rec2y Ivegun naeN Business ros LUNCH Workmen demolishing Winnipeg building destroyed by tire last week enloy SIMCOE COUNTYNEW couscous By MRS II SAUNIER Sandra Coutts little friends recognized her on Romper Room last week Mr and Mrs Mac Stewart have commenced the building oi tlhlelr new home on the Fourth he Kenneth Ireland treated Chur ehill neighbours to dinner oi smells last week He and friends had catch of nine bushels Womens lnstltuta executive and program conveners met at the home oi the president Mrs William Johnson Monday eve gng to plan programs for 106 EUCIIRECANCER FUND The euohre in old oi the Can cer Fund in the hallWednes daynight was successiul Woi rnens Institute are grateiul for all donations Winners were Mrs Rogers Mrs Flow ers and Mrs William Boychoii Mr Hewson Frank Iockhart andCecil Csrter ART EXHIBITION Jessie Monkmans Private School of Art at Cooketown held an exhibition of oil painting April zttb and 25th Mrs Monk man and so pupils had over ion paintings on display Six ladies from this area exhibited 21 plcc tures featuring flowers portraits birds horses and landscapes Those attending from here were impressed with the quality at the work FAMILY NIGHT Hats oli to John Ledlle for organizing Family Night at skating and hockey at Bradford Arena Friday evening There wanes large crowd and good time was had The young people won the hockey game against the old timers with score oi 52 This was for the congre gatidss oi the United church at Giliord Ebenezer and Churchill Mrs Page attended eonierence and retreat for cler gymens wives at Five Oaks Paris Tuesday and Wednesday Mr and Mrs Seymour Kell spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs George Bell and smiy at Bright Mr andMrs Rod Coutts were weekend guests oi their parents here Rod has completed his course at Waterloo University and has secured position in Toronto Sydney Thomas is serious III in Royal Victoria Hospita Earrie His sister Miss Thomas is staying in Barrie Mrs san Iord oi Victoria BC is with her aunt Miss Thomas The Christian Education com mittee oi the United church met at the home oi Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon Sunday night Ihetopic ior study and dis cussion was the needs oi the midweek groups of children on motion it was decided to limit the age oi Messengers from pre school toeight years beginning Sept 1st From nine years to 14 da new group will be organ ise M118 McCOLmUGE ihsIuneral oi Mrs Carlyis McCollough took Ines In Tor onto Thursday th interment at the Sixth Line Cemete Mrs McCoIioughythe former Pearl was in her Mr year iddwfldbsu resident oi Lot ormanyyeor hinges threedaughters Dor iMrs smith and Gloria Sinclair both of WI Mrs game oi biiiibrds durln lunch reek The billiard tale es coped flames which damaged lsry Friday night Mothers and WA members were invited Miss Hannon told oi her work with three groups Englishspeaking Jspaneseapeaklng and youth The GA entertained with music skits contests concluding with lunch Services in St Peters will be gin at 980 am commencing May for the summer months Douglas Michael intant son oi Mr and Mrs Arthur Quinn received the rite of baptism from Rev Trent on Sunday last HOLLOWS By mas cg aowneN Mr and Mrs Lloyd Connell oi Weston were callers at Mr Sod Mrs Chris Bowdens Fri ay TRIP TO ENGLAND Allan Bowden and Kevin oi Midhurst visited Mr and Mrs Bowden esday evening Bowden ad lust returned from being In England fortwo weeks He had been visiting his two sisters brotherinlaw nieces and nephews and some friends he had worked with is years when he was in England The weather was good while he was there and the flowers were beautiful CBiiIGHlIRST My M115 GASTON Mr and Mrs Douglas Read man and Maurice Readman To ronto visted their father at the weekend Mr Readman is pa timt in Banie Hospital Mrs Max Craig and Sheila were in Hamilton at the week end to visit Mrs Handy who is in hospital Miss Mary Craig oi Barrie is spending law days with Mr and Mrs Ern Carton Mrs David Sommersls pa tient in Penetangulshene hospitlt si We hope for good recovery Mr and Mrs Larry Sheffield oi King spent the weekend with GeorgeSheiileld and their in iant daughter was christened in St Johns Church Sunday mor nlng Sympathy oi old friends in the village goes to the iamily of Joseph Swan whose funeral was at St Johns cemetery Sa turdey Miss sto Deep River Ai lsn Sinton oi Chalk River and James Sioton oi Barrie were recent visitors with Mrs Sinton summon CBS Mas noaaas ems eedyirecovery is wished tor airs Ed Wiggins who is suiiering from pneumonia She Is convalesctng with he daugh ter Mrs Mei Sage Mrs John Thompson returned home last week alter spending the winter in Stayner Mr and Mrs John Ploege and Terry oi Barrie were Sunday visitors wit the farmers bro ther and he iamily Mr and re Harry Ploege wr ANNUAL Mrs Robert Estes opened her home for the annual meeting of Stayner Library was Thirteen palddnem contribution is years ago ior womens wear shop and jewellery store as well as billiard parlor election Ollieers ior 190465 are past president Mrs Arnott Car ruihers president Mrs Robert Munro viespresidents Mrs William McEachern Mrs Mac McGauiey secretarytrea surer Mrs Bule assistant Mrs Robert Bates Branch Dir ectors Mrs Henry Van do Vel den Mrs William Bates Mrs William Patterson District Dlr ester Mrs Ed Spleher sitar oate Mrs Everett Lougheed auditors Mrs Arnott Carruth ers and Mrs led Weei Conveners Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs Ed Spiehar Mrs Gordon BuieiCIt lzenship and Education Mrs Ro hert Bates Mrs John Cook Historical Research and Cup rent Events Mrs William Fat tersoo Mrs Everett Lougheed Home Economics and Health Mrs William Bates Mrs Mac sxmiriuswssli McGauiey Public Relations Mrs Archie Cuiham Mrs Art Giiien Friday evening May the planning meeting is to be held at the home oi the president EUCRRE CLUB Suonldala Corners Hailwas filled when to tables oi players attended the secondlast weekly euchre Wednesday evening Mrs Pearl Weatherup and An drew Montgomery won high score Margaret Clark and Ev erett Iougheed consolation door prizes Mrs Elwood Gilien and Harold Moore Refreshments wire served by Cains Corners RUGBY By MRS JOHNSTON Thomas Rodgers spent several days in Hillsburg visiting rela tives and irieods bngratviations to Mr and Mrs Jack Scott on the birth oi son Congratulations to Bob Tud hope who is the new Oro Town ship Clerk and at present is Working under hh uncle Wesley Iudhope Rugby group of the Icdera tlon oi Agriculture metFriday evening at the home oi Mr and Mrs Ed Johnson Mr and Mrs Burt Bray oi Orlliia showed slides of their bus trip to the wï¬at and they were enjoyed by The 4H Daisiettes and lead ers Mrs Jim Langman and Miss Marion Horne ass to be congratulated on their exhibit The Magic Milk Bottle ior whichMarion Moore was com snentahs also for the neat cordbooks they had not on getting the custards the girls had made which looked delie ious Several from the commun ity attended Aahievement Day atGuthrla Mr and Mrs Mei Jamieson Guthrie and Mr and Mrs EI wood Seavls of Harris visited Mr and Mrs WiLtred Johnston Greek Communist OutOniParoie AEGINA ISLAND Greacs AP Greek Communist so thony Amhatieios sentenced 17 as agains tisestats during the Comunist armed losurrectlol oi 1947451 our IGA BREAD DONUTS CALIFORNIA CRISP CEIERI us No cases FRESH snares astronauts UWIHywauwmwvwvï¬rmvrrm sroketv ism 04 Amen cuolce hi is cg IRISH YORK erWS with You Atwsvs oer unit more man YOU exam Tomato JUICE iiiOIfcsrsAsV on use no BAKERY DEPARTMENT FEATURES chocolate ennna piss WHITE SLICED KTAimmi romsro soup EVAPORATED ARNATION IGA PETFOOD ILK DOGOR CAT IGA Missourian FOIL WRAP or WAX PAPER 1WIiERE YOU ALWAYS car tiTTtEMOItE THANYOU sxescr iraices essacrlve ancervs arrexsns no NESTLES QUICK 2lb tin nacervs AN nxros ss IGA LIQUID DETERGENT nous FOR TOTAL$3 01 oo BONUS rare wms 09 BONUS TAPE WITH Pink 2441 size RECEIVE AN XTRA $400 BONUS TAPE WITH MOTHER PARKERS GUAKER MUFFETS RECEIVE AN FROZEN COD FILLETS 40 spoctsd any pkg Tea sass CEREAL EXTRA $200 BONUS TAPE WITH pkg of 60 1501 pkg isthomgovernment in CHICKEN LEGSOR BREASTSiIruheuts In pkg CELLO SPINACH No Grade Iiioz es hag Sunkist NAVEI if NO Broccoli N0I GRADE IcaAoa rï¬zarevnrzvzexkhm lt4Wvm WWvmsrmvkrzw arswwwm zoo 29c ONION ROLLS 21 surveys lensltiiliiiisti xNWIAQQIUIW IGA ROYAL GOLD REG OR NIP CHEESESLICES CARNATION FROZEN CRINKLE cur fRENCH FRIES PEAS CARROTS VEGETABLE sour iAYlMERCATSUP VARIETIE sicws REIISHESC continuous KlEENEXIlSSU and on cauaav PR 29 30 MAY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TOV LIMIT QUANTITIES IN IGA BONUS APES Fresh Grade it PieDressed 2v to lb on FRYth 0R ROASTING CHICKENS WIENERS saussos Kids oestrous son SIDE smears insgt558 our ou seesaw iONE FRESH Redeem IGA Tapes For sans ass was5W