rvevy4mtn7 manm srrn var so Cincinnati hlondhys Results Baltimore HOWARDTIIGGED OUT AT THIRD BASE Third base umpire Bill Wltl Dodgers Frank Howard Frank the ccnter Houstons third turns shouts his words of your out as he raise his hand In the out form on Los Angsles tried to go lrorn first to third in the 2nd Inning when com mats Ron Fairly singled up BASEBALL RECORD National League Pet GEL Philadelphia San Francisco Pittsburgh Milwaukee St Louis Houston Chicago to Angelcs New York Ins Angeles Houston Todays Games San Francisco lllarichal 20 at Chicago Ellsworth 11 Dos Angelcs hloeller or at Houston Johnson 21 Philadelphia hiahalfey 00 at Cincinnati OToole Pittsburgh Friend to at Milwaukee Lemaster 11 New York Jackson at St Louis Hrogllo 11 Wednesdays Games San Francisco at Chicago Philadelphia at Cinci Pittsburgh at Mil New York at St Louis Los Angeles at Houston American League Cleveland Detroit Chicago Minnesota New York Washington Boston Los Angeles Kansas City Mondays Results Washington Los Angeles Mays Games Cleveland Donovan 10 at Minnesota Roland 04 Chicago Pizaro at ew York Downing no Bait more Roberts 10 at Boston Lsmabe no gt Washington Catcen 12 altobos batman ol Detroit Lory at Kansas City Segui 02 Wednesdays Games Wash at Los Angeles Detroit at Kansas City Cleveland at Minnesota Chicago at New York Baltimore at Boston International League WI Pct GEL Syracuse 750 Columbus Toronto Jacksonville Rochester Bullan Richmond Atlanta Mondays Results Rochester at Atlanta ï¬pd Syracuse at Jacksonvl ppd Bullan at Columbus ppd Toronto at Richmond ppd TodaysGames Toronto at Jacksonville Buffalo at Atlanta Only games scheduled National League IAI Angeles on 210 020 810 Houston MOMMA0 flit Drysdale 11 and Rose born Camiill Brown 02 Glusti Hoerner Yellen and Rateman HRs La Fairly Davis How ard American League Washington 1004100008 61 as Angeles ooomoois 71 Narum 10 Bridges and Brurnley McBride in Lee Osinsld Dullba sand Pledge HR washValentine baseman Bob Aspromonie makes the tag Dodgers won the game 60 AP Wirephoto Decision Not Handed Down MIDDLEBURY Vt AP Declsion was reserved Monday on motion calling for Los An geles Dodgers coach Leo Du rocher to return to Vermont in connection with 50000 alien ations of affections suit brought against him by bliddlebury bricklayer Judge Rudolph Daley old at torneys lor Dumcher and Rene Morin of llliddlebnry and Swan ion who brought the suit that he would probably make tie clslon this week Morin charges Durocher with wife Anna 51 Durocher has denied the charges calling them nine He said he was close iriend at he Morin couples daughler Carolyn 28 Mrs Mario and her four daughters including Carolyn have denied the allegations made by Morin Labéll Cliï¬cisih Entirely OTTAWA CP Criticisms oi the way the Canadian Olym pic hockey team was treated in Moscow during its oreOlympic tour last winter have been lab elled biased and entirely laise by Russian hockey oliiclel Art Potter president ofthe Canadian Amateur Hockey As sociation made the criticisms in an interview at innsbruck Austria during the Olympics He said the Canadians received bad publicity in the Moscow press and were unable to rest More than jflrst exhibition game with the Russian01ym pic team The Russians won 81 Vladimir Yegorov trainer at the Russian team replied to Mr Potter in an interview car ried hy Novostl press agency and distributed here by the So vlet embassy Yegorovssld he met Potter at reception for the Cana dians He made no comment then about the reeptlon tor the tour ists chomv is quoted Its true that they had no time to rest before coming out on the ice to face our Olympic team qulsé This question was discussed with the Canadian team oifl clais and suggested that the first game be held day later but they declined the oi er CITES REPORTS The Russian trainer said it was duly reported in the Mos cow newspapers that the Cana dians had been unable to show their best because of the short interval between their arrival and the start of the game He noted that Potter had oi iered no comments about the second game in Moscow two days later won by the masslans 21 Rotter also had said the Rus the Canadians chorov pointed out that the Canadians had tlvo eosltles in the second game the Run siaos drew threev BUMIS FOR FOOD The Red Sea bumpfish gets oil coral chunks with hard ulter on its forehead or 1m¢1¢y JOIIIS To caper ctan Yorki Yankee centeh Berra and members oi the West Point oorpsiaueh it an oyplay pr eding the Le axhlhlti yesterday with the ra stealing the afleetions oi hlsi um alone did not play as clean as food livlng in coral by butting tomca mans baton an more we eevm hooker era grits in deal that let Toronto Maple IAaf shatpies who arranged the b3 Andy Bathgate deal but We width deleetaba der for amateur ex who like to make quick si More the springtime fancy ot soon follow rs turn to thoughts or and self big question being batted around In Would he cup be in Tomato today it Hatbgate and Mcxenoey gen still on the Ranger pay aathgale wbn scored the win ner Saturday night as the Leela sank Detroit Red Wings in the seventh some also fired the deciding gutshi the Inuurtls game III enney III the winner to n+0 serol nal detest of Montreal Canadians To mireh hockeyworn mero ories The Leela obtained the two lorwards tor regulars Dick Dali and Bob Nevin Junior de Ienceman Rod Selling Amer can League defenceman Arnie Brown and Western League cen tre Hill Collins no oowu PAYMENT It noon in or Ranger and AUQTYPSa BUY EM IN ABOX SAVE IllttSIIZEBOYSORGIIttSBICYCIES SAVE $5 universe YP ON FIR At the Iirnebtaple pres ideal StallordSmythe said he was trading the hoursfor the present that be parsed Bathe Its lland Mummy to uathtu her third to eoera Ina Hun Patrlcpk at New Yorknaid Ills cllb bought the Inture that all live layers red from the would skating Kean alter Bathgate and lie enney had quit itwnd for the present was what the Leafs were looking for they found it in the last month of schedule MCKCDDQYMGI surmise panklge firing nlne goals and picking up three as sists natbgatebad three goals and 11 assists broke his own assist record of 56 and wound up fourth to the league scoring race In the It playoff games against the Canadians and Wings the two ex Rangers earned at points Balhgate had five goals and four assists bic Kenney four goals and eight as sists and McKenney missed the last two games because oi knee injury In last years pisyoit against the same two opponents Dull no TRUCKvo SALE of BICYCLES and rowan mowaas JUST ARRIVED AN ENTIRE TRUOKLOAD OF BRAND POWER MOWERS OUR VOLUME BUYING AND SELLING MEAN LOWER PRICES FOR YOU this no SIZES rrr mm Awyhpa mapunva ya mmnwmwrswwrrnmr Nevlnhsd elm no hello to games set aneerd in the tentative goals iron at same beating wehuk otDetroIt at lnol the first Re Lest win The small left winger wound up with four goals and one assist and Nevin had three goals and no assists MUCH Elm ISSUE Msnagemaeb Punch lmlacb skirted the iqu when used asked whether his club would have won with Duff and Nevis wouldnt have made the trade it didnt think it would help he said Bathgaie and McKenney have paid all but dont forget Dull and Nevin were good playoff players too Alter Saturdays big goal in the deciding game Bathgais said lm lust thanhiui to be here its not only the first time Ive ever been on Stanley Cup winner its the int time We ever been In the final Ive been with the Rangers you know Neither player has seemed sorry to be away from Broad way McKenney who was called Mary by New York fans be cause of his lacklustre play doubled his goal production af ter he came to Toronto Maple mt oifidals are mil now Perhaps in live years when run near IUEDAY APRIL In Hespeler Captures Junior Title LINDSAY ca 41mph Sunrocka the sun Ontario HMWEIH maï¬a mm Lindsay lions Dave nlclrer soond two goals or IIqu with single to Dull only as and Nevin and the three minor leagues are In their late 20s the grin may disappear AVIS NOW IN NEW OFFICES AT 107 DUNLOP EAST WITH JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE wyns Munich on Gart ahore and Rick Purdy scored one or Lindsey WANTS YOUR TRUCK RENTALS SEE HOW QUICKLY WE ANSWER NEW TOP QUALITY BIKES AND EASY FIRESTONE TERMS AVAILABLE mou ffmouraiy