Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1964, p. 4

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db COBsAGE is presented to the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Rankin Ilsa Jack lalr director ol the new Exemplar Chapter ol rwrvmmvm 17 WI by Mrs Burt Poop President ol the Sorority Mrs Norman News Of Kempeniélt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada ace BANQUET The First Edgar Brownie and Guide groups held mother and daughter danouet in the com bined mess on April 20 with total at 77 attending Each place was set with place mat made by Tawny Owl and telling the legend ol the crew who supposedly changed to black drab plumage because ol his greed alter emerging lrom tha Ark Head tabla was decorate with while tapers and cut llow ers donated by Commissioner Bury and sent later to hos pliallzed guide mother while the others were brightened with dolls made by the guides irom plas tic bottles to depict the phases ol guiding and its world wide membership The guests sat down toa lrred drlclren dinner iollowing grace by Padreliiaclnan The bless ing alterward was given by Pasdra laolgerI al gues evening waspegienda McMahon of Sixth Barrie Company who showed slides ol her international tour to Great Britain Brenda explain ed how she came to be chosen as one ol the Canadian contin and amused much enlistin iles among the girls For the most part the slides depicted the re art historical landmarks which have with stood the ravages of centuries Tawny Owl Wilson thanked Brenda for her contribution to the program and presented her lth an engraved spoo pre lent EoéivEd han erchlel with motifs of their particular group as souvenir or the eve Head table grins introduced by Commiuioner Bury included Rev JT Bolger Rev and Mrs Mactean Brenda BrownOwl Davis Tawny Owl Wilson Captain Snyder Lieuten ant Page and Assistant Jackie Banning LA AND GUIDEKS COUNCIL Barrie Central District held combination local association and guiders council meeting on April 14 at the home ol Mrs Woods with 19 members at bending Lieutenant Rosemary Pearce of the First Barrie Guide Com pany was presented with her warrant by Commissioner Grac ey The need for leaders was dis cussed and guiders asked to have their resignations submit tedbyMay 15 at each year it they do not plan to continue in September so that more time may he had to tilt thevacancies Anyone interested in the move ment is welcome to attend law meetings without leeiing oh ligated to continue ii the pro gram does not appeal district camp is to be held at Basslaake lrorn Aug 12 to 23 Captain Presser recently re ceived three recrulb into the wider service oi guiding when she heard the promises oi Karen Kaschl Patty and Yvonne Bromrldge all now lull members ol the First Allandale Guide Company BROWNIE BANQUET flre Ahandnle District Brow nies achieved 100 per cent at endancc when they welcomed mothers and guests to the an nual mother and daughter ban quot held at St Georges Par lslr Hall on April 27 Brown Owl Day welcomed the guests and the llev Walter Dyer led in grace Guest speaker was Commie sioner Dyer who used as her ubiect The Bmwnle Promise Mrs Dyer was introduced by Tawny Owl Calder and thanked by Brown Owl Brice Nancy Acker Janet Grant and Paula Holder were all recip ients ol golden bar badges with Jill Calder and Kathy Heels both eceivlng collector badges three your service star was presented to Debbie Hunter and the shield for the sixoi the year was awarded to the Kelples Acting Tawny Owl Peggy Crawford thanked the mothers and guides who served the pot luck dinner and also introduced head table guests wh liiciuded the Rev Dycrlempenlelt Division comndssiorier Grassy Captain Presser and lieutenants Sager and nlckar oi the guide ompany Brown Owl Day and Tawny Owl Caiderol theFirst Allandale Pack and Brown Owl Brice and Tawny Owl Sharek ol the Second Allandale Pack Commissioner Graoey led in the closing prayer alter which taps was sung DIVISION EXECUTIVE Members at the Division Ex cutive met April 27 at the home or Commissioner Gracey Among the letters read was one from Miss Milne who is the Doc Loire Administrator ac cepting our invitation to be guest pcaker at the Annual Division Dinner Meeting scheduled lor Juno Mrs Bobicr and Mrs Selwood again consented to convene this event It was announoed that com prehensive training or packies is tentatively scheduled for Oct in Orilila to be in Charge of trainers Janet Evans and Em ily Lloyd Parade orders were distribut ed for the annual parade to be held May 23 at which time Russell Davey of the YMYWCA will he the speaker As previously the parade will assemble at city hall marching Queens Park lor the pro gram In the event of rain the parade will be conceded butlhe program held as scheduled in smesm that mm the Barrie Armoury Mothers groin could Vrnahe camp uniforms to rent to guide or the camping season is shown at Mrs Poppa iclt Beta Sigma Phi Mark Anniversary Barrie chapter ol Beta Sigma Phi celebrated the 33rd anni versary oi the organizations toundlng last evening with Founders Day banquet held at the Continental inn Special guests for this occas ion were members oi the Al pha Phi chapter Mrs Burt Poop served as chalrrnnn oi the Founders Day banquet Mrs Phyllis Holiman at Trenton was toastrnistress Other members participating in the rogram included Mrs Norm lion and Mrs Jack Fair directors oi the chapter Mrs Larry Gilliland gave the 33rd anniversary summary at events The Founders Day pledge was given by Mrs Jean Battersby CHAPTER GROWTH The first chapter the sor oer was lormed at Abilene Kansas by Walter Ross There are now 75th chapters arid115000 members in it coun tres in addition to the banquet traditional ceremonies were ob served The history oi the local chapter was reviewedand nine new members recervcd their iirst welcome to membership RITUAL 0F JEWEL New members received in eluded Miss Lillian Schultz Mrs Robert Gibbons Mrs Jack Cain Mrs Jim Duliield Mrs Ray OGrr Mrs Marvel Du Mrs dry Morgan am Phi Mu do eat Mrs Rowland Dobson lirank Dan ville Those reoeiviogExemplrrr Do grees were Mrs Burt Popp Mrs George Mildta Mrs May Judd Mrs JeanBattersby Mrs Frank Gracey Mrs llao old Nichol Mrs John errett and Mrs John Loveli Miss Marilyn Michelson was selected or the honor ol present ing the special message lrom the international headquarters in Kansas City Mrs Norman Rankin pre sented the Girl ol the Year award to Mrs John Mokren must expand their viewpoints as Skit Depicts Role OiChurch in The Family skit showing the rightiul place oi the Church in the lives at its members and the need for loving understanding in the Church family was presented at recent meeting of the Wm mens Association at First Bap tist Church Mrs Walter Grant hams group planned the pro gram and the devotions and Mrs Angus Munro conducted the business period his membership in the Bap tist Womens Missionary Society was presented to Mrs Karl Bell by Mrs Beatty on behalf of the Womens Associa tion in recognition at her laith luiservlce and prayerful inter est in missionary wo vrlvaflVvt arrir4aamim ew¢wwmlflzv by his particular local atrocio 322 designed 113233 LUIilC chairmen in adminis nuuanorueumhonnu Wm Wham at Pasadena Molasses CLlJ oi Em ria attended the tr non tonnes this week at the Park Plan Hotelin iioronlo spawn ed by the Lila Underwriters Ao lociation oi Mc Lugan was ona group oi tile underwrite drown ANN torrents nanng nlnss To Redeem Romance Dear Ann Ladders You told Bill who complained that his 37yunold wilawas no longer interested in sex that her omb lem was probably mental Well disagree with you That letter could have been written by my husband be cause lm 37 too and not in terested in sex Dont tell me loeed psychiatrist just wantmy busbandto treat me like woman instead at an an pilance ll man wants his wile to be romantic he should be will log to turn all the TV once in while and put down the news paper Why doesnt he give her low lines irom that super sales talk he used during court shipwhen he was trying so hard to break down her virtual Too manyhusbands treat their wives as if they are doing them lavor by coming home nights instead voi going else where Th ey talk endlessly lalbout the cute chicks in the ol ce Please Ann tell these com plaining husbands to stop blam ing their wives Most women would be delighted flattered avcn thrilledll their husbands made an honut to goodness pass at them Like old times anty Hinge Dear linstyr Many women like hundreds wrote to say the same thingand lm happy to print this point of view which is valid one The original letter from Bill however made it clear that he was romantic and made many WI Workshops Still Popular rounrrrr tCPBoard mem hers ol the Womens institute were told Thursday that while the number oi branches are dclt creasiugthe number ol women taking part in all workshops and training schools at the Womens Institute has in creased Miss Helen McKercher di rector of home economic serv ices told the board that women inreasing tree time allows them more chance lor sellreal ization Women must adjust to new ideas to take advantage of the progress in science she said For example cooking and sew ing now are creative arts rather than necessities oi nothing else for months Dad later Sonrevnights he doesnt ATTEND WONT Mr and Mrs Panda Ind Barbara Metros Avenue Mrs Parry toillngwood 8t and sin Kirby Cookstowo It tended the Gir Guide Gold Cord certillcrte presentation In North Bay on Saturday oven wt Miss Barbara Pelrsonhaus ori all guid to receive her call honest to goodness passes like old times His wile was cold toman who thought was too old ior sex Have you all got it straight nowli DREAM CASTLE Dear Ann Landerr am boy who llnds his com plete bore use on weekends On Monday mo when am laced with live days at school the only thing that keeps me going is the thought ol the weekend dont hate school just find it awlully hard to knuckle down let assignments go till the last minute because id rather day dream ll you can help are conquer my problem so can make some hallway respectable grades have been able to bluil my way through high school by last mln uta cramming but dont think can get away with it in col lege HelpDennis Dear Dennis person who spends live days out ol seven day dreaming needs profes sional help This iatoo long time to be out at this world Dream castles ara lun to visitI but anyone who tries to estab llsh permanent residence in dream castle is likei to lind himsell in deep troub SEEK HELP Dear Ann Landon Every thing was llna in our iamin rm til dad lost lot of money in business my mother told him not to go into Mom took the financial loss so hard she talked began to stay out later and come home at all To get even mom has started to go outtoo lriend ol moms who is divorced seems to know lots single men who are short of company lnr alrald ours is going to be broken home if something isnt done soon My lolks hardly speak to each other and we haven had iamily mealln ages lm l7 and WE be in col lege soon but my two sisters need both mom and dad What can dotPanic Button Dear Panic You probably have clearer nation at what has happened to your parents and whythen theyhave Ask each oi them in turn to go to gather to clergyman and air their problems Communica tions have broken down com pletely and unless they are re stored there will be nothing but agony for everybody sponsored by the Womens Aur lliary oi the com and is held both in spring and the lail ice lemonade and cookies are served cciving the guests was Mrs Ronny wile oi the rector Ticket salm were convened by Mrs Bead ins isms era untried by Mrs Dene bcrllne Miss Cole Mrs Van Mr was linala in sight wonder unfit mi mm Presidents Widow In Appreciation cy has received card of an reclation lrom Mrs John sympathy to Mrs Kennedy at the time oi her husbands as sassination presidents widow is acknowl edging all of the cards of sym pathy received by her JOINMB IN cup at Anglican St Giles Colleo Party was nnrcmnda lnrlt breads and col at the notice tables ite The lovely may ol horns bak allies and salads as arrang by Mrs Rog Oo the lancywork table was Mrs Dolores Brandon ol Vas ennody Mrs Brandon sent her it is understh that the late Church Mrs is cause calico asks advs Ron 13 Pt WY ay 01 St Giles many guests who at tended the annual Mm Par Women Gather For Coffee Break tilt St Giles Anglican Church an arrangement oi bat boxes handknitting and sewing and mlorlul plastic toys This table was convened Dourne assisted Moodie Mrs King and Mrs Roworth lIIs relreahmants were srod and served by avg rs Johns and her assist ants Mrs Lamb Mrs Westgata Mrs Parouharaon Mrs li Frallck Mrs Mat Beloro Yon Shy Fan Compare As To All II WORKMANIIIIP AND aaova Au PRICE Lula Selection To Irlit Even Bndglt we lnvita Your rsroso non No obuuuon Qumran OHPARIND CDLII HOME lltlsiutlon doornuns wrunus runs Darrlsa Exclusive Farrier who makes and sells lnrl only Barrio Toronto Dunlap St Mrs Mrs ty 0n Mr Ronaya tell is Mrs Henderson Lamb one ol the fly mavenera Esme iner hoto thaws Mn Jay Mrs Waurhier Mrs Marshall Mrs Tomlinson Mrs Muir Mrs Ferguson While mothers slipped colleen downstairs the ddlra were well taken care ol in the nur sery arranged by Mrs Kna and her helpers Mrs Art Mrs Georglsnnl Mrs Mitchinsnn Mrs Judge and Mrs Laws FOOD MARKET TOP QUALITY rso Collier 7185830 COUNTER MEAT ssrcs up to 57 OFF rrrnss rnsrsrr err bTWiAER i°ii Sm fwuh chanson is nameless cleanysilenl And there is ten yearguarantee on the tank APPROVED The new fCascsda 40 WaterBeatlng Appliance on saraovnnrnooncr davdoped ltiullipiyinpiriends not busines hulalroirlry AWOmWHi biasestasmoinpmoipuonsrnasrnesnows sisunis rrrcrncwrrrnurrnue APPLIANCE tlplylngtrlendsandc1rstomers minimal arperl thatpeoplaanioyeorrring hack and mu can usgovgk inductor win eylcellikethoyveheendoingi monstrous Cheese NOW FROM OUR OF PlPlNG HOT WATER MONTH Exams EACH DAYVANDIT COSTS To AND vAnrnncorsacrron Y°u om Mrs Bushidge reported on When comes the LA meandng lshire and Mr pro vtnzlallfiaynnhal in Hamilton W5 mg gowns rummage sale was held to gt day hour toan at the YM YWCA through the combined research and resources of Ontarlogfiydro and electslast manulscturersi The same monflr Matchless ectzjié water heating lapsoven to he ver 90 method may onlybe as much as 66 efficient ludep ent Surveys prove that withflst leelectric ter ting

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