mmrmma 3W1 MacArthur Played Key Role In US Policy WASHINGTON tCPl Gee Douglas MacArthur in his tare well to arms in 1951 uttered the words oi an old song Old soldiers never die they lug lade away The tamous line came to mind oiten during the last years at blacArthurs lite and especially during the long night Vigils at Walter Reed Army Medical Cen tre here where at the age or the general was unable to win any more battles with disease MacArthur had been ill be lore but he had taught hack successtully Just as he had through more than 50 years in the military service Because oi his advanced years tears were ielt ior htac Arthur when he entered Iliao hattans Lenox Hill Hospital Jan 29 tamthree days alter his oath birthdaytor prostate operation But he rallied from that and went on to lead an active lite Including trip in the summer oi 1961 In The Philippines to re visit Second World War scenes WAS ARBITRATER MacArthur was spry enough in January 1963 to accept an appointment by president Ken nedy to arbitrate dispute be tween the Amateur Athletic Un Ion and the National Colle Athletic Association over cl hllity requirements lnr Olympic athletes He eiiected nice The general accepted his ada vancing years philosophically On leaving The Philippines in 1961 he commented that his visit there was his lost Similarly addressing cadets at West Point in 1962 he said Today marks my iinal roll call with you But want you to know that when cross the river my last conscious thoughts will he at the corps and the corps and the corps bid you lurewetl MacArthur in the course oi dramatic lite had lorgcd some oi the proudest and most eon troversial episodes in the mili tary annals ot the US PLAYED KEY ROLE For the iirsl halt oi the ZOIh century he played powerful role in us strategy in war and peace He won lame as Irontvlino general in the First World War He was supreme Allied co mander in the southwest Paci in the Second World War He partedtheoecupatinn1nvern ment in Japan He led the tree worlds lorces against the Com munists in Korea it was the drawnout Korean conflict that led to his sensa tional break with president Harry Truman who ousted him lrom his command The action set all an emrr tional and political explosion tall sternjawed man oi imperious mein MaeArthurs personality had compelling impact Though am Caesar he once rendered unto God that which was His PRAISE FROM HARRY Even alter their break over policy Truman called him ne ol our great military men President Dwight Eisen hower who once served under birn commented General MacArthurs name as been symbol of courage ol patriotism and ot inspired generaiship Together these earned him Ioremost place in thehearts at our people and in the annals at our military en deavors The general became legend In the Pacilic during the Second World War Alter leading the hopeless de lenee oi Bataan and Corregidorh he organized the islandAtoisland campaign that Victoriously car ried American lorces back to IhePhilippines in keeping with his lamous pledg will re IIIIIL CAMPAIGN BRILLIANT Henry Stimson then secre tary ol war called ntacArthurs drive one of the most brilliant campaigns in history As supreme commander or Al lied land sea and air torces MacArthur directed the ensuing onslaught that brought Japan to her knees in board the battle ship Missouri on Sept 1945 at BABY TIME Welcome Wagon cele brnhcathearrivulolcach newhahywithatriendly call with basket of giltsandeongrsttdn ona Wagonoi the ayrlvulof every new baby in your be accepted Japans surrender We must go lorward to pre serve in peace what we won in war he said then As head at the occupation powers in Japan MacArthur guided the reconstruction at that beaten country and the re building oi its industry and nomy He ruled with almost dic tutorial authority The Japanese came to hold him in such high esteem that one newspaper said many re garded him asfaliving God BEADED UN FORCE The Communist tnvasion at South Korea came in 1950 Mac Arthur was named leader at United Nations lorces 1n the pro traeted struggle against ltus sian trained North Koreans later rainlorced by Chinese Communists The break with the president came over the grand strategy or lighting the war MacArthur advocated bomb ing China in what he called the Communists privileged sane tunry He also wanted no rel blockade at China and an attack on the Chinese mainland with Chinese Nationalist troops Administration policy opposed such measures Irumun said they might start global war Britain and France also had misgivings MacArthur maln talned the steps were necossary in end bloody stalemate Truman tired him in 1551 Repercussions rolled across America Republicans generally thundered against Trumans ac tion most Democrats deicnded it GOT IIEROS WELCOME The then 71yenrold general came home to tumultuous heros welcome in San Fran cisco Washington and New York In an address to Congress lllocArthur said it has been said in ciiect that was Warmnngcr Nnth ing could he iurther lrom the truth know war as law other men now living know it and nothing to me is more revolt ing But once war is lorced upon us there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to will end in war there is no substitute tor victory Ettorts were made as tar back as lots to boom MacAr thur as apresidcntiai candidate His name was put lorwsrd again in 1548 and in 1952 when he was the keynote speaker at the Republican national eon ventiort have no political aspire Inns whatsoever he said at the time The only politics have is contained in simple phrase known well by all at you God bless America Upon his retirement imm mil itary service in 1952 MacArthur became board chairman oi the SperryRand Corporation at an annual salary at $45000 He also got 319543 in retired military pay and allowances lie lived quietly in his hotel apartment in New York Friends and old army com rades gore him birthday party just three days helore his 1960 illness struck It stream at messages Irom well wishcrs throughout the world poured into his hospital suite His wile Jean appealed to the public to stop the Ilood oi llowcrs GENEIMLS SON hineArthur was born at Little llnck Ark Jan 26 1380 the son at LtGcn Arthur IliucAr thur Appointed to Wcst Point in 1809 he graduated as No man in his class He had an av erage grade 9114 never equalled beiore or since He was the youngest division commander in the First World War and led the crack Rainbow Division lie was gassed and wounded in the lighting MacArthur served In The Philippines and retired tempor arily in 1537 lie returned to no live duty tor the US just he tore Pearl Harbor in 194 MacArthur held the highest US decoration ior valor the Medal o1 Honor He also had all the other American medals and many ioreign ones but never were any GENERAL ot Army Doug las MacArthur is shown in August 1944 as he contor red with President Franklin Roosevelt aboard cruis er in Pearl Harbor top and RELAXED WITH SPORT During luï¬lth is estimated that some i516utiu Canadians obtained more than 20000000 idays of recreation lrohi sport cvtumï¬t raw 21 75 ï¬wwa and his first meeting with Pre sident Harry Truman on Wake island in October 1950 President Truman torced niac Arthur to relinquish all com mands In April 1951 AP tVirephotol EXPORT AIRCRAFT The Soviet Union had ex ported planes and helicopters to more than 30 countries by the beginning oi 1964 Canadians Hail ll TEE IAN EXAMINER MONDAYKAPHIL MacArthur Greatest Soldier Of Era Canadian military oliiclsls and politicians 1er Sunday paid tribute to Gen Douglas MacArthur Gen MacArthur may go down in history as the greatest soldier at his era MatGen Frank Pleury Canadian adlt viser to Gen MacArthur dur lag the Korean WarI said in Montreal But be was much more than that he was gentleman oi the old school devoted iamtly man and staunch irlend Above all he was man at prin ciplestrong iaith and noble Purpose Similar comments were re porled across the country alter the Myearold US general died In Washington at 139 pm Sun day in coma He had been on the critical list Ior eight days Gen MacArthur who had won honor and glory along with bit ter disappointments on the hat tle lieids oi France the South Pacific and Korea had been patient at Walter Reed General Hospital In Washington since March GREAT L055 Gen Charles Poulkes tormer chairman ol the chids oi stall said in Ottawa think his death Is great loss He was the most distinguished Ameri can soldier in the whole oi the United States history LtGcn Guy Simonds tor mer chiel oi the Canadian gen eral stall said in Toronto Gen MacArthur was certainly one at the great commanders oi the 24HOUR SERVICE SALES and SERVICE Of All Types Of HEATING EQUIP BOWENS Heating Air Conditioning Adelaide 72842 Second World Warlhe United States and the world owe him very great dm Progressive Conservative Leader John Dieimbaker said Gen MacArthurs outstanding contribution was his success in shaking It possible ior Japan to become democratic nation He was great soldier who dedicated his lite to the cause at ireedom Douglas leader at the New Democratic Plrty said the tree world owes much to the leadership given by Gen MacArthur in tho Pscilie lm sure all Canadians regret the passing this distinguished American soldier Mal Gen Fighting Frank Worthington lormar commander oi the id Canl dian Armored Division durinl the Second World War and Air Cbiei Marshal Frank Miller chairman DI the chlets oi atoll exprssed their deepest sym pathyo Both men described Gen MacArthur as great lender and statesman who will be missed by the world TRY EXAMINER WAM ADS PHONE 72824 BAY CITY urnomsnms ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beautliul Samples Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone mm BARRIE UnhoIsluInl In 0111 Bus Iess Not Just Sideline BRADFORD Need things for Spring Get anHFc Shoppers Loan Mom needs new things The youngsters sprout Dads suit wean out Let HFC help you outï¬t your whole family Get cash to shop at any store in town for the best clothing 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