r7 new fadr HAPPY WITH the success at the shamrock Tea and Balls Sale are Mrs Bay Edwards treasurer left and Mrs Ben Proceeds Third Barrie Troop Mrs Ben Floolr president at the Third Barrie Cuh and Scout Mothera Auxiliary announced today tlist proceeds from the annual Shamrock Tea and Bake Sale will be used to lurther the work oi the troop in other years net pmiits train the auxiliarys limorare ing project have been used to purchase camping gesr match ial tor scarves lor cubs and scouts cooking kits or tents or any other necessities The presi dent stated that the auxiliary always has mods on hand in case something ls needed in scouting equipment ICOUTS HONORED She remarked that perhaps some of the proceeds may he used towards travelling expens es ot three Barrie me who have had the honor of being chosen to travel to the National Scout Jamboree Third BarrieScout Troop is hlppy to report that the trim scouts chosen to represent this area are lrom Third Barrie Tile scouts are Bob Flock Don Siddali and Scott Winchester The trio will be among the 50000 scouts expected to attend the jamboree which will be held in Valley Forge Penmylvanla in MY ANN LMDERS Deer Ann Lenders This lat ter will prove that person is never too old to ask for advice am 70yearold widow who is being pestered to death by male neighbor This man is 77 years oi can end as spry as colt lie catches me when am working in thevgarden andstlcks like horn plaster Ive tried locking the door on him but he raps at the window and begged for one little kiss told him it he didnt stop being so silly would telephone his wile He said Shell never believe you havent kissed her in years Well Ann he was right ltel ephoned his wile and she said must be crazy because he is harmless Last October invited lady iriend to spend couple at weeks with me it didnt help He continued to hang around and he even made low Play or her She is 67 Tell me how to get rid oi this damned loot WADM READER Dear Reade Please dont this man pastels youmt onplo oi noAnonsense sentences anda door that stays locked would solve your problem perma nently lie sounds like hes in his second childhoodand so do you near IT Deer Ann Landers For eight years was marriedto sa rdknoWsItii BK nniage work but bothmy doctor and my clergyman told meto leave before he put me in my grave We were divorced in December live always made good money and have been saltsupporting1 Through the years lveman aged to save alittle because was unable to get insor no due to heart condition did not ask or settlement oralimony Last night my tanner soother lawt£lephoned to say the Emily had talked it over and two ry 11 most or the sntl would son gavem Ipieces are heirlooms vs no in ninglo Put Colt Out To Pasture Manratlug clen co and Flock president Alter check ing and recheeking the pro ceeds the olllcers reported net prollt of approximately $100 Examiner Photo WiliAid Among the women who mist ed at the event and helped to make it success was the con vener ol the event Mrs Thomas Yates The lea pourers were Mrs Riddolls Mrs Gardiner Skelly Mrs George Mngstaile and Mrs Lloyd Cook Ticket convenes was Mrs Roy Ed wards TEA ASSETANTG Tea hostesses were Mrerah ert Hancock Mrs Murpitli Mrs Lawrence Parry Mrs William Merrlarn Mrs Bruce Brown Mrs John Roberts Mrs Mui chtnock Mrs Cook Mrs Jackson Mrs Don nipiing Mrs Hedrlclr Mrs Ken Bytes Mrs Dori Plrimmer Mrs liar ris Siddail Mrs Frank bem rose Bake table conveners were Mrs Lorrie Clarke and Mrs Harry Kline Kitchen assistants were Mrs Brum Edey Mrs Cools Mrs Greer Mrs Ed May Mrs Rey Blair Mrs ltoss Rod gers Mis William Paulin Mrs John Winchester Mrs Mills Mrs Robert Walker Mrs Clowes Guess were received by Mrs Ben Flook president at the auxiliary Mrs Harold Walker and Mrs Don nipling had theiewelry appraisal and it is worth abouttlsmn would never wear it but it ever became ill it corsld get me out at tight spot should keep the jewelry or return illEX Dear Ex The jewelry was given to you during your mar riage and you are entitled to keeplt Tell your exmothenin law it you ever decide to sell the jewelry yoii promise to give the tamily ï¬rst relusoL DEMANDING mono DosrAnn Lenders This may be small matter but it is be ginning to annoy me no end Mayhelyon can help have verygood friend who when she wants favor never says Please would appreciate always and so could Sometimes she sends her chil risen to my door They speak theway she does This morning lheilyearold said to me Mother wants you to pick up loaioi bread and two quarts of to th was particularly nettled and replied it whlllii be nice if yo would hook please on to th ll did not get the point Am making big iuss over oothlof should rise above my irrlta on and remainsilent Or should let thewoman know how ecland try to teach her and her childrenlsorneimecent inn is er s1 nuscmwsoil Correct your triend and her children when they demand instead or ask And be direct This crew doesn know from subtle DONTWORRY 0N ARM EC is the advice of librarian Mrs Mtnow who reports that children and $31 to to are turn ing their backs on listlo mans to oolrs She says mostadulireaders continue to worry about todays youth wool dress with matching hit Ind brown accessories lntheiiortspbochtothelu deou Mme Vsnier eel it is important laryou Ill toteechmdtohetsughtllie so it reslly la so that no can help those who may less orrunale than you ere She reminded the girls who were Grade in and ii students that we no longer live in the days of pettlcosls and lace These days with all their harsh reality ere challenge but are thsrelore more inter esting to live In Dont think that sin preaching to youhut you ell should learn to lace our modern world with realism and sure convictions PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Andrey Coolants rs mess HOLIDAY IN SOUTH Mrs For at Vespn Street end her dsughtsrlnlsw Mrs Nell Fox Eccles Street North have returned to the city following holldey in Zephyrhlll Florida 111a Barrie women travelled via lCA trom Melton Airport and were guests stthe home at Mrs Nell Foxs parents Mr and Mrs George Gral RETURN IAKEEAD Mrs anuis and daughter Lies of Fort William have re turned to their home at the Lahchead lollowing holiday with the lormers parents Mr and Mrs Harold Evans ol Rod ney St They Visited here while Iavoi mystery hovels and other Toiiisoropnmisi Foundation Dialing Delegates trons the Bsrrle Club were appointedto altend the Eastern Canada Regional Conlereace which will he held in Peterborongh on April 10 end it Mrs Hugh Wallace presllt dent and Miss Flora steamer liratvlce president will re present tha Berrte Soroptlniists SENIOR ClTiZKNS TBA Business included completing pass or the Senior cnlxeos Clubtestobeheid attbolayei True Blue Hell High Street on April 19 from to pm Con mei oi the tee is Mrs Aime lbe meeting was held at the Stewart Residence at it at We tori Hospital with Do Hamilton Miss Lillian McKin non Miss Wild Ollbert and Mr anuis sunscreens cs lege in Aylmcr EON VOYAGE PARTY Mrs William McAiesl Park dsle Crescent was honored with surprise luncheon and pros entation of Highland dancing slippers prior to her leaving for holiday in Scotland The par ty was held Monday night by the Scottish Country Dancing Class which meets weekly at the MoAleer residence Re iredimente Included decorated cake in the St Patricks thema Guests included Mr and Mrs Jack Wright Mr and Mrs Mai colm Crosby Mrs Robert Niel soo Mrs Win Dleira Mrs Frank Campbell Mrs Fode Jack Rayton and 13v rs zer yuan aoam BO Bowie The book consists at one chapter biographies at great womenSooieolthrsromenere Mas llUGil wsihsca Named Delegate Mrs Howells Heclnnes acting 31 so we Mierrets Finley Mrs Hugh Wallace Mrs Mary Wisernsn His son McGrozqr Mrs Jsck Steele Mrs Helen Morris Mrs liesel Beaumont Mrs Don othy Vance Mrs Miss Kory Yuan Edythe Maxwell Mrs Pratt Mrs Jean Christie Mrs Enid Couplud Ridisrdson Mrs Charles Cald er Mrs Richard Stolt hgrs am CHARTERED FLle Barrie residents leaving tor three weeks holiday in Scotland via night chartered by the Orillls lesioancludeidnJviL llarri McAicer Rob Abbott Joe Waterer Mrs Bradley Mrs CNWB and Mr and Mrs Bill Donovan The Barrie residents will leave the city hissng eve ning mm the Legion Hall Col ller Street via charteredhus tor Mellon Airport Mr and Mrs ilsroid Evans of Rodney Street attended the Ontario Hydro provincial curling bonsplel in Midland FLYING IN CANADA 0le aviation passenger traf lic increased to smear in 1961 trons 5451716 in 1960 heaved only because their influ ence led others on to lame 6514 mother oi John Wesley founder at Meth odism who reared her brood oi Yacht To Sans The Gals VANCOUVER CHSorry ladies the answer is no There is noplsce or you on bond the itltioot Northern Princess during anyallcinpt this summer to navigate the North west Pessage Since it was revealed recently that Win Mcliinnon at Fort St John BC applied for job on the yacht women irom all walks oi it Says Al Fotheringham Vun couver Sun reporter who wrote the article on Miss McKinncn lve got enough women deckhands women cooks and womensadvcnturerr to man the Qucai Mary Northland Navigation Oom panyowners oi the ship said Wednesday it has received thou sands ol inquiries Many were iroin single Canadian girls free oi responsibilities and just dying to swap city ills or ad venture President Capt Harry Terry oi Northisnd said no women are wanted and added neither are any more letters or phone calls The expedition is lull We have our crew The scientists and technicians have been plan ning this lor some time No more requests please Cfciilrtésy eo¢liu Wmr vrwsni Wynnrs Was Taught sun 13 no or Famous s0 19 children with very crossin curry ESE theunset HER GUIDEPDSTB in letter to her tannins son written in 1131 abs outlined the allowing guldepoets Courtesy was taught them cm early as well as qulrtoal she wrote lhey were quickly made to understand they might have nothing they cried tor and inatrnClcd to speak handsomely tor whatgthey wanted From birth they were elwsys put into regain method at living in illicit as they were capes In descriniiig the routine at children plat the Money stale hiss Wesley wrote At Ill they had their supper At seven tire maid washed them and be ginning at the youngest un dressed and go them all to bed by eight or which time she loll them in their rooms awake Although Susanna Wesley didnt believe in breaking childs spirit she stressed the need oi overcoming the kind oi fractious willinlness which youngster lelt only to his own nstlnclLand whmmmlphne may deveio And our answer to this is one cation it one or two chil en harass us now wouldnt we need help tool MASSAGE BY SAUNA ROCK STEAM Private BATHS srronvrssnm 728lll RUMBLINGS from aocx ind ROLL RANCH neareGRtJMBtE HiltvRRNei THORNTON our We enjov eating our own Home Grown beet We raise AberdeenAngus One that we entered in the market class at last years Royal came 7th in class of 32 Recently we have been eating haltbrother of this steer it is delicious We are conyiriced that people who enjoy eating good meat and have freez er ace available should experience the superloi qua ty of AberdeenAngus beef It we were made aware of your requirements little in advance probably we could supply you Edwin Wilson BSA D0 El Chéckjts traditional BuiCk beauty El Check its tremendous Buick perfOrmaiice El Check its trim new Special size checkhowiifll Especiallynoyvtiistaulcl Smaldvgavouroverv much iriovedherea hand oullgofot