Surgery Necessary In Some cases By JOSEPH MOWER MD Dear Dr Nelsen am l1 yeIMld man and have trouble phasing my urine dont have any pains except little burninr sensation tor short time wonder ii the prob lem could have anything to do with my prostate glandlHS lhlI me mult mm an en lured proItIte land Then could be other causes but they are not very common Prostate can ho ill Why ut guess not lust tell your doctor what tIouhles you are having and then let him make thtever tests Ire needed This isbt game in which you score points tor guessing what ails you This is serious business of correcting In Illr rnent quickly as possible The prostate is an unusual or gIn it is partly muscle portly glandular and it is shaped something like warped dough out it encircles the urethra through which urine ll released from the bladder 11 the pmstate becomes swol len or enlarged it can mairc the now oi urine dllIicult or can even InIlII it impossible to em the Hunter completely will an inflation to alarm inlection In some cases gory ls necessary to relieve the conditionand in tact may be urgent it it has been Iiinwed to progress ton in in other cases lesser treat ment otten is adequate ThI sooner it is treated the better or several msooI First the annoyance is stopped Second it is easier to treat lhlrd deten ring treatment can be risk to your lite because sometimes the enlargement is cIused by men 0i course other causes may be involved such an stone or inlection of some sort Dear Dr Mother am Illa betic Ind one tablet day coho tmlrmvcaseJIlsouserteIt tape daily and tlnd can eat reasonable Imount at Iweets and it doesnt show on tha teat tape 13 this sale to do as long as the tIpe does not show au gIrlMrs 1115 You and may have dltlen ent ideas In to tht constitutes sweeu To me the word means candy coilee cahe glared doughnuts lam Jelly desserts sugar in beverages and so on nlsonnhle amount iInt TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie nunsnar ArnII so too Mr II ar Popeyea ram RInla DInlI NU lhmbetnna rorrltnry News Weather sports Dr KildIra 1h Lu Show The al Grindl Parade Naked city can IV News wmhu Sports News ania ThI aItl Av run II lut rouorh Im so Allen Inoo NationIl Schools sosn chu 821 II Nursery school gunner $0113 own itineIlIday Report nve They MadI In Crtmlnln PIIaword Scarlett r1111 rm so Neadly uIahI MlIterhlars Sir Francis Drake Pnpnyn Potty naqu Dania some r1 or he or News weather spam Wagon mu Country Hoadm The Dnlandara lelIIcupa The Untouchables our TV les Weather sports Newl Movie sot York AmnAr MA Test Pattern Nboat Annie own res r1 smth Gama oi the Week Bowlini no Kenton perhv Ireern rum Rt cord amoun one To Tell the Truth Great Movies The Sundowuera Kid GalIhld quntta ort Unillnltofl TV News glamr Nawl Snort Captain or the cloudi thonnel Buffalo IDAY APRll 00 Capt Bob Huckleberry Hound The Illamln rnaIy 1m nunuayarmuty News Bishop sheen 81th Precinct Dr Klldm Karel Kraft tutM NIWI Weather Sport Tonight Show Aha Report AY MA Capt th samu Gorilla lh 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cIuh more cumu Nine Intro The Malntlirent nouhaem In News Weather Sports The Great Adventure was or Worn Va Aooy minus Jack Ben osn LetsSlIIl us who Gunamole moo utIoou um use Isotro Final use SporLI soon too nououou 1140 mm Berton Show mo Death Valley Days IAIUliIIAY MA 730 MIII Cartoon Forty Junior Auction Cartoon Party Sea lllwk Wish You Were ism Win Bill fllutfl Pilan lAnd Duo WII Beautiful Wreatllrrl liiiln Amund the Hausa Punch Ind Johnny III 11m Altar rour Wuna Train The story 01 Saturday rlllht llon lnIe 1m Breakinl Point ClV lel MItro Final Answering Service Channel Buffalo rovers arm In AW rn soom Storm Lean It To sum so Oclock Show Bil Treel Headline News sport has mth Na Bat MIItarIon Password Rawhide Parry Mason um mime spoon ewl II II The Inn snow sarotala rnsnAv MA 00 Th SemtJm sso um It To Beaver Inn The Oclock Show Aaron tho wu Missouri one Headline Na sport ces Evening Nawl room An runny The Great Adventun The flint zone AIrred Hitehenck Nle Weathlr Sports The Inn snow The Iron Who NIver was IAIUIInAY MAY 7Io Sunrl some Poplyll mom run to Learn mug or Meï¬nwh nun Play eusa nth rm rth lheltny Rolarl Shh Sky Klnl Tennesxsa mode Rural Review rum Ireturqu IlauothIIIIquIImIrwet en uc tllng no line News Scam us Round The Iacrlo mama Show The Detenderl Phil sIIvm Show Bunmoll Na Weather dr Sports ar News sees 5E FFFFEpuas $33833 srgtpev 222323 1115 20 res999340 53 383883335 EQE uypyrr 8883 his as Morle Pickup Ailey CARRIER MISS Iout hII not arrived one please phone 7282433 And any Will SeDeuvemdIoxhur Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THISVSERVIEE vqu TAXva DRIvsvoussstr CAR AND rRucxs EFE E7 E1 lranl Burmaha Nobieton called on Mr and lira Gordon Lluder durlnlthe week Vincent Reno and Mrand Mrs Maurine Hayes wermsIn day supper guests with Mr and Mn Norma Daugherty Barrie Mr Ind Mrs Herbert McKem tie lhronlo were Sunday vill tora with Mr and Mrs Ralph mm and alteaded the baptism ol their grandson Peter Herbert Alter attending the baptism nl their gr dd ght beisa Dawn very duinlta Either it one tablet dry controls your case you are lucky But why stretch your luck With diabetes the body cant handle carbohydrates starches and In gIrl normIily it is possible or your blood Iugar level tn be elevated with out showing in the urine test And what about your weight it you are gnining its time to reverse that trend My advice boils down to play me Dear Dr Molner Recently you implied that one can waste money on vitamins ol the type recommended tor people in their 30s dos and older What do you adviserMn LM didnt intend to imply that meant to stress that some people are wasting money by tolling tor the any sales pitch about supersuper guaranteed vitamins and minerals Im not opposed to vitamins But wellhnianced diet gives you all you need still tool that its pretershla In the long run to see your doc tor ones or twice year and let him guide you to vitamin pills that will he better and Elï¬eIperif you need them It ï¬rst 5E ton visited her sister Mrs don Eidweil Sunday ANGUS By MR5 DUCKWOBIE Rev and Mrs Willie and Alired attended the innate service ThIrrIdIy or Mrs George Scriver Dunedin Mr Willis conducted the service Mr and Mrs Wilfred Wilson and two daughters Mount non visited Rev and Mrs Wiiiia Sunday Service in Angul United church will be held It It In DST with the pastor RIVJA EWllllt in chem who end Scout Mothen Aux iilary are holding euchra Friday May pun in lonl Hall Mr and Mrs Ernst llam mond arrived home lIonI St Petershurg FII where they spent the winter months Mr and Mrs George FIlconIr and DebbiePickering Ipent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton and Mr and Mrs Duct worth Ipent last Wednesday and Thursday with relatives and Itriends in lbmntn and Pinker ill Mrs Sam Erwin la silent in Royal Victoria Hospita Em rle Ind William McQuIy In Western llospital lhronto Their triends wish them speedy re covery Mr and Mrs GoIdon Withers visited Mr and Mrs Ross Whale Droyton recently Mrs Henry Winnipeg to visiting her sister and brother lnlaw Mr and Mrs Gordon Withers or couple at weeks Mr and Mrs George OCon nor and Barrie visited last Sunday wth Mr and Mrs Frank OConnor Mr and Mrs Sandiord Page visited Sunday with Mr and his£1 Robert Cowling Honey CONTRACT BRIDGE sy JAY BECKER West denier North South vulnerable NOW AO CABS was Ins omen muons wï¬bldll exqrsoeu es AKY Q35 bidding WI North Eu loll so Pan PII Opening leadking oi hearts Most players tend to be low when it comes to the play of the cards They make no ellort to unslyze the probable hoidinK ol the unseen hands and be cause they play more or less mechanically they run into un necessary trouble Take case like this one Vieat opens the bidding with three hearts preemptive hid dealghi 00 up ed to make lilo dltlicuit tor the opponents it he seems likely they have the better hands Norths best bet is to pass since his hand deteriorates great ly in value once he learn that West has henIt lenBth South stretches hil values em cumin lengths CPoirIt om moo Wt ï¬ï¬‚flfllflfl unlulguul llllï¬ï¬‚l little in hid tour spades ainee he does not need much Iona North to produce ten trlcirs North silent up to this point Tide logically raises South to West leads the king ol hearth neclaror plays the ace and East rutis Eventually East makes diamond trick and South loes down one Now this result may be charg ed up to bad luck by some play ers but it would be more cor rect to place the blame tor the detest at Souths door South should make the sham and there are no two ways nhnut it llil plsy at trick one wns thousht less snd coal his side 1130 points in view of the bidding it cer tainly should not home as sur prlse that West may have been dealt sevencord suit To 17in the are at hearts and put it on the chopping block on the opem ing lend lI surely the wrong play JULIET JONS BLONDIE Dnclsrer can count 12 winners as soon as dummy comes down and all he has to do to melts the slamlr be sure that they dont get away This he can readily accom plish by ducking thI king of hearts when it is led and duck ing again it West continues with the queen He can then score 12 tricks easy as pie little thought at trleit one is all that South needs to make the hand llomnrrow Teal your dummy pay gt DAILY cRosswonn so shoe 210strich like GRANDMA DONALD DUCK LES CANADIENS ran mar Anni cesr LAW new WME moo scene wemomavmm Rumours Fume auoulrsseu slimmest Neuve nn termite 21 allowances neouemssnus Iecomauneuem ousmemenes rshresonsechuesorhtuums mum Itottnasw downtownImusva Wm TltEmeRiHERE ANle JOBDF DRYINGdtAmfl WA OWENTD BET AN GUESS WHVWERE MRSUPFER EAST DRINKING OUTOF NIBHDO FEED NSWDMAI DO THE SHE HlinstsnizsIaw LoNESoM AND ewes wsswumvau Iwow How 5145 HATES TD SIT iN Nielifs WONDER ETTAS MAO AT ME FOR NOT TAKNG HEBTOTHE MCME kmnA CALL DUE DATE OFF AT THE Lasr MINUTE will rrtoola uke ARRIsIha Joe Arzguvovnu me iE museums ï¬g mromuumv 19 lilWEN iiiE WWI PAPERS rlttVlAPES uvrmumnumueunusruemlrsmm mm eoruromllsomosv MN hmelr mono