Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1964, p. 3

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an FWW fir on new lt semen orrawa Published by Canadian Newspapers Lindted WailI Publisher MONDAY APRIL ill to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario v5wuua Puet General mun Immediate And Long Range Action To Save BayPorts The rapidly declining water level in Georgian Ba and Lake Huron has be come critics and urgent measures are required It would appear that Colling wood harbor must be dred ed almost immediately or the sbipya and the jobs of 1000 men are endan ered 0n the longer term issue is the tuation at Midland and Port McNicoll where grain elevators are located and from where regular passenger and cruise ships oper ate in the open season Lakes There has been drop of three feet in the level of the bay during the past three years If the fall in water level continues at the same rate this year bfi next fall the large bulk carriers wi have difficulty getting into Midland and Port McNicoli harbors with cargoes not to mention Coliingwood where ship con structan and launching are vital factors to the economy of the whole Georgian Bay resiiin The decline also is presenting prob lems in inner channels such as the of the Great Severn and the Nottawasaga which are used by waterborne tourists and pleas ure boaters Rocky shoals which once were well under water now present ma jor hazards for cruisers and even small er pleasure craft Much of the lucre tive tourist trade of Huronla is tied to this factor So far0itawa has seemed indifferent to the situation Only $62000 has been set aside for dredging operations at Georgian Bay ports ap ears that 8800000 has been allocated oraettlng up regatta course off Lake Ontario in the St Catharines area That is the minimum amount which is needed right now to rescue Collingwood harbor What has been the cause of all this One authority claims the trouble comes from the channel between Sarnia and Port Huron in the St Clair River which was deepened six feet in 1959 to make it easier for deepsea ships plying the St Lawrence Seaway an Great Lakes System It is contended that this caus ed pulling of water from Georgian Bay and Lake Huron Unless action is take en to control this flow the lake and bay will not return to normal level regard less of annual rain and snow fall The remedy is said to be dam at Sarnla which would man also construc tion of canal and locks system It would be costly all right but some longrange plan must be undertaken to save the Georgian Bay ports and shipbuilding in dustry DOWN MEMORY LANE 50 YEARS AGO INTOWN Barrie Saturday Morning April 18 1914 At Board of Education an enquiry was made by Trustee Fred Otton as to progress if any being made Contrac torR Garrett in construc on of the collegiate building Trustee Dr Henry Wallwin said the delay was caused over the matter of roofing and this contract on advice of architects had been award ed to Thomas Irwin and Son of Hamilton nleTorontoBarrie£riiliaelectricchnleeandwA railway company was selling bonds It was proposed to build line from head of Bathurst St north through Nobleton and Cookstown to Utopia then east to Bar rie and Griffin Company already had Barrie charter and agreement with CPR to handle freight and passenger traffic between town and Essa Thompson reported splendid real estate activity Six town houses with lots changlt ed hands last week Barrie Gun Club held successful shoot on waterfront west of Grand Trunk station on Good Friday afternoon Ness won high average with Richard Wolfenden second Ernie Williams third Rev Thomas Dew elected president Ivy Baseball Club George Banting was named team captain and Fred Elliott manager Investiga tion into affairs of Innlsfil Township be gap at Simcoe County Court before Judge Vance Creswicke KC repre sented township Nothing serious was brought out and no suggestion of mis appropriation of funds Superintend ent Kelso Toronto recommended new drens Shelter in Barrie with pen manent inspector Rw Biggs vicar of Trinity urch announcedre firement at end of June and return to England fwo auctioneers Alex Miriam to handle hugh sale of Daniel Quinlans farm stock and implements Christ Church elected Robert Buchanan and George Coles wardens Reeve Simpson of Tiny Townshi is in town as slstingin the county audit Sar jeant and son Fred were in New York last week Playing at the Grand Opera House Mutt and Jeff in Panama Delegates to Simcoc County Temperance Alliance held at Essa Road Presbyterian Chiirch decided timewas not opportune to try for Canada Temperance Act St Georges Anglican Church raised sal ary of rector Rev Edgar Taylor by $100 Mason has installed playervpiano in his Allandale bowling alley Two teams of railroaders had interesting game ofbasehail in which Hughie Scotts boys beat Happy Appletons gang OTHER EDITORS VIEWS THE TRUTH HURTS Royal Bank Letter Kahlil Gibran the wellknown Syrian American mbolist poet told parable about four regs gt They were sitting peaceably on log when it becamecaught by current and carried into swiftly flowingriver One frog cre ted the log withhaving life the secon id that the river walking to the sea arried the log on its back the third frog said that neither the log northa riv er was moving but the moving was in the frogs thinking for without thought nothing moves The fourth frog said Each of you is right and none of you is wrong The moving isin the log and the water and our thinking alsoNone of the first three was willing to admit that his was not the whole truth and that the other two were partly right Sothey got together andpnshed the fourth frog into the riv WORLD FAIR coertir VENTURE St Thomas New Journal IheWorld Fair in Montreal in 1957 is expected to be success despite the fact thatit will havea large deficit The directors are resigned to there being loss statement issued by the direo tors of thelenterprise reveals that after The Barrie Examiner Autboflzed henna class nun gull Officegapalrmoli mu II PI 90 hallyl Enndaya and Statutory aoll mm Wu rebuiltr ml ta maon Bolurll mungr increase nomai Subera tlcra rumour The directors are boasting it Will be the big city WillAhave cause 61 comma all preparations for thefair are paid for and after the months of operations the deficit will amount to $47500000 World fairs are costly ventures Al most the only onejthat ipscrlhad its afv fairs in black ink was the recent one at Seattle Reason for that is credited to the high price charge for admission $2 Montreal cannot afford such luxury But theconstruction of the Montreal fair is reported to be up to its timetable that it will he opened on the day that was planned which is very rare thing with war exhibitions If the Montreal World Fair is as suc cessful as the directors appear satisfied to be congratulated REALISTIC STAND BY MINISTER NewYork Times The Nevada divorce of Governor and Mrs Rockefeller in1962 remains poll tical liability 1964 but of probably somewhat dlmi hed weight in the that hasnt changed scales One thi at all howeve the anti uated dia creditedNew York State vorce law that allows onlyone ground adultery and hence begets fraudcollusion per jury and flight to other states toobtain decree The evasiona that New Yorkerflmust go through to gets divorce have been cited at the first National Study Confer mm ence on Church andstate by Rev Wil liamjf Genne executor director of the Department ofFaulily Life of th Na tional Con oil of Churches He asks for change in New York div cé laWS to ak them more equl bl med Contrary to what many people fVdwtaDVMvmMFW4aanlgmeflpmfiyyw fin roam exaisviarionfilu pearls es in THE iiilinesi LETTERS1T0 canon WATER LEVELS Dear sir liluch has been publlshed written and televised regarding the low water level of the Up per Great Lakes slid the dia estrous effect It is having on the tourist industry as well as certain pockets such as Coiling wood where unless remedi al steps are taken immediate ly it will mean the loss of 1000 jobs Very thorough invesUgatlons have been made by manyin terested parties and recently Hon Althur Lang stated the solution was pray for rain avbeiieverihlaelthoughla hard fact of life to accept is literally one of the very few solutions possible because lack of pr pitation during the past five years when the average drop to approx 25 inches an nual asgnlnst preVlous 20 year average of 31 inches cer tainly indicates large part of thewater shortage is due to this very cause answar racron being usedln the seaway is still nnoiher factor to be reckoned with while the increased water diversion above Niagara Falls to operate the huge liohert hill ses generating plant at Le ton which commenced operat ing two years ago isstill an other poaslble cause In short many factors have contributed to agree extent bringing about our present and low water level Recently the Collingwood En terprlse afcbart indicating the main vil lain to be the deep years ago of the shipp which according to the article was equivalent to fpuliing the plug in bathtub and sodrain ing the UpperVGreat Lakes to great rodent Against this argument is on official statement that the net lowering which may he attan ted MALL THE WORK can rled out since 1370 is between eudjvafeet WEan TRUTH Regardless of the causes which may he argued pro and non for years to come the lm mediate truth is that all tbd harbors around Georgianjay this area are in shallow water state and remedial steps are required right now ratllerhan endless argument Dredging to lndke all harbors usable for the next aeverplyeors would in my judgméit bold top priorityun tii other odl old fected The total metal drcdms rogram to relieverfhese bar gors wouldlilkely in the neildiborhood of two three mUllon dollars and while this sum may loom large to yen and very lnaigniflcant portion national economy and thereahould be no be tionabout deciding on an im to make ur Speaker hiacnaughton Then too the additional water Builetin published begin right now if indeed it has not already been initiated Ir for one sincerely hope our parliamentary resultaiives will look most carefully into this entlre matter and ACT NDWI It Yours very iruly BROWNS Collingwood coachspank Should Ontario DrOp Torontoil Brook mm roaohm Should Ontario need from Tomiot More and more often it seems this might be good idol Ar noted here before the province la Jauth up sub auntial Iub dy to bail Metro out of its hospital bed meala noes for whida Its own council is responsible Now there is to be anoiber indirect gift to the Tomato area fmmtbsrestoitbepeoplaof the province horde care service for par dents is to be provided This slate riloucllr enter not Into the path of the wicked and go not In the ray of evil men Proverbs lti The world desires peace but fails to conduct its life in her may with the will of God Jesus life and teachings are pattern for world peace iNTEliPiiEiiiiG rilll Nilws Latitude Given By Speaker To Leader OiOpposiiions OllAWA JONSpeaker Alan Macnaughton has been the sub iect of mutteredrritlclsrn by buckbench Liberal MP5 result of his decision last week in the Commons that tip sition leader Diefenbakercn oya specially ileged position An examination of parliamen tary precedents backs uptho akers stand with partic arly Signlléa case which aroseinthe ommnns 11 years ago in circumstances personally familiar to the Conservative leader and on which MrMac naughton is relying as his au thority It was in June 1941 six months after the lnconcluslve breaku of federalrprovincial premieri conference in which the chief contendera had been the late prime minister Mncken zie King and the late Mitchell Hepburnppremierof Ontario The Opposition leader in the Coinmons then was Han son who roseone day to ask cola Pauli iLTemlscouata oow senator complained that Mr Hanson was making speech rather thah asking question Mr Diefenbake lis toned to the argument backgbench Mr ENTITLED TO LATITUDE JnmeahGleu the Speaker of the dayaod on his retirement counted one of the best the Com mons had had in decades said the ieader of the Opposition hen psking questi government polilt tomore latitude tended to private member Mr Kingarep1y ran more than tbreeoolumns of the Han aardrecord of debateswhich rahorthund or estit mate consumed more than sinner ofthe Houses In the incident which aliose this week Mrl Diefenbaker was questioning the govern ment about its declaionto delay legislative action do the Canada Pension Plan pending theout of negotiations with Qur the otherprovinces on strung fou questions scribed the delay the rap ti somersault touchingv off complaint by ANDYWinnipeg North Central thumbs Opposition leader day noted that in additiontobeingMP the prime minister and Lathe Oppositionr ficers the Cornmons the leader of the lle added that wpllerM Dlef nbakerima been littl improving the terms of the Stanley Knov la wish that when was oo cupylng the position of leader of the Opposan the same char liable interpretation had been granted to me said Prime Minister Pearson in parliamentary circles to rec ognize the position of former prime ministers in more can giblo way Senator Poullnt recently has been asking in the Senate what steps are to be taken which would raise Mr Diefcnbaker and former prime minister Louis Stlaurent on the official list of precedence They now rank behind all foieign ambas sadors federal cahlnet minis ters and provincial lieutenant governora WANT MORE TOURISTS MEXICO CITY Reuters Mexioo and the US are taking steps to increase mutual tourist exchange vi ed Mexico last year Pian yplyandio thecari if roviesall chase of house Some attention it being given Botb countries whether Mr Kins would eon started less by eliminating fees ei between Lakes tfuron 913 ail newcrnlprlence on 1mm card on on went on or amosl Mexican authorities eatimae Si Clail by EWWJX 95 three minutes when JeanFran th and visasp about 900000 Americans We can probably help you lot so tainiywo would like to You dont have on be regular Scotiabank customer in factif this will be your smear 0an experience with any bankthen SCOTIA PLAN LOAN has been ignodespeoiniiygfor you Whatkind ofcardoyou want7Whetheryouwanta cordlesamelowScotie Yneeded Son per Car Loan can be every practical way foryou to the ceryou have alwayswantedfindileres sadder good paint you can make the willtake care of patlema day this year and double that number next year it will be paid for by the On lario Hospital Services Commis bi lionout of funds provided by the people of all Ontario liod it wont be available to other areas of the provinu Not lor now at least Traditionally Tomato misman ages its affairs and Ihen whines bout them asking for special It was good to see Health Minister Dymond in the House knock out at least one of these whines While they sank deeper into the mud Toronto civic lenders were crying that they were up porting hospitals for the rest of Ontario flaey complained that non resident wen their hot pitls Dr Dymond an us the fig ures Yes he said As Illoronie teaching bospiiala those at tached to medical schools there was an average nonresident use of in per cent But in Kingston will rus baa teaching hoaoliaiatla oer responding figure was per oeo In london it was tall per cent and on per cent gr And these centres have vidaed th hostilali beds they Am bulking or shedding great tears And in nonteachin hospitals the figures were equa impres VC One inronto hospital had nonresident use of 230 per cent The next highest was is per cent Against this Sudbury showed 414 per cent Cornwall per cent Psierhorough is per contr and so on down the line Prac iically all imporiant centres had larger figure than Thronto You know the annoying thing to one who is not Tomato lover is that die people hare ae tuaily believe they are carrying the Ontario burden it would be fun at least to start move to drop them and let them find out how much Ontario really is carrying them REPORT FROM 11K Buying Of Home Costly TranSaciioni By MclNTYRE noon LONDOil From two differ ent sources moves are lmder way to simplify the legal pro cedures and reduce the costs of conveyancing in thabuying and selling of homes in Britain The legal fees and disbursemenu in volved in such transactions can run as high as $215 to $250 and they do not depend on the price of theJlouse which is being pur chased fifthscps ties of low val this additional cost to the purchaser in great many cases imposes severe hardship and may even be illc means of preventing the pur The first step announced came from the LawSociety It has set up working committee to consider reforms in convey ancing practices Its main oh jeciive is to bring cheaper legal costs in buying and selling pro perty An anno ncement in the Law Society arette says that the working party will consider whether there is any way in which the procedure for buying and selling houses can be alm plifled thus saving time and reducing tile cost to the public Sir Thomas Lund secretary of the Law Society is chairman of the working party It has started its task by sending out questionnaires to experts on conveyancing asking for their lecommendations on reform In thalannnuncement the Law Society criticizestha govern ment iiir delays in extending the system of land registration most cases the security in England and Wales Under this system conveyancing is cheaper andquicker than with unregistered land The Council of the Society In in vor of compulsory registration of title as rapidly as possible through out England and Wales It uy Unless some more testis action can be taken to achieve this objective than is at present being uken by thegovernment it will be several decadesbefore the pe noun covcre by compulsory registration Simultaneously with the up pointrnent of this working com mittee under Sir Thomas hind privatermembers billta re duce legal charges for the buy ing and selling of houses has been Introduced in the House of Commons and has been given unanimous first reading The bill known as the Sale of Hans es and Land Legal Costs Bill has been introduced by ii Ed wards Labor MP for Bilatnn in introducing it Mr Ed wards said ibat the same prlni clpie should be applied to structure which gave the legal and other professions sanction to miuntaln exorbitant prices as was applied to the Resalalrlc es Maintenance Bill listening to the Law Societys action he said They say they propose to get rid of this mumbodumbo and black magic which they have plaiguedthiskibd of purdimn They propose to agitate fortila compulsory Iflliatrafion otrall land and property to reduce the cost to buyers That is exactly what propose in my kind ofcar deal you want without any financial worries at all because your SCOTIA PLAN LOAN can be ar ranged before you no car shopping Your scotia Plan Car Loanwiil be lifeinsured for even more security foryou Remem bar tooa SCOTIA PLAN LOAN is also an excellent wayioryou to consolidate all your debts and buy those new appliances furnishing of for practically any wonhwhilspurpos So phonaror vi your nearest Scotla chmanager com Youll find him most understanding than to talk let him help you get th wk

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