new ornamen pawn1 theNnrnran 81 ninstice FORMER WINNERS oi thlt years winner ioliowing iiion the Year From the ieit are William it Vright Memorial iropny congratulate this day nights presentation to itusscliDnvcy ns Citizen oi Mrs Bell Bell winner in 1962 Lt Col llev vrp Tï¬Nyacvnrvvfl mewr war new wachMu cu uknwmmvr II 15 mm or Locqi Legigï¬ Sherring winner in ml and this years wioncr Mr Davey with Mrs Dnvcy NEED NOT Bil WEALTHY CAS Seeks PéisonS Witii Narnia Homes By SALLY LOU ItilEitN Examiner Sloii Reporter Any person that can give child is normal lite is person the 55 childrens nid societies in Ontario are looking tor accord ing to Miss Lriuric Chorlcson Miss Charleson is the adop tion consultant iviih the provin cial dcpurtment oi public wel inre Were not looking or went lhy people but good parents Some people still think they have to own their 0er home and have money in the bunk That in nothing but old wives inles There is one section oi society the low income laboring class which does not approach the CAS tor adoption becnnse it be lieve there is much red tape involved We need them badly because we have children irom this background area to place As Jackson oi the CAS oi Simcoe County and the City Ol Barrie polntcd out Some people think because the bus band sits in sweatshirt in tront oi the TV and drinks beer inrtcod oi sipping cocktniis in nice business suit they are un occcptohle as adoptive parean Miss Chnrieson sold the so ciety would like to have more at these lower income people come ing to it it the 5500 adoptions which were made iinol lost your mostwere to middle class and protcssionol people an dicuonormn Children are placed ior adop tion at the homes that will tit ns ciostly as possible their nnt urnl cknround where the child my he expected to iit in most co tortnhiy and whcre ho is going be most natural Mr Jackson ltaid Children are placed in inmil lcs whichnre similar in social and hereditary background in the case where rcdhnircd child is placed with couple who do not have red hair it is help in it there is red hair some where in the inmily tree Mr Jackson pointcd out Then at least tho child can explain his dilierent coloring by saying Uncle Joe on mothers side has red hair When there is possibility oi idenliiicntinn because oi cnl oring the child is not placed in on area where the mother or members oithe tamlly may rcc ognire the child It the needs oi the child cam not be met in the orcn an nt tempt is made to place him through othcr societies in the province This is the purpose oi tiie three times yearly Adoption Resources Exchange Conicrcnce when reprnsentntivcs oi many KIWANIAN BILL HINTON LEFTJ DGE CARTER KIWANIAN BOB BENTLEY inner issrnrs urv Syvste is Democr There is no finer example 01 democracy than our jury systerni said Judge MeGii vroy Carter Simone County Court judge who was guest speaker at the Kempentelt Buy Kiwanis Club luncheon yester day Sometimes we take for grant ed the ï¬ne things that come out of denocracy said the judge We must work harder to main tain the jury suste From his expert ce as minty judge he mind that most eople believed jury duty or three days of no pleasaa worir great deal at pubic reintons work was re quired to ucate the public re this important aspect oi our democracy he said Dumas msronv Judge Carter gave brief out line the history oi our pre se iudioai systems Following Conquest in Brit anypgrson might accusev of crime or Their diiierence was usually resolved by personal oonibat or leach side having champions to tight tor them it number ot itizens ni the biggest wealmesses was that any number of people eould accuse an individual of crime than it was an excuse to eitect personal vengeance in the 13th Century the Kings Courts oi Assim were estab lished Justices selected by hit out to the counties whovv cased separte irom those people who had lad theehnhge have now dapted our mode iury syste The Accnsing Jury own osthe Grand houses 1s and otherpublic buildingsit made ng their it the Grand Jury decides there is enough evidence and the nite is minus enoufli then ih accused goes before tho dutykot the Crown prov thht the accused guilty won all doubt To siton iury ayperson must over 21 years and own pro rty worth over $600 in the city in the county over With min are lieid each on in the county two Supreme ses sioos and two County sessions SELECT UEORS The jury selectorsiconsist oi the twocounty loosen Mayor nnd Tr er oi Cityoi Barrie Warden Treasurer of Sim continuity and tbsCounty Sher gt They asunuy select three any enmplni are Grand Jury Those selected tor the Petit Jury whose names are drawn out ot hat can be challenged by the Crown or the council for the accused it they are in any way unaccept able Wfllflfl The juror receives sit day or the period he is on iuiy and during that time must not discuss the case with anyone it it is murder trial the limb is anniined Last fall therewere seven Jurytrialsand they lasted three weeks Thiswas unusual but in dicates that Mime is on the in crease and likely to get worse noted the judge GREAT EXPERIENCE Judge Carter quoted the ex ampleot friend whohad hear called to serve on jury tora murder trial He wanted to get outof it asho was busy man He oouldnotdn so and spent 11 days serving on the Jury and vingin confinement Alter trial thefriend said that allinugh he was glad it was ï¬nished it had beeuoao ot the greatest experiences in his lite He had never realized how iatr ly the law was administered and how importantn roieiiie individual can play in its out co societies come together to share their homes and chil dren with other societies itiSiORIES Hetero tho conicrcnco the so cieties participating are given tho cnsc histories oi children ouch society has tor adoption and when we come together at the coniercneo each cnse history is presented and the society asks it some other society has home in their area tor this child Miss Charlcson explained At three meetings last toll children were placed to adoption in the province today there is no bacidogfl oi childrenrnivait ing adoption because we have worked so hard during the past 10 years to get children placed She inted out that the society is nivoys in need at adoptive homes The writing period tor child irom the time oi nppiicntion until the child is placed is us ually about year which is change trom lengthy waiting periods is few years ago tSccond ot scrics To Hold inquest in iVians Death Aninquest will bu held into the deoth oi Viliinm Keller Crown Attorney William Thompson announced last night No date has been set Keller la ischrold Borrie man was iound dead in im An gus residents car Friday morn ing working on th ensc ParirsGetiirrg Terriï¬c Use The Parks sehson is oil ion good start gt Parks Board Superintendent Jim Savage reports many people visited the parks and play grounds during the weekend to picnic and ploy There was no malicious dam ageoommitted and only few tables in gt8nyview Partrupset The litterbug is still around Mr Savage snid lheboards tree plantingva gram will be completed tomor row he added Some 400 trees will have been planted on so Bar rio street bouievnrdsu Te Demonstrate Value Of Crop This spring the growth on al faith is showing up pretty shod at the present time biit some ï¬elds at birdsiont treioil are questionable ns to whether they shoidd be left Dont be discouraged each day ill show more growth One field which was visited this past weekshowed considerable improvement at there was some apparent damage from henviog1t is now showing ï¬r estanli the root rtreéorr oincais havebeen Munbers oi the Legion were honored tor long service to the organisation at the annual awards night held Monday oven Lite membershisis in the Barr ric Branch at theJRo at Centre dian legioniicre rna to Rob on Kelly and Harry Wharton by Joe Jewell Six roenwere presented With certiiicotes oi merit tor contria buttons to the Barrie Branch Presentations were made to Cecil Mchluikin past presi durt Norbert Moron McGuire Jim Hughes bypost Prtogle piesideat it Rosa ii and by hast pmtdent Créwï¬ Gerry Hamid by post resident Rohert niare key by Al Giles mmbcm oi the Womens Aux iiiary werehonomd lor long service with the presentation oi tiio mcmhcrshipsby Mrs Pearl Burton charter member and auxiliary president Mrs Andy Skrypnycbuk Those receiving the awards included Mrs George Scadnn ï¬lm Edw Beta iiiiisséiifiiaveo coed for Maoygcmï¬huï¬mi yr Russell mud iausri Davey Mood gt became the person roceive the Wil liam Wright Memorial Tro phy as Barries Citircn oi the Yeor The presentation was made by Bert Rae president at the Bar rie Branch of tbuRoyal Can adian Legion iiilr Davey as honored tor his contributions to community senico outside oi his capacity as executive director at the Barrie YMYWCA moo COMPLIMENT in accepting the award he Mrs Harvey Cole Mrs Amy Botcs Mrs Viliinm Peacock Mrs Connie Cotes Mrs Frank Rings by past president Johnsooi and Mrs George MR AND Mas DAVEY WITH MAYoacooKa Cr to bred itn did pig teel lirortby out out worthiness thin you recoil INSPIRAHDN Mayorlr belie will no behaifoHiIa city said tun an honor to beMntedyith the event ind with the involved Usually the ected think theyre mi in the background abd they In not aware ot the tract that than have become so vital air exo Indoor to Mr Dav anti ï¬rmware things have one so nomenclable srmrnonirm The award was iortd 1952 the year in death nt iilr Wright situ member oltheBsrfis Branch of the Royal Canadian Woo and mining magnate Nn tributions to tha remembqu in the On handio onnsinhdm this years winner were Anita winner in 1961 and Ambition Sherring winner in 1881 iondon Ont it Torrancs Dunlap tormer manager at several Bank at Montreal 0n tnrio brooches ianeier oistand nrd bredhorSEs andviiitkna tlonnily known breedei o1 homing pigeons in government and corporate oiid gt rtg gessomein sound stocks offlanadisir dons and some in American growth have thirds to edule etipayrn it