Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1964, p. 9

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mmmrmaa PxHaw Being Made In Airidd One oi the ioremost author lties on Airlca in the Church at England visited Trinity Augll can Church last night Dr John Taylor is in Canada to receive an Honorary Doctorate Degree irom Wyciiiia College and at the same time he is to speak in special meetings oi church leaders in Ottawa Kingston Peterborough Oshawa Toronto and Hamilton lioro in lnndon England he is graduate 01 both Oxiord and Cambridge He was the cur ate oi the church attended by Mrs Ron Gretna ot Barrie 25 years ago in London Alter his preparation tor the ministry he spent the tint 10 years in Airth as misslohary From then on he has been con nected with Airira iirst oi all as the secretary at the Feder ation ior Airican Missions and now as the general secretary oi the Crest Church Missionary Society During this time he has done much research on Al rlca here and there and mostly in remote areas where no white man had ever gone beiore He lived with the people where they were and under their condi tions growing his own patch or grain singing their songs go ing onvhuiialo hunt with only spear and so on in the beginning ol his ad dress Mr Taylor sang native lullaby now otten used as Christmas Carol PROCLAIM POWER With this moving introduction Dr Taylor began his address stating thatthe mission oi the church is to discover and proclaim the relevance and power at Jesus Christ in the contemporary secular struggle in this world With an address Hpacked withilvingriliustralionsr Dr Taylor went on to apply this to to the tremendous changes tailing place in Airics changes which make the Renaissance and the Relnrmation in Europa email by comparison in Atria than an iiva ior problems lacing the new unintries and the Lord God Jesus has an answer and spice to speak In these situa tioos be said ltrst ot all there is the need for leadership Under Colonial Government it is mntradlc tinn tor the ruling power to train leaders ior sell democ racy There is an appalling shortage oi leaders in Atrica where there is such needior baianu in chaos The leader ship oi Airlca continually gets bad world press and yet be hind each lcader is person xenon with needs person wl problems and inrstrations Christ sees behind the headline the human being Most leaders in Airch have been educated in Church Schools and know what it is to have Christian iriends The Church has an op portunity here he noted There is the need ior econ omic stability The colonies mostly exported raw materials to Europe Now they want to ome industrialised and tn employ their own people at higher standard oi living But new industry today is most auto mation So the youth pour into the cities with no tabs and with no bread The opportunity is to build up rural lite but how does new nation do thtsl So govern ments have been spending them selves lo training young men and woman to live in the coun try to grow better crops to use modern ianning methods But when they go back to the vils lages many driit back into old ways And this is where the Church with airista answer can come into her own There is the problem at ur banisation he said One com pany advertised ior wmensand received 30000 applications Tens oi thousands oi Airlcans coming out oi the schools have no jobs to which to go Canon Taylor told oi Charles Tett who oiiered his services PENSION rum uum Continued irom page one cial relations Mr Pearson told the Commons The government of Quebec has made very clear its iirm belioi that the wishes oi all Canadians can best be lul tilicd within iederal structure The government oi Quebec has assured us it is resolutely determined that provincial rights should be exercised not to the detriment but to the en hancementyi the unity at can EL HOBARTS MAKES PROMISE In Toronto Ontarios Premier Roberts promised fullest co operation in making theunl iorm national pension plan re silty Premier Bennett of British Columbia said the prime minis ter deserves full credit ior taking second looks at both pensions and tnxvshnrlng in the Commons Mr Dielen baker while promising support in principal oi the newpeosion deal sarcasticaily criticized the government for having switched pension plain during the last year with all the strength and unreslllence oi aireed George Nowlao iornrer Coo servative finance minister said3 there had been all error and no trial in working on the led eral plan Mr Pearson replied Trial Compiled by Alhcstoa Abitlhi Alloml Steal Mummium Alberta Dist glberta Gas rgu Am Atllntlr Billal Bk at Mont Bank or Ns Bell Tel Bruntn BA ou Cdn Aviation Cdnimn Bk con Cdn anon can can Cement gilllemcelip ary owar COL Ciii ConMlnlsSm Corr Paper Cons Gal Dom Tar Fultonbrid Gt Lake Wu airts hail Guiana Hailinng Kerr Labrador ana Copper 31th grainsoch Climkvflll can Keeley Cassiar Cen Del run Con hivlul Denlson Glen Lencolllt Lorado gt Mattlanai Martimu Madam MultlMin T°Diissi9£iimtfii Dom Bridle Dis Seas whom Found DomStorea Hassles Farm Hawk sldoeley Home Oil Bud Bay Min Hudsona Ely Imp Tobacco Hulk 01 inter Utilities inlerprnv Pi Jockey Club MINING ulu pursuit New irony and error and eventual success is betterlthan five years oi no attempt Tho government had put ior ward its two previous versions oi the Canada Pension Plan as the basis ior discussions with the provinces it was not apol oglsing ior matting changes thc iundamentais have never changed VDXCE sUrPonr Ali opposition party spokes men voiced supportat least in principleto the new moves on the pension and tax sharing ironts though Creditista spokes man Gilles Gregoire reiterated his partys demand that Quebec should have the whole income tax pot NDP Leader Douglas termed the decisions real victory ior national unity and common sense The proposed new pension plan is expected to start rolling lslometlma next year at the ear est One tirst stepwould be to ob tain constitutional amendment Jnllowing coverage of widows orphansand disabled contribu tions under age 65 The proposed plan would be unliorm one which could be ad ministered by any province on its ownn step Quebeeis ex pected to adopt Mae Pow niv Massey rerg Noranda Nor out no Moore Corp min Pore Pacidc Feta rein rips PIKE €119 Power Co one marin naysi Bank Saiada Foods aim ans Shel steel ni Can TobDonr ak Trana Can ms rat Trad no Texaco Union on Walker new WestonA Zenith Normstala Northgata apemrrira Provo iilo Algan Sharrlt steep Rock hibll United Oil United Kano Wlilrny Wiltssy Windilii rave Moss acfivi arenas ace Central gm Honors am on it any nowrorssshsw industrial up 17 balls up indnstrlala tip on unehanged insinuating nuuu Yam os roaon noon axcaawoa rami down is our pril ls Campaig BARR DISTRICT UNIT ANAD CANCE the early part oi Overnight low recorded was 37 high was so some sections in extreme south in southern Ontario in northern began with loot and on to whiltiing And will billiii mm armored mm Centre whose graduates are all matched up byindustry VACUUM AREAS There anthe vacuum areas passed by when education and industrialisation came to Airica Politics like air abbors vac uum ha said there are many vacuum areas in Atrica such as in the Northern Kenya Desert which may result in blood bath betweeniSosnalliaud and Kenya Agaln Dr Taylor told oi the Christian missionary oiten coi ored going into areas oi pagans ism where there is not Chris tlsn or hundreds oi miles and iounding church Finally there are the irontlers of compassion Every cent at thenewnatlonsmustbeapent on those who are lit and atro There is no time resouru or power tor the halt the maimed and the blind But the Christian aiwa no tlces the man at tho ads at the road he said 0i course he said there are others doing all these things too But Dr Taylor went on to give reasons why the iaith oi JesusChrist inspires many to do it in way that no one else is doing it There is the healing benediction ot Christ be concluded Board Approves Transport Report The New Lowell bus route will beTetnmcdtoitrortginslvroute in September the Barrie District Collegata Board decid ed last night Transportation Committee report presented to the board last night said consideration was given to requirements ior 106405 term and it was ieit that Greer Transportation would require onehall bus increase Lamont one additional bus irons Angus area and Sioton would be increasing his one hua mm Edgar toa Sitpassenger unit The operators were asked to consider the matter at depart ure iroro schools 410 Mondlt through Thursday and 340 on Friday They recommended to the board that the contracts be re nawed ior tusther term oi three years at an increase cost at 10 per cent and that the amount oi 5103500 be placed in the budget ior 1061 yrrruqmmwremw worry wan VA rnuu Mam unacowwo mm or TAYLOR Lestnun AilCFiDEACCN READ School Bond Needs $28500 In The BudgetFor Teitt Books Property Committee re port ndoptcd by the Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Board isst ngt recommends budget increase oi mm ior text books for both collegiatcs Mort stated on Ramsay superintendent point ed out that it was necessary this year to supply the text books iorGrades and 10 all students He turther pointed out that uiadepartmentniEducauonfin the grant this year wasaliow ing the board the sum of $11 per student of average daily at tendance which unfortunately did not cover the entire cost The committee also recom mended tbst an amount of so 600 be placed in thebudget tor the electrical wiring oi some at the classrooms in the older section of Central Colloglrte The report called ior $1500 to be included in the budget ior paving the area in iront oi the auditorium and across the parking lot to the present pav ed driveway This does not cov er the entire parking lot An amount ct $250 was re commended ior new linoleum tor the main floor hallway oi the 3d section oi Central Colle Mrs Bessie Clements poited out that thhsilnge required ad BliRRIE liREii WEATHER dltional lighting toward the rear and that she had lniormatinn imm the iirrn that installed the original stage lighting that an additional bank of lights rouid lgzawgdded ior approximately Scout Apple Day Set For May The Boy Scout Apple Day this year is May This was announced by the chairman Chalmers at the April meeting oi the Roman ielt Bay District Council at night All Barrie groups have receiv ed advance instructions and ap ples are on order Through the combined eiiorts oi all groups succcssiul Apple Day is mttcipated Hambroolr Green and Mr Qiaimera reported on the provincial conference Strat tord and stated that the work shops and discussions groups had been benetlclsl Camp applications were sub mitted to the meeting by amp chairman John McKenna it was requested thet mops submit dates tor the use ot Camp Wild rsrhn as soon as possible lil HAIR EXAMINER YUDEDAY APRIL hi Linucr Cdses andboidina Acting uown attorney Robert limbpycurday asked tor stint penalty ior one oi two youths who pleaded guilty to charges oi liavlng liquor illeg mm lbw iniiéin ters ting in his carPEn Galile street plot ale on April ll Ll llilb pm He was fined $20 and costs oi 0150 or to days in jail and the in toxlcsnts seized were ordered confiscated Rldrard tawls admitted own log some at the liauor in lien wells car and he also admitted tour previous convictions Mr Hebb said He was to treat oi dance hall and understand the dances are malty clean This is the sort oi ng that is going to give them bad name There are icur prevtous con victions and under the Eitcums laktnances lm asking ior still Magistrate it Foster told the accused You are 10 and you have no right to have ll qmn lie lined him $50 and coils oi $750 or two months inlet in detauit at payment win one poi or Party To cor Baker Memorial Fund LOCAL GENERAL MORALITY LIGHTS The budget estimates ior Ban rle District Collegiate will in clude 00 ior nroraltty lights in the parking lot oi Central Coll leglato This item is included is prolong conunttee report adopted by board last night VISIT MUSEUM The lst Grcnlel Cub Pack last Saturday visited the Simone County Museum the remain dsr oi the day was spent at Springwater Park SETTLWG iiiinets Point resident Mrs Bebecoa Mooney is still in bos pllai iollowing the Saturday tire that destrode her home Mrs Mooney was not injured in the tire but was taken to hospital because oi heart condition Hospital oiiicials niyura in settling down quite nicely MANY SPEEDERS Charges oispeedlng headed all others on the magistratea court docitet ysterday morning Ennis names listed tor speed Victim or rm Doesnt Recall How lie Escaped Charies Hurst the Bhrria taxi driver burned in Sundaystire Rain StillForecast TodqyAnd Tomorrow At least one night went through without the predicted thunderstorms However the weatherman persrstenl as ever calls for rain today with scattered thunder storms tonight gt There wont be muchcbeoge rn temperature tomorrow and showers are to continue through Wednesday Overnight low should be 45 With high Wednesday of 60 it was 30 degrees at 740 tod and 44 at 1130 Yesterdays Synopsis it may beflthat western Ontario will be notice ably warrner than Monday but ergtensive cloud and inter rain will maintain the cool damp ab mospbere currently prevalling and central sections of the prov ince clear skies will give way to cloudyand rain as thisnew storm moves into the area Northern Lake Huron Niv agara Lake Ontario Southern Georgian Bay Hamilton Enin contin ui tonight Scattered thunderstorms tonight Not much change in temperature Cloudy Wednesday showers in the morning sunny intervals in the aiternnon Winds becoming southerly late today and north west Wednesday 15 to 15 oeaumo season Special SHAKESPEARE Tomato Rain beginning by midday and continuing tonight Thunderstorms likely tonight Not much change in tempera ture Wednesday showers in the morning sunny intervalagin the alternoonWinds becoming southerly late today and north west 15 to 25Wednesday Forecast Temperatures bow tonight High Wednesday Windsor 15 62 St Thoma as London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton er ro liillaloe 5g 17 Sault Ste Marl 55 Kapuskasing 15 Moosonee so Tlmmins 50 ls now staying at the home oi his sister Mrs Ronald Stewart on Rodney street Mr Hurst received burns to his taco arms legs and body during the lire at the home at his other sister Mrs Fred Yar mlii at 23 Gowan St Hos been blind since the tire said Mrs Yarmill His eyes are all bandaged and he doesnt remember even how he got out at the tire she said He is to visit the doctor this ailernoon Mr Hurst was re leased irons hospital the alter noon at the blaze lie was rescued irom the in dow in whidi he became wedg ed by Essaroad resident Opt Karl Kathi nonarou rmamnm Nearly 31000000000 ln ior eign capital entered Japan in The Barrie Club 00 is holding its annual euchre party April at the Odd Fellows Hall Pmilts imm this party wul be donated to the Baker Foundation This inundation ior the pre vention ol blindness was estab lished as memorial to Col Baker For more than it years he was managin director at the Canadian Nat onai institute tor the blind Among those oil lune oi 1061 Col Baker still retains turn positions in world organisations tor the blind Among these oiiv ices he still holds are president or the World Council ior the Weiisra oi the Blind and ex eurtive ootrncil member oi the Royal Commonwealth Society or the Blind The Foundation was establish ed by Club employees across Canada It has also been sup ported by many hrtcrcsted vol unteer workers board members and other service organisations The purpose oi the iund Is to provide bursaries ior prosper tive Ophthalmologists eye doe tors and Ophthalmic nurses The tunds will also be used ior research into eye conditions and into the prevention oi blindness The Barrie Club 60 members are blind registrants themselves They hope that their etiorts to help this inundation will be of InnisfiLscoors eerszeezeseezcn Enjoy Camping iire First innisiilSNul Group from st Pauls Anglican Church camped this weekend on farm in the area Assistant Scoutrnaslor Banks Mendel reported that due to cmde tent conditions he was iorced to sleep in makeshllt shelter it ts very chilly around any he said The lnnlsiil Group Committee reports the total bottle day res ceipta as Plans tor the future include an Apple Day weekend camp and tour to be held later in May hawthree scouts and FARM PRICES GRAIN WiNNlPEG CF Fill prices were as much as cents lower in light opening trade on the grain exchange to day Barley rye rapeseed and oats were about steady BUTTER 10RON10 CF churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged today Butter prices Agricultural Stabilisation Board tenderabls cariots buying toscore 52 buying 80 score 51 selling 52 cubs are participating in scout tng nrnclions in lonislli Lodge Observes Spring Assembly The Barrie Lodge oi Perfec tion spring assembly starts to night in the Masonic Temple Degrees and will be copierred tonight and the other degrees irom to it will be worked tomorrow William Kirkpatrick TPGM and oiiiocrs oi the lodge will conier the 14th degree The banquet will be held at Collier Street United Curtis Hall Wednesdayat 8pm and the speaker will be Illustrious Bro ther Exhiordockoi Peter horough 106819 75 per cent iron the previous year ithisxiweeiatLon We Korrx 12 courinrrs i2 llSTERINEANTI$EPTlC aarcx SHAMROOC area Cains ecigy nerves 52 TOPiBRAJSSf iny Revlon rectum Lso value 93c It Morn parts or ridges llb no SPIICE After Shave lotion MINERAL on impolite lDA brand surreairrrnarsrs TAMFAX to or Monrss izi sung 175 on Site augg gr sugg Specials on tinril April 25 Jugs list Sic 439 87a 277 in van 2ior79c fuispf i29 i6 oi 69 53s on no The Resnits 0i morn Me la Se MULTIPLE Lrsrnvn SERVICE Consult Member oi the Barrie and District Real Ellate Bulttl no It NOWI Thouea do of businesses throughout Canada ve or mod used 1133 loans to respond their facilities lane for yourbuainesa callin and dictum ALLANDALE nouns LIMITED 45st Road Duniop Strut m2 Amwsununmhcv HARPERS PHARMACY Tova Youths Fined rare 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