nwvm wwwmvprrnwvnm Bummailmme 100th Year Ne 02 women and children from the Greek hamlet of Fatty Ammos on Cyprus arrive at the Greek village oi Pomos after fleeing todays lighting Later United Nations truce of iicers arranged ceaseï¬re between the warring Greek and Turkish Cypriot commun ities in the western part at the island AP Wirep sin by cable from Nicosia Seek Killers QiTurks As Peace Talks Open MOOSlAUnlied Nations of frclals today opened negotiations fora permanent truce between Greek and ltrrkishCypriots in nrthwest Cyprus as police ught the killers of two Turk momrm beaten and mowed idovvh in iiiélthSï¬id although great chunk arde men here Monday night ceasefire was no sooner ar ranged between the two to munities Monday night in live villages in the northwest ot the island when Turkisthypriot information officer charged that Greek Cypriots stopped iour ent MARACAIBORadio reports today said at least no persona were feared dead or missing alter an oil tanker struck and destroyed on entire section of the new $75000000 bridge across Lake Maracaibo in Ven Monday night reports said tlr er Esso Maracaibo collided with ths bridge Reports from the scene said an unknown number of earstell into the water Preliminary estimates of dam age to the bridge excided 52000000 Soldiers police and volunteers were searching the lake waters for survivors Noneoi the 38000ton tankers allVenezuelan crew was hurt of Pay Tribute Turkish Cypriots at the cl trance to the old walled city of Nicosia beat them with iron bars and lined them pp and shot them Greek Cypriotpolic spokesman denounced the sly inga as an abominable crirhe and urged the pu tovolun tees any inlorrnationthat might help catohrthe culprits The story was given promlw crete from the overpassch on the vessels bow causing it to list heavily Thiiusands NEW YORK AP Thous ands of persons were expected to pay their last respects today to Gen Douglas MacArthur whose body lay in the pie surroundings of an anoien ar mory he once commanded From 10 farlntn the as any mourn era are in line the 7th Regi eot armo play in the nrrkish preit 2i FearedDeadrcrew Hobart filsOil Tanker HiisiBridge no it stasis CHINESERED Soviet Premier Nikita shchev speaking today chemical workers ofthp Kaz tnebarolkn plant in northern Hungar trik ard Us nudges Cure worldroberly wiriie Red Chlnnsees possible good in=a warthat inight and Turkish ofï¬cials were hit terly critical oi the United Na tions as well as oi the Greeks sac onamucnou Others saw it as major ob Thrhey today warned that ii Greekcynrlota attacked men of the Turkish unit sta tlobed onCypms the Turkish government would consider it as aggression against Tur key The warning was contained in formal note delivered by mrirish Ambassador Nedim Veysel Ulrin to Greek Foreign Minister Stavros Kostopoulos in Athens at am In verbal eitchange at the time of delivery lllrln said the Junktangovernment had infor mation that the Greelwypriots were planningvto attack the Turkish military forces sta tioned on the island under the treaty of alliance Bla2e veil MEDICAL STRIKE Belgian Child error v35 boosts Dies pTwo Doctors Charged BRUSSELS warrant lor the arrest of two doctors in north Belgium was issued to day iollowlng the death of 15 months old baby during the doctora strike which is week old with no solution in sight Thousands oi worloera marched through the streets to day in protest against the walk out and the Belgian Communist party called for 04hour gen oral strike with massive dem onstrations in principal towns The two doctors who were provisionally detained Monday were charged with noooasist ance to person in danger of death court will decidoThursdayi whether the warrant should be maintained or dropped Meanwhile Belgiums hospl tals were crowded to the burnt ing point Weary nurses struggled to keep up with the flood at pp tients Beds were set up in the corridors and some civilian po tientswcre senito military hoe pltals that had empty beds serious cases were od mlttedte the hospitals brought in under emergenq arrange ments set up by the striking doctors whoarc pro testing new provisions in Bel glumr national health plan hnvsarrnnged to treat pressing oases But theirl opponts St Thomas LawyerClaimsBar Holds Up Divorces We Fees LONDON Ont CF morn vs wyara is have pre thexgrantinw final di vorro duress in oi Ontori l1 up the tins deo they would do ices dg Fox of Middlesex Countys juvenile and family court said many couples who have been granted an initial ingare forced to live in with cominonelaw spouses be cause legal tees for the final divorce decree are beyond their means Members oi the committee of the attorneygenera depart ment and the Upper Canada Lawnsocietyh move to eWlndsore Wednesday in their series of hearings on legal aid through out the province Mr Fanjoy rePresenting the combined Elgin Norfolk and housed for Fire Building Barrie ï¬reï¬ghters racedito the Fire Police and Malistrates Building last night to dorrse burning puddle of insulation The building material had been stacked nine feet high several yards from the building under construction at lnuisfil and Ves pro streets When it caught firertha styro iite insulation melted and ran in rivuiets through the muck At no timewas the building to dangeraccordm to contran tor iim Kennedy Mr Kennedy saidthe lumber and insulation burned was worth between $1500and $2000 It is common stockaod therefore the ï¬re will no affect the con struction schedule Incsaidg The fire was reported at 045 pm by Lloyd Cook Sanford St resident who lives across this street or ineconstruction sr saw the amen and thought it was honiirehaaar pholrzred the fire department and res late to do anything tried to pull the pile apart but it was HERESONE yo him what inn Election lr ticiali be re wipe nutshell of mankind APWirephotoyia hl nan ert He said two insdepartment trucks arrived tan than three minutes after hamlled but the men never had ghost etc than fl never sa anythingrgo as last sure never putpthat stuff dose for in Sulatirm All that remains at the ma terialls hard black plastic llke coating on the ground Oxford law associqu women niten canno all area because oiithccosts ln voived Mvv 151 usual $5 ones areuaedto oer lily writsin divorce ts Judgadiox said the li tion ls scandalous and cries out urgently ior hnmedlnta rem edy dont know whether elp can be sought from legal aid or notso intertwined is it with the rings of solicitors and your code oirlegalrelhic TORONTO CBThe possiv bility arose Monday that the Ontario government may notiiy the legislaturebetorc thread of the current sitting of its inten tion toyintroduoe a= contributory pension plan There was only slim chance that fullfledgedpenslnn legisia tion couldbe put before the house Bowever ithe govern of Premier Roberts could risolution or bill outlining theprineiples at pub4 InnIntense relies151911 how best to provide pensions for the peopleoi Ontario if the claim this is not meeting the needs oi the countrys 9000000 people Thousands oi the striking doctors went to France The Netherlands Germmy and Luxembourg to avoid possi ble rsquisitlonlng by theggov ernment while some doctors re mained to provide emergency care for the very sick content at English actor Peter Sellers is aaldio be in criticalcon ditlon oiter suflering heart attackin Los Angeles Sellers is in Hollywoodto make the movie Kiss Me PWirephnto conference in Quebec last week Mr Robarts said Ontario would reserve the right to decide on federalplanvwas nottruly tional in scope Mr Roharts made this sta meat alter Premier Lesage oi Quebec killed any chance of his provinces participation in the federal scheme The federal lie and unlversal Ontario pen slon plan Premieriioharts told press conference Monday that in iew of the federal governments she tentlon to push ahead with the proposed Canada Pension Plan he regards the pension question inOntario as la matter of some urgenc Duringtbs iederalprovlndnl LATE NEWs raxnexoiazee Byj the time got there it was too Actor Barred from Buying hparhrrentd new years so now his wué pronoun the late Presidentliennedy have been barred fromhuylng an apartment in fashionable 15May cooperativeu Theircsson wu reported to be becausehe an actorandaha ir Demons Ixu nzraï¬eJAifl virusImv or termsar localWeather am Ind more an possi ble snow tensorrow 1m to night High Wednesday to Forsommarytumtopsgctwo NMMo gt11rsn Per Copyl Popes gate Préeiifb in Discussion In iinhcrphted on measure OTTAWA CHThe iiouse oi Commons today tacklu pri vate members bill to abolish the Senate barring the unexpected the debate will likely be wide open freelorali lasting ior pre cisely one hourhut without any votepne way or the other onscrapping the leember upper chamber The debateiollows the bills stormy introduction Monday by 55yeanold New Democrat Stan ley Knole over Conservative opposition it is set against backdrop of dramatic weekend when one Conservative senator 75 yeamld Grattan Olcary rebelled against what he ielt was betrayal of the rules and rights at the Senate Senator OLeary President oi the Ottawa Journal reiused Friday to waive Senate rules for quick approval of govem mcnt loan to boil outthe hank rrpt unemployment insurance und iiis actiontaken he said on question of principleforced the Unemployment insurance Commission to delay the mail ing ol about tl000000 in ch ues to some 30000 jobless Aiter hearing an quentdl fence ofsenatorial flmrhjmn Senator OLeary thpfred chilli bcrso dubbed because of its red carpetln emits final Federaerbvt May Call TWo Byelections oirnwa CPllhere la chance that the federal govern ment may call two byelectlons in June informants said Man day the current proposalls for byelections Monday June 29 in Nipissing in Ontar Saska They would be the third and lourth byeléctions held since the toooï¬Sask minority Liberal government came to office year ago in two others Feb the Liberals retained the two Montreal seats oi Laurier and St Denis Informed sourcessay the sug estion of June vbyeieetions has far better chance of winning approval than pressure for June federal election Rumors of pressure for June 22 federal generalelectioo developed alter last we Quebec iederaiprovinelal con ference approval Monday night to the emergency loan part of 3130 000000 money hill The measure was promptly given Royal Assent Within minutes four cabinet ministers gathered quietlyln the office of Privy Council President George Mcflraith to approve the cabinet orderlib thorizipg the loan It was rushed by messenger in Governmurt House for the signature of Gov ernor General Vanlar Belore the night ended cheques were being mulled irom unemployment insurance oificea across the country to waiting recipients When Senator OLeory blocked the governments money hill Friday New Demo crat Stanley Knowles Ameri canborn former United Church minister hurriedly submitted his hill to amend the British North America Act wiping out the Senate When It was brought forward Monday for iirst readingnor mally formalitythe Conscr vative opposition demanded recorded vote on whether it should be introducedat all Former Commons speaker Marcel Lambert tPCEdmom ton West argued the bill was gnconstituiionaigand outioi oe er gt To concede thatitlre Dom mons could legislate the ninth lion of thï¬ySenbnte Inns leaduio elequa sur proposr on that the Senate could legislate boiition of thlachamh it is repugnant sir Bittytour Conservativet voted against giving leave tointro duce the billior first reading with 104 LiberalsNew Demo orats Social Creditors and Creditistesuniting on the other side Mr Knowles then suggested that his bill should he put at the top of the list oi some vs private members bills for de bate today Most private members bills some up for debate duringhour long periods set aside for such purpose in the Commons Often they are debated to the am mammarku alkedo in parliamentary parlanceand hen dropped to the end of the list They rarely emerge for debate again Opposition Leade Diefen baker threw his wei behind the idea for on early debate oi the Knowles bill Wewould certainly do that in order to give the members at this House an opportunity to stand up snd=bc counted on the question oitbe abolition of Pan liament be said contend thatParliament under the EN snot consists oithe Queenfths Senate and the Commons