rVaam1mKT4mm wuï¬nmmmwflrfl 30 wmwrwfltv lt Wm HcYWï¬aem awn Local Weather WAIWWWK momentum For firilnrrnmlrytumiopagefwo Coohn to expand with Emmanuel Simone Counv room Voor No NEIGHBORS COMFORT GOWAN STREET FIRE VICTIM HOPEFUI 0F TURNINGPOINT PM Promises To Unveil Pension Plan Revision OlIAIVA CPIPrime Minis ter Pearson hopeful of aturn ingtroint In federalprovincial rela on in pensions and fiscal matters planned to unveil to day the third version of thejanz Iadahfeisï¬rjI innina months He is also expected to an nounce in the Commons at Its Ilegro IsKiIled In Salisbury Disturbances SALISBURY Reuters Negro died in hospital during the night after being shot hypo lice as he stoned bus at Bula wayo about 170 miles from ttrls Southern Rhodesian capital po lice reported today Apolico spokesman said an other msn who was shot ran away Police opened fire when Ne groes refused to stop throwing stones at the bus which was travelling through Negro township outside the city The spokesman said there were more incidents of intimi dation in Saiisburys ro township this morning as Airl can groups tried to force people to stay away from work Sunday was the fourth day of disturbances since the allwhite government ordered the restric tion of Negro leader Joshua Nkomo andthree leading mem bers of hispeoples caretaker council to arremota camp near the Moranblque border Police said five buses were stoned this mo the one was hurt NIC SlAA helicopter carry ing 4101 Andrew Woodcock commander of the Van Doos was fired upon today by lurk lstiCaniot while it was over St Hilarion Castle in the Kyreula Pass area north of Nita of posts Woodcock commander of the Royal 2an Regiment the French speaking Van Dons which makes up most of the Ca nadian UN peacekeeping force in ms was passenger aboard the helicopter lleaaid he saw Iurkisthypriot alm ingand firing at the helicopter trom range of about 300 yards fire colonel said the helicoplt fer was clearly marked with UN markings and that he would lodge strong protest withth lurkishCyprlotauthoritles over the incident llhis was recon time Turkish ullrtsnhaunnpenede mï¬lana in less than Week Last Wednesday two armored cars of Woodcocka regiment were fired lurkishï¬tpriots in fort sitters nearst Hilarion revenues hasbeanunderhlscus 280 pm EST opening bet ter tax deal for the provinces next year Mr Pearson said Sunday night the question of how to de Mmepensionschemcwhnse provisions would be plicahla to all Canadians and tawat could give as proving greaer ccess parson income as and oflrer shared sion in the last week informants have lndltated the pension plan settlement reached alter intensive behindthascenes negotiations involves compro miss between Premier Lesages Quebec pension plan and the new vised Canada pension bill now before the Commons Sources suggested the maxl mum pension benefit after in years is likely to be about $100 month midwaybetweon the federal plans $75 and the Que bec plans $125 Urgorm pension terms would be vidad for Canadians in all provinces under the plan which would be administerediby 0t tawa or by any province wishing to handle it itself However understood pension fund re serves would be available for Seestory itlse fourteen vastment in provincial ascorb tics even when administration Is left to Ottawa Next procedural stage for the pensions legislation in the Com mons has not yet been indicated Although the government hopes to avoid further dispute sources say theres no legal obstacle toa federal pro clsl argument when the pens on plan goes Ke pnssrucrn IN coPrsn gs ing Greek Cypriot Natioiral Guards ore parliamentary commit cc and the Canadians wereforéed to returntho fire myselfdefencel leo irrklab Cypriot shep herds were killed today by men betwecntha Greek village acne and the Turkish vil lags of Hamid Mandres four miles north of lilicosialI The Greek Cypriot police claimed threenrrkish gunmen hidingln ls flock of sheep started firing at security forces who returned thefire Canadian troops rushed to the scene to prevent the trouble spreading mutton Cypriot sourceain Nicoslatsaid the only informa tion they had was that two sheplt herds had been killed by Greek terrorists AHEACT INDUSTRIES DAMASCUS SyrIn AP In die and ths oil rKuwaith of cooperatl for private Kuwaiti apital in vestmentlo Indian industrial development and indi experts Kid technicalialdtob gnaw tri Kuwoi proVInces will be given the right to administer their own student loan funds tropes ron runiv hope that this wlll he turning point in our relations with the provinces in regard to these matters and that we will be able to work together even more closely in these matters with 155 division of opinion and fric on amend to all this talk that be cause Quebec for instance may wish to conduct program on its own that this means Quebec ls contracting out of Confedera on or loose pessimistictalk lately and will be glad to see some action which will help believe to re mova that kind of talk Gait youth was arrested and fhlarged early today with capi of Gait watchmaker rested folloning concentrated police search in swamp near the scene ofthuhouting was Gordon Bryden 53 when he his wife and their two Turks fire on 2iiiki2ihiiiih2iihs an Docs Colonel fill at can andiound burglar in The Intruder brandished Zzcalibre rifleand ordered the child family to raise their hands in stead they attempted to flea and Mr liryden was shot back oftha officers on rd onad otf and searched the mom wooded area arornrd yelled to tirechtldren to get out of the house said Mrs don followed me don stumble David was still In thehouse whenthe shotwas fired We ran to neighbor to call police phone police from ths house but the littles telephone wi front door of the house and into field at the back told police he aaw mancar gyi Saturday nighthut was re Ieasedlaftcrhe convinced police hswssretumt The related tax deal under stood to involve giving the prov Incas next year larger share of personal income tax plus an immediate adjustment thetJIIl wrmnbec some $14000000 year instead of planned new ow 0t fondly at Ottawa to 18 17 lowanca payments by Quebec students aged also shelieved that the Mr Pearson said And than we have in the past And that it will help to put that we are approaching deadlock We have had an awful lotof Galtlilouth I7 Charged in Shooting or Watchmalrer scans FANS sow CAMP TORONTO CPiA hand ful of loyal Beatle fans tel gen lhieeday vigil in front of Maple leaf Gar denia here Sunday as they lined up for tickets to the British rock roll groups Labor Day show Reading Beetle hooks lis tening to Heatle records on portable radios and some sporting Beetle wlgs Vii girls and one boy set up camp in chairs and sleeping bags outside the gardens near the ticket oflca Sunday afternoon lhesale of tick iota starts Wednesday Asked why they were do ing it Robin Tlmmerman an layearold Toronto ion said We wanted to get frontrllna seats and this Is the only way to do it GALiLJfCPJL 17yearold and clocks in his human con murder In the shooting death Beverly was or Shotltd death Saturday night le south of here aftera visit home in the neck Seventylive provincial police the hou aui ran out olgtha ryden foliowed and Gor heard shot and saw Gor Mrs Bryden tried to tela had ripped out ran from the Willmot neighbor caibre picked up by police prised the prowier before he was able to locate them Buckingh Louis is succession to the thro his hrotherscharles 1ft nd An drew opdbelored Princess Anne gnmentufrom jewelery stores it the district There were sev eral valuable items in the home but police said none was taken ey believe the family sun3 Queens Child Named Edward LONDON Reuters the uéens recently born fourth will be namedEdward Antony RichardJlouis it was announced today rrl Christaning Ill be in the private chapel in Windsor Castle May The baby prince was bprn at am Palace March Edward and Richard are hi torlc names for English kings There have been elght King wards and three King Richards the name of Earl Mountbatten an uncle of Prince Philip the babys father Princess Margarets husband Lord Snowdon sharestha nsrne Antony with the baby prince Prlnce Edward is third in after linslt of that Prince TORONTO UP The Tor onto stock market took up with vengeance todaywhere it left off Fridayin frantic rush of trading in speculative mining stocks More than 15500000 shares changed hands in the first hours trading atthe Toronto Exchange easily surpassing the previous record for that period set Friday when 11141000 shares were traded The vizlume is fantastic but eventually the cool light of res son will win out said one vets ch cran analyst ly one specu later in 10 will win Brokerage houses and the Ex change were straining to the rI rcsourcesto try tdrneet the unprecedented rush have been wondering whether the Exchange can han dle this sort of thing said one harriedsbroker The rush for shares of spec ulative mining companies was sparked by major zinocopper and sIlv Sulphur Company near Tim nrins One rurnor lawept Torontos financial district that the com pony had made another bigllnd within few miles of its first success but the report was quickly fflscountedhy an offl oial oflexas Golfs headotlics NEWYorlr inmost was PACER brokersald however the rumor undoubtedly was no er strike by Texas Gulf pi xi Homes Rcrzed In Fire Camp Bordon soldier brav ed smoke and searing heat Sun day morning to rescue taxi driver wedged In jagged glass in the window of burning Go wan Street residence Cpl Karl Kashiscurrledupa ladder with flames belching dangerously near him to pull Charlie Hurst from the second floor window and lead him to the ground Hurst was united head first through the rotten glass He received first degree burns to his left arm and his face was singed by intense heat He was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital Kasbl suffered multiple cuts to his hands and amrs during his daring rescue effort The Harris llrswas the se cond of two major weekend out breaks in the district Saturday afternoon three homes were de stroyed at Minets point in spectacular $75000 blaze that corlllld he Kseen f3sz raspy ts on em ay rillsiii and Barrlbenifiremso with the help of volunteer bucket brigade fought the fire and pre tor in the frantic excitement ber log felt by speculators The scene on the trading floor of the Exchange was furious scramble of brokerage employ ees tryinng get their buy and sell orders processed oflra ticker taps which car ries all transactions of the ex change was running 30 minutes behind the actualdeals com pared with delay of only sec rods on anormal days activ ty Public galleriesiat the ex ange were jammed by sped tators since before 930 am EST minutes before the era change opened Rattrsy partner in the firm of Jenkin Evans and Company said the heavy vol Iime could be maintained for quite while If any of these companies get favorable results thsmar ket will go crazy Todays trading started off with hang with dealerson the floor of the exchange 30 minutes before it opened to try to handle thousands of orders received during the weekend in continuation of Fridays ree erabreaking speculative spree Fridays final volume was 23704000 shares by far the busiest day on any North Am erlcan stock exchange inTirnmIns the offices of two stock brokers were so busy they vented it from spreading furth er Fire Chief Belly Irwin isstill ï¬le are that des troyed the homes of Fred Yar miilend Harold Costello and Record set on Friddy lhe unafraid belleves the fire started in the alley betxyeen the two horses Juliana Snubs Her Daughters Borne Wedding PARIS APlthe Dutch royal romance wrangle hit new note of bitterness Sunday as Princess Irene planned home wedding April 29 to Prince Carlos of BourbonPerms and Queen Ju liana iclly let it be known she would snub the Roman Cathan ceremony Announcement of the place and date was made by the Bour bonPenna family here few hours later the private secretary to the Queen an nounced in The Hague that she and Prince Bernhard had turned down an invitation to the wed ding Laotian Ilrmy Seizes Contrdl Laotian Army leaders who seized power in dawn coup Sunday in Vientiane were re ported today to have asked ousted neutralist Premier PrinceSouvanna Phouma to head new government ment would consist of rightists were refusing telephone neatls during thec lyrush bu ness andneutralists The proCom munist faction of the former Solxdvanna coalition would be ex Sunday crLaamrrasar The no reported at 1m am required three trucks and 38 firefighters Tenyear old Lea Ellen Van mill said she spotted the blaze whcn walked into the front mo Tireroomw the window she said Her sister Lynda Mae it phoned the fire departan They escaped unharmed efmelr unoleMrrHorst who had been sleeping on the sec ond floor attempted to maps the smoke and flames try leop ing through the window of his bedroom He became wedged in the win dow and stayed until rescued Mrs Yannili hed just gone to work at Smith Farm Dairy and Mr Yarmill was returning from fishing trip when the Harold Costelloshotire was also severely damaged by the blaze Mr Costello his daugh ter Margaret la and son tile is were in the kitchen at the Sevenyearold Done nie was playing outside At the height of the fire vol unteer fireman Jordan the starpage two cmmhie pulled squealingr his shirt and presented it to its owner Donnie Costello Fireman also rescued the sav big of new Hurst The not neyfound in thevbedroomln coffee was given to his sisi fer Mrs Yarrnillu lhe Yarrntiis pet dog Bled kie thought to have perished in the blaze was found scam poring around after the fire offers of assistance for the families were made by neighbors even before firemen left Fire Chit lrwln said theVblaze was well under waybeforehis men were notified andthat the was hard to extinguish be se of Ianccasibility Several cars in the neighbor Ing Viau Motorscar lot received smoke and water damage The Costello residence is owned by GusVViau wriggling kitten from beneath