=17er mm Waamrems aqauwmmpeaMv inwarme urnrm Manner Thatcher Vim rr cfldflwï¬ï¬ Delights Pearson dsvdnlsooFinssyrr gt gt its Premier Khrushchev 10 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Pobhiher Wilson own FRIDAY MAY ins Pan BYGOLLY WE DID 1T1 Public Defenders For Proper Representation The Ontario joint committee on legal aid has heard strong proposal that provincial governmentfinanced public defender system he created to ensure that all accused persons are properly re gt would be acting wrongly ted court This is one recom that should be closely studied Especial comnrittee completes its current casings throughout the rprov plan put fornardjLthe Minimum mber of Commercecaiied for the cre ation of slocal office of public defender in ery county The chamber raised the ssrbiiity that the Law Society of nger anada be given control over suc scheme Ontarios present legal aid plan isadminisbered by Toronto lawyer who assigns counsel from volunteer panel and handles some defence work himself The provincial government makes an an nuni grant of $20000 to the law society toward the cost of operating the pro gram Ontarios de uty attorneygeneral Common rs chairman of the spe cial committee said that popular aver sion to the public defender type of legal aid came from the danger of conflict of interest in the governments appointment of both prosecutor and defender It is difficult to see he ths province twere to see that alipersonsfacing court cliar eshsd the shore opportunity to defend emsei ves The government provides an ex er ienced lawyer to conduct the prosecu ion in cases coming before Ontario courts ManyraccusempersonseitheregoewithouLdoMrmmmrsrunore counsel altogether or have to rely on the 11 pof inexperienced lawyers Public defender schemes have been successfully introduced in many parts of the United States in recent years Wheth er the principle shouid be applied in Ont ario will be up to the government to de cide on the basis of the findings of its committee Perhaps the answer lies in setting scale of fees that would act as from ucement for lawyers totake le gal aid cases under the present arrange mentBut whatever is done it cannot be long delayed if the concept of equality before the law is to have any meaning in this province DOWN MEMORY LANE 70 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance April 19 1894 Carload of home boys from Eng land passed through town Saturday after noon on western train Number of If front street stores have new paint job Steamer Lillie at Levi Carieys boat works for repair Road Overseer scott has started wor th gang of men Market hill Mulcsster st first to get patched ice blew out of bay April12 Townwatering cart has been doing good service on streets past 10 days inspector Spry of Post Office Department being transferred to London Inspector Jones coming here from Kingston cyclis left Barrie am and Av atBradford with score 134 out of140 forwarded £100 to Barrie fire brigadefor helpingvfi trblaze at Aliandale statio Grand frirnk Town Council asked tenders for lum ber supply for sidewalks Fraw ley who was in West Indies for health has returned to town Charles Ellis of Bradford visited Barrie Saturday on hrs bicycle Great many wharves ice Serious conflagration took place at Lisle destroying store and stock of it if Little George Andersons tailor shop and other buildings Engine from Allandale arrived too late to help Seeding commenced in many parts Sirncoe County Stays ner branch Bank of Commerce has been discontinued Faliwbeat damaged by frost in port tern parts of county New creamery started in Tottenham Over 15000 cords of wood delivered to or raiiwa statlon at Orr Lake last winter cicncyf Ix rs useer noon LONDON 1110 plan of Dr Richard inching chairman of British Railways todcpriva tho lhoil of the north aiseouurr of rsilwsy pcrvlpes by closing down the lines running north and west from famous has beenknochcd on rebuff by Erna Harpies mlnimr of transport The lines which the railway board mailed to clou won two in Ono runs north from lnvernessin Wick near John DGrosLI the most northerly point In Britain Tbn other runs west to tho Kyle of hobsloh from which point fer rlcs connect with the ills of Sky and other Hobridnn ls lands in addition to bringing roveouo to the north of Scotland from tourist traffic they were tho only means of transport for ths people living in then High land srcu The pro scd closure of there rsliwsy inc has been vetoed by the minister of transport He did so after receiving rcport from thrScotllsh Trlnsport UI is ers Consultative Committee This committee held public inquiry at invcrncss recently in its re port to the minister it stated that the closing of these lines would esuse extreme and wide spread hardship to the people offho north SPECIAL PROBLEM in awrittcn reply given in the Hausa oi Conunons Mr Marple said that ho had dc cidcd in present circumstances to refuse consent to the closure proposals He was still consid ering however whether certain intermediate stations could be closed to passenger traffic with out csuslng hardship The rallwsy board has esti mated that the ultimate annual savings from complete closure oi the Kyla of Lochaish line would be about 60000 and from the closing of the wick line about 3720000 Mr Marplcs in his reply said that it was re cognized that the transport pro blchn the northern Highlands was one of special nature ROADS ARE POOR wouldngres with him very readin in this because in my travels through the whole of that area of Scotland have seen very few roads that would be suitable for the operation of an alternative bus service Most of them are single lane tracks with passing points every two or three hundred yards psrt to enable motor vehicles to pass each other Many of the small bridges on these roads would not be capable of car lng bus traffic On one pccasr Iwas travelling in small bus on one of these rosdswhen it went into deep ditch to the left while the driver was trying to keep clear of sheer drop right BIBLE THOUGHT Yo are bought with price Oorintbinnl mo Purchased by Christs dying Io service 55 unoccupied lots 5o fills was good ground for his bfnrplcssvlnglnjisCom mans than was strong evidence at present thorn ls no ldsqusts alternative to Ibo rsllwayvurvles nor Is there to be for some MW if mum snsport Buddha lnltlatod snsport the Highlands In sufficient roads of width and mum that will carry bus traffic than iittls llkllibood of the railwa being discontinued oceans pm Is Very Much By DON onrnuw TORONTO The man who hasnt been here has received lot of attention in the house this year The former minister of eco nomlcs and development floor crt Mscsulny has not been in the House vsry often But his presence is still very much felt When the estimates of his old department were before the House large share of the or position criticism centred on comparison of the dcpnrtmsnt Cobalt Mayor Meets Spooner COBALT Ont CHMamie Cunningham mayor of this community 70 miles north of North Bay said Wednesday she and Councillor Jake Koaa will meet Municipal Affairs Minister Spooner Monday to discuss eviction of 5s Cobalt residents from their homes Mayor hrnninghsm said Councillor Kora was in Toronto Monday He discussed the pmh iem briefly with Mr Spooner and arranged the pointment for meeting She said Mr Spooncr had rough ides of the problem but nothing has been decided Thefsmiiics who own their homes but not the land have been given notices to vacate by May 15 ths landowncdby Mao fertnet Cobalt Midsfleibed Tenants have threatened to re rslst the eviction with force Msatermct sold mineral rights to the land in 1048 but retained surface rights flrs srsscomprlsea 56 occupied and fine azva ilss indicriicd it doesnot intend to renew rental agreements enonrion MORE Austrsllan wheat production tailed 307000000bushrls in love who can boast selfsuffi4 196m puffy 30000000 bushels Siftillitlllti 1qu Sushi Superior quality sonbob lad muse bar food to feed your lrwn mdurlly minions period storm 40 pounds lords £000 Iii qusnfrst Turf Spscisl pic was lilisr sods lawns brnlllllsf roads ooh drudstiun gt marathon the previous year pounds do 0m nrrf Splelsl plumb lists usual crumb sstisrr sonnets outrun you lungfled your thI tool one 20 pound bag and moholl fold the Swreml Soviet the rum wss sn unwis provocation side st wreckingtbo wmmit icon fondcs AJLS stats de grinned said on Wo Attempt tova soviet air space and thug never has goon his snmmiï¬nlaig fluMandalay in arm was evacuated by British msi from Radio lIlspildltiitisr bod inheo Macauiays Presence Felt under him and as it is today And more than once during the session the charge has been made that slum he retired the tgovernment has lostimsglnn on IFMAKKABLE MAN No matter how much truth there is in thil now that he is not active we are beginning to realise just what remark able msn Mr Macaulay was while here Dicept possibly for Mitch Hepburn there probably never has been man at this rent of government with the vision and drive he showed Except for the developments in education nearly all of the regressive steps being taken ere iodsy stem directly or in directLy from him ra his old department there is the trade crussde still boom ing ths industrial development agcn the housing program which it seems finally get on its feet and or note worthy uctlvity But even outside his depart ment his mark has been left revived and rcorgsnlud department of tourism and in formntion stcmsr back to study that he ordered in agriculture an enlarged promotion program is at least rnsrtLv due to him he was go to flat farm products Into Ihe trade crusadssnd the ag rlcuituro depart nt stsrtcd hustling on is ownl Then of course he built up the image of the government at large orners vorL is interesting to recall just one of his ventures in area This was his Conference of Women You may recaiivth it was started somcmonths efore the eiediun With huge pocktail party and dinner Eventuaily the interest of 500000 women in the province Was aroused The conference nevarldid too much it is now being revived on smaller scale But in the election there would have been PC provlnclal election into which 500000 women tempted to vote ny rsrsrcx rumour ohmsnu defect or the Saskatchewan CC government isregsniod hero or spcrotnsi triumph for the Liberal leader err menac so from the indent field and immimnt into the si party from the our Cï¬ bs stineu an unusually Chan interest in Ottawa for than two reasons Firstho is well remembered on Psriismcnt liilL when his gshsrp tom Ictfvsied by his unusually quick mind was sf wm quick to out any political protrusions down rosiu and when his no talent was scam of punst gold rcady for any journalist to mine Secondhis abandonment of the CC and his subsequent adherence to the Liberal party sparked powder train which is significantly spunlag our fragmented politics back to the two party system Hil victory in Saskatchewan was hoped for by Liberals hero but not confidently expected as was shown by the outburst of surprised enthusiasm with which it was greeted by the timersi caucus on Parliament Awonderful birtde pres eat for Prime Minister Pear fun one Parliamentarian slid mo ALL THAT BLISTERS Thc unoonceaicd delight of the federal Liberals will give way to doubts when therslgni frcsnco of the Thatcher victory comes to be analysed it will be found that in the words of Shakespeare all that glisters Rosa Thatcher stands ideolog ically far to the right of the present Liberal philosophy as evidenced in mans East block which in act now stands lust about where Ihe former CCF leader Coldwetl himself an exMberai stood when Ross Thatcher abandoned his party decade ago This fact is wellrecognized here among the powerful left wing brains trust behind and ginger group within the federal Liblt eral party very importhnt angle which has not yet been publicly noted is the pattern of recent the Thatcher victory fits This is that in all the 10 provincial MOTORS rr rowan sr rrr enamel councils oirrlusmy Turf specs plus insect killr in contra white grubr sud jwurnrs 0m an nub9mmer or 3yssrsf0pousds fesfssrlrf trusts M00 Garden Smell Sprdsilyfvrrnulstsdfuod farrnscsï¬imringplrnn shiuhs vsgshblss windcnboxchudmbv rrnrinrurrr liswarillllnd illicit vigorous rooh rnd stems 50 pounds foods in Alberta tiny favored Soda Credit over the liberals in Manitoba they nippcrted thl Cmscrvstivea over the Libero sis did the voters of Du tsrio This pattern of prcfuriul Conservative government to liberal govsrnrnent also wss favored in REL and Nova Soottn in Quebec and New Brunswick tho powerful French Canadian vote ovornried this pattern And Newfoundlandm of cornurcgudicss of his early us siwsyr wrli um Joey Smsliwood sduistcd as tho Santa Clsus who bronchi them Canadian fsmlLvallow snoes floss nrstch rs first declsh stion after his victoryassuming that recounts and into votes will maintain his majority mounted to In annouhccmenl of the massive demolition of ths undesirable inlerferurces of state socialism and return to free enterprise in Which swan Car insurance and rosdbulld ing again will be opened to tho fresh winds of competitions ihough the government will compete in the former Glasscotype commission will be setuplo eliminate ill and waste from government or pcndiiures And as token of Thatchers determination Io run government as efï¬ciently as to previously ran his prosperous business he wlilrcduco the provincial sales taxat time when other provinces ass in creasing theirs As this column commented recently the ihstchsr brand of freeenterprise social wcifsrs politics could probably rom msnd popular maturity ICNII Canada today ronnson and co LTD rasvrr sssvrcs AgentsForAli MAJOR AIRLINES sresmsnrrs arous cowsures to in Ecuador nspistsncc in planning yourvscatlon 266525 r07 ounces can sunrnucrr