was the prediction made more than month ago by this column Today notwithout in side knowledge of what is in on in the prime minister secret racism can reveal that the lgnomtnious retreat now has been plannedbut it is still not adequate no position at Canadian msgsxineswss quite irsnhly desperate when the iorrner prime minister set up the Ouary Commission several years ago Then he dieien dalilcd with its recommenda tions he promised to bring the recommended legislation beiore Parliament to protect our msg atines But as wilh so many dieienprnmisss dleiensll was done No months Ila Prime Min ister Pearson returned to the wellgnawed OLesry bone and gave notice of plarnred legisla tion which would protect Cans an magazines by iuiurcmsraudeil But the murderers Time and Readers spigest who arssc tively achieving the commen oial slaughter oi Canadian mog sdnes were to be permitted to continue their undesirable work caucus sons ihis proposal was entirelyin adequate and hence imsccept oble Even the Liberal caucus meeting behind closed doors heard savage criticism of Paar sons pussyiooting he concluded Rev ld Pearson reached impressive sermon at Collier Cethodist Church when 60 members esters attended Barrie won goldm s1 in aduating class Scanton hospital an nursing school Grou otAllandaiecltizéns attended Town ouncil asking permis2 sion to petition for separationirom Bar lie The Village of Ailandalebbdonly gained the town of Barrie Ward Six3 three years earlier Councileecided to try ndsettle Allandale grievances at one The largely concerned iite protection roa and streets in that area acrossthe ba FredrMarr elect nMasterlor Ker Ma Lodg ed izens Band gave first outdoor on Post Office Square it is antici large number otAmericans touristswill want to file summer Will all those res an able to vide house accommodation leased oyie at othe 13 the put is arriethis his secretary at stateMaur ice Inmontsgne is the ciilturs aar oithe Pearson cabinet He recently proclaimed that our witnral lire is relatively weak andldsngerously exposed to the dominating toll of the United States dangemualyvbut lethally ex posed to competition by cut rate 115 importa Last month reported that our two lebding magazines Mecleans and Chat elaine hedlostmm in the first omonthst this year can nowredd that their loser ross toVMOS ch in so three in 11 especrslly derived avsubst tiai advertising revenue which should not hayll been diverted from our its an magazine This diversionis bleeding them dered withthe approval oi Liir srai PrimefMinhtorlPeerro 00 near Butthis should lowed iohnppcri sin ranv wvrrzI¢Pme smmsVIm wvg gr lYOlili Hectrt Wont Wear Out mm murder has more My than either or the other 35 to consist can is dedicated dl it it ltdmwh es as rs cs no association with Ilira iield WHY HEADERS Amthese men leaders Why an they leaders Why do they drink they can be leadersi You have to ark these ques tions And otherssuch as can they inspire their ioilowsrs got good csndidstes to run get it nanolal backing and meet the dearer practical problems oi poli measures whloh might ad versely siiect certain U5 Pub licatinns ths was gall sirrilahly illn ed that it was demnsble lie The US publicationoi Time cannot be bought in Canada by action at Time itsell ths Cans oi New York Citya indented disn edition at Time is pub ilshedinCensda outside the jurisdiction oi the government and cons oi it inisinsss Whether or not its activities to Canada should be curtailed is solely the business at the Canadian government So Mr Pearson will soon produce another plan which rtiliwill not please the Liberal taunts or the country Time and Readers Digest will be pennitied to continue ruin ing Canadianvmngsrincs pro vided that they sell so per cent of their stock on the Canadian niarksr ilris proposal is lust not good enonglrrit silil wlli not make their publications into Canadian magazines Mike Pearson rnust screw his coinage to the stiddng point which incidentally Diet our griei never achievedand Insist that alien nrsgasinesvslisll not nuudizLCansdlaLccnhlhutlmmnmsntun our culture sy ALTON mm JEREMIAH blAMJJil MD shown out those with he unit at food intake are thou who elriglags in moderate physical so Hard work never hurt healthy human he So declares Dr Paul Dudley White eminent heart specilllst who treated President Eisen hower durl his heart attack and who rel giously ioliows his cum sdvlce by taking vigorous daily exerdse Dr 1White has Ipower3o coir ny growng pfspeciallsts and physicians who endorselrclillhr exercise and physical activity as part oi general rescri lion to protect the has sits and stroke Ex rinse provides much more than nu oi spending calories to help eonlrol weight hesnrclr has turned up increasing evi deuce as to why exercise protect the human heart Acme Man began as physically ac this animal the roving iood gntherer hunter ilsherman and isrrner through the ages he re lied on his mudea and strength as well But it civilised ooimtries at least seductive changes in our way oi Ilia have made many oi as nulls sedentary Machines and gadgets so the work our muscles onceperiornr nowadays most oi us in wearout we rust outob serves Dr iheodm Kim aging and dedicated tennis play thereiorrerat mwflut We srs stiltI stoklng the human roses we did whengrpu made the world go round Inactivity has been enco ed by mythology about dsngera of exercise and by the appeal oi humor The curds it do frantic sttha marIsis oi ends who our The myth that exercise kills is perpetuatedvbecause we oo easionsily read oi men dropping dead on the golf or tennis court or while shoveling snow Over lookedvis the loot that only about poi cent at heart attacks oc cur illlllx strenuous activity II Of his wits or survivnl SEOUL YOU BMW DOWN Aoollier myth is that exercise is hopeless because you must zallrss miles to lose one pound But nobody insists you walk the 35 miles in single day Spread it out wslking one extra mile day and in days you can burn up pound oi at or 10 pounds year Did you eat in one day all tireextra 1500 calories repreuntsd by one pound oi isti still another myth is that men mult slow down st 40 his real ly was the federal medical sd vice and sshlon ysars sg In Since UM medical ldllfljll advanced in its knowiedg the workings and needs oitli human body Ind what bench might be latsed rim musr exercise Emmiinmdhdn sic your mu work harder snd more diicieoh lyi to distribute blood every where including to its own mus cuisr tissues This helps develop whst is lmownss collateral cin Ehyslcai exertion osn help us If You DontaLet It Rust ordered desth rates double that oi more active switchmen or en working on malpisoancs way NEVER TOO LATE in studies It State UnL manna ary were put lhrough program oiw regular exercises their blood cholesterol levels declined None oi the men changed hi dist in any way Some authorities think there is bensiicisi client irorn es ercise In stimulating the thyroid gland the cemaku govern ing meisho sm so isis and oliolestemlt are burned up more in the bloodstream it can We maimed in ioodsw Airport ocrtsinlyfexerclse and sndlemsny menial stresses Muscular work rovldes an out legwioiutllll 071m that insult upflii us an helps us relax physically and mastslly in adult llie it is rarer ioo late to begin to hriprovs over assistingpeony slcal com ditinn thorough ul drankt up is essenti first slap in iesrn whairyourcanuieiy do or restoration should estabi imitation ct gmwin nawhsmsti bibddlfliliyssels upturn more blood to the Mud area WORK The heart which has nine been challenged by extra war or activin has to anexient ai mayztsken this step it is al resdy prepared to meet an em argenoy in land bus drivers sit ting their wheels were iuund to have higher incidence oi hurt attacks than conductors runnng up and down steps on double decker buses When in itisl heart attacks did strike the conductors were more like ly Io nirvive Any progrsinnbimprovsniant oi course begin slowly and mildly buildL ing up to greater endurance milliy Once started aciivi tyshouldhecontinuednprsier Ibli dalb no but activity or sport or you is msiteroi prelorence convenience you physics one problem may be current social disbeliel want toescrd in exclusive Beverly Hills CaliL psychiatrist who likes to take constitutional walk at nightvwes repeatedly stopped by police alert ionsusplcious chan scters He solved the diiilculty by buying dog to take along on ids walks lie wasnt bothered again be eauseevuyone knows that Fiity per cent actually occur the same dilierenee was not dolneedl ltd during rest or sleep which doesnt make sleeping danger pus Anolhor myth is thatexercise is useless because it makes you hungrisr so on sat mo and snimale repeatedly have rumination no news Nothing Much In SeeQSawFighi lirLaos By nouo Menarrsu cuuaus rms¢ur Writer An observer caughtbetween the two ragged armies shinl on the Laotian Plalna ides Jarres this week would belior given tor drinking it was still lNottdngevenuéimh led in as sng The same generals are still lii logcthe same guns at each other across the same hills de spite two eonieronceavat Ge nava innumerable coups detat and hail aidozen abtempts to form stable coalition govern ment The pro Communist Pathet Lao forces now reported vio tonioii in the two northern provinces of Laos in thelast 10 years have seldom relaxed heirpressure on the shaky neutralist and rightwlng gov enunentsthat ave come and instorms lsnd HasChanged into neighboring ihsi Meanwhile Souvalins Phoum isbellevediobesceldngsthird Geneva coniereuce This may beiust what the Pathet no and the Gaines behind them want Suooessive bouts at the cori imnee tables have strennhened the poiiueai no tion of the Communists in Laos and they have every reason to gamble or an eyen more favor able settlement third time round mthiinflimhh recon that Lao by negotiations in Geneva bullets on the Plains dos Juries Chins keep the pres itain and on United Asia Aidworriediiist iilre Souvsmn Phouniaa gov4 miniges the extremes Europen Sovie csinuouutod six yetr sg difrnueh er re ng so clerks than smong mailm trudging their rounds Some studiesoi American orkers have also iound fewer active ontheir lob ior ex ampie among tumorsin North Dakota compared with nonso msr Among railroad men clerks Bllii£iri6uoiti Whersfl sin lbohndodgrsoo more eboond lo manswa No matter iiovf widespmsd the malady all donors Great Physide is the our Braver arrainmsurs Inesdur Tensions ha been Condensed irom Your Heart studieer Juan hacksamongmen physiosilyw cnnroizes LAW coarse toriGerm De sell du Tourisme de la Province de Quebec said recently the law limiting the selegoi al diolic drlnlrslin the ronltce on necessity ior means oi liJMBER

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