rvslwvgwwSgnn NM new Fas 60ng Iuwrngvawlvr wart7 arrms 7m immorr men reï¬neden themehwnthuolule Amnulzrorjmceuetmust lemrrl thll W40 thl mmiubourihyflnlsthd Ihelnllwinrnenlh 01 um ro mu per bum teen is Home kl whlch hmlorldminlnr gt Allenhil Us out ll or at price with the mud pong timbemreturuedtolhelro dueer Thaleth for new Gfaf roman Orgm Elasieatllrodnene Barnes crop scienngt WhealplalWMes ALLISNN sum meo New in gt nmmdwmwnducflumnhmtmvhlehledhlmnwunwu It annual insured tobacco vin te thintheory thin content In mammum Wufllhmwmm MrWntIouwudenhtnIlnbont 33 thle We re ItIrnder wlrle °°télh°°ehm pliant Itratmm wrangmmmm Gny murmur dme new mnwnrllxeentswhrrrhel premll ripecmptifl mandwhutllpnldtremld Thedeductiouolleednlor Our experiments Ire eean mornin heldmm rumn ntlbcenuperhrnhelmdeby new unarmed tn $751199 ulna but no tu we hnv no nihilinenllxnbehemlndlifflrJVI wnduive evidence at whet uunu any tobacco or vim can he done to prevent it upe cllllst Milt Wm told the South Simone mm here ter re on New lawell flower in gt the audience WW De mauled that list Sch zroweltoheceonluumlzhl 52mm Emit the Cost to Protect Your Farm Buildings with the Sims cm Cost to Replace your entire Investment Recreation Service Am Yeats Check with our agency for The nrlzirnl concept or the latest in the farmerd simcoe County Recreatlnn Ser whip insurance plan vice first nose limes no yearn orecl to fit your needs nan aim lilsemcenleéznee mourn cee un ty Federrtlon of Agriculture In due course the County Council net uï¬ï¬‚u riommuiatteedto lhe re upon or ave opmmt ot Recrenilon Service which erllcoulrnzlesl cultrirrnl lï¬uenltilolrlr 89 on rec acv ice for the inhnhltlnts oi the AFFORD 1963 we Ichrnze ln stall when the directer Louise Galley nnd her aulstenl Mn Flor enee Fish ruined alter many Easy payment plans can he urangfd to suit every budge 1mm nonnlor ROYAL nncror run Henr trader tire with everything you wentimme mhnmpodttnulidmnhgyelreilxmhiy over the nodule the tearth allcnylon nerd body over hulh hto tractor tireits built with brute drennth to tab pmlslnnont Get pair of there new kind of tractor rimNOW OUR PRICE $3BIO 4715 years of devetegl service had ern Reid was unpainted Ir dir cc or PROMOTION The Recreation Service hes been active in promoting pro arms at leadership training and phyrlul ï¬tness mrty eight tinyamp and plnygmund leader tank course at Spring weter Park six day camps were held with In enrollment at total at 1536 children were enrolled in awimminl class program With the reduction ol stall the eernty Arteandflrell Association has become more We are equippedio Service all your Insurance 1k needs Includmg Insurance CHARM ii iii DUMINIUN iNSlANl ERED 3i llflWll Si WEB Allmummyuomiimnqmrnmvummm lolusrrmiIrrlsimnourgrilor3Ozlnytilchormilinciplun program on Christian Island and humane an arts and traits program at Simeon Manor at Beelqn Inc will begin another at Georgian Manor It Fendeng The Simone Cwnty recreation service continued to otter arsir lance to group herons the coun ty In plnnnlnz programs of re creation and phy n1 illness START CALVES RIGHT wnusnuncim VEAL CALvrs nrrLAciernrcnvrsj sell sufficient but continues to carry out the lame extensive program lhe recreation suv 77 ice is continuing the recreation FREE PRKING no moron 7289595 i9 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7285934 Yen un grow calves for the preiitehle veal calf Incr ket in only ll week with HURGAiN Vealer lESS THAN 200IPOUNDS or this exciting my Mun vvilllraise call te market weight calves ihatwill grade good to clidice gt Compare the cost at 250 pounds ofyqur milk with one bag of SHURVGAINMilkRenlaeer ind see how You can gt save vvith snungnm One 25 pound bag ofSHUR1GAIN Milk Repleeer will is place 250 phunds at whole inilk and Will feed calf to rorrirrro WIrH ANTIBIOTICS and with srleeinl 9w°°H high fat level HUltGAIN Vealerg inglylewfeeneenversions gt rrsr rrrnvoun NéXr blur 6N shunshin Va Indileern for veulenralé CalfSeoureerejcentroflerl with the specie rneelieetion VI in snungAIN Milk Repluer For healthyetrong Replacement Calves secure to feed halfebeur the exciting no refit SHURGAIN Milk Replecer eppertunitiu front feeding fer the Va Calf at