Pearls Cultured Delight Women Oi All Ages centuries pearls have close we the threat em beds loved and admired the lve with any neckline Multiple Queen oi Gems and have strands oL tiny seei pearls are been deil by all minus ostlfetn lleidiectlve necklac FIN elm heaulllul always In good com Home Combination oi pearls with other stones such as Jade tub unwise lspis or lopu add eel or sad excitement to sunny oi the seasons newest designs in necflilsces and matching seces Never have pearls nect laces earrings nine rings and braceleu been more import antlnlheiuhionpicturethan they are today reports the Jewellery Industry Gounod This years many new and striking despise otter wide variety oi selections at the Jeweller imm whlds to choose the Council says There are multiple strands oi pearls cultured or simulat ed that are bound to deligtt the heart at any gist And then are new pearl collars clasped flattering to every woman an available in all lengths though the trend is in the shame lengthen to ntnoheeto issme new oeddines these may be lound at budget prices ll Wwconcept the mintopoaat for dress 20 common sense ldejconihines the style you want ior extra special occasions with the protection of magically treated ishrics For these cottons shed rain and laugh at stains Corn and see them We feature Aquascutum landon Fog iflh mum in genuine patent leath er black no white will eon nue to score top grades £52 TWO TAILORED tepeoat arc in keeping with the lat est in mens iashloiis There ls no need ior lawyers opinion on the one in the Stars In lhs trend to lighter colon in mens suils heralded last year by the return to popul srlty oi sliver prays has gath ered seal momentum tor the spring and summer oi ms according to theAmerican 1n atltuta oi Mens and Boys Wear The emphasis on lighter colors is so strong that it Vii tually dominates the style scene it is evident in all three types oi clothing traditional conventional and high style In both tlsa higha style and the new lighter colors will have dailnitevlrrldeseence shimmery auriuces are achie ved in the weaving oi the cloth es by using yarns oi one color in the warp the length of the fabric and oi another color in the filling the width Some of the iridesconts are brilliantly ohvlous others more subtle The colors range irom the very popular light greys to combinations of green and blue blue and gold tan and olive Ii 0ml happy new hate that sing ofepilngan thenew llure list will heyours When you re one Fashions smoothiesl hairs dos werameant to peak from beneath these face raining Vheautles Widelbrimmed or narbiinimed lo aaor towedtheyre each passport to autiiul you wonderful Easter Happy new season DESIRABLE blue and gray as well as many others muss srsLn connncr AND Traditional natural shnuld er suits while avnicllng the lr ideseents tor the most part al so swing to the use of lighter colors The traditionals also use lighter greys olives tans blues and myriad mixtures oi center its toMuslity cost in wit handling British lambs wool At right is town and country coatin British cash mere Lighter Look Suits The trend to lighter colon however does not ohvlatethe wearing oi darlu There are oi course times and occasion when dsrhsulta are both in seat and desireshls Neverthe lus darhs will no longer dom Inate the style picture and men will welcome the opportunity towadd wardrobe spice and var In both the conventional and high style suits the trend to lwohutton suits also continues and increases The high styles use notingthaJLiganlscenssntL and regular placement oi the two buttons while the conven tional group prefers the regu lar stance with the top oi the two buttons Inca near the natural waist FREEDOM The vast majority oi lrsdl tlonal suits will continue lathe threebutton model andthere are still quite iew onebutton suits for the warm weather seasons The latter are lound mostly in thehighfslyie models While many changeegjave heenqnadeiinienistihg models they are in aonstructlonralher than in style For instance designers have maintained the much wanted lrlm lines at cur rent styles while providing more room in the Interior ior added cornlort sad ireedonsti move the same soles ior dress Fashion enters an era lot inmance with the mood oi the reflected in the ahiita ahlrwaists and skimmer styles Blonslng bias cuts rullies plaats softly drawn neckhncs andleeevea droopy collarsand hig floppy hows are sure to make every woman looir and ieel her prettiest this spring Easy skirted styles have prlng is in the air new wing and flare while lul ler skirtsinaka comehack In spring oi romantic dresses its only natural that ï¬lms without to the new look in coats lha silhouette touching the body ing with mlnimiun of seam Som ooatsieatura the illusion Pockets appeat gh and in allslispes patch square liars ar coats havquwsred lust made forscarf iill lhe doublelimos curved diagonal LY iavorsd place Ceatiabrles are textured vicels especially the softer TciikeOiirier Spring dress and pseudo suit which just looks like suit complete thekayï¬ ment many of the most fernlnlne and flatteringstyles have Bolt empire shaping But this dropped waistline is uthtully importantitoo witlr stretched outwaistline looks that enemendin flounce or flure The natural waistline snakes viashlonahle reappearance ior spring in dressesvwltltInlt hi hodlces and taller JBClWle dram capeleta and sleeved wlth sleeveless costs The gently shaped can is really onepieceidress that elude etretehed put addons have come the bean ly necem oi iet setter ml uh Illh TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ltdDusilop St East as it sit is es eséï¬i semi lel 7287443 CAN sXPasss up nor can of Picture Showil Fsw gills esp convey the kiss meaning that you intend or that she deserves uniess it is line gem Ziroin Reeves