RINK SKIPPED by Mur die Campbell copped the Em ery Engineering Trophy last night at Barrie Curling Club is ttvrmwr rm revs up um Pictured above are from leit to right Pele Smandych sec ond Don Emery president at Emory Engineering skip Mays Hits 3rd As Giéi Theyre tearing down the Polo Grounds and Willie Mays is rip ping up Candlestick Park Mays 3000 miles and seven years removed iNm New Yorks Polo Groundr ham mered his third home run in two games Wednesday night touching oil litrun third in ning uprising that carried the Giants to in victory over Milwaukee Braves It was the biggest inning for the Giants since ttie team pulled out at New York and moved west after the 57 season St Louis Cardinals rapped Don Drysdale ioiiive runs in the eighth inning en route to victory over Los Angeles ior their tirst triumph oyer the world champion Dodgers in five regularseason games an Virdon dnw bllflr loaded walk in the thinning that lorced in the winning run Pittsburgh Piratea decision over Chicago Cubs and Jim Bunning won his first game as National leaguer hy pitching iiiesJLa victory over New York Meta The Giants started rolling in the third alter winning pitcher Jack Saniord drew twoout walk oilBob sadowski Belem it was over the Giants had lashed six him including threerun homer by Maya and threerun double by Sanford his second time around may aoamn Ed Bailey and Eddie Mathews homered for the Braves Tire Cardinala Winning rally also was started by the winning pitcheras Bob Gihson slanted single After Gibson was sacs riiiced to second Drysdale in tentionally walked Bill White CHOOSE am WATERLOO Ont CPlThe University at Waterloo will he the site of the 10th annual all Dntario high school track and iield championships May 30 Sponsored by the Ontario Fed eration of Secondary School Ith letie Associations Memoirs nts TOP but got crossed up on his strat egy by hitting Charley James with pitch Key Boyer lhen rapped two run single that broke 11 tie and Johnny Lewis Curt Flood and Tim McCarver ioilowed with runscoring singles Frank Howard got run hack for the Dodgers in the ninth with his second homer in two days Cub rookie Fred Norman supported by Ernie Banks tlireevrun homer carried lead into the ninth beforethe Pirates struck Smo Burgess drove in two runs wi apinch hit single before Vlrdon singled home the tying run in the 12th Bob Bailey led oil WOODSTOCK Ont CF Woodmock Athletics who last only two at to home games this season continued their mastery Wednesday night waiioping 0tlt lawn Montagnards 71 in the first of their hestoiseven East ern Canada Allan Cup ï¬nals The Athletics get another chance to display their back yard prowess in the second game scheduled here Friday The series thenvmovea to 9t tawa ior two games crowd oi 1500 iana saw the Athletics register their ï¬rst goal alter so secondsoi the lirst pe riodTlieg outscored the visitors 31 in both the second and third periods lhby Black was the leading scorer for the Woodstock crew counting twice Gerry Stringle Ron Mason ommy Wilson Gord Sampson and Ron liergotl werethe other marksman Andre Despard counted both Ottawa goals ottawa netrninder ry Fleury handled 49 shots and got Back In Align cup inlay WlNNlPEG CF Willnipeg Maroons who said they would quit the western Allan Cup hockey iinais rather than take timeconsuming trip for mid week game are ha in the pic ture because at anonymous beneiaetor Bob Alexander Manitohu resentative of theCanadian ateur Hockey Association in iormad the Maroons Wednesday they willbe iinwnto Saskatoon and back next Wednesday so the playerawont have to take timeoiitheirjoha lost at the charter flightzwrtl he paid hythe HA and third party whom used toldentiiy As result the heathsaved series between the Maioons and Saskatoon Quakers will open mamas FIRSTI CainOpara When you have you car washed with mild soap and soft water at SpeedyBay CarWash tinyï¬eld Street you mayalso have it ivaacd for 25¢ by inserting 25c minder rev here as seheduiedFriday night with the second game Sunday afternoon Aitcr the airlift third game next Wednesday iourth and iiith games will be in Seeks toon April 7A and 21 The re maining two necessary writ be back in Wrnnipe iii and so The debate Which hresday night saw Maroons manager Bud Holohan withdrew verbally irom the finals despi CAI1A suspension threat hinged on gameoriginally slated for Sea katonn Saturday April 26 as the ionrthin the series The Quakers later iniornied tha CAHA the Saskatoon area would not be available on that date and it was moved ahead two days to next WedneadnY WASHING SERVICE Woodstock Wins Series Opener Campbell and vice skip Jack irauh Missing from the photo is Campbells lead Bob Cran tieid Ennainer Photo Home Braves with single against Don Elston and eventually readied third on wild pitch Elston issued two intentional walks loading the bases hei ore unintentionally walking Virdirn Bunning acquired in trade with Detroit got his first Ni victory when Tony Gonzalez hit threeoun homerin lho eighth inning The blast followed an error by Tim Harkness on twoout grounder that should have ended the inning The bobble mined promising day for the iirst baseman irom Lachine Que who had three of the seven hits oil Bunning andalngled in the Meteonly rim to the filth inoing an assist on the second Montag narda goal Stringla opened the scoring hut Despard tied the count mid way through the second period Mason Wilson and Black each counted in uick succession he lore the on of the period llergott and Black counted again in the third before Des pard got his second goal and Sampson ended the scoring with two seconds remaining lion Salter was tested 25 times in the Woodstock nets as the Athlctics defence checked closeHy limiting the Montag narda to long shots Acheck from Jack McIntyre in the first period sent Ottawas highscoring Al Stilt oil the ice on stretcher and soitened some of the Montagnards acor ins punch Stilt Griy Beauregard and Duane Beadle had proved the high scoring line in Ottawas eastern semi final win over Windsor Although it is only the second season for both clubs in senior ranks Athletics were top tenders in the Ontario Rock Association this season and Montagnards were the pick of their Ottawast Lawrencewclr POLISH THEM OFF Woodstock polished oil Rouyn Noranda Alouettes iniive games ottheir beslhiseven ali Ontario finals for the right to meetithe Ottawa club Ottawa secondrated against the poweriui Nova Scotia club deieated the Maritime cham pions 74 in the ï¬nal game of their hostellive series Monday night During the regular season Ottawa nssm wins in so gainer Although Fleuryfrom Mor rishurg Combines oi the Cl tawast Lawrence League is the only new name on the ot lawa ro star Woodstock has picked up Eergott irom Gait McIntyre from Guelph and Vance Miler irom Welland auv Ins 5gvfl ce DmflCPtilmfldmne train to Miter three nightrol cupped ihn Nurdie ciimpeeui rink merged the top winner with area victories anda pinr of Campbell had JackTnub viceskip Peter VSinandyeh see and and Bob Crinlieki load Close behind wen tworliikr with three wlnazandjfplul oi nine Doug Falrhiother and Andy Stevenson ï¬nished in this deadlock and Fairbrother took the runnerup spot with the bet terovervpiua mark The Two prize winners among some can SWIM and Dave Smith ilero again it was close as Spring had plies at nine only one more than Smith Following the pattern oi the other prize wipers the onaltganre high aggregate winners turned in fine Mm Jim Clyne had aggro ale while Don Harriett had angag gregate oi 2a Play in the honsplelcpened Monday night with rinks wmpeting All rinks saw ac tion Monday hiesday and Wed nesday nights Don Emery president oi Emeiy Engineering was prï¬ em to award the prizes at the conclusion at play last night PLAN SOCCER Loon VANCOUVER lCPt Bert Miller chairman oi the British Columbia Soccer Commission said Wednesday the first step has been taken toward organic ing West Coast soccer league which he predicts will be oper sting within three years He said special meeting will beheld in bus Angeies April 23 He proposes league with two en tries from Vancouver and one each from Calgary Edmonton Lea Angeles and SanFrancisco MB winhochy amen than would be no ioacrIIritonlghts thirdbout oi the Stanley an Detroit Red Wings who re laxed at Toledo Ohio Wednes day by taking tn the bone races were burned by their to naciouanertimawinlniob onto thread and looked on mercy lions their mtg Bl muted nf lame homeiee mad Toronto Napleer defend In no champions and winnera oi thetirat game In tomnlo Saturday by virtue oi last minute flourish arrived here late Wednesday night In high spirited andllavial mood Detroit Coach Sid Abelwho I51 his unusual nomination oi doleaged veterans and pink cheeked rookies still havent Ikaled In the seriesu hard as they will aid Wedneed We should be ilyInl Thursday night Punch Tmiach at Toronto ran the oldest team in the National workout Wednesday at the Gar ldens in Toronto and declared My guys are more than capa ltile oi takingthe Wings if they are willing to hustle DUNLOP if wen iHockey league through lilii SAVINGS so in The BIG TOP TENT WOOLWORTHS gotceulht out there on it stars Wm it be on with deli and Nannie lull manl gnesalmelther too flat or too slow tor those kids dontknow which it wla mistake at any rate Th the type at mistake that Wings or any team can enloy lnwhat imiach callsl lame oi mistakes Jack Adamr former Red Wing coach and general mana ger predicts that his old club now will go all the way to win the Stanleylhip for tha iirat time in nineyeare The way theyre working theyre bound to get restrlls Anylhln else inning the CRUISE WITH COMET GASOLINES COMET SERVIEE STATION HWY 90 AT FERNDALE Mon through Thurs am to 10 on MudSILTImMumm Open Soul sari to It rum raww mmmnr ur would be blamed shame Adams oars hi as seventh sexistfinal game again Manual Canadians acon tried the Leela here ay but said he was not oer about dress ins tor tonights CARL PLAGUE AGAIN Brewer is having his second straight year oi playoli prob lems In last years series he broke an arm which kept him out oi action untIlJaie in the lall The rib reparation Iut cred last week lowed him to the sidelines for the first two Detroit games Spare delenceman Kt Doug laa and extra iorward Ed Lita enlerger were leit In Toronto and much said his linal ll enp tor tonight would not he until lust beiore game time ltie Winga will again are rookie Bob Dillahoiighinplace of Alex Faulkner One of the big factorain De tmi win over Toronto and Aw 72m ma rmmeer their nounammo smith nal victory over Orleans Black Hawk was the teams abillw to surmount odds and over whelm the mono Tuition with their relenlieaa ye INCREASE In The Price Of Mens Haircuts WICKS earner snor 45 Dunlop St WANTS YGUR TRUCK RENTALS see How QUICKLY 7266525 NOW IN NEW OFFICES AT I01 DUNLOP IAET WITH KJ0HNSON TRAVEL SERVICE SAVINGS SAVINGS vounsnr it WOOLWORIII lino SALE 7aiaros TENT