ihere um momentson rorniniaclng at st Jdur Viars nay Hall laat night as lira rider Marguerite Hook received her Vlanncy Catholic Womens iuul Lsuorns Signal Your Position llnd IWear Track Shoes olgdearl As hardenihllhladtl rec us er iron the woman whose husband tired to hit her during his sleep Alter while it got me to thinking and now lm wonder ing about my old man He hits are when he is awake itts always sccidanteior so he And really cant ve it snt law ween ago nwas hï¬glng pictltlrrednng dro ped on my ea thodghl he had fractured my skull He has burned me with cigars and hit me with the ger den rake Last year he almost ran over me with the car He washsclring out oi the drive way and didnt see me trim ming the hedges Please tell me if you think that accidents mean anything Yes they mean mean your husband is careless awkward and accident prone They mrght also mean that he has mixed onsnbuutwonTr advice is to keep alert vdlhen yourdhusgagld is in this vclnlty an ai your pus tlon irequently if anything litre the car incident occurs again insist tirat he get some pmies alonsl help CARD GAME Dear Ann Lenders am very good card player and en ioyvaimost any kind of game lusueily win lhese last several months have not been invited to may card games My husband com mented on this last night and acid it was because win too alien He said it would be good idea it let others win once in while ilhls seems wrong would not want to play cards with anyone who would let me win meet every person should play his best Letting someone win isainrm of cheating When axpressed this view he said or wrong Amflli Or is heI Faher Eltear No Your husband is wrong on two counts iist dont believe you are being invited less oiten be cause you win too frequently lsuspect you arelnot grim us winner which is some thing quite dtiiarent People tour children under it years ago Since February at least one oi my brood has been at home with width mumps the flu measles or chicken pox Yesterday when went to school on paronta visiting day by leaned why my hida were piways slclr your ab like compete against good players because it helps im prove their own game Second playing less than your best is dishonest should play to win NURSE DECIDES Everyone bear Ann Landerar We hav counteda dozen children who should have been at home Four boys were coughing vioy ientiy live others weresneen ing and blowing their noses and could not breathe with their mouths closed Two flyenrolds hadtheir heads down on their desks and looked icverrsb One little girl had spots which am jmeramasies sin iurioue tirat some moth ers are so anxious to get rid oi their children that they push them out the door when they should he at home in bed They do not care it theirvstck chil dren iniect others What can he donsshout thlsIWet Hen Dear Wet Hen Almost every school has nurse The teacher is supposed to send the chil dren who are ill to the nurse The nurse decides ii the child shordd he sent home Since this rocedure is obviously not be ng practised In the school your children attend you should dis cuss it with the principal Whenever you get 25 kids to gether at least tour are going to have runningnoses it your children get plenty oi rest and proper nourishment yau are protecting them to the best oi llllv ensss son nArsns norm Bernh Tacke deputy chairman oi the Federation oi German Trade Unlompredlds thereawlll be adriveiorwegolnmssesoi inain sight to to per cent in West Germany this yearHe also seespricesrisingtlueeiothree audahali lastyear per cent as tbeydid when Hydro Showtima ll to lld and Ulir gmhelgdushlp Hall on Hung the presentation The willBalpdhnred by Barrie Pub lic lllu commission under the swim oi Barrie YI tiers li Hmï¬ ve gram Will Jill lntarestildapdoemon stations by Miss Gwyneth Heed necrivrs 25YEAR scrotti to your membership scroll From left are Mrs Frank Kelli president of St lama iAiiandalet presenting scroll Father Cambray Mrs Hook and Mrs Garvey first vlcopresldcnt WI Will Sponsor Flower Show lhir being Horticulture Week many residents oi Stroud area are showing their interut by making arrangements for the annual flower show sponsored by the Womens institute to be held Aug lb INo oomrnlttetlrs khan heme up one no tar exhibits and judge the day oi the show and prise list and donations committee directed by Mrs Sutherland Mrs autism and Mrs Camps mm ll sum the Panthkgmiehmuchngts Iand are the prince Mic ibrvdley will he the flow or show lodge Remember Horticulture West planting atlesst one extra variety oi the many new and lovely flowers on the market receiving NOMINATE wrnow SASKATOON CF Eloise Jams widow oi the dormer dnay shawl or Managin am my federalï¬ elcdlon June 22 Her humrid HmyJurtttheldiheeeatior mrrrm the Omaoervadves until his death in March Mrs Jones mother oi tour is writintris ENROLMENT CLIMBED ihs doctorsponsored Mani toha Medical Services enroi merit increased to 492000 in 1083 or 52 per cent oi the provinces population Creemore Womens institute Ontario llydma Home Service urn Rded will demonstrate and explalnthe ma isaturea oi variety oi elect ell appli ances including washers dryers ranges and nlrtloratars Else trio home heating water heating and hornalightlng will also be be leatured on the program COHPLBTE MEAL complete oven mell will be cooked and other iood Items will be prepared using portable pitno similar to those whl It First Recorded In Nova Scotia trimEGYPT Ms The distinction oi being the birthplace at Canadas iirst aulnhrpiets islla to this tlny ret emsnt on the Gieuinlioch Road iour miles irom New Glasgow The event occurred Feb 15 rsoo oi years More the birth of the Dionne quintuplete at Csltandsr Ont But three oi the Quinta born to Mr and hlrr Adam Murray died an the day they were born Sunday In other died on Monday and the ilith on Wednesday The birth oi the three girll and two boys was related in the Eastern Chronicle longdo mnct Novo Scolin weekly which said Dr William Fraser was summoned to case at mldwiicry at the Murray home on Sunday morning Mr Murrays lnmiiy at the lime oi the doctors arrival con sisted of seven children Within an hour atterward Mrs Murray presented her husband with live children all riectly iormed but very ml sture specimens oi humanity ihree children were reported deadyontha overdo 0f the iirst day and on Monday inurth died large number oi pelople went to 0see ï¬llsdwondeg iu ro eny on ay Ideegd hahieswvero laid side side trots Mrt any otth The intact ranged in weight irom two pounds eight ounces to three pounds abrrounces The mother was described as strong healthy woman cow Hemng rrirlrrhdmsgo clal dieteticamdnnhotim ii tiirhmiitlf borough YWCA Gwfliyddth hagdflgilenkddw career rt Nudity wand completed ESKIMO NURSE Mabel Foilh set re cord when du dusted aa nurse irom pt Gen eral Hospital Min is the tint Eskimo tnaraduate item proiuaional Canadian School or Wire rvpa msmthMflhvi muons nicertr earn tits negrunfllï¬ DriveriEducation isThédilnswer Gibson to members ol Barrla to Club last we mm vi mi Jlr Mr tlibaon stated that ill Insist on educating eir shildrï¬uhha Mikado ve or nil rowardlngpllves arlrd at the same time dont seem to tn dr nnoren Titanium Parents wouldnt codatetra the aoadernlc drooling at their cbtldm yet tool they are scrip peawuumatneumyom 3d at in drlv methods or he hasnt the Mllimd knowledge or tantrum Granted the sell appointed tanin we may have driv SPEAKING or PEOPLEilND PLACES DINNER MEETING IA bouquet oiwhlta Ind pinh snapdragons flanked by pink In Crystal candelabra com trod the head table at the fourth Home and tool Conn cll dinner hold at evening inrcantral munch Head table in cluded Mrs Bulimia aldman outsellPresident IndMr Fold ve coup cil and Mr Smith Envoy Kilt mer Mrs Everard man guest err VuPltdrer Al atnn pro elal vicenrealdentr Mrs Stuart tarmt Keyes Orillla area vicaprsar ident Mrs Leonard Roe coun éilibtréasurer Benjamin correepon ng secretary Angus McKay public aohooi lup erintandent and Mrs McKay RETURN FROMHONEYMO0N Mr and Mrs James West brook have rationed to the city following their honeymoon at the Runaway Bay Hotel and Common It Montage 30 Jamaica flra newlyweds have taken uolrealdsnoa on Parkdde little over so who had 11 broth Th era and sisters and the lather was rated an ordinary looking sample oi physical development in tact below the av is in ture and proportio Elect Executive At Annual the meeting oi Crcernore Wo rnenl Mirna was held in the institute momslt was also the annualmeeling and was chaired by the president Mrsi Johny Knappett Roll call wasanswer adr by 21 members and one visi Mlss Cilverta Wllidnsongave the mito Faith can place candle inthe darkest night Mrs Alien gave areport oi the District Directors mect Mra Walter on Master ducted the elect onot slilcers Gm ior 158466 which are as iotiowsi Past President Mrs John Knap putt President Mrs Sid Gibson vice prï¬ident Miss Babette Mrs Day secretary var cant assistant Miss Benelte treasurer Miss Convcders Agricultqu and Canadian tndusuieyMrsn Melaod Mrs Somerville Crtlzenabi andEducatlon Mrs Chester Mrs meC EPconolztncaMrandL Health rs one Morat Historical Research luad Ctrrtht EveirtsMrs ii Day Misti Allen Resolutions Mrs Em mett Dishes Miss Denali and Mrs Peneitnn Remernhrancehanquet and quilting committees were also lormed Delegates to distrid annual dry in Aventng May 12 will be Mrs mophenson mid Mrs Mu ltoyair had perfect attendance or the year Miss Benelie has perfect record lor the past eight consecutive were presented to Mrs Arthur Perry who has moved to Fullowtnghlilr cercnrony reception was in the Floral room oi Prud hommss Garden Centre Hotel Vinoland En mutehome Sun the Barrie guests visited at the Hamilton residence at Mr and MrsGordoh ryce ion merresidentaoi Barrie CHRISTENING Sixmon Bradley War rcn Eric Patrick son oi Mr and hit3J2 Edward Pltrich oi Bowman Avenue was drriuen ed during the Sundaynrorolng Jiltedl Allen andMrsS Barï¬aanerchottsretenr bride Following installation of the new oiiicera by Mrs wrrr comma newpresidentMrl Gibson the meeting service oi Fllrbnnk United mm Toronto Hons oi the iamily attended the astral service concluded by the babys rut mole Rev lien at his elder brother Edward Joesph Patrick Following service Mrs Jobnjtenehaw the babys great loot entartained at tea in the mlnse Gum included the me greatgrandmother Mrs Zimmerman of maternal grandmother Mrs Waterer Mrs Patrick paternal grandmother both oi Barrie greatuncle and aunt Mr and Mrs vled Dickinson and iarniiy oi Toronto ART EXHIBITION Mr and Mrs Barker oi Woralcy Sheet studded to Veaux And Belles Toi le lit Annual Meeting The Bronx and halter Square Dance Club oi Barrio will com1 btne business and plessure at the regular dance session this Khundsy evening at the MAP Association room High Street the dancing will be directed by Bill and Haul Judge the annual meeting iotlowed by the olectionoi oilloers or the rest 65 season will he held during thedance inter mission full attendance at the menu bershlp is urged so the business at the club can be conducted to the satleisotlon and pleasure oi all the dancers Godparsnta and openingoi the iirst annual ax hibition oi the School oi Fine Arts Actlnollle Saturday eve sing Mm Barker had two paintings in the show an oil water color souans princess Mr and Mrs Albert Gross Miuliseiergueonaodaiil Wright all members oi the been Beans and Better Square Dance Club oi Barrio atlended the square dance held at West Hill mm Witt no hill ay son was caller ior in sets oi dancers at tendlfll lrorn Collin ood lien ovorWoodiord Po Elgin Wt arton Owen Sound And Barrie GAME NIGHT TiteMay meeting areas Barrio on and Sam Ladlea Aurdilary was held in the Youth Cadre of Central United Church test evstxlnrsnd leanrrod an evening at garncaMu Dick Dampde and Mil KILW wen convertera Prize winners mw mange Mn Sun secondtd Mra Jack Wadi Doria up Mrs ms Carter low Mra lolur Foltll cribbage Mrs lbonrplon Door prizes were won by Mo lamae Morley Mrs Frank Carter 3ch Cook Mrs William Mrs Charles Kearney ltd Mrs CAM HAUL GYPSUM KENTVILLE minlon Atlantic itailwsya CPR aubstdinry is using 73 new ireight cars purchased 1st cost at more than 01000000 Speaker Tells Barrie N3 CPtDp Kidetles many braids3 oi We oi mllaa It mieha how many mrahlu hi ï¬dfflrg along the wart Hair he will transmit tot InOlaIymurarauptlnidtirI au motes 1h driv none the utrdcrrt ualrrtsd his role in tuttiqu us learns thwa good attitude as tlm he learns how to drive one use learns about far wrehaaoatarl Nat criteria mt MW hiay dune meeting was the oijoiilcers President asseuont RD ll View dent rs Mn Gilles acc um idem Mel ll Mn Fart Sinclair n1 Art Parlor registrar Mrs George Hm on the nterciub whidr was held In route April 19 and an attmded by to Barrie Kin Wome Compose iidvis ry Group rune tamA mat ttaa to Mule wry ï¬idrmd rill are on Mr Mr and Mrs lllrvey Weber limd No eppplntmente have yet made but thecommlltaa win be 92mm entirely oi Mr committ will consider Ihd 2d viee on speota oi initiation that con rn women and relate to well legislation nva as are clinovegvlu trigon ow urslngpos on oiwo in aoclatyr Henotad their iiia rln creasing involvement in the work and their dliierent role uwlvesend mothers or mllerinmillel lorry man ADI Edith mun move gypsumover listed route in Nova Seotina Annapo lis Valley The dmpbottom gon dola type carr specially he signed or the Job moveihe gypsum abnu mil In mwsrrocro shade